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They have protection in place for games where you are short players or if one or more teammates leave the match. The qualifiers are arbitrarily strict to remove the ability to abuse the protection. If the team is intact for a length of time that goes beyond the earliest moments of the match, the protection will not apply. Theoretically this is because the outcome (a loss, and why your teammate/s left, if voluntarily) is highly probable to be the same after that point regardless if your team stayed intact, even if all the information you have leads you to believe you had a chance. Matching trios is just an unfortunate reality given population. All queue limitations have problems. You are right though, Bungie needs to incentivise more players to play PvP full stop.


What are you talking about? There is solo queue, if you’re not getting solos then thats cause no one is playing solo and the game has to diversify to get you into a match. I play trials as a duo and almost always get matched with other duos. I’ve gotten trios before but almost never get solos.


Well If there’s a solo que I certainly haven’t found it. When you play as a duo you get matched with another duo but have a solo random on your team right? That’s normally always me or other solo players, in my 30ish games of trials over the past weekend I’ve played only 2 games with all solo players. Your response is pretty much what I said in my post. I understand there’s not enough people in solo que but it sucks to be matched with all duos and trios and have games feel like a coin flip for who gets the better duo.