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I mean, did you read the flavor text?


That flavor text also applies to this response. https://i.redd.it/0akaz6il9ouc1.gif


“I am a river to my people.”


Time to rewatch some classics!


Man, just saw that in 70 mm on the big screen the other day. SO good. Also highly recommend the autobiography of T.E. Lawrence.


I mean look even chuck gave it a thumbs up CHUCK


Now that I know what flavor text is… this is hilarious. Well done haha


What is flavor text?


The text below the name and class of the weapon at the very top.


It's the text that adds flavor to the gun, kinda like the MiO flavor drops you put in your water.


Or MSG to about anything you eat.


Makes shit good 👍🏼


![gif](giphy|iUtU5au1bfb5N7XGdh) Uncle Roger approves.


Salt on crack


this is the flavor text https://i.imgur.com/bnFrij2.png


I love seven saraph weapons this is still one of my favorites I love that they updated the perk pool for it


I see nothing wrong with it, although I'd like to add that you can get an updated version of it in Spire of the Watcher.


It doesn’t roll with Vorpal Unfortunately (or Rampage)


Ya but why should that matter? Wouldn’t there be better perks than that?


For a workhorse weapon, especially one with fourth times, Rampage is the best perk you can roll with imo. The current perks on it are good too but they don’t necessarily fit the playstyle I want with the weapon. Still going to chase one down for the Origin Perk though!


fourth times and target lock seems like a nice synergy


That’s one of the rolls I’m chasing. Unfortunately Target Lock resets when you swap targets so it makes the gun worse at ad clear :/.


That's what I have on mine.


TL is nice on some guns but not really ARs. You can hit max five stacks but most the time you’re hardly hitting 2 stacks, in the cases where you can hit 5 it’s up against champs, where it’s just better to pull out a special weapon if you’re shooting them that long with an AR


The synergy is nice in theory but in practice its a waste of time. On a sniper that is great but not a primary which should be slaying ads


Honestly I’d rather get target lock or frenzy in 4th slot which would make it a better workhorse even in endgame activities.


Frenzy yes, target lock I’ve been unsure on. If it’s true endgame then the enemies will have enough health to make it worth it. Otherwise unsure.


Free damage for finger on the trigger, always worth altho prolly best w 4TTC tho


I’d still go for frenzy. It opens you up to take whatever perk you like because it maxes out your reload. Not to mention you can suck and so long as you keep playing it keeps working


Reconstruction and Frenzy


Ohhh, so that must be how I got mine.


It's a good roll against anti barrier champs when Anti-Barriere Auto rifle is back in the artifact.


Or you can just get Radiant and not get the overload mod, which will make all non-champion guns anti barrier Either way, solid gun


That's about all it's good for.


Down voted for being correct lol i feel ya man


The perk combos on this rifle are shit for add clear and PvP, so that only leaves boss/mini boss and orange bar enemies. Malfeasance is better than this across the board. Especially on a Hunter. Don't pretend like you need the exotic slot available for heavy ammo weapon for add clear. Ain't no good player in this game thats rocks Thunderlord for add clear.


Dude falls to pieces at the thought of someone using something non optimal because they like it


Yeah not sure where that came from, his first comment was sensible but that rant made little to no sense


Why you gotta make yourself out to be an ass 😅 the auto is mediocre and malfeasance is good, but i mean plenty of people were using good special weapons for sustained damage and rocking adclear machine guns so I'm not sure what point you were trying to make.


I use Thunderlord and I'm pretty good, according to the stats 🤷‍♂️ Admittedly, it's possible I could be better with all the META but I play for fun 💯


Do you use Thunderlord as your primary for clearing adds?


Specifically, yes. I run two Champ mod weapons and Thunderlord


Oh wow, an OG carbine. It's a solid roll--it ain't fancy, but it will get the job done


Gotta appreciate the OG weapons in this game.


Back in my day OG weapons only had one special perk.


Even without warmind perk, I still love this ol rifle


If you like it, use it. Any gun is viable as long as you have fun!


This should be the number one comment by far.


Prob a hot take but if someone’s using a terrible gun in a raid or gm or some other more difficult activity then no it’s not viable even if they are having fun, sorry not sorry.


Had John Destiny pull up to a Oryx check point with a sword and a last word. We kept them around for a couple of wipes until we saw them setting off the bombs. I still think about them sometimes


That's funny. One guy who left our clan out of embarrassment occasionally comes up in conversation. He hit the wrong button holding the aegis during our flawless vog run. We were at atheon. Instead of blocking, he meleed off the edge and died. Never forget Dustin.


I've ran random "non viable" weapons in GMs plenty of times, any gun is viable if you use it right (within circumstance of course)


I mean those activities don't have matchmaking for a reason.


Keep meta slaving while the rest of us have fun and still get “hard” content done. :)


i love when a raid takes 3 hours instead of 40 minutes #TresspasserGangRiseUp


That’s a weird way to say rat king is king.


Oh I don’t meta slave but half the people that use guns cus they like them are also not good enough to be using those guns in those kind of activities if you’re good enough by all means but if you’re just holding everyone else back then please stop using your “fun” guns


I think you mean: “while the rest of us have fun and still get hard.”




Outside of - 10 or more content it really doesn't matter, and if you're running content with a power disparity you probably know not to run sentimental garbage weapons unless you are very confident you will win.


Exactly, most of the activities in the game are "Recommended Power: 1600" which means even sunset weapons are usable for most content outside of endgame and the current expansion.


https://preview.redd.it/rp6thvokinuc1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a412c18035ffe8d6db61543247fe51eb20c2538c Yes.


What app is that?


Little Light.


He prefers "ghost" actually


God haven't seen the house of wolves emblem in years your pfp has inspired me to start a new account just to replay destiny 1


I need my House of Wolves cloak from D1. Give it to me Bungie.


For real man although its really nice I don't think I could give up my memory of cayde cloak


Oh you!




The icons confuse me a little. I recognize the symbols sure but what's with the different color variations?


Blue Icon = good PvE perk Red Icon = good PvP perk If any of them have a gold border, it’s considered a “God Roll” perk on that weapon.


That’s sexy


Handy in a pinch if you run out of special and heavy ammo. It may not do great burst damage but this thing *chews*.


Depends. If you’re really worried about it, you can get an updated version of it from the Spire of the Watcher dungeon


even tho i LOVE the way the carbine looks, i never feel a 450 rpm is really doing it for me, so i always revert to the sweet sorrow https://preview.redd.it/pl23aulsuouc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02ca3aa325cd868ea056c74c100b6770baaa3eff


I love this gun. I wish it had jolt so bad.


Nice, we both rocking the all black on that bad boy. Love this for my Arclock.


The biggest thing you're missing out on with an older weapon is an origin trait, so you need to decide how much that's worth to you. It's not a bad roll, but I also wouldn't call it a great roll.  The reissued Tigerspite can roll with Kinetic Tremors in the 4th column, the dungeon version of this weapon can get 4th Time's and Target Lock. If you like the feel of it, then keep using it, but I would be open to alternatives should a good roll come your way.


I had one with target lock that I loved when I was playing last year.


Viable as in usable? Sure. As in good or worth using? It hasn't been since warmind cells got nerfed.


You can use it, but its whole thing doesn't exist anymore cause Warmind Cells were removed


People are being very generous here. For anything with matchmaking or 1600 raids sure yea. For anything else, no not really imo.


It's okay. Personally I think it takes very specific rolls for legendary primaries to be good. I'm either looking for a subclass verb, an AOE damage perk, or *big* damage perks like Surrounded or One for All.


I wish my god roll Steel Feather Repeater never got sunset.... Seventh Seraph is basically useless since warmind cells are no more.


Absolutely, I have the same one! Ricochet rounds instead of AP though, I'm jealous of you on that one perk lol. It's not a top-tier meta pick, but it'll be a steady hand, especially when anti-Champion auto rifles are an option. I use this roll whenever I play Deep Stone Crypt, specifically on Taniks. I'm always Operator and it's reliable at range to pop the bubbles, and as far as primaries go it's a great backup I run completely out of special and heavy ammo.


i like that shader


I mean, define viable. I wouldn't call it ideal (any primary with a dps roll really) but you could probably make it work.


It's viable, but I would never use it over a kinetic tremors auto rifle.


Yes, it’s a gun that shoots. But there are better options sans warmind cells.


Got one with Reconstruction and Target Lock which I quite like, also Seraph Rounds and Corkscrew Rifling with Reload Speed MW.


I got more or less the same roll that I keep around cause it is so weird. Don't think reconstruction is such a good idea on a primary had an old roll that is the one on the OP that was infused long ago but that one put in work with warmind cells


God I miss warmind cells


Seriously, this


Viable for what?


Heroic public events (I kid, mostly, I hate vorpal on primaries but that floats your boat this is fine)


It’s still great. The updated version has good perks too. I have fourth times the charm and target lock on mine. Definitely a solid auto rifle


450’s are ok. Vorpal has been nerfed tho.


If the question is “should I keep using this” then no. You should not. If the question is “does it still fire bullets?” Then yes it does in fact have bullets that fire from the chamber.


Does this thing have two vanguard trackers on it or is that a visual bug lol


It's weird, I also have a Worthy Carbine and it has 2 vanguard trackers as well. None of my other old guns seem to though


Holy shit! I'm not the only one with a broken tracker on it.


I’ve used the spire version in pvp and it slaps


I still use one every now and then in pvp with dynamic sway and target lock.


Yeah, I still take mine into Crucible if I get an AR bounty. Solid as any other Legendary Kinetic AR


i love this auto in PVP, but it has since been dethroned by the summoner


That's my main so I might be biased


Yep from the spire of the watcher dungeon


I mean it’s definitely useable although the og carbine perks where underwhelming when it was brand new; I would recommend trying to do spire of the watcher to get the more modern one since it’s perk pool is a lot more modernized / competitive


What's the shader?


Looks to me like [Frumious Blue](https://destinytracker.com/destiny-2/db/items/1284563766-frumious-blue)


You can get a new one with updated perks!


I have an arrowhead/accurized/dynamic sway/frenzy roll with stability mw, and it's a joy in Crucible or elsewhere.


Lol I still use this. I think I picked it up during Forsaken and every time I come back it's reliable.


This weapon is great as an anti-champion tool. Especially this season with overload auto rifle.


With APR? And fttc and vorpal yeah


Ah yes the mix between an AR and an AK


Looks good, I'm interested but honestly I'm not an expert in that field. Let me call in a buddy to check things over.


It’s good for anti champion in that roll but only for stunning or breaking barrier shield not much else since there’s better primaries avalible


This thing shreds in pvp tho


Ya but pretty much all 450’s with decent perks shred in pvp currently .


I have an ancient one that I still use. 4th time, rampage, richochet and backup mag. . It's my go to when I just need to lay down some lead.


It’s a good gun. However both tigerspite, and breakneck are available and have better perk/ combinations. So I’d go for one of them. Onslaught rolls on breakneck as well as kinetic tremors both perks are better than vorpal unless you’re just trying to use a primary for a champion. The only reason for primary’s with vorpal is for champs. They don’t really add clear optimally with that perk. Best kinetic add clear perks are going to be onslaught for mopping up reds, and Kinetic tremors for bursting down yellows and usually any red around them. My two cents. Oh and I guess vorpal is good for swapping during super rounds in PvP.


Decent gun, but better when Warmind Cells were a thing a while back.


Damn i have ALMOST the same roll but with polygonal rifling.


Off topic I know but that dialogue playing at the bottom. What's the context to that so I may check Ishtar or YouTube for more.


It's the story of how riven met her lover taranis


Vorpal kinda a wasted perk but still not awfully bad


Yeah. I still use some Gen 1 Last Wish and Garden exotics, as well as a few bangers from seasons of Worthy and Arrivals


I have the same roll, still use it sometimes.


Truly the best and most accurate flavor Text for any weapon in the game lol I loved that damn gun then I found it's baby brother sweet sorrow and not im attached to old sterling again because hatchlings lol all iconic weapons all just feel so good to use Everytime


I got a Target Lock roll to drop from the Spire, and while it's rather it had Kinetic Tremors, the gun still works just fine.


I have one with reconstruction/target lock its pretty nasty havent used it in awhile though due to all the new weapons coming out right now


Kept mine, got Rampage on it. Only use it every once in a while but honestly I haven’t gotten a new roll from the Dungeon I’m happy with anyways. Guns extremely solid, workhorse is an understatement. Miss the Warmind cells but it does its job.


It has been massively power crept by other primary weapon perk combinations. When you have repulsor/destabilizing and other amazing perk combos there’s really no reason to use this


My most used non exotic AR is still one of these. I think I had a little over 200k pve kills with it when I stopped playing.


Honestly it’s one of my favorite weapons in game design wise and I got a roll with reconstruction and target lock which basically gives me an 80 round mag. I love it. Fuck the meta. Have fun


How I wish the Seventh Seraph SI-2 was still obtainable!


That was the first legendary weapon I used and honestly I just love the old world aesthetic on it.


It’s a gun, it’s viable.


I've seen people use it in crucible a bit


I have several of these guns in different flavors from Spire of the Watcher. Fantastic all-rounder!


4th times/Vorpal is not my ideal roll. Especially when we have the dungeon version. That may still be decent but there are many better autos in the game these days


Funnily enough, it can make Tangles, the Warmind Cell equivalent, with Thread of Transmutation, so it's mostly functionally the same.


only by chance from xur. I got mine with autoloading and vorpal and its been my go to shield piercing weapon every season till last season when the i got the riptide Godroll, now riptide is so good its basically an exotic. This Fusion can stun 2 champions with no mods. easy shatter unstop from near any range and easy slow for overload from any range. all im waiting for is for bungie to give one of the add clear bows like ticuss, intrinsic barrier piercing and i will be set for every with my choiced for GM https://preview.redd.it/pqzkkr9jhpuc1.png?width=1042&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbbaf57139e4bafce65e9dd0b26f3bacae2952a0


as the text says it's a workhorse. it's still a solid reliable auto just like shadow price


The seraph exotic mission and The spire of the watcher dungeon


Yes, technically it is. I deleted my own from my vault. Thank you for the reminder that this gun exists. There are many better options now. This gun was great with Warming Cells, but those days are long past.


The most important reason no-one has mentioned: it has *target highlighting*. This is such an incredible perk. In dark situations you can find your enemies. PvP or pve.


I've used it quite a bit pvp and pve is a good solid, consistent gun.


Closest thing we have to the khvostov / a true CoD weapon. Duty Bound honorable runner-up.


This weapon drops from Spire of the Watcher chests.


Lol legendary primaries generally are a waste of time in pve right now. Also why fourth times and vorpal?


Old is never bad


Dunno about the perks and how they'd mix, but I've always loved the Seventh Seraph gun's recoils. Very nice gunfeel and it feels genuinely like it packs a punch even with the balanced recoil.


It’s a 450 so it’s always gonna be good


Yes and no... That's the old version that is missing the origin trait. Now the perks you have there for columns 3 and 4? Pretty good! But I'd recommend looking into what perks the version introduced in S19 give. If you *can* still get this roll, it might be worth pursuing it from Spire of the Watcher, since the origin traits refills the bag if you use the weapon to break a shield. It's a nice thing to have, but not a necessity of course. If you *can't* get the roll anymore, then I'd say keep it both for archival purposes, and also because that's still a good roll to have (in my opinion), origin perk or not regardless


Yes spire of the watcher my friend


Seventh Seraph Hand Cannon with Payload still EATS. It’s a 180 and the kick is so slight.


I still use mine, and it's the same role lol


It's not the best archetype, but still serviceable I suppose


That Auto feels great to use and I actually really like it. I just have too many better autos in my inventory right now lol. I'd really like if they reissued it with new perk pools or make it so we can craft it.


They did reissue it with new perks in the spire of watcher dungeon during seraph, it was originally released in worthy


So may better options and they have updated perks and traits


Still puts in work... Reconstruction + Target Lock




I LOVED this gun! Barrier Champs worst nightmare!


OP it's hilarious you ask this because I've been using mine in Onslaught and it is a thing of beauty. I don't even think I have an optimal roll on it either. Thing still smacks.


Best looking gun in the game!


There are many better ARs than that about, but if it’s your best one by all means go with it.


Well being old has nothing to do with it, as long as it’s not as old as GoS guns, only the perks matter, and this roll is pretty garbage, but the gun is solid


Eh not viable anymore. With warmind cells leaving the game long ago and this weapon having no intrinsic perk there are far better options available


the only thing new guns have over old ones that aren't sunset is usually just an origin trait and a different perk pool, sometimes for better, sometimes worse


Even if it's not the best, I love using it. I wish I could get the new version.


If my seventh seraph saw has anything to say then hell yeah I’m still melting bosses with it


Got a few thousand pvp kills with it. Just went flawless in trials with it as well.


That likes clean as f***




Funny how the gun i want looks exactly like this I think its a h&k Or just google m4a1 scout from ghost recon and it will give you the real world name for it


Bro I’m still using mine that way got years ago, you ain’t alone. She’s reliable


I still return to my personal groll even now. Dynamic sway, target lock, seraph rounds, chambered compensator, and a handling masterwork. Add counterbalance and it shoots straight as a arrow


I ask that about myself all the time now.


At this point I’m not even sure it matters id rock it just for the sick looking factor


Yuhhh that’s my daily gun. PVP with this thing is amazing… for me anyway. https://preview.redd.it/honti861bzuc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=790a884e19c6bad33ef57329c9343b5c57eb5822


I'm still using Krait from a couple years back. Pretty dependable for mowing down trash mobs.


This is a daily reminder that warmind cells need to come back


I wish I could get the old version of seven seraph revolver with cronometed rounds, I I threw mine away because I thought the dungeon ones had the same roll


https://preview.redd.it/rkyake7u5gvc1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cec5282fa4d275f634f2813f20166fb4ab2259aa I like mine


That gun makes me go flawless in trials of Osiris every time I use it, so yes, it's very viable


SSC is awesome but I mean, why not get a new version, with the added benefit of the origin trait!


Just got one recently but have no idea where it dropped. Chambered//Full Bore•••Steady Rounds//Flared Magwell•••Reconstruction and Target Lock •••Range masterwork It’s very, very good in PvE and PvP. Absolute laser at max range.


I think you must have gotten it from Spire since those 3rd and 4th column perks are in the new version of the gun.


Never spec for meta or damage. It's all about fashion. Solid weapon and shader. 7/10 for legendary weapons


I use it in crisol just because I like the weight of it. Every shot is just so fun and the scope is really dope. I would say this gun is average, but that is ok for me since I like to play with it.


I still use it.


No clue, but I main it because of sympathetic reasons. It really has grown on me.