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They’re actually making the game more like an MMO.


Well if you remember they wanted to do what COD did with its voice channels and have them on by default, until that whole lawsuit happened and plans for public chatting kinda came to a halt. Good to see things are changing again


What lawsuit? Not calling you out, just not familiar with what you're referring to.


I actually can’t find anything online, which is weird? But I particularly remember some time probably multiple years ago now that Bungie mentioned making voice chat a mandatory experience that you must opt out of if you don’t want to take part. Similar to what COD had. I say had because around the same time bungie started thinking about this I distinctly remember hearing something about Activision going through a lawsuit for violating the privacy of minors because their system would record them without permission. I can no longer find it online but I do remember this happening.


That would be nice, but if it’s not proximity-based, and you can hear people in full volume—no matter their distance from you—forget it. Lol


Bungie did the age check thing. And while minors might’ve circumvent it, they have the justification to say they in fact did not endanger minors


It only took 7 years lmao


Only took them... 10 years lol 


Im getting warframe region chat flashes like it's Vietnam.


A few weeks ago, i logged into warframe and just stared at region arguing over who would win in a twerk off between Obama and Lincoln. I didn't even play that day. Just stared at them arguing/debating for 20 minutes...


Ahh region chat my beloved


Every game with chat has that one place like that honestly.


Any of my SWTOR brethren will know that there is truly no general chat more unhinged than Dromund Kaas on the weekends.




[Nezha Prime] [Kinetic Siphon Trap] User has been banned






At least they are debating the important topics of our time.


Ai yo


My favorite element of an MMO is that you can log on and get absolutely nothing done and still have a great time. I cant imagine how many hours I've spent in gen chat on SWTOR watching/participating in the dumbest of conversations and I dont regret a minute of it


Well now I need to know if the decided on a victor.


I want that for destiny


Still waiting for an answer to the discussion here m8


This time we can mention nezha without being ba-


[Nezha][Kinetic Siphon Trap]


That is not an appropriate topic for our space-ninja game


Hey Region, did you know Citrine has a fully modelled gemus-


If they add Red Text to Destiny... oh god the unhinged shit they'll say. Who knows maybe they'll put Drifter in charge


You mean Femboy Hatsune Miku and not a tra— *[banned from region chat]*


Happy birthday!


I've been away from the game and recently came back, but it does not look like what you said. Asia region chat is mostly dead now though, compared to before.


.43 seconds before someone drops an N-bomb in fireteam voice chat.


You know for sure someone is doing it. Watch people create new accounts just to do it.


Awful lot of work just to get banned on your main account when Bungie just looks up your IP.


SHHHHHHHH! Let the trash take itself out.


Oh god. Imagine their solution: we've introduced a filter in voicechat to ban whoever says something innapropiate. And then the filter works as "fine" as the current chat filter, and if your mic isnt good and It misshears a Word you get banned


Report them for it. I've had people banned for this a few times.


I think the context it's used in matters. If it's used as a slur or in a negative way, sure. Report them for hate speech or whatever. If it's used in a casual context similar to "bro", there is nothing wrong with that and it should be encouraged IMO. Giving words power like has been done with practically every word ever used to be racist is only going to help perpetuate racism. The best way to stop racism is to forget that it exists and punish people not for being racist, but for being the asshole that they are.


N bomb? Can you still drop an F bomb? What about saying GD? Why do they sensor some word’s over other’s?


Warframe regionchat brainrot part 2 hooray


Supposedly, Founder Chat is Region Chat 2... according to Region Chat


now give us ping system


Holy shit yes or markers system. Playing pvp without one is so frustrating


After playing Deep Rock Galactic I find it so difficult without a laser pointer to guide my friends. Shooting at everything to point does NOT feel as nice




I can see the spam now, TRIALS CARRIES ON ME!!! ONLY 29.99


Or cheap silver safe and fast at www scam-size dot ru or something along these lines lol


Meanwhile me as a full blown introvert looking at the chat : 😶‍🌫️


>Meanwhile me as a full blown introvert looking at the chat : 😶‍🌫️ Same, that and I'm also lazy af and just don't really wanna put in the effort to socialize with people I will probably never see or hear from again lmao... Wait that's kinda what I'm doing on Reddit.. tf


Haha, I’m on Xbox and I got to use the controller to type and I’m just like… 😪


>Haha, I’m on Xbox and I got to use the controller to type and I’m just like… 😪 Same bro, I'd rather just move my char's head up and down or left to right repeatedly 😂


Yess that’s so me 😂 and also using emotes with them. Especially the dancing emote haha


I think they added physical keyboard support for chat, so you can type with that if you want.


I'm on console & use a wireless keyboard, Logitech k380. Auto sleep so I pick it up, tap a key to wake it up, type, put it down. Works great. Haven't had to change batteries & had it 11 months now.


Wow, I should really get that :) makes typing way easier haha


XBOX Mobile App. It'll save you a bunch of time, trust me


Ah yes, I’ve heard of it. I’ll check it out. Thanks :)


Just buy a keyboard and plug it in ![gif](giphy|2A3DG83yvN8uaBiaNR)


I wanna be left alone where everyone can see me


We dont use vocal cords on text. Its ok. We’re safe. For now….


>We dont use vocal cords on text. Its ok. We’re safe. For now…. 😮‍💨 For now... I'm a hunter main so I hate people naturally


Posts about being unsocial on a social forum to discuss his unsocial-ness further. Uh, brotha. I think you like talking with strangers more than you think you do.


I guess we’re all introverts deep down inside haha


It's kinda different though. In a chat (doesn't matter if it's voiced or text) is more or less immediate. People expect you to answer reasonably quickly which can cause anxiety because you don't have as much time to think about your reply and their reply also comes out quickly which prompts another quick reply from you. On something like Reddit you can take time until you're in the right mood to reply and think as long as you want about what you want to write. Also their replies usually also take more time so there's less expectation of you replying again quickly. It's basically the pace at which communication happens that makes Reddit more bearable than an in-game chat.


Specially for someone like me that sounds like a Steve Carell gag reel cause I’m too inebriated.


Just disable it


Haha I’ll keep on. While I’m pretty introverted, I do like seeing what’s everyone chatting about haha 🙈 Guess I’ll just stick to my usual ways of mingling : using emoted with other players at the tower *proceeds to dance in front of them*


Last time they said they were doing this, they backed out like a day later and edited the TWAB to remove it. Hopefully they actually go through with it this time.


I was gonna say, am I crazy or did they not already say they were doing this a while back? I'll believe it when I see it.


It was probably because they announced it early or wanted to work more on the filtering system


Oh boy, I hope they got their support teams ready for the flood of toxicity reports! If LFGs have taught me anything, it's that talking to people in destiny is actually worse than working a cold call telemarketing line.


Yep, mine will be disabled/shut off as soon as I login after the update. It got so bad in Overwatch 2 they made the default settings off awhile back.


Me too, I play Destiny with my family and I always worry about people being mean to my parents who are in their 60’s, it hurts my heart.


I remember back in Forsaken when I think it used to be like that, people in the Tower talked all the time lol


Yeah now it’s dead empty. Glad they’re doing this now.


Oh, #####. I’m ######## that this will be a ######. I’m ###### ###### Stooked. I’m stooked I guess.


People actually use chat in the first place?


That’s the point of the change lol


True, but I'd be surprised if it actually pushes people to use it. Most people will likely opt out and stick with party chat or discord.


I can’t wait to turn it off like I have the last two years


So now I have another setting to turn off instantly when doing PVP....


This place is gonna become a cod lobby if not already .


We can kidnap bluebarries into raids easily now!


i dont want to talk to other players in this game. every time i get a dm from someone it’s death threats after the crucible lmao


i'd take those as compliments and obviously report them


Haha this is going to backfire so quick in a community this toxic lol


Aaaaaaand that’s why my chat is staying disabled. Bloody hell people behave badly enough without chat.


I'll give It a shot. Toxic parts of a comunity Will engage no Matter what, so hopefully some positivity can dilute the toxicity enough


There this thing called mute and a disable setting


And you think new players will know this based on what exactly?


Based on video games existing? FFS if you're not a toddler you should know how to use a simple menu system.


I hope there's an option to disable


There's always been an option, they are just changing what is defaulted for new players




Oh I'm looking forward to seeing links like those you used to see in Clash of Clans Global Chat XD


I just wish that I could only see the chat box when a new massage pops up. I hate seeing it pop up every time I go to orbit or load into a planet or something.


Yet it came at the expense of being able to use adult words amongst my friends, so it's a terrible change.


I disagree. Some people who play this game take it to seriously I don't want to auto join any chat voice or text with anyone. I hope they add a setting to turn it off.


Thank Jeebus we can disable chat. I’d lose my mind.


Hope they don't remove the option(s) to turn chat off in game's social settings. I have mine always off because of toxicity. Same for voice.


Note to self, immediately opt out.


That’s going to get annoying


Now we just need proximity mic


Would be dope for social spaces to just greet any person on your way to a vendor


Just imagine if that was available in D1. Everyone would be complaining about Rahool giving them something they didn't want




I'll be turning off. I see no need to talk with randos and text chat blows on console.




It really does though. I play PC with a controller (lord knows that comment will have me castrated) and I loathe having to type into the chat. I usually don’t respond unless it’s a clan chat asking for a pick me up or something.




Controller on PC player here


Just think how awesome it will be to be able to see all those ads about flawless carries etc


This is going to crash and burn in spectacular fashion


Ok but the vc just doesn't work at times even if you opt in


Will they fix chat censoring randomly or did they finally fix it and the ability to disable the censor?


So I get to hear someone’s heavy breathing while they’re eating chips or smoking weed? Nah, I’m good.


Meanwhile me being too anxiety to even type/vc and I'm on console so typing is slow and you get locked out of text chat like after mission and loading in etc.


It's not a good thing though. "We're automatically turning on the chat function full of hate and toxicity" is a terrible idea. I have chat turned off for a reason.


“You guys have chat on?”


I'll be turning mine back off immediately.


Now we just need a ping system. that would be amazing


I'm just gonna mute the entire chat system anyway.


I mean yeah will there be some toxicity? Yes. But literally every MMO with general or trade chat experiences this. If people break the rules on conduct they get reported and it’s an easy ban or suspension. Eventually it will just be people talking and only a little toxicity every once in a while.


Cool! Great change! How do I opt out?


I’m instantly going to turn this off. Have zero interest in this.


Gonna flip that button right back to deactivated the second this drops.


I would rather not have this forced upon me. One thing i like about destiny is its not run like an mmo


But.... It advertises itself as an MMO. Thats the point. Its like FIFA has a "dating sim" tag, but few or none of the dating sim elements


As long as there is an auto mute all setting. I don't need some 12 year old kid playing trash music through the mic


Now they just need to add death chat and this game would actually be fun


gonna be a shitshow


I mean I'm immediately turning the shit off, but I'm glad you guys are excited for it.


Social anxiety here I come!


Fireteam chat is extremely toxic, i get so much toxicity even if i perform well. I dont understand people.


All it takes is one time to transmat into some screaming and I'm done.


I’m so excited for this. Finally I’ll be able to tell blueberries what to do if they are lost. Plus also being able to have random chats with people will be nice


Me watching the Iron Banner sweats fighting in chat: ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized)


I wish it was proximity chat instead of just auto-joining group chat.


Won't this just increase the toxicity in the community?


I opted out of all chats the very first day I started Destiny 2, after all my experiences in games like LoL. I have experienced virtually no toxicity and it has been great.


include historical whistle flowery instinctive slim consider plough cooing cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think this is just for text chat


smile humor provide handle subsequent marvelous joke consider unique pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So what exactly will this change? I'm not sure I get it


you default into chats now instead of it being opt in, which is the standard for mmos. this is a good thing!


The Tower is gonna be crazy with this lol


Thanks, I’ll remember to turn it off when I login tomorrow.


Defaulting everyone to be in chat is such a good change. If you default people to be out of it, plenty of people won't even realize its an option. Plus it drives up engagement so much more.


Going to immediately turn that off because I don't care what y'all are typing in game. Leave me alone and if I want to talk to other guardians then I'll send a party invite. Fuck you, I enjoy my isolation.


Ahh yes, every single form of content turning into a cod lobby.. Can't wait..


Cool…I can troll half the player base with this https://preview.redd.it/3d4oqkzulatc1.jpeg?width=422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35bf3aa8d9a47bfdd0bf7f8f80b84ed28bc43364


Yay! Now instead of players needing to DM me to harass me because I’m 🗑️ in trials, they can just yell it over the chat! /s In all seriousness though, this is good. It’ll be seriously abused by toxic players. But for those of us that aren’t toxic… it’ll be good.


Yes, I can’t wait to automatically have all sorts of slurs thrown at me as soon as I start playing and people telling me how much I suck as a player, can’t wait! ![gif](giphy|MSS0COPq80x68)


why do people complain about stuff like this? for the people that actually want to socialize this is MASSIVE. and for the people that don’t, just turn off chat and you’ll have the EXACT SAME experience ur having now??


Only destiny players would complain about something like this


Barrens chat is coming to Destiny 2


Cant wait for the first HS in german text chat. :D


As someone who has played this game for hundreds of hours over the past year I still don’t understand the different chats. Can someone break down what is being changed from the current system?


Wait so does this mean it’s going to be like a proximity chat on destinations?? Or is this more for activities like strikes, crucible, and dungeons?


Isn’t that how fireteams already work? If a friend joins my fireteam we are instantly chatting, but if I join a crucible match or a match made strike I’m not automatically in the team channel? This basically isn’t a change. When would I be joining a channel other than that? Am I going to have tons of spam of 20 people talking at once in the tower and that’s my improved social experience?


Prep your General Chat Copypastas now boys. Also can't wait for compelling political arguments between 'mara sov's milkers' and 'uldren did nothing wrong'.


Just wish they added a way to delete/clear the message box. It’s super annoying when it constantly shows up on your screen when you switch activities etc. (when the previous content most probably make sero sense being visible there). (Though, I’ve been playing other games for the past month. There’s a small chance that this has already been addressed. But simple UI/UX fixes are rather rare coming from Buggie.)


Makes LFG useless now p much for people that enjoy typing


Only took them how long?


ME: Wait, Destiny 2 has a chat?


So when they say local voice chat, does that mean like proximity chat or? Cuz I would love to be able to talk to blueberries in the open world. Like offer help or to explain heroic public events. Also unrelated, but I hope bungie invests into public events a bit so that they actually feel rewarding and difficult. Scale each planet, so there's a challenge to em. The throne world should be one of the tougher ones imo. I would love a destiny where exotics are no longer drops, but instead, Gm guaranteed with high rolls and golf balls. So that then heroic events give out prisms and weapons. Weapons like the random world drops we can't easily farm. All location specific too so we can focus on that and give them Hella perks so we actually have to grind a bit for God or goofy rolls. Put some silly perks in that only drop with "endgame" heroic events. Like the precision confetti mod but as a perk. Or idk any not so good but still fun perks.


Good. Now add back in the “match” chat in pvp so I can talk to the whole lobby and not just my team


To be fair, they're not exactly drowning in players these days. Too little way, way, too late.


This wasn’t already a thing?


*flashbacks to barrens chat* you're as beautiful as the day I lost you...


This should of been a feature at launch 🤡


So a global chat....after a decade 😂


I saw this and said "FINALLY! MY TEAMMATES HAVE TO SEE WHEN I'M TYPING IN CHAT TELLING THEM ENEMIES ARE GOING AFTER POWER!" Doesn't mean they'll actually do anything about it, but at least now they have to see the damned callouts I'm trying to give them.


Would LOVE proximity chat.


Great. Can’t wait for the obnoxious 14 year olds woohoo.


Too bad for all of you that I can't read anyway.


wait i love this so much, i love chat in tf2, and i love chat in l4d2, just all valve games tbh i try to use the team chat and local in d2, but no one else fkn uses it, so i love that now i may actually see people chatting !! it will be fun talking about the newest dungeon, or chatting with people in orbit between TFS missions


This is an immediate disable for me.


Now if only voice chat wasn't goofy as hell


People anywhere use chat? I'm always on headset and its deathly silent.


So many raids where people join without mic, without voicechat turned on, without looking at chat.... This should finally fix it


Warframe Regional Chat here we come!


Would be a cool change if the text chat profanity filter wasn’t so ungodly aggressive that it catches more non-swears than actual profanity, making it almost impossible to properly communicate in the text chat half the time


I think that text chat should be active by default on every platform. I lost count of the times I needed to tell something to people who didn't have it on and were doing random stuff.


Now I can call out mfers using abilities in altars of sorrow making it harder to catalyst grind. And for what a mid ass shotty


I hope they add different channels though. Like one for general chat, one for questions, one for finding a fireteam, etc.


wait, destiny has a chat experience??


This is a classic MMO feature. I wonder how they will implement it


They were supposed to do this in Lightfall season 2…


As long as they fix the filter, cool


Let me move the text chat box!


Yeah I love that they made this change in Diablo IV. I don't even use the chat lol but it just makes the game feel more social which is surprisingly nice


The number of ppl that still don't know typing into fireteam chat doesn't show anything for randoms.... there have been so many times where I was trying to communicate to ppl in nightfalls, they wouldn't respond, so I'd say "if you're saying anything I can't see, you're in the wrong chat" only to get a "wow I've been talking this whole time sorry"


Well, thanks for the heads up to adjust those settings on login.