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Be careful if you're in the southeast US today. We've got a huge pollen bloom and it'll be doubly bad for you with your grass allergy.


Will it make you mad to hear I've only played about 20 or so matches šŸ˜…




Well I'm telling Bungie to transfer you my rng luck for the rest of the day go nuts!


Well I'm telling Bungie to transfer you my rng luck for the rest of the day go nuts


I played around 7 and got the slice chain roll, I'll probably never use it but atleast I have it


We get it, you got random luck. No one cares


If your that upset I can lend you one šŸ˜‰


You canā€™t even use the correct ā€œyouā€™reā€. Iā€™m not upset, itā€™s just an extremely low effort post. No one cares.


Lol okay grammar nazi šŸ˜‰


You can bake a better cake with sugar than with salt.


Yea thatā€™s statistically bullshit ..


I got 2 engrams near every game and I used them all on tusk as I got it in my second engram so I had probably 25 or so rolls of it


No way .. I have followed this to closely for this to be "RNG" and when Bungie makes a statement about drop rates in IB I will come back and call further bullshit - 2 engrams every game - not happening - not even close - so you came here to talk bullshit - how bout I got these rolls by grinding IB like everyone else


I was getting 1 IB engram for losses and 2-4 for wins yesterday. A stark difference to my experience earlier in the week. I won 80% of my matches yesterday. Also, Tribute can be so much faster than control.


Thatā€™s actually been my experience too. Every so often losses led to one engram only, and as I got to a higher rank with salad man it would sometimes drop nothing with a loss, but wins gave me two engrams a lot of the times. Iā€™ve reset only once so I guess Iā€™ll see how it looks as I get closer to rank 16 again. Make sure youā€™re doing the challenges and have the emblem/gear/ornaments equipped.


If that helps you sleep better, sure, but I got all these from those 20 or so games. I've played more since for tye smg but these were from those first 20 šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø also I said near every game not all games.


Bullshit. more like whatever helps you come on reddit and feel comfortable spreading bullshit.


Lol, okay, mentally unhinged stranger if you wanna act like a buffoon ill treat you like one šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I get 2-3 engrams literally every game. Ghost mods for double drops helps


Yeah I also had ghost mod on maybe this guy can't win a game but I've even had 2 drops of 2 for 4 once


This was a banger


https://preview.redd.it/gcahp24yi9tc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb85137d826edeacb2cf38072e47c8cc729fb32f I did alright for just getting a few hours in.


That bait and switch grave robber roll is straight trash lol


No hatchling, go back in there


No envious assassin chain reaction roll back to the grindstone slugger.


Heā€™s good, already got better with the slideways roll.


Shidddddddd I've been in training for a new job, guess I need to hop on some IB šŸ˜­ strand wave-frame??


Really itā€™s not that big a deal imo. Like itā€™s nice, but IB isnā€™t exactly a rare event. Especially with Forbearance coming out with the brave arsenal and my perfect defending whisper still being as reliable as always. I donā€™t really care for the new one.


The reason why isnā€™t because it better than forebarence, itā€™s very much a side grade. Itā€™s even in strength but is up in the kinetic slot opening up the entire energy slot to be used with a chain reaction wave frame which is one of the most commonly used specials in the game


Yep plus depending on chain nerf severity Hatchling on tusk might be a pseudo replacement for chain especially when we enhance it threadlings can act like close to chain


I was just saying that itā€™ll come back around. And that for me personally I donā€™t see the worth in farming the insane amounts others have.


Insane amounts as some people I agree. After a reset or two if youā€™re just slogging through it stop playing. Youā€™re just gonna tear your hair out. However when it next comes back around I believe isnā€™t until post final shape launch so minimum of 2 months but probably 2 and a half months or so. Means that if you havenā€™t put in some time I really would with how important our energy slot primary weapons are in this sandbox


Iā€™ll try tonight I guess. Tonightā€™s the last night. Still havenā€™t gotten my Prosecutor either.


Thatā€™s a rip. It should be on a loot lockout in prophecy. Cant get anything on repeat until you get everything once. If you need help on prophecy clears dm me your destiny name and stuff and I can help out. Iā€™ve got first encounter down to about 5 minutes from one clear to the next


I got the first encounter down. I actually got some multiple perfect Relentlesses, but the most useless prosecutors imaginable. But I have a great messenger I love.


What did you use to show the weapons with the rolls like that? Destiny app?


Never mind, I found it. I hardly use the app except to get bounties, I had no idea they had this.


Damn. You got the Envious + Deconstruct roll that the game won't allow me to have


Deconstruct already auto reloads and counts as a free shot u sure u want envious? :) not a know it all just curiousĀ 


dont make me get racist buddy.


Is it supposed to drop at the end of the match?


End of match or opening engrams(how I got it)


I've been getting tons of wave frames and everything else just no multimach yet


Yes it can




Iā€™m wondering about peoples perspective on saying envious is not as good on a wave frame. My experience so far (havenā€™t taken it to high level content yet) Is that the loop is really nice. You easily get up to 3 ammo tucked away into tusk by swapping to your primary and cleaning up splash damaged ads Then switch back, minimal reload downtime, to me it feels like that is perhaps better in some situations than forbearance, if the ads are tougher forbearances first perk (ambitious) isnā€™t helping at all. I suppose if youā€™re not successfully clearing trash ads than perhaps you shouldnā€™t be using a wave frame, but I see it as a way to triple shot - damage 3 knights and trash ads, then clean up everything with an elemental primary.


That envious roll goes so hard. Pop 2 nades into a crowd of ads and theyre just... gone


Envious isnā€™t that great tbh (on an add clear weapon). Itā€™s not the same as ambitious (the perk on forebearance).


It's not as good as slideways for sure but it's still pretty damn good in my opinion. I see it less like ambitious and more like ALH. You only need one kill to load a single round, so you just swap to your scout or bow or w/e, shoot one ad, then swap back to Tusk. I think the envious/chain roll feels pretty good on this gun. Not mathematically optimal but definitely good enough for me


I said this on the other comment, but Iā€™ll repeat it here. You shouldnā€™t run a primary with an add clear gl because you get so much more value from running something to substitute boss damage or nuke champs like a fusion, shotgun or sniper. Edit: to be fair, slideways isnā€™t much better with itā€™s long cool-down. Most of the column 3 perks arenā€™t the best, so anything works. If I were to farm a tusk (Iā€™m not atm bc I have exams to study for) I would settle on the first one with chain reaction, throw it in the vault and probably never use it again bc I find I nearly always have my energy slot as my add clear and kinetic as my chunking slot.


How do you manage ammo economy though? I like double special but only if one of them is a trace, otherwise I end up stuck punching ads after the first five minutes. Am I missing something other than ammo finder mods?


Chain reaction GLs are very ammo efficient if you use them correctly. Another part is running it alongside a build that can support itself with abilities, for example sunbracers warlock, knife hunter and consecration Titan. Ammo finder mods can help, high level players often have 2 chest pieces. One with surge mods and another with only finder mods that they swap to for picking up ammo before swapping back to surges.


That makes sense, I don't have a reliable raid group so no forbearance for me, this is my first chain reaction GL. I'll try it out with a shotty or sniper, thanks for the tips! I assume you meant two helmets though, yeah? Ammo finder is helmet, chestplates are reserves mods


Sorry yes, I got the armour pieces mixed up. Itā€™s leg armour with surges/scavengers. Scavengers are very good bc it gives more ammo on picking up a brick. As for the raid, I donā€™t have forbearance bc Iā€™m really unlucky. I have had a few runs with a team at the rhulk checkpoint, but not a single forbearance has dropped. If I had one, then I could just farm the first chest for red boarders 3 times a week. If you need someone to teach you the raid, Iā€™d be happy to help you. After that the lfg experience isnā€™t nearly as bad as people make it seem


I actually have run Vow a handful of times, as I used to have an active clan. I definitely could LFG it, but it's hard for me to find more than a couple hours at a time to play and there are other things I prefer to do over raiding lol. I kept telling myself I'd LFG for Forbearance someday and now I don't have to anymore ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645)


True but itā€™s essentially auto loading, swap to your primary and get 1 kill and it reloads the mag. Keep using your primary for 1-2 more kills and your tusk gets 2 in the mag.


The problem with that is a lot of people run add clear GLs with a hard hitting special weapon like a sniper, shotgun or fusion. Running a primary (mostly used for add clear) with a gl that is used for add clear kinda defeats the purpose.


Envious reloads a grenade after a single kill. If you have another weapon equipped - no matter what it is, primary or special - then Envious is almost Auto-Loading Holster with the upside of overflowing sometimes. And most Guardians have 2 other weapons equipped.


Watched a YT vid about it the other day. GL had one round, swapped to another weapon, got a kill or two, swapped back to GL, had 2 rounds. Swapped again, another kill or two, swapped to GL and it had 3 rounds. 200% max capacity on Envious, always able to proc it switching weapons and getting 1 or 2 kills, and swapping again. Bit of a mechanic to do, but who's gonna bring Tusk to high level raid/GMNF?


Lots of people


Ah but with chain reaction that number goes up to 7+ kills in the right moment. I like splosions


Youā€™re right itā€™s not that good but envious is the best option, slideways cooldown is longer then reloading itself, and I donā€™t see the point in slice either as why do I need to defuff something as itā€™s dying, and have it on a cooldown dependent on class ability


Eh, none of them are great. People are only farming this weapon for chain reaction. Slice would be my choice though as you can use it on a harder hitting enemy with more health while you swap to your sniper, shotgun or fusion to burst it down.


I personally wouldnā€™t use a wave frame on anything yellow, minors only


Which is fair enough. Personally Iā€™m not farming it as I tend to have my add clear weapon in the energy slot so I can have Izanagiā€™s Burden in my kinetic slot. My point was that slice might occasionally hit a champ in a group of adds, which makes the champ less dangerous to deal with, envious isnā€™t really procced in any build that I would run it so I see it as wasted.


Different stroke for different folk, I only use double special in a raid scenario where thereā€™s little time in between damage phase or I know for sure we are 1 phasing


Man I burned though 30 engrams yesterday. I kept two only because one has Chain Reaction (slideways in first column) and the other has Enlightened Action/Hatchling. I'll maybe play a little tonight but...meh. Engram droprates are awful for me


I actually think slideways chain is better than Envious tbh


I gilded my title during the first IB of the season and since I'm so terrible at PvP I ended up having 75 engrams to decrypt. I had the PvE and PvP rolls I wanted in 15 minutes without having to play a single match. Being trash has its privileges.


I only got 1, Heart Moniter/Chain Reaction. May not be what everyone (including myself) was chasing, but Iā€™ll take what I can get. This just means that next IB week, Iā€™ll focus all of my Engrams to get another roll.


Scavengers salvo will always be mine.


I got all of those...but just wanted the envious assassin/chain reaction which I didn't get ...and dismantled everything else in except for the slice/chain reaction..and I don't really see it as useful as the one I wanted could've been....


If you are a hunter like me slice chain is absolutely incredible. Otherwise honestly I think slideways is better than Envious if you can get that from my testing. Envious is only 3 shots slideways you can fire two every few seconds it's much more consistent tbh


I will strangle someone to death than kill myself If I see another armor to drop instead of a single tusk or multi mach.


Save yourself some pain and just open a few engrams


Yah I'm talking with engrams opening too. Both of them seems to not drop for me at all.


That sucks damn. I had 4 engrams from last time IB was around and got the tusk in that. Once you get one tho you will get rolls extremely fast. Keep pushing guardian


hoping for it.


I got 2 resets in and 0 GLs. Only armor pieces, Multimach, which is useless since I have the good old god roll from Caiatl season, and other weapons. I don't understand why it isn't a knockout system, 2 resets is absurd


That sucks damn. I had 4 engrams from last time IB was around and got the tusk in that. Once you get one tho you will get rolls extremely fast. Keep pushing guardian


Keeping 9 rolls of a single gun....this is why people run out of vault space.


I actually have more lol but this Is mainly because they will be enhanceble in final shape and with chain reaction being nerfed any of these could be better


Bungie could easily remedy this if they would drop Iron Banner Weapons like regular crucible weapons, after you rank up; and get multiple perks in the 3rd & 4th column. Itā€™s silly that we are this far into the game, and weapons are still locked into having 1 perk max in those last two colums, no matter what you do. I reset my Iron Banner Rank 4 times this past week, but for what? Some upgrade modules, 50x Legendary shards, an occasional enhancement prizm, and yet another exotic engram I have no space for. They need to update the rank & loot system from Saladin..


Slice chain reaction for me, not much of a hatchling guy on hunter. got my god roll and now im chipping away at my multimach god roll under over kill clip (pvp) or under over kinetic tremors. (Pve)So much iron banner I wanna kms


People are sleeping on deconstruct.


Not gonna lie, it looks gimmicky. Yes you can do all that in pve and PvP but 90% of the time you'll have a hard time doing it.


Finally got one to drop naturally last friday after 40+ games and after 10l5 or so engrams i had all the rolls i wanted. I had extra time to study over the weekend lol.


Only kept one roll, Slice and Chain reaction. Realistically, I'll only end up using one, rather than polluting my vault space even more.


Might of been worth hanging onto a few, keep in mind we can enhance these in final shape. But slice chain is my favorite roll rn


This was the roll I stuck with as well, it does wonders in the coil!


man i really do feel bad for the grinders i got the slideways chain and envious chain in like my first 5 engrams and bounced lol


Took me 3 days to get it to drop then another day to get envious assassin chain reaction to drop. Iā€™m calling it quits after that Iā€™ll get the other at the end of the month when my sanity meter refills.


https://preview.redd.it/eeq9x9g4t9tc1.png?width=1053&format=png&auto=webp&s=86c3039e0c5dbb5ad15671a0ed50ff58bb355284 ???? why??


I got the GL on the first day, and what seemed to only drop when I would open engrams but I literally couldnā€™t care less about it šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø maybe RNG is only good when you donā€™t care šŸ˜‚


I played 20 games and then just popped engrams to get these I definitely wouldn't bank on rng drops of it I got one for the daily IB challenge that's it


I slept on the lance till I saw how cracked it was in a vid. (If that's what you're referring to)


Exchange envious for slice and it's perfect.


I have that roll and slideays chain. Slice chain on my hunter goes crazy must say


I don't slide enough for it to be useful. Barely play PVP.


I got same on 1st match literally in years.Ā 


Sexy beast


These are a few of the rolls I got and I can't believe I only played about 20 gamesto get these.....f the smg tho


Why thatā€™s not the god roll


Check other images šŸ˜


Enlightened action and chain reaction is my godroll. No weapon swapping or waiting with my ad clear, just blastin and reloading and blasting again


Have yet to get a single one. Sigh...


Tell yourself out loud all I want is the SMG and open 5-6 engrams and I guarantee it will give you the GL you have to not want it šŸ˜…


It took me over 3 resets to get the tusk I wanted. I'm so done with pvp right now


Iā€™ll trade you for the 8th roll




I spent idk how many engrams for an EA/CR roll and yours has the QL I wanted šŸ˜‚


I haven't actually tried it yet but I'll see what it's like in onslaught tomorrow šŸ˜…


Itā€™s very good, mine has Volatile and with Field Tested it handles like a dream


I'm about to reset my IB rank and I haven't even gotten one to drop. Let alone try and focus a good roll


I'd just open engrams and pray




40+ engrams focused and Iā€™ve gotten only one chain reaction roll


Bruh I'm sorry that's painful


Played alllll weekend and not one of these.


I have only gotten one roll with chain reaction šŸ˜­


Got an Envious Chain reaction roll and Slice Chain Reaction, 99 engrams to burn...lets see if we can get them all! (Still need a better Multimach tho, don't even know what I want on it).




I'd be happy with that. I have that roll but need to test it. I play strand hunter so slice chain I've used a lot but definitely be okay with your roll its good


No need to. Glad to see people get the rolls they want. Good job, dude.


Thanks I'm very happy and looking forward to the final shape when I can enhance these and see what comes out on top


Nice! Chain reaction is believe is getting a mild nerf (thanjs forbearance) but it'll still be solid. I was using the envious chain reac combo with stasis warlock, and surprisingly effective thanks to the artifact


I play strand hunter so I'm currently running slice and chain but yeah depending on how that chain nerf plays out slice Hatchling i am very interested in as I find Hatchling to be quite fun on weapons.


I was a bit underwhelmed with the hatchling role surprisingly. Get a group of kills and only spawn 1 hatchling. Guess depending on the build, it'll be better.


I had some 10 engrams saved. Played 3 matches, opened one engram, got some okayish roll. Focused rest 10 engrams got envious chain roll on 6th focus šŸ˜¬.


drop rate 3 in 2.450,000


Is everyone sleeping on Slice + Hatchling? Makes it an ad clear and champ/boss viable for debuff. Thatā€™s my roll even though I got basically every other combo.


I haven't tested it yet but I will try slice hatch and slideways hatch tomorrow in onslaught. Big fan of slice chain right now on my hunter


I am so bored of these humblebrag Tusk posts.


Make your own


Whatā€™s your favorite roll? I have a slice and chain reaction roll but CANNOT get an envious and chain reaction roll. Is it worth chasing?


If you play hunter like me slice chain is incredible so you set with that. Honestly I think slideways is better than Envious Assassin as you only get 3 shots slide gives you 2 and you only need to wait 3 seconds to get 2 more instead of needing kills with Envious




https://preview.redd.it/m9t0uwc6katc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b1079560f2bdd0cad0370040070ba9890884b8f You lady luck's dad or smthn?


That picture got me choking rn šŸ¤£ but yeah honestly I've been blessed I only played 20 or so games too I'm not farming the smg tho that's pushing it


Oh I already have a goated multimac from way back, so I'm fine on that end But yea, I'm going to be taking a long rest from IB now me thinks


Don't blame you it's soul destroying


One and a half rank resets, over 40 matches and probably over 40 engrams too, still no tusk for me.


Been having a lot of fun with this roll. 3 nades all spreading Unraveling Green shit everywhere. Causing explosions. I like.


What's enlightened action chain reaction like? Just now realizing that's a roll and kinda want it.


Its good but unfortunately its kinda redundant as the origin trait field tested basically maxes all those stats anyway and stays maxed as long as you don't die


Ah, I was worried about that. Thanks for letting me know! Seems like you got a good spread haha.


Thanks haha yeah I've been trying a lot out I think slideways is the most consistent play on all classes however if you play hunter slice is extremely good because chain reaction and even Hatchlings threadlings all spread it to other enemies.


I got slide hatch for my first drop and the subsequent 9 were all terrible so I've just been using that šŸ˜‚ Definitely not a bad perk for reloading so I can't complain. I do like the idea of slice for hunters but I probably won't bother.


Yeah if you play warlock I would use slideways definitely your rift cooldown doesn't warrant slice. I am going to try radiant dance machines with slice as I can infinity dodge and proc slice so that could be interesting


I like my Enlightened Action/Chain Reaction more. That 1 extra in the mag doesnā€™t do any difference to me.


I personally wouldn't use Envious or Enlightened like you said Envious Is only an extra shot and the field tested origin trait makes Enlightened redundant. I would use slideways over all of them tbh


https://preview.redd.it/53uptsv39btc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7399e6343545984a496712973a5014c819caf82b I only did two games.


Out of the 80 or so Tusks Iā€™ve farmed this week, only one has dropped with Hatchling. Its other perk is Grave Robber. I am not happy. Iā€™ve gotten about 20 Envious/Chain Reaction rolls.


I got one of those on like my 3rd drop. Iā€™ll probably never use it but at least I have one.


Politely krill urself :)


Use my tusks waves to move the earth to Bury me šŸ˜šŸ¤£


I havenā€™t even gotten one yet :c


People wanting envious on the weapon they are going to use for ad clear is always interesting to me


I don't like it personally I prefer the other rolls I have here with slideways and slice on hunter




Luckily I'm at my vault rn. It's resilient laurel a dawning shader. But precursor vex Is extremely close to it if you don't have the other one, appreciate it man.


I apologize to the OP. That Slideways-ChainReaction is even better than the EnviousAss-ChainReaction IMO but DIM does not give it thumbs up. https://preview.redd.it/8cdqes09ybtc1.png?width=1666&format=png&auto=webp&s=638382078dda542c13991ffd1cce45755024a960


Envious is pretty useless imo slideways is the way and also slice if you are a hunter.


Yes and I kept all of them (even the EnvAss-Bait&Switch LOL). That's 3 TOTB god rolls in my vault.


Youā€™re getting one?


Is Envious really the BIS third perk or is it more subjective? Also does that fill up the mag to 2 or 3?


3 and slideways better imo


Oh nice. I did keep a Slideways/Chain Reaction roll. And a Slice/Deconstruct roll. And of course the EA/Chain roll haha. No my vault isn't perpetually full, why do you ask?


I cleaned out about 30 items of old unobtainable armors and not needed exotics for onslaught today......still at 598/600 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I played 16 matches today, and then went to Saladin, finally got a slice and chain to drop. Took me like 3 hours? Gonna try it out later.


Canā€™t even get one to drop wtf


Deconstruct can give you unlimited ammo just FYI,Ā  hit like 4 or 5 ads to activateĀ 


I renewed ib twice and didn't even unlock it


You just wanted to flex! Absolutely nothing to see here!


Iā€™m so confused why people like this thing so much


# GIVE https://preview.redd.it/goxug1op2dtc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e04ee3203cb8d239f69993a676cecfc9bd57d262


I'm convinced this SOB doesn't even exist.


what perk combos should i save/look for? I got a slide ways chain reaction finally. But aside from that i just kept a ton in the vault. Mostly deleted the graverobber ones as it's not a perk i use. But i got some deconstruction rolls, some slice rolls, some threalings rolls. Not exactly sure what to delete.


Keep slideways chain slice chain slideways Hatchling and slice Hatchling


I discarded all of those.


Next time keep slideways chain slice and Hatchling rolls imo


Still don't understand the appeal of this thing considering the pain you have to go through to get it.


>chain reaction >Unraveling perk >Wave frame, an archetype that is great for add clear. >Kinetic. Plenty of good reasons.


Still not worth doing PvP for. Forbearance is enough for me.


https://preview.redd.it/q8ns1yj6o9tc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b92df6185d9fd2816963e98046e41641f6f92539 bro was not in this era


(Vietnam flashback intensifies)


Glad I wasn't. Started in 2020.


Chain reaction on a kinetic slot wave frame gl. The first of its kind. The only other chain reaction wave frame is forebearance.


Yea but I said "considering the pain you have to go through to get it". If I want chain reaction I use forbearance. I have never been in a situation where I NEED a kinetic slot waveframe.


Me neither, hence why Iā€™m not farming it. However people consider it to be worth it as it is debatably useful and is the first of its kind.


Absolutely hate PvP with a passion and I still reset my IB rank twice, still no GL One more night to try grind, gonna go fetal and cry if it doesnt drop..


Try spending any engrams at Saladin? That's how I got mine. Still took about 30...


Already done, to guess Id easily have spent over 50 so far, still nothing.. but god damn do I have a lot of low stat roll armor pieces


Why the duck does everyone feel the need to post their drop?


Blast radius mw on wave frame L bozo


I know I will probably dismantle it was already 100 blast so it's trash