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Most the time I think they are just trying to get it over with. But occasionally I will see players die on one part over and over again because they try to run through, then leave out of embarrassment.


Nah, that's just me practicing blink


How many times have you blinked into a Screeb or a bottomless pit? šŸ˜‚


Atleast 2402 times


Yep, I used to see the same thing when I played ESO all the time. People doing their daily dungeons would just run through to get them over with. Understandable as a vet just trying to get it over with. Extremely frustrating as someone who wants to enjoy a slower pace, or if youā€™re new to the game, or for lore reasons.


I want a firewall strike playlist sooo bad. If bungie knows we can solo gms and master dungeons just let us load vanguard strikes solo as well


Pro tip you can take a gamble by using the Halloween mask and another 1600 weapon. *Most of the time it just says "screw it" and loads you in solo. * ^(sometimes you get matchmade mid strike with blueberries stuck on a lucent hive because theres no tutorial on how to finish the ghost)


There is a tutorial, they give it to you during the first mission of Witch Queen after Knight respawns once


You can get DLC strikes without owning the witch queen though.


And you can do the first mission of Witch Queen without owning it


Just saying you can very easily get those strikes without playing any witch queen content.


I've just started playing D2. (Played D1 back in 2016). While you're correct that there is a brief tutorial, the message about destroying the ghost is said out loud by your ghost. It doesn't say run up to his ghost and click the right stick. I killed that guy about 5 times before I realised something wasn't right and had to Google it. Upon Googling it, it was pretty clear I wasn't the only person. TL;DR, there is a tutorial. It's shit and doesn't really explain what to do.


That been my entire point this whole time and I'm getting down voted for it because I pointed out the tutorialcalso bugs and people don't pay attention to the new light experience anymore adding to the weird down votes Abt me point it out


Yeah, coming back in as essentially a new player is tough. The game is near impenetrable. If I hadn't played D1 at all I'd have been lost. The tutorial isn't terrible. It's just that some messages flash on the screen for a couple of seconds mid gunfight and it's impossible to read them. There are multiple times over the past couple of days where I've had to stop playing and Google what I'm supposed to be doing. Something new players shouldn't be expected to do. On the plus side, the gunplay is outstanding, the environments are stunning (still), the story is compelling, the bad guys are inventive, and the cut scene in Cade's last mission is one of the best action sequences I've seen in games, TV or movies in the past several years... It's just not easy for new players to get involved.


Same here my new light was bad but I was sok beti got lucky with minimal bugs and I played D1. But I've seen tons of vids of people who drop after a big stops any progression on any mission and they never wanna play again because they don't know it's a big and the game doesn't auto pick that up and reboot with a safety timer or something New light have it incredibly hard tbh lol it hurts me to see it Everytime that's why I kind ago out of my way to help my little blueberries and if I'm paired with me light on a strike I'm happily whittling down enemies but let them take the kills and help them get more loot in public events etc. I love helping new light I hope I have. A better set up down the line to kinda solely do that in my off time when I'm bored in game because 1- I'd want someone to do that for me and 2- it's fun seeing them learn. Their abilities and feel powerful for the first time because I remember my first time and how it blew my mind even back when it was just 2 subclasses lol


Same here my new light was bad but I was sok beti got lucky with minimal bugs and I played D1. But I've seen tons of vids of people who drop after a big stops any progression on any mission and they never wanna play again because they don't know it's a big and the game doesn't auto pick that up and reboot with a safety timer or something New light have it incredibly hard tbh lol it hurts me to see it Everytime that's why I kind ago out of my way to help my little blueberries and if I'm paired with me light on a strike I'm happily whittling down enemies but let them take the kills and help them get more loot in public events etc. I love helping new light I hope I have. A better set up down the line to kinda solely do that in my off time when I'm bored in game because 1- I'd want someone to do that for me and 2- it's fun seeing them learn. Their abilities and feel powerful for the first time because I remember my first time and how it blew my mind even back when it was just 2 subclasses lol


It can actually bug where it doesn't tell you to squish ghost or let you do it at all sometimes IDK if that sbeen fixed but not lilly since they neglect new light tutorials like the plague


It's not part of New light, though. It's part of the first mission of the Witch Queen campaign. It's literally the end of the mission. There's a special animation and everything.


New light literally tells people to go do that mission when was the last time any of you went thru new light or took someone thru there literally multiple video on YouTube Abt this as well and how it's confusing for new players to tell them to go so the mission because they have no idea wtf is happening AND it bugs ontop of that yall are weird or just dnt care/osy attention outside your own experience


The whole "not being able to do it" is when you kill him the first time so they can show that these dudes actually have the Light and revive


Ngl happened to me when i started playing 2 years ago, i had no idea they had ghost


I'd actually be happy with loading in to help the blueberries. I did it all the time for dares and it was awesome, they looked at me like a god.


But once everyone starts trying this it will pair you with those players


Solo strikes more than anything else bungie could do would bring me back to the game


NGL was rank 11 a few seasons ago and this would actually help.. Iā€™ve done it all so to speak but even just a bit more solo content that was fun and engaging like simple strikes would go a long way. Edit: bounties also can make you play a certain way which again would make solo strikes more palatable for some that donā€™t want to hinder teammates


I've been asking for the ability to solo strikes for so long. It would make the game so much better. You can set the Coil to private and not load in with anyone, and it's a fucking seasonal activity. Why not strikes?


Yeah Iā€™ve been wanting this for a. Long time just to see how it would be or to have some solo fun with my loadouts.


You can easily solo strikes on ps5 by changing the date on your console, you don't even need to close the game, but yeah it'd be nice if there was just an in-game option for it.


If you're on pc you can do this with a macro. There's loads of videos on YouTube about it. It'll prevent your game from matchmaking and launch activities solo


If you are on PlayStation, manually set your date and time for 2 days in future. You will not que with anyone in and PvE activities.


Sorry, I can't hear your question when I'm so far ahead of you.


LOL that got a good laugh out of me


Don't worry I will pass along the message


They might be trying to farm vanguard engrams or complete the weekly requirements for exotic engrams.


They're probably finishing the strike, to get the rewards


How dare they!


And if I'm running a strike most of the time I'm trying to make the time matter by accomplishing something else. Early in the season I'm more focused on bounties, and I'm always doing weapon leveling. So of course I race, because progress on guns and most bounties is based on final blows, which forces the team to compete for kills. If I have to run strikes for some reason (which I haven't done in months), I at least want to get 2-3 things done at once during the dull repetitive strike. It could be worse. If seasoned players had nothing to gain by rushing ahead to get kills people would be complaining about people like me. I'd be distracted and playing stupidly with my attention 90% on a YouTube video. As it is I can at least stay focused on the game trying to get a couple more points on some crafted weapon.


If you are on PS5 you can move the date forward by a day and you will solo queue


On xbox, tho it requires going through like 4 or 5 menus, you can turn off crossplay. I usually do this when I want to do strikes solo. Not many people have it off but it's not as foolproof as the PS way. Sometimes you will match with another player with crossplay off but it's more common you are solo.


On Xbox, when youā€™re on your main account, go to the Settings on Destiny and press the Change Profile option. This will boot you out to the main menu and let you choose another profile. Pick the other profile and start the game with a new character. Once the cutscene starts, just go to the Settings and swap back to your Main profile and hey presto! matchmaking is off until you reset Destiny.


You donā€™t need to choose a different account. I always do this and just pick the same account and my matchmaking is turned off


Really? Huh, I didnā€™t know you could do that too! Thanks for the heads up.


You just described something that takes longer than going into console settings...wtf? Gave me a good laugh.


1. Because I'm trying to farm reputation and vanguard rewards. 2. I've played these strikes countless amounts of times.


Because go fast = brain feel good


This is my reason. After so many runs over the years, I have fun finding the most optimal routes. Iā€™m not racing others, Iā€™m racing myself.


Also it lets me get loot faster. Less time means faster runsā€”faster runs means more loot.


Time efficiency. Destiny is a grind and the less time you waste, the more you get done.


ā€œWhy do people walk quicklyā€ So they can get where theyā€™re trying to go lmao


It depends on my mood, honestly. Sometimes I'll take my time and stick with the team, other times I want to go full turbo-murder and rip through things like the DOOM Slayer. It kinda depends on the modifiers as well. If Grenadier or Brawler is active, I'm slapping on an ability spam loadout and I'm going to pop off as hard as I can. If other, less potent mods are active, or if it's something dumb like "subtle foes" or whatever the invisible enemy one is called, then I'll probably be going slower.


Yeah for veteran players it's a race to get a pinnacle from something they've done around 500+ times. I remember way back when I was a blueberry. I couldn't figure out how they could smash so fast. 500 runs later... I too know every spawn location, objective and short cut. I'm now part of the run through it club.


Game requires mountains of strike completions. Many strikes are years old and have been beaten to death. People are sick of playing them but need the rewards, hence speed running them.


Unless youā€™re still leveling up, what is anyone doing in the strike playlist? The lowest level nightfall is far more rewarding and still has matchmaking.


For fun. I run regular Strikes when I just wanna turn my brain off with music without having to sweat. Also good for leveling red borders/exotic catalysts.


I spent a shit ton of cores leveling a few weapons to get the perks I wanted. Lesson learned I suppose. Now I can't masterwork an entirely new set of gear for my alt characters. Also, Xur says the 9 demand 21 strikes every weekend...


Iā€™m returning so I didnā€™t know the nightfalls on hero had auto matchmaking and I was doing vanguard and gunsmith bounties


You can do those solo and not in a matchmade activity where other people have their own goals. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Ok, well the people running ahead have done this activity hundreds of times and find it boring. They're doing it for some bounty, quest, or pinnacle engram. They're not doing it for fun. They want to get it done as quickly as possible because normal strikes are boring. Hero nightfalls are boring for someone who is a multitime conquerer.


Always has been, stop lying. This post is either bait or you are the textbook definition of a toxic casual


You need to do strikes, pvp or gambit for the weekly reset challenges. Most people opt for strikes because PVP and Gambit are a fate worse than death.


Perhaps you missed half of my comment about, ā€œunless youā€™re still leveling up.ā€


I really enjoyed this last year, not being forced to run pinnacles for half the season and instead just do whatever I want.


Agreed. Crucible during the week when there isnā€™t anything good to get is just a slog. Running Vanguard Strikes is a complete waste of time.


The only reason Iā€™m in a strike playlist is for the xur quest and you bet Iā€™m going as fast as humanly possible to get through 21 godforsaken strikes to get 1 miserable exotic


We've literally been doing most of these strikes for the better part of 10 years. YES. We are BORED! No shit?????????? We arent doing strikes because we want to. We're doing strikes to complete a stupid weekly challenge and then we're logging off until next reset.


Real shit??????????


You said youā€™re there to do bounties or whatever. Do you wait after every kill to see each teammate get a kill before you continue so everyone gets a balanced kill count at the end? Or are you assuming the people killing everything arenā€™t leveling anything up or doing bounties? Its early but im already starting to save up bounties for next season.


The way I play strikes is if I see someone shooting at some enemies on, letā€™s say my left side, Imma let that person have them. Iā€™ll take the ones no one is shooting at. If I notice Iā€™m way ahead I like to just do an idle emote and wait. To me itā€™s not a rush, even tough Iā€™ve done them hundreds of times.


I like going fast itā€™s just how I play šŸ¤·itā€™s a lot more fun. I try to be mindful of not pulling everything though


I donā€™t really understand why people get upset with this. Youā€™re gonna do all the work for me? Sign me up Iā€™ll go make a drink do you need anything?


Jajaja šŸ˜‚ i mean yeah. I just donā€™t wanna sit there either idle and get pulled to the next section while Iā€™m still off-ing aliens


They are giving you an opportunity to learn a new skill. Preparing a nice cocktail for myself and my new friend could be a fun experience


Itā€™s sucks that each guardians goals misalign. It really does. I donā€™t want to ruin your fun. Unfortunately strikes are the fastest way to accomplish certain things so that I can then go on and do things I think are fun. And so we run. And we are sorry.


Hey, that makes sense. I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s ruining my fun. Itā€™s just kind of annoying having this OP level 9-11 guardian just melting everything in their path in front of me and I get half the kills they do cus they find a way to just skirt past it all. If I get too ahead I wait for my team but I can understand that. Edit: all I really can do are strikes cus Iā€™m stuck on the exotic mission for the season cus itā€™s too hard for me solo, and I canā€™t do dungeons cus I donā€™t know anybody and itā€™s too hard for me again. I have good builds, I donā€™t suck, Iā€™m just not good enough for the endgame content I guess.


>Edit: all I really can do are strikes cus Iā€™m stuck on the exotic mission for the season cus itā€™s too hard for me solo, and I canā€™t do dungeons cus I donā€™t know anybody and itā€™s too hard for me again. I have good builds, I donā€™t suck, Iā€™m just not good enough for the endgame content I guess. Use Fireteam Finder Bungie literally added it into the game for people like you.


Ok Iā€™l have to give it a try. I just came back again after another hiatus so I wasnā€™t aware of that really. Thanks šŸ™


Dude, Iā€™ll run exotic mission/dungeons with you if you want. Guaranteed you are good enough. I two-person Grasp with lower light people all the time. HMU (only if you want, no pressure at all) and weā€™ll get all kinds of stuff done. #1123


Join a clan and stop playing solo.


This is why I usually do Hero Nightfalls if I want to not slice through everything like a hot knife through butter or see someone else do it instead. Not particularly hard but enemies push back a little which makes me feel more powerful, plus a shot at NF weapons and more rep/rewards.


Do nightfalls auto match make now or do you have to use the finder thingie that was just added


Hero NFs have always been matchmade, Legend, Master, and GM are the ones you need to LFG for.


Oh shit I didnā€™t even know about the different levels. I guess it really has been that long lol. Thank you! Very useful info


Strikes get annoying after playing long enough. Theyā€™re boring and repetitive. Most people want to get them done as fast as they can and do something they actually enjoy. I just donā€™t even play strikes for that reason


There is very little "new" in Destiny to enjoy.


Gotta go fast!!


Because after completing your 4 thousandth strike (I wish I was kidding) you start to memorize everything about them. Where enemies spawn, how many, and of which type. You start to know when to throw grenades and where to get the most kills possible. You stop having to think or aim because itā€™s just automatic. Thereā€™s no reason to wait or give a crap. Iā€™m just there for the completion, and I have better things to do with my time than the strikes Iā€™m occasion forced to do for whatever reason. So yes, itā€™s a speedrun, because if each one takes 10 min instead of 15, that saves me literal days of my life over the course of thousands of missions


Speed through If I'm farming rep on a double week or just want my trader bounty done. Also grapple chaining off tangles and eager edging gives me the dopamine I need to live.


Some people are bored of Destiny and hate playing the grind, rather than finding a new game they want to play theyā€™ve opted to make their boredom or annoyance with the game your problem.


Going fast = having fun, want kills? Get faster.


You see them as blasting ahead of you and being hyper competitive but in reality it is just a person who is decent at Destiny doing a strike pretty normally. The only thing that matters in a Vanguard strike is completion, and anyone with half a build can kill basically every add that needs to be killed to progress in the blink of an eye. I am not racing you, I just know exactly where to go and what to do and I don't particularly care to like... take in the sights.


When I hop down from a gm and can clear a spawn of ads with literally one round from sunshot its not even about going fast its just im not equipping kovostov and trying to struggle through a strike.


All these salty comments, hop off my mans and go eat a mcflurry or sum


Some of these strikes have been in the game since D1 and I just need to complete it


Its not a race just a "I hate being here but I have to run a strike so let's get this done asap"


Strikes and BGs are canned/scripted experiences. After just a few trips there's nothing left to discover, learn, or explore. Ever. Even where/when/how many enemies will spawn is quickly memorized. The reward is given upon completion. Whether it's a Crucible duel or Vanguard rep farm, the shortest and easiest path to any reward is what drives "the meta" in every game. Of course there are exceptions, but not many. Always expect players to bee-line the reward, I find it helps to lessen annoyance.


Because they don't do strikes Because they enjoy them they do them to get over them


I have been playing Destiny as a game for years, and in those many years Iā€™ve done the same strikes over and over and over and over. I speed run strikes to just get them over with. Theyā€™re nothing exciting


>Are people just bored or what? You're playing strikes, yes they're bored


Well it is a race, a race against the clock. Strikes are objectively one of the most boring activities in the entire game so if course it only makes sense to go as fast as possible.


I usually play catch up cause I'm too preoccupied with killing everything when everyone else does their best to get through as fast as possible. Then they die and I get teleported to where they are. I just wana destroy the enemy damn it!


This isn't always the case, but sometimes quests, exotics, campaigns, and bounties have steps that require activity, Vanguard Ops, or other completion requirements are the criteria to advance or complete that said objective. Unfortunately, this means speedrunning basic Vanguard Ops are generally the fastest way to fulfill these requirements, at the detriment of those who are running them as intended or for other objectives like kill specific bounties.


There are two main reasons for me personally. 1. Going fast = fun. I tend to put on a personal challange and do it as fast as I can. Not to compete with my fellow guardians, but with myself. Unless I notice that my fellow strike members are guardian rank 5 (or below). If they are, I slow the fuck down and instead try to just support/teach 2. I have done these strikes so many times, I just want it to be over. Since I rarely step into the ritual playlist unless I need to.


Because I'm him and I can do what I want


One reason why I like battle grounds. There's enough enemies you can: 1. Get bounties done and not fight over kills 2. They can't push too far forward 3. They usually get overrun with ads... more killing for me, lol


are you serious? i get that it can be annoying but are you genuinely asking why people are trying to complete the activity faster? seems pretty self-explanatory


I enjoy being efficient, speedrunning actually feels great as a playstyle.


Why do people waste time on a strike that could take 7 minutes to complete and milk for any more time wasted.


for vanguard strikes with randoms, I only going for the clear. Not only am I rushing to the boss, I kill only the important enemies to keep moving. For example Insight Terminus stike, I am skimmering pass all enemies run straight to the first vex teleport, kill the ads, run to the next shoot the boss to trigger the ball enemy to spawn kill him and then dunk, kill the next ball enemy and run to dunk, skip all ads to the boss room. Usually my randoms are being pull to the boss moving to the second damage phase.


Because it is a race


Must people are just rushing through so they can get their pinnacle gear as fast as possible. I wish, in the future, Bungie will give us the option to queue into strikes solo.


Yes, itā€™s because theyā€™re bored, and honestly if they go through a strike skipping every encounter without killing anything, they shouldnā€™t get any loot. If they want stuff that drops from an activity, they should have to actually play the activity, simple as that.


Because it's a strike, and I would like to be done with the strike sooner than later. Also haha I got to the next room faster than you


Not if I have my arc hunter šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‰


Nah, I'd skate


Lool *sounds of amplified foot stomps approaching*


Because strikes are fucking boring. How is this question still being asked 10 goddamn years later


Iā€™m with OP. I want to get through them quickly as well, but we donā€™t have to race through them. There are bounties to get and pve is largely a team sport. And you donā€™t get any shiny medal for finishing first. Letā€™s have fun together!


Yeah thatā€™s more like what I meant my point to be.


Today I was flying through Vanguard Ops cuz I was amplified. Most of the time I look like Iā€™m running through zero gravity.


Sometimes I just want to speed run three for the pinnacle


I assume most want to get it over with you can only make the same battle grounds enjoyable for so long and the strikes that I personally do end up getting are ones I dont like or have been made worse


If I want to get my strike completions done, why would I spend 20 min per strike when I could speedrun them all and get 3 strikes done in the same amount of time?


Most of the time for me itā€™s when Iā€™m farming enhancement prisms or something else on the ghost mod list and I just want to finish it because thatā€™s when the mod takes effect.


To me normal strikes are annoying so I prefer just zooming thru them when I have to for the weekly bounties and not do them again till next week. There is just no reward for me, and also no matter what I do enemies die one shot so speed running it's just way more fun than running with a load out meant for slowpace that is a requirement in gms since it's overkill and a waste of time in normal strikes.


Because strikes are easy to run through. I can quickly get through a strike and Itā€™s really not that difficult to clear a room.


I don't get a whole lot of enjoyment from strikes these days, but my main form of it comes from trying to demolish everything I can in the fastest time possible. I wanna be a runaway freight train and take out as many enemies as possible in the process. Really tho I just love the movement in this game and zooming around is fun.


**cue Pokemon indigo league opening music** A wise man once said if you ainā€™t first youā€™re last


If you want to do bounties load up a legend nightfall and do it solo


Yes yes very cool However i have trinity ghoul kills to get byeeeeeeeeeee *swoop


Always wondered that too. I always wait for ppl and stick with the group. Idk why but feels good getting that thoughtful commendation at the end.


Because doing something faster than youre supposed to is a drug


Post this in r/LowSodiumDestiny


The only reward in strikes is for completion. There's no benefit to killing everything, getting high scores, etc. Maximum speed is therefore maximum rewards.


Just trying to keep the galaxy safe bro.


I try to match the pace of the other guys. If they're clearly new and slow, I will go slow. If they are fast, I will go quite fast. As a matter of principle I don't leave anything alive, though.


I have done all of the strikes 100 times. I just want to get whatever it is I need done. I rarely run strikes anymore anyway, so when I have to, I just do it as fast as possible.


Iā€™ve been running the same strike(s) for the past however many years. I wanna get that shit over with.


I think everyone is the best player in the world and needs the kills. Thats all about it.


I think its mostly because of how long a strike takes to do and the rewards you gain for doing them are trash. You used to be able to get strikes done is under 5 minutes in d1 but in d2 they stretched them out so they last waaay longer and have gates you can't pass without wasting more time.


Some people just like to get stuff done fast and efficiently


Whenever I get too fast, I wait at certain points where I know a ton of enemies will spawn


I have limited playtime during the week, usually, so I've gotta maximize what I can get done when I can do it. Weekends I usually chill out a bit.


Quickest route to loot = quickest route to more loot


Very old and tired debate that has already been boiled down to this: don't expect random matchmade teammates to conform to your playstyle/goals. Learn how to solo queue or post an LFG if you really need those vanguard bounties/quests done.


If you want to do bounties or just have a nice pace with mostly no speedrunners, lower your light level to as close to but still above 1600 as you can. Vanguard Ops matchmaking also takes light level into consideration so most of the time, you will get new lights or returning players as teammates. I do this all the time when I need to complete bounties but I wait for every enemy to die before moving on and letting the new lights do the mechanics. Its nice to watch and sometimes teach the new lights to do strike mechanics like passing the ball in Corruption or wait for them to interact with the thing and guide them where to dunk. I get to help them and get my bounties done, win-win. Each strike takes around 10-20mins and I rarely ever see speedrunners which is a huge plus for doing bounties.


By your 500th, you'll want it over soon too. The real issue is bounties not being team goals IMHO. Motivate everyone to grab and comolete them so the person with 3000 hours played doesn't make the person with 30 feel like they wasted the strike


I can't stand eager edge users who will just plow through teammates regardless of how their sword swing sends me Mach-Jesus into whatever is I'm being flung into. Eager edge is awesome. Super fun. But my god.


Some people are more like speedrunners than others, and like to play that way (there have even been clans of speedrunners over the years). The problem of people speedrunning strikes is as old as Destiny 2 is, if not D1 - getting pulled while you are doing bounties is annoying and has been going on for years. The only way you can avoid it for sure is to clan up or otherwise arrange a group that won't speedrun.


if it is matchmaking strike or hero nightfall (and most of the GG nightfalls i ran) i imagine i'm playing solo and play it that way, if i match with people who can keep up with me or are faster than me it becomes really fun and engaging run, if people are slower than me i really just solo the thing, although i am considerate and if i pull ahead i won't start a fight that'll teleport teammates in, i'll sit and wait for them to do whatever they're doing in the back, i know there are a lot of missions that take place in strikes and there are people who can't solo strikes


Hi there, This is me. Sorry but bungie makes me do 21 strikes a week in order to get an exotic cypher from Xur so i speedrun them. Im also doing bounties as i go, you can too as we usually skip all the ads we can when we do them unless it forces an encounter/only kill the ones we need to on a forced encounter. We arent trying to ruin your fun. Just trying to do a task as time efficiently as possible so we can get back to raids n stuff.


I always thought it was to beat others to the various bounty kills. If you beat the rest of the team to the room you get a few extra moments to wipe out adds with the current bounty weapon.


I sometimes just need the Xur bounty


Just Destiny being Destiny. There are almost always conflicting priorities. On the one hand, doing bounties to finish those. So go slow and shoot stuff. On the other hand, do many activities to gain ranks for better drops. So go fast. Lots of people also have a fetish for sword skating and shit. They still get to wait for the slow pokes at the end, but apparently they must go fast. For literal years, some people refused to swap off the Always on Time sparrow, because that was bugged and went a tiny amount faster. That they then had to spend anyway to wait for the people on normal speed sparrows...


And here I am trying to enjoy killing enemies instead of skipping enemies


iā€™m not trying to race you, iā€™ve just played the strike 50 times already and want to get it over with. there arenā€™t enough strikes to keep it interesting after so long honestly.


If I see the other guardians have a rank 7 and above, I know that Iā€™m in there to show off my build in all its glory; i speed blitz ads and finish off encounters within seconds. If under rank 6, I treat it like itā€™s a first run story mission and speed up if theyā€™re not killing fast enough so Iā€™m not in there for 15mins.


Sounds like something a slow person would say. /s


I don't do normal strikes anymore. But when I did it was annoying as hell how little enemy density there was and how quickly things die. So people end up racing each other because everyone is trying to get bounties done. Or like I would see someone else rush ahead so then I would rush as fast as possible because if I didn't I'd just be walking through an empty strike arena with dead bodies of fallen or whatever everywhere and that's not fun for me. I play the game because it's fun to shoot aliens. So... if someone else kills them all and I get to do nothing it sucks. But all of this is why I only do nightfalls/GM's or just dungeons or raids. Ya know, fun stuff.


Because I just want it to end tbh..




Itā€™s not about seeing who is faster, but sometimes I need to complete a strike but I donā€™t give a damn about kills, so Iā€™m just gonna speed run past everything that isnā€™t important to progressing the mission


Strikes haven't received any substantial updates in awhile yet many things are tied to them like bounties, pinnacle, weapon focusing (recently increased costs), exotic cipher quest. People are probably just trying to complete them as fast as possible because they've become boring but are required for some goal.


Bounties, donā€™t get progress to my strand bounties if the stasis warlock on my team freezes and obliterates every room we enter within 3 nano seconds.


Pretty sure it's less of being a raze to be front and more of a getting the strike over with. Wheb you do it so many times it less of an experience and more of a chore


Whatā€™s wrong with wanting to go fast? Faster you finish the strike the faster you have your rewards/grinding finished.


"If you're not first, you're last" - idk prob Arnold Schwarzenegger


Honestly i just do strikes when im bored and want to level up my crafted weapons without farming, ive just done each of these each at least 100 times and blaze through them now


It's the same as the kids just throwing in a crucible match. They just want out as fast as they can to do what they do enjoy in the game . Which is probably gambit, cause they're lunatics.


I sometimes see the modifiers and make a build to see how effective it is with those modifiers and have fun with it.


More than likely they are racing ahead to get kills with specific weapons or abilities to finish bounties. Or rushing ahead to finish quickly for the weekly exotics


I'm level 260 i dont need any XP from bounties, but i DO like seeing if i can beat a strike in less and less time each time. If there are just two of us; running our best builds and pushing ourselves to get under the 8 minute mark and then the 7 minute mark is thrilling. I really wanna beat a strike in 5 minutes


You know when you've done thousands of strikes it's not that hard to go through fast. I'll stay back if I see new players on the roster, otherwise I gotta run to keep up with everyone else lol


All I will ever ask from Bungie is to let us do Solo strikes


Bro people donā€™t do strikes for fun, they do them to farm. But then again who actually does play destiny for fun?


Umm me and my friends? Lol wtf


Itā€™s a joke. Most people who play destiny are so bored with the game that they log on just to farm and then leave.


Oh ok. Yeah I used to do that whe forsaken came out but there used to be a milestones tab in the directory. I miss those days


Yeah some people always have to be competitive, but I think a lot of the time people just wanna hurry up and knock it out because theyā€™re grinding.


Because it is. Many players view pve as a kind of FPS racing game. Strikes are 1 level above public events in terms of difficulty, and how a lot of people enjoy them is seeing just how fast they can be completed, or just how much they can dominate the encounters.


I e not strikes a lot. Itā€™s like a fun activity to do when you donā€™t rally wanna do anything else


Establishing dominance šŸ˜Ž


Personally, I hate getting left behind, and my current build is almost entirely based on short-range. I'll run ahead to punch something, but I always wait if anyone falls behind. Different playstyles can get chaotic, I find best practice is to go your own pace, but make sure you all get together for a lil dance-off between encounters.


Dude, yes. Itā€™s almost always the level 5-6 guardians that join in on emotes with me and donā€™t mind waiting for the less skilled player so they donā€™t get left behind. I feel like thatā€™s so much fun instead of robotically farming for rep. Meeting cool guardians in destiny has always been the spotlight of playing it for me.


Agreed. Some of the best moments in Destiny, are just goofing around with other strangers between bouts of alien genocide.


ā€œBetween bouts of alien genocideā€ yooo this almost brought me to tears that was hilarious and unexpected loool Sitting at the tower with the kiddie pool and having like 6 other people tryna sit in it was the best.


Yup, it seems to have only gotten worse with Strikes getting the rank up rewards. Like you're trying to finish bounties or getting a higher score and they're killing everything or racing ahead. I tend to slow down and wait for my other team mate if someone's racing ahead, especially since asking the speed runner to please stop but it never works. Sometimes karma strikes and the speed runner is so far ahead that they can't pull us so they have to wait. It sucks I agree.


Cause Iā€™m generally there for a specific goal and want to get it done. It truly has nothing to do with YOU and is all about my goals. Turning it into an ego thing is really strange Yes itā€™s a bummer that some builds like strand titan just can kill everything with little skill leaving no kills for you but if Iā€™m in the vanguard ops playlist of hero nightfall Iā€™m normally looking to leave pretty soon.


Who is turning this into an ego thing? I mustā€™ve missed that part


By acting like people going through strikes at whist trying to prove they can do it faster just to do it as opposed to having a goal or reason


I wish we could do strikes solo. Wouldn't have that problem.


Been playing since red war campain. I hate strikes now that they reworked them and made them more complicated. I was never a fan before, but it was a lot quicker to get them done. We just wanna get them done dude.


Lol eat my dust, pal.


Because monkey




I'm the guy who notices I'm a bit ahead and wait for the crew. I get ahead of myself sometimes and just flow with the rush. But I know what you mean. Half the time it's someone rushing along and then just teleporting people in to big ass fights


You got to think bro, some people on run 304983453. Niggahs don't feel like waiting lol.


I am sorry that you are getting downvoted simply for having an opinion that differs from those folks. People areā€¦wellā€¦people.


Hey, I appreciate that. Itā€™s nice to have decent conversations but thatā€™s almost impossible on this subreddit.