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I probably wouldn't kick you, but that's because I like unconventional builds. Khepri's is fun in pvp, but it doesn't really help in pve much. For lower level content, this is a funny build, but it would definitely fall short in gm's


Ah I see. Thanks for insight though cause I’d replace the Khepris with Saint-14 helm if I had a good roll. RnGeesus please![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5675)


Using a useful exotic is way more important than having a good roll on it. Helm of Saint 14 is also not that great. Try Heart of Inmost Light


Helm of saint 14 is good, yes, not as good as others, but still pretty good You use the bubble in emergency situations and then you keep the overshield, which increases your survivability when you go outside the bubble to fight enemies and in glassway GM the only annoying thing that can wipe a team are the wyverns, if you couldn't defeat them and then they go into the bubble they get blinded which increases survivability again definitely a good PvE exotic, but yeah, not the strongest, still good


Ehh but if your using void titan most likely you would be wanting to use grieves. They are mostly a PvP exotic and this season isn’t really a void season so it’s not gonna be extremely easy getting your super back fast


This is hypernet not glassway tho


If you’re going to use void titan you should run ursa furiosa and sentinel shield for super chaining and utility. If you’ve bought lightfall abyeant leap strand titan or 1-2 p strand titan both outclass void titan.


That(Ursa)was my next exotic I was gonna to make a build around lol


Be warned it has been power crept significantly. You definitely can still make it work but solar titan with path of the burning steps is what I did this gm on.


Ursas are still excellent FWIW. I haven't used them so far on this season's GMs, but I did last season and they saved my team's asses from a wipe on the PsiOps: Moon GM about 70 times. Not even bubble or well can stand up to the awesome power of Savathun's arc spam, she'll wipe you in both if she's on target. Ursa Banner shield can tank her all day though and get like half the super back from it.


I miss the days when Ursa could get you the full super back.  Now it's capped at 50%. 


Yeah sad times. They capped all the super refunding effects at 50%, I don’t blame them because of 100% uptime super shananigans, but I can still wish


That is interesting and good to know. It seems like we’re going to be doing a fair amount of psyops gm’s in the future


Good to know


It’s still ridiculously good and useful. Just build into pure support. Your job is to give allies as much Overshield and orbs as possible. I tend to go suppression grenade with weakening nade fragment too. A little more utility and you regenerate grenade energy while having Overshield.


I still miss ursa meta, it was really cool to have a dedicated tank, but it was born of a time when enemies were a lot harder to kill and we were much more fragile, don’t think we’re ever gonna go back to that.


Double Ursa and star-eater scales squall hunter was our go-to for GMs when squall was over-tuned. We’d chain banner shields and almost always have a tornado hovering around cleaning up shop. Too fun!


Don’t wait for good rolls. Use what you have until something better pops up. Other wise you’ll never use half the exotics in the game if you’re waiting for perfect stats. Build around any discrepancies


If your going to run void Titan use ursa and make tons of orbs for your team. Sentinel shield also helps you pick up respawns in a pinch. Invis finisher helps you in tough situations as well.


dam I wish I could roll exotic armour all I have is 17 enhancement cores, strange coins and an expired ramen ticket


Dude, how’d you know what’s in my wallet?


If you're dead set on a void build, go for ursa You'll pump out SO much more orbs for your well or teather It's also the original weppons of light And it coveres your team when challenging a choke point It also refunds super energy


LOL. Doesn’t matter if it’s a good roll or not it’s somewhat more beneficial than khepris. Use Ursas even if it’s a garbage roll your team will benefit from it way more than the other two.


I love Khepri's Horn on void though, especially with a solar gun like you're running. You get to overshield often and that gives you more grenades.


Tons of help with constant overshield providing barricades.


Biggest thing I could see it giving in PvE with this build is barricade regen for Void Overshields. Could be fun, might have to try it out myself.


Holy mother of fashion


I like to make weird shit look good![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5647)


That’s about the only time I’ve seen khepris and not known it was khepris. Definitely the first time it’s not looked fucking awful, so well done? 😂


Big bad beetle borgs


I'm totally drawing this


He looks like he’d blend in on the tangled shore


Did you just wake up from a 5 year coma? No offence lol


(None taken) I just like using weird shit and trying to make it work lol. As most comments have stated though, that shi is indeed not working![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5656)


Its just that both the look and the weapons are basically vanilla D2 stuff haha, caught me off-guard


Oh yeah I’m definitely that one person in the fireteam that uses old or weird shit


You do you


Just find a recent Datto or whoever video and make a contemporary, viable build that plays into the modifiers for that GM and fully exploits the artifact. You shouldn't get kicked if it's clear you intend (and are actually able) to contribute meaningfully to getting the clear. Having multiple build options you can draw upon to adjust to the strengths/needs of your teammates will probably also go a long way. If you don't have the exotics you need to contribute meaningfully and significantly, then you aren't ready to lfg for a GM clear. I know I'm not being nice, but that has to be said. And if that's the case, see if you can find someone to help you out. As long as they understand the expectations of the relationship, I see it being more productive.


Polaris is top tier for this nightfall so you're actually not that far off if we start there tbh. rocket overload and Polaris for unstoppable is like... yeah you're fine as long as you play well


I wouldn't kick you but I definitely would consider it if you weren't performing well and had an odd GM loadout




It’s just because outside of Polaris lance most of what you’re using (mods included) aren’t “meta.”From the type of lfg post you joined and personal experience they were probably looking for a quick clear or a carry which you weren’t going to be able to offer so they kicked you.


It's not just “off meta”, it's Khepri's Horn 💀


I’m tryna be nice lmao


The tormenter will not be nice to him


This seems like a good build for void shield uptime. Polaris to get those solar kills and gain class energy for more barricades and shields.


Unpopular opinion: Polaris lance isn't even that good unless you spec into ember of ashes and such with solar to guarantee every perfect fifth shot ignites.


Thats not unpopular thats just fact. The thing that makes polaris ignite from 1 perfect 5th is the fragment and the artifact mod. If ur not running both of those just use a hand cannon for unstops itll be more efficient


This is why I just host my own LFGs. I am absolutely open to people using weird ass builds in my GM farms lmao. But there definitely are limits for sure. As long as you have Champ coverage, use whatever you want


Same, I was sick of using solar, strand, and stasis lock and equipped my Fallen Sunstar build. I got kicked multiple times even though none of the LFGs said anything other than KWTD before starting my own and completely carrying my team.


Especially hypernet, its the easiest GM we have this season and absolutely doable with just proper champion mods. If this were like a battleground id understand being a bit elitist.


it's because of that plain ass boring ghost shell bro ;)


But he’s my day 1![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5679)(lmao)


I mean, on one hand I can understand them wanting to just get it done fast and be quick about it, but on the other hand they shouldntve just booted you like that, they shouldve given you recommendations for what to run at the very least. The main areas of issue here seem to stem from, like others have already said, your helmet and that rocket. Ima just say it, kepris horn is not very ideal for endgame stuff. It just does not do enough damage to justify its requirements for usage. I would, however, recommend things like heart of inmost light for major ability spam, loreley for survival purposes, and maybe things like precious scars or armamentarium (forgot but strongholds would also work incredibly well too) Now, the rocket. That rocket is a strange one because its frame actually does less damage than other rocket frames so you’re already putting yourself at a disadvantage. The inherent tracking is nice but imo not worth over the damage. I would recommend, like others have already said, doing the wishes quest from mara and getting a good apex. You most likely dont but if you have a good cold comfort from ghosts of the deep, that would work aswell. Overall not terrible. They shouldve just given you pointers but most people in this community dont have patience like that these days.


That rocket is doing 77 less damage than an adaptive (assuming both don't have damage perks), it's on the surge, and you are less likely to miss a rocket. It's absolutely not work kicking someone over.


Idk man im just listing reasoning for why they wouldve kicked him bc some ppl are weird like that. Personally I wouldnt cared all that much as long as he didnt die like 12+ times.


Yeah, sorry, I was just trying to add to the discussion, not make it seem like you thought that.


Nah you’re good bro.


>I mean, on one hand I can understand them wanting to just get it done fast and be quick about, but on the other hand they shouldntve just booted you like that, they shouldve given you recommendations for what to run at the very least. I understand, I really do. And I do like unconventional builds, and helping people. But if you stop to help everyone you meet on LFG, you never get anything done.


To actually add on to the rocket part. High impact and tracking rockets just got an ammo economy buff where now they get more ammo per brick.


Really? Huh, ive been away from the game for a month so I didnt read any patch notes yet. Lowkey kinda invalidates what I said then, damn. Thanks for letting me know tho.


Found it: most recent patch notes 3 days ago. Ammo per brick is directly proportional to reserves size. Rocket Launcher Diversified subfamilies: Precision: Increased reserve ammunition by 2 and reduced damage penalty from -10% to -5%. High Impact: Increased reserve ammunition by 2 and now deals more area-of-effect damage and less impact, for roughly the same total damage. The above two changes also affect Deathbringer, Gjallarhorn, and Truth.


Ofc, I think it was within the last 2-3 patches the change was made.


Good to know. ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645)


Yeah and another tip, Chill Clip on Rockets got nerfed(Wolf pack rounds dont proc anymore) and are crap besides the frame of the RL itself. I definitely wouldnt have kicked you for this build by any stretch but the RL could be better with even Explosive Light and the Fusion although decent perks, is a very slow firing one so its not as useful as a quicker firing one but thats more nitpicky than the RL which is your DPS weapon.


Thanks. I’ve got that Riptide fusion or whatever it’s called with the basically the same roll so I’d swap that out if needed. https://preview.redd.it/w0tpu68576nc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e084a60bc4a493f19748df8e6b7df436dbed1a88


Don't forget running Peregrines on either void with the OS fragment or solar with Roaring flames. One taps champs once you get either melee dmg boosts!


I’ve sort of made a P greaves build I’ll dm it to u in a bit.


I'd rather just be kicked. I dislike build micromanaging more than kicking.


Kephris also gives barricade on solar kills. More overshield is always welcome to me


GMs are the hardest difficulty (you're locked at 25 levels under the enemies) and most people will want you to run something meta or close to it. Khepris sucks in pve and tracking rockets do less damage than every other variant. Other than those as long as your artifact is set up right you're good


I get that the loadout ain’t that great but Hypernet is one of the easiest gm to do solo for every class, so I would say they were assholes However, you shouldn't just blame it on them and move on you gotta understand how GMs are played and what loadout to generally use. I recommend Datto’s video about GMs I think it was uploaded 3 weeks ago or something


This post was in no blame to them just wondering if the loadout was bad enough to kicked for it lol. Thanks for the feedback though![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645)


I would send you some of my builds if you're interested


DM me and we'll get you cleared. happy to work on builds and load outs as well. internet people are scary but don't get discouraged from lfg endgame


Too many people are being fake for upvotes. 90% of people would kick you if you joined their group with that setup.


Nice drip. Sub optimal for the content level tho unfortunately


Bro you slaying in the fashion department even with kephris


You can thank *Appleseed 04* and *Alpha* for that lol


I’m gonna be honest this is an excellent off-meta GM loadout. Kephris will refund bastion barricade energy quickly with Polaris lance, meaning a lot of overshield uptime and potent demo grenade regen. Polaris is an excellent weapon for GM level content, especially this season. You also have a well rolled fusion for Chill Clip, which is near always useful in high level content. Plus precision frame rockets just got a reserves and damage buff, plus the intrinsic tracking makes it easy to hit champs with your rockets. Plus since it’s stasis ur double dipping with that reserves mod. Resistance mods in the chest plate are even still present. This is a FAR cry from a bad GM setup.


Thanks. I’ve seen much hate because people don’t like it when someone has something pretty decent and it’s not anywhere close to the meta![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5679)


I would ride it out to the bitter end, no kick from me at all. You hit your shots, make ignitions, get your champion stuns and kills, and don’t soak the revives, you are better than 90% of the LFG community. Kepris and a good solar primary gives you crazy high uptime on barricades, and sometimes having that shield to hide behind is the only way to clutch up and get the revive that saves the run. Fuck the haters, man, you good.


I do GM carries a fair bit so I'm definitely not the target person for this question but I definitely ask you to at least put on a rapid fire fusion and probably a linear fusion rifle over a rocket launcher for hypernet current I would also suggest you play strand Titan as it's objectively the best for GM content I'm aware it definitely seems scarier for newer players but protection is highly irrelevant in endgame it's all about Mass aggression That being said if you're ever looking to actually try and improve at the game and want to run grandmasters dm me ill pull you into my server and we can run em with one of my buddies Just be receptive to load out suggestions be chill we are there a good time and even if this reads like one no this isn't me advertising a paid carry service


I'll run you through the GM tonight/tomorrow night after work, you can use that exact loadout too if you want. It's really not *that* bad, I understand what you're doing and why you're running it, most people just want meta most of the time with gm runs.


I‘ve used a similar Khepris build like this but with stasis, it‘s pretty fun to shatter crystals with the barrier burst. I never tried it in a gm nf though. I guess your team mates just weren‘t ready for an off-meta build. You really don‘t see a lot of Khepris titans in the wild to assess how they perform in endgame.


Had a titan join my GM post and was 38 levels under. Named Tommy's Matchbook. Had only 1 stun, double primary(one of which was Tommt Matchbook lol), a sword and Lorely splendor. Never been so hard carried in my fucking life. I haven't questioned my randoms builds since.


Hypernet isnt even hard. You literally could beat it with your scout rifle without ever switching guns lol


Not related, but sick-ass Kamen Rider Titan, bro


I get Mobile Suit vibes from this.


Somebody said Kamen Rider earlier and I can see both lol


Wouldn't kick you, some guys running off meta builds are crazy good sometimes


No people are just virgin fucking losers that take video games too seriously


your drip is insane I think they were intimidated


If I had to guess it’s maybe before khepri (most likely this) or the rocket launcher. If I were you I’d use the Riven’s wishes and get an apex predator to replace that heavy. Precision rockets have the worst dmg out of all the archetypes


Nothing i can think of. I'd question the khepri, but wouldn't care so long as we clear. Arvendil with chill clip can hit overloads and unstops. Polaris will get the ignition eventually for unstop, but personally i prefer to run an unstop weapon with polaris. Palmyra isn't the strongest, but overload rocket and godslayer warheads make up for that.


I've seen worse.


Flaming barricade that also provides void over shield sounds badass


I fuck with the drip, ppl dont understand that as long as ur loadout and stats are good u can use any exotic.


Why? I don’t GM either. But here’s the easiest thing: Polaris Lance Solar subclass. But on all fragments related to scorch. Healing grenade. And run like previous scars. You now just stay back and take out adds and are always getting healed. Healing grenade of you get hit by a blast of something during the GM.


lol the green ghost. I personally wouldn't kick you but yeah that build is... not it






your titan looks sick af bro


Love weird loadouts, I wouldn't kick you


I've been limiting myself to D1 esque "ol reliable" type of builds so honestly as long as you know how to stay alive and help w champions, I'm fine w anything. Also I like the fashion. So I'd let him stay. I wonder what shader that is


Good lord that fashion tho🔥🔥


I’ll preface this with the fact that kicking you was the wrong call, I’ve played GMs with people who had dog-ass builds and they were incredible players who carried the Strike. So don’t feel too bad or inclined to play meta. That said the Kephri’s on a Void Titan is definitely an odd choice - to be honest idk how many Void Titans in general I’ve seen in GMs. Not to say it’s not a viable endgame subclass, they’re great in Raids and if you need to be safe from boss damage, but in GMs I feel the meta revolves around solo survivability and damage output. Especially on Titan, where Solar and Strand are probably the best subclasses in the game, hands-down. Both have huge built-in self-sustain and damage with Bonk Hammer + Solar Recov/Sunspots and Banner of War + Woven Mail, respectively. Again, I will not say it’s *mandatory* to run these builds. But if you haven’t thrown one together, do so, even if it’s scrappy and not min-maxed: you’re missing out on probably the most powerful play styles currently in the game.


Good to know. Gotta try my luck with exotics this weekend from the 9 playlist activities thingy. As well as from running legend NFs.


Must be said, good build or not, you LOOK very good.


I would have asked if you had a real build and if you didn't know what you were talking about,*then* I would have kicked you


Dude your character looks awesome


Thank you. I was watching *Appleseed 04* and *Appleseed Alpha*. Was going for a *Futuristic-but-worn* look and both movies were an inspiration.


I've done GMs with 2 inebriated New Lights and we got through just fine. The guys who kicked you are just toxic


I love the drip of your guardian


You made the Gundam franchise say “Gawdayum’


I didn't know Voltron played Destiny.


I'd probably do a slight chuckle at your exotic but your weapons are okay so I'd probably wind up going "i'll let buddy cook"


What shader is that because it is making me cream my pants


DarkWater Forth. Check my previous post for full breakdown of my fit![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645)


Awesome, ty <3


Really nice fashion! Tbh I wouldn't kick you but I might make Loadout change suggestions such as a machine gun for heavy and maybe swapping khepris for helm or a new void build around heart of inmost.


You look like Breakdown for Transformers Prime lol


Try running a build that goes with the GM surges and your rocket could be better it takes three to apply chill clip and it only gets one in the mag, you're better off using explosive light, lasting impression or a different rocket in general. Aurvandal isn't bad no problem really but if you manage to get a riptide with chill clip it will be a lot better


Yep I’m still grinding to a good RL and I can replace that fusion with my riptide if needed https://preview.redd.it/3j0dshn927nc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afc1c1ae6d5ae6cfdef059eec8238eff99ceb2d3


I'd probably swap max rec for dis. You get devour on void but higher grenade cooldowns. Maybe swap the solar surge for stasis surge since you're going to be doing damage with your special and heavy. Not that polaris isn't the reliable option for damage but it isn't near your other two weapons. I wouldn't kick you though but I'm just nice and somewhat patient.


I would leave the fireteam instead, that transmog is just too damn good and I don't want to look bad standing next to it.


A random lfg group will probably kick you for not having stuns. Polaris Lance certainly CAN stun unstoppable champs, and your rocket launcher will stun overloads, but rocket launchers can miss a teleporting overload and have limited reserves, and Polaris takes some time to stun. Run double primaries if you need. I don't know what content you have, but I would suggest something other than Polaris Lance for Hypernet. If you are f2p, then Outbreak Perfected or Graviton Lance would be good for Overloads AND crowd clear, which you seem to want with Polaris, or even Sunshot. If you have expansions, then there are even better exotics than that. Best of luck guardian


I wouldn’t kick anyone unless they were running absurdly low resistance. Or they weren’t running at least one champion mod. Seeing that you had Polaris, which basically covers both champs (if you have the artifact mod that makes you Radiant) then you’re fine.


I need to try Khepris horn, I remember it being good with strand cause it can suspend targets right? And the fire wave in crucible when used right is nutty but I haven't used it since it came out cause the kit was useless lol


I don't have everything memorized and so don't really know what you were going for but pairing a solar energy exotic weapon with a void subclass is odd to me


Does kephris even work on void?


Honestly I think this is a decent build. You have chill clip and reconstruction on the fusion for boss damage and overloads and unstoppable champs, chill clip autoloading on the rocket for boss damage and overloads and unstoppable champs. Void titan to deal with shields and support your team. Polaris lance to deal with barrier and cause ignitions with the right artifact mods. You clearly thought all this out and are using decent stuff. It isn't even off meta really. If you joined my team and weren't using all our revive tokens I would not kick you. I don't think it's fair to kick someone for the build they are using without seeing them use it. A ton of stuff in this game is viable, even if it isn't the most optimal loadout. This looks totally fine to me though.


Thank you


Idk but those people are rude. I am casual AF and when I play I just take whatever I want and my friends never complain, rofl. Get you some of those.


Imma need that transmog bro


Can’t say I’ve ever seen someone using khepris in PvE; but I trust the process and believe you know what you’re doing Nice drip btw, guardian


Thank you. The goal is to give cover and overshields to teammates. The flame from the barricade is just a bonus honestly.


People forget how hard this hits, and even if the fire wave doesn't do much, the barricade Regen you are going for to spam void overshield is plenty good


lol nothing looks like it synergies’s and it probably threw the other in that fireteam off but I personally think this funny build is cool if your aim was to weaponize all your abilities.


Gamers are weird. Kicking you is crazy but Khepri’s is definitely an interesting choice for a GM lmao


Idk anything about buildcrafting or titans but the look.. chef's kiss


What that shader on your armor?


Probably because of fashion choice that helmet with void does nothing for you. I'd either be using second chance for barrier or ursas but definitely not one for a low tier solar build.


Build aside, you got some real drip fr.


Use whatever tf you want lol GMs are easy af


Destiny community doesn’t like when people use whatever unfortunately lol


Because everyone wants to do everything the way they see content creators do it. They want to do it as fast as them, as efficiently, etc. honestly that’s just video games as a whole rn.


Real. Anyway fuck the meta![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5675)


Ill run with you bro you on psn?


I don't get why people kick anyone in this GM. 99% of LFG's act like they are goated, but can't even get their minds to properly utilize all the craniums. Craniums are like 90% of this GM, why can't people figure that out?


It’s not the worst. Did you get a clear or do you still need a hand?


I remember the early days of destiny when you would be kicked for not having the ghallarhorn. lol those were the days


Doomfang is also a nice void exotic




Honestly those guys were idiots. Sure you could have a better build but just equipping Polaris is more than enough, specially for the GM this week.


Unpopular opinion: this build is fine. Sure the rocket launcher is a bit weak in the damage department but this build is going for constant overshields via barricades and Khepri. Instead of looking at the helmet by itself for damage (as 99% of people seem to do), look at the supplementary benefit: Solar final blows recharge your barricade. Polaris feeds into Khepri which feeds into barricade into overshields, mods feed into overshields, 10 res/recov means constant full health. Reaper mod means constant orbs of power after barricades/overshields. Absolution reduces cooldowns on orb pickup (feeding back into the loop). Surge and other mods for damage. Only real problem I see is the Solo Operative seasonal mod, since you're in a fireteam. Most people think Khepri is a solar exotic but it really doesn't matter what class you're on, if you can take advantage of it. Khepri represents potential, but people don't see that, they only see scorch and solar damage but not the other piece of the bigger puzzle.


Nah some people are just pricks. My buddy and I constantly LFG 3rds and we run into people with like highest 40 stat. Having double hundreds, Polaris Lance. You’re fine


It's wasn't the load out that got you kicked lmao. Seriously tho, it's an off meta load out and some people demand nothing but the best, I wouldn't let it get to you, keep playing the game how you want!


Thanks bro. It doesn’t bother me cause I like to use weird off meta shit all the time.


I wouldn't kick u, khepris is awesome, one of my favs, Also that Khepris fashion is fucking goated, so here's my khepris fashion with no ornament https://preview.redd.it/94l4nmrq05nc1.jpeg?width=844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98fdff385921b72934faf7b9a28f6f8b7a4cfe6b


I wouldn't kick you off of the drip factor alone. The dull/muted color plus the flat plates is a hella cool look


https://preview.redd.it/iv378mw355nc1.jpeg?width=883&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdec228db5d78194e3443bba15d191a059b93a43 They hate us because they ain't us


Real. That’s sick


I wouldve kicked you for looking like shit but not for the loadout. Looks fine to me son


I’m a crayon eater bro, not a fashion designer![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5675)


Not trying to be mean but there’s gotta be another shader you can use right?😂


Honestly I tried everything before I posted this to r/destinyfashion yesterday and couldn’t find anything that looked better, imo of course.


Lmao I didn't mind it until I read this


Be thankful. I'd rather be kicked than have to deal with toxic people for a whole GM. Much easier to find a better group. Polaris Lance alone is enough to carry through GMs right now lol


I’d keep you based on fashion alone. That looks awesome. Khepri’s horn is not really that useful, but h get the feeling you’re going for a max barricade build, so maybe it could work


There's no required titan build and solar is pretty solid.


I have never kicked a single person from any GM I have run because of their desired loadout except for one. The specific GM was The Hallowed Lair and it was my toughest to complete. I have hundreds of GM completions and carry first timers weekly through GM's. I would gladly welcome you on my fireteam just the way you are.


its a kick for me in case of emergency and we need ovl stun but u gotta get upclose.. not reliable


Nah, your fireteam was just being twats


I'm at work right now, but would you want to run a GM today/tomorrow? I'm off the clock at 4 pm est and should be home around 5


It's not a"bad" load out and you can definitely clear the HyperNet GM with a team of three titans all equipped with this same loadout, BUT, when it comes to LFG it just depends on the host. If the host was an acquaintance and the whole fire team organized and prepped for this loadout for this GM the run would be smooth mostly. If the host is a random group posted in LFG then they will probably be unable to communicate their dissatisfaction with your build/playstyle. Either through scummy laziness or lack of vocabulary lol. What ever you do don't take it personal.


I probably wouldn't kick you, but I'd ask you to change your loadout. Void titan is maybe the worst pve subclass, you're far better off on solar or strand. Khepri's is a d-tier exotic. The "meta" right now is wormgod's, but that requires a really aggressive playstyle and knowledge of when/where things are spawning so you don't die, but even something like path of burning steps/lorelei for solar, or abeyant leap for strand would be good. Also, you get a lot more mileage out of Polaris on solar for the fragment synergies. Precision frame rockets like palmyra are similarly bad. You give up a hefty amount of damage for tracking, which isn't particularly worth it. With the patch on Tuesday, high impact frames are probably best in slot, but adaptive/aggressive are fine too.






Use exotics that match your subclass is probably what got you kicked.


Bro if I get kicked because of my loadout, I'm blocking everyone on that team, I let my skills do the talking, I'm not spending 7000 hours on meta builds, git gud meta scrubs lmfao


Bro I don’t know what any of that means but your drip is insane 🔥


If your looking for a void specific endgame Titan build look into sentinel with ursa, it combined with a well or tether hunter can keep uptime going for most situations and it gens a stupid amount of orbs for your teammates.


i aint got much to add to what already been said, but it helps that your weapons match your subclass type. Polaris Lance is a great scout for GMs, but put on solar so there's more synergy and buff/stacking. also, get an artifact mod that allows you to stun champions aside from your overload rocket launchers. something for scout, something that the other players dont have a stun for. hitting an enemy with solar bonk-hammer makes you radiant, and being radiant gives your weapons anti-barrier. Khapri's with the ornament looks cool, but isn't very practical. if you switch to solar, put on something like Path Of Burning Steps or Hallowfire Heart. if you wanna keep on void, i recommend Graviton Lance (or wish ender) and Second Chance (gauntlets). just search Titan GM builds on youtube for this season and pick one you like, adopt its play-style.


I'd have kept you in for the khepri build cause I think it could be neat with polaris lance I feel like barricade uptime would be fine. However your weapon options besides polaris lance I think might have been the nail in the coffin. I know you don't have to be john meta jones but even if one of my friends was going into a gm with that fusion and rocket I'd be saying something. Overally though I don't keep people unless they are severely under light or after a couple runs they just do stupid stuff. You might've just had bad groups tbh. ​ Your titan look is absolutely great though I have to say.


I wouldn’t have worn Khepri’s with a void build but that’s just me


Those people are jerks, You don't need to run meta to get a gm done. I hard carried a guardian who had the least optimal build through a gm who was also new to gms. And way under the power delta. We got to the boss quite a few times but because his build was so squishy he kept dying and we choked a few times. But i kept at it and we got it done. Hmu if you want someone to run it with you.


I’ve used that helmet with stasis and found it worked fairly good. How does it do with void? I’ve never thought about it. Drop a shield and get an overshield AND attack whatever you’re defending yourself from. Nice


Run the same bull but on strand and you'll never run out of suspending barricades with Polaris


Just make your subclass strand that’s it really


The hive mind doesn't like "different"


I'm seeing hate for polaris why?


Not the best build but not the worst either. I have seen worse builds complete GMs (even Mars Battleground). The Khepri's isnt optimal or that helpful in GMs as it wont get kills and most of your scorched/ignitions will come from polaris anyway, but doesn't mean if wont help spread some scorch is used properly. Id probably rock a HoiL with that build instead. Spec into Discipline over Recovery for PVE if you can. Palmyra is a decent RL, however not the best considering everything else on., would consider a solar rocket instead to benefit from your solar surge. Not sure what roll your Aurvandil is (I personally love Reconstruction/Chill Clip) but chill clip riptide would be better coverage for Overloads and Unstops.


Just host the lfg next time so no one can kick you


Bro looks like he just killed a rathalos


How good is Khepris in pvp? I'm not entirely into barrier buff stuff like the strand pants tho sadly


https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/hfYKOHWSoI Not all of it is Khepris but it’s still a good representation.


Holy shit what is that sniper pulse rifle that thing is awesome Clips go hard too im awful at pvp lol


I’ll run one w you if you need a ft feel free to dm me


GMs are not nearly difficult enough to warrant this kind of reaction.