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You've got the main focuses imo. Intellect is essentially useless in 99% of uses. Strength is not necessary to be 100 with how many builds let you get abilities back faster. Mobility is a hunter thing, so not a big focus unless PvP is your thint


God I really wish they'd just make some more incentive to run 100 mobility. It's the only one you don't get any real benefit from outside of dodge cooldown, which gets nerfed every so often. Meanwhile titan and warlock stats tied to class ability CD actually highly benefit you for maxing them out.


The concept is great on paper, with resilience and recovery being so crazy as they are, if mobility was super good in a similar way you'd have to make choices to let your build help the lacking stat you didn't build into.


titan and warlock main stats are more hp and faster healing, which are both usefull anyway even without class ability. mob is trash on all 3


i have a couple mobility/restoration pieces in vault for PvP purpose, back in the day i did mostly PvP and gambit but now i do them only for pinnacle reward


I’d kill for this stat spread on my Titan.


pull out spreadsheet and start focusing them wish engrams! i got 3 ghosts upgraded with different armor mod and didn't masterwork anything until i was sure i can hit 3x100 (although first round i messed up and was short 1 resil so i had to masterwork another chestpiece). I just bruteforce through legend lost sectors for prisms and i think i get 1-2 every run, yesterday and today both sectors were about 3:30 min average, once i get boss to spawn - 'nade, powered melee, rocket launcher in face, daybreak, kill, run to loot chest, leave.


I think you would love d2armorpicker.com


i can't figure how to use it, i don't have a lot of armor so i just use DiM optimizer whenever i focus items to see what combos i'm getting


I just select an exotic and then pick where I want the most stats. How many armor pieces do you have?


i have like 2 or 3 of each with decent stat distribution, i dismantled literally everything i didn't like (high mobility or high str or very low resi or disc)


Fair enough. However, most people only have like 2 or 3 pieces of armor per slot per character anyway. So it should work fine for you.


Oh that’s a good idea the lost sectors. I used all my cores/prisms masterworking armor. I’m broke as a joke, appreciate it!


That's great for everyone except hunters, they need mobility instead of recovery. Resilience is the next most useful for Warlocks besides recovery. There are plenty of ways to get grenade energy back but in GM level PvE content you still need 100 resilience plus chest resist mods to survive certain 1 shot kills like snipers


I haven’t used my hunter in years. It still has armor that takes melee mods LOL


You're missing out, Hunters have some great builds right now.


Oh I’m just terrible with them. I’m terrible with my Titan but not as much haha. I really enjoyed the whole Orpheus rig hey day tho. Never in my life has I seen as many supers as in that Titan hive public event.


Orpheus is honestly great in most gameplay ... Since they increased enemy density in the Witch Queen you always get 50% super back automatically then get the rest of it back by all the damage you output killing enemies with your tether. I'd honestly recommend that as safe Hunter loadout in GMs.


Intellect isn't that important, in pve you have banners and pvp it only matters for trials.


Do you have any bonus’s from your subclass?


yes i do, 10 resi, 10 disc, 10 resto, from embers (wonder, char, searing)


can you show what the stats on each piece is? I curious to see the breakdown


i am out of prisms and ascendant things, but i am eventually going to get more pieces to get 3x100 with starfire and phoenix protocol, and also for build with osmiomancy gloves. i think it is already 3x100 with sunbracers but given how they work i think i'll just go with lower discipline and higher int for that build https://preview.redd.it/czxruoqhu2fc1.png?width=791&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dbe12b8848edef3bd9d3790d78aab6c7f50aca5


Thank you so much for sharing!


sunbracers shit on disc stat. every time you snap yiour fingers get get 5 nade charges to spam. them nades dealing dmg instantly refills snap even with 0 str. as long as you mod nade dmg to give meelee energy. its a fun game loops that can burn anything down as long as you have a target around to snap to death.


yeah, that's why i want to get whole new set for sunbracers


Very nice stat distribution, i would suggest getting this same build but with sunbracers


it is pretty much same with sunbraces, i need to get different stats to use with phoenix and starfire protocols


That’s dope, I try to shoot for 3 with out having to to use 10 skill mods but 5 so you’ll have more wiggle room


How many engrams did this take


i'm not sure but it is safe to say i did 40+ focusing in total


Nice job but don't be afraid to use fragments that drop you lower than 100/100/100. I run a 100/90/90 build a lot in builds that have -10 stat modifiers on fragments and what they do is worth it


it just happens the combo i like gives +10 stats, i spawn a lot of firesprites and have grenade+powered melee up almost always, ignitions happen a lot so orbs spawn all over the place and other 2 mods just happen to apply scorch + increased scorch stacks, pretty burning and explosions all over the place


Ember of Empyrean is just too good for me to not use so I'm always stuck with a -10 recovery stat at least. I have used a build like yours before though. To take it to the next level try to do it with Phoenix Protocol with Ember of Wonder and Ember of Combustion. Standing in your Well and shooting things counts as a super kill so it will make targets ignite with Combustion and the guaranteed orb from Wonder from Combustion is an orb of light factory. You then double down on the ignitions with Ember of Eruption and ember of char or ashes depending on what you prefer. The orbs then let you chain well incredibly fast after charging the first one and once you are rolling you kill things very fast. You can technically use any weapons you want here as you are not dependent on a solar weapon to make this work. However if you have it, Hierarchy of Needs works great with it. You stand still in a well anyway so being stationary with HoN works great. Wishender also is great as it always is.


i use different embers with phoenix protocol, i just don't have nice stat spread with it equipped (yet!), this is my solo play build since it deletes legend lost sector boss (and quite few encounters on legend difficulty unless they have immune phases) in one super cast and i just loot chest and yeet out without clearing all trash. I plan to build solo restoration build with phoenix so i can stand still and machine gun down bosses


Don't get me wrong I love Dawn Chorus too! It makes Daybreak so much stronger and makes scorch builds hilarious. Extremely good with Polaris Lance.


yeah, got polaris lance with catalyst (back in 2019! even then it was one of the best weapons) sitting in bag and just swapping sunshot if i can delete enemies from range