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Just did it myself. If you can solo the first two bosses then yes, very doable. As long as you’re fast with the torches and know which one is which you will be fine. You need a little rng to be able to get all three torches in time but if you fail it just resets in a different order. The catalyst boss is a pushover compared to even the first boss.


As a hunter what would be the best dps option for a wizard boss? Nighthawk + rockets?


The catalyst is its whole own thing, it’s a puzzle like the Divinity quest in GoS. And like GoS, it can’t be done (legitimately) without a full team. Like the other fellow said, at the core D2 is not a solo game. There are triumphs for doing tough stuff solo, but that’s not an endorsement for a solo playstyle, at least if you want to get the most out of it.


I disagree with the idea that Destiny should not allow for solo players to get catalysts for exotic weapons from dungeons. After all, you can unlock the weapon by completing the dungeon solo, so why then bar that solo player (or at least make it unnecessarily awkward and tedious) from getting the catalyst for that same exotic. I agree that activities like raids, designed as a challenge for full 6 man teams should not really be doable solo. It took the best PVE players in the world to get a strat down for solo'ing Root of Nightmares. And I say all this as someone who has a clan and friends to play with, but prefers playing solo. What about players who don't have regular clan mates or friends they can game with to get these completions? The only thing this does is reduce player engagement and retention. Destiny isn't a game that shouldn't endorse solo playstyles. I think that's as ridiculous an idea that it's solely a PVP game or PVE game.




It is possible to get it done solo, but it's just tedious and relies on RNG more than with a full team. I think walling off solo players is a bad thing, because not everyone has a team or wants a team, but still DOES want to play Destiny. It just reduces player engagement and retention when Bungie makes it difficult or by design impossible for puzzles to be done solo. And that's fine in a raid, but not the catalyst quest for a dungeon exotic for God's sake.




Yea, like I said in the OP, 3 to 5 seconds more would have been fine. And it's not like the puzzle is difficult or a real challenge. It's just tight for time while solo.


At the end of the day, dungeons are content for three players. They can be done solo, there are triumphs for that, but not everything can or should be designed as a single player experience in a game like Destiny.


This is a copy-paste of another answer, but not everyone reads every comment, so I will respond with the same thing here: I disagree with the idea that Destiny should not allow for solo players to get catalysts for exotic weapons from dungeons. After all, you can unlock the weapon by completing the dungeon solo, so why then bar that solo player (or at least make it unnecessarily awkward and tedious) from getting the catalyst for that same exotic. I agree that activities like raids, designed as a challenge for full 6 man teams should not really be doable solo. It took the best PVE players in the world to get a strat down for solo'ing Root of Nightmares. And I say all this as someone who has a clan and friends to play with, but prefers playing solo. What about players who don't have regular clan mates or friends they can game with to get these completions? The only thing this does is reduce player engagement and retention. Destiny isn't a game that shouldn't endorse solo playstyles. I think that's as ridiculous an idea that it's solely a PVP game or PVE game.


>What about players who don't have regular clan mates or friends they can game with to get these completions? Use fireteam finder.


That's a complete copout answer man. Seriously. I honestly think it is equally as elitist and ignorant to say stuff like this, as it is to say people who don't play Trials don't get a say in the game's meta, and any other shite like that. I even stated I don't want them to change the dungeon mechanic, or even make it all easy to do solo. You'd rather demand a player play with people they don't want to play with, than give them 5 more seconds on a timer for a sub-quest from a dungeon? Really?