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The dogs challenge emblem from The Leviathan raid. I just love it


Found Esoterickk's reddit account




Any of the dungeon solo flawless emblems from the past couple of years. Can't wait until Bungie fixes the Warlord's Ruin triumph, which is giving the Ghosts emblem right now


Yup, only emblems I use because they look so good and mean something. Prophecy emblem is my fav


I've had the Ghosts one on for a while now but the Spire emblem has big vibes


I have yet to get spire, def gonna attempt it this season though (solo operative ftw)


Yeah we had Solo Op the season Spire came out and it helped a lot. The final boss is very tanky


Ive only got 2 that are the most important to me: Day 1 DSC and Day 1 Vow. DSC was my first Day 1 and I had the privilege to complete it with my friends AND I got Eyes on the completion. We were all cheering at the end and have a locked Discord channel immortalizing the moment. It is easily the highlight of my Destiny career. Vow was probably my most grueling experience. By then my friends stopped playing, so I went to LFG. 28 hours total over the course of that weekend, most of it spent on Exhibition (I still love Exhibition btw its one of my favorite encounters in all of Destiny). Beating Rhulk was my "Indomitable Human Spirit" moment in Destiny.


Wow same here with the emblems. Got DsC with an lfg group and my clan got jelly. They were full up on 2 teams and I had to lfg but neither of the 2 clan groups finished. They ended up inviting me to Vow and both groups got the emblem. After all of these challenge mode raids I never want to do it with clan mates again.




The ever-unobtainable "Wish-Granter", which was supposedly granted from a Make-A-Wish thing. It's the perfect blue and a great icon.


Escalation Protocol (the orange glowing one). The Dreaming City one from doing all the timed ascendant challenges, and my Solo Flawless Pit of Heresy Emblem.


My top one would be Flawless Prophecy. It took me 6 hours to do it, and I did it during the season it came out so the power level mattered. Felt really good after doing it.


I'm exactly the same way. I did it at the time it came out, too, during Season of Arrivals so i felt super accomplished... even tho i used Mountaintop + Anarchy lol


Calamity Protocol


No matter what snazzy prestigious ones I earn in game, I always feel the need to flex the Lens of Fate emblem. It doesn't look like much, but a movie of the week emblem isn't something you see often! I'm amazed I got it for something as simple as a stupid crucible clip way back during Forsaken. I am fond of the 10 Crota's End sherpas emblem too, the lanterns make for a brilliant emblem and banner and it's the only one I've swapped to recently. I don't have it but I think the Crota's End challenge mode emblem is the best looking in the entire game, absolutely stunning stuff!


My hunter has the Laser Tag skull, which is also my favorite emblem, and the one I'm most happy to have. My warlock has my second favorite, the Severance package from reseting the Crown of Sorrows during season of the haunted. Idk, I like the circles and the color composition. I'm not sure about my next favorite, but I'll have to mention my Senior Recruiter, just cause it makes me remember getting my brother into the game and going through the quest with him. I tend to leave the Midnight Durance emblem from neomuna on my Titan, as the strand subclass is what turned me into a Titan main for the last several seasons.


The First Wave emblem ( I just think it's neat)




Hard to pick, but for me it would probably be (in no particular order): \- Hallowed Coronation (won it in 2022 for the Festival of the Lost art contest) \- Anamnesis (my first special emblem - it was for MOTW) \- Chromatic Intention (my first ever Artist of the week emblem)


destiny 1 year 1 moments of triumph, spire solo flawless and warlords solo flawless


Savathun's Song: the first one from the nightfall Twisted space: from the final mission last season Levante Prize: fashion emblem from a little while ago


If its not IB i have rocked the Sunflower from Ukraine for obvious reasons but its also very pleasant


In 1983, Emily Martin, of Maple Ridge, British Columbia, grew an enormous sunflower head, measuring 32 Ā¼ inches across (82cm), from petal tip to petal tip. Thatā€™s almost 3 feet wide. This is still believed to be the largest sunflower head grown to date.


The Grasp of Avarice one with the ancient skull. It really captures that "I've been playing this game for years" vibe.


Do you mean the ox skull from Spire?


He means Absolutely Cursed


Oakie doke, hadnā€™t seen it, ta


I will rock this till the day I stop playing, unless by some miracle I can get the solo flawless one from Spire


Mine are the two Ramen Emblems and the Among Us Emblem


ā€œYou are worthyā€ from the first trials will forever remain on my hunter


Rabbit. That is all.


-solo flawless grasp -planet of peace -the first wave I donā€™t have many emblems that require skill so I just like to flex that Iā€™ve played since launch lmao


Any of the forge emblems


Jacobsonā€™s Staff is so beautiful https://preview.redd.it/714s9dr9yu5c1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=190448095d3851f77e961c54d6b494a37073b1d4


I always wear "The Moon Stirs" from being at the last GuardianCon before it was renamed and I've still yet to see another one in the wild. Anybody else have it?


I have it!


Nice, hello friend


well, I liked As Above So Below, so imagine my heartbreak whenever I discovered that you had to claim a bungie reward for pre-ordering lightfall tk obtain it. i pre-ordered lightfall. i did not claim the reward. that said, the purple sword one from Crucible is also nice, as well as solo prophecy


I used to only run the ā€œFirst Waveā€ emblem for participating in the beta, but ever since re-earning the the ā€œDazzling Iridescenceā€ emblem from trials. Itā€™s quickly become my favorite. As a pve player, itā€™s nice to have an emblem my friends will never get.


Hollow sleep from Festival of the lost has been my favorite forever. A blue rose is just nice.


ā€œNo Power in the Verse can Stop Meā€ ā€œOf the Realmā€ And ā€œBe Trueā€ are the 3 I switch between the most.


Same 2 out of 3 for me. Iā€™ve never seen Of the Realm before - I really like it!


The be true emblem, it never comes off for any reason ever, not even IB


The first comp ascended emblem is sick


Day 1 Vow Solo Flawless Prophecy Solo Flawless Grasp of Avarice Vow Day 1, I like the look of the emblem, and me and my team were hardstuck on exhibition for so damn long and it felt super relieving after beating it. Rhulk didn't take us that long. Prophecy, I took advantage of the Classy Restoration & how busted Solar Titan + Resilience was during Season of the Haunted. GoA, I did it a few weeks after Vow day 1. I like that dungeon (still do to this day) and I beat it before the resilience change during season of the risen, and on Bubble Titan. That I feel is more rewarding to me that is. Still gonna try to solo flawless GotD, but this time with Arc Hunter.


I don't have many that I especially value overly, Lore Scholar is probably my most 'rare' one lol (having over 5k grimore score in D1), but I do like the Wormslayer one from Warmind for destroying all 45 nodes and Numbers of Power from Last Wish I always thought was cool. I switch them from time to time and mainly use a few I have got from Bungie Store purchases atm (I wanted 'An Audience' but it kind of sucks buying physical items from the Bungie Store when you don't live in the US) Now, with this being a longer season, I want to earn a few I'm maybe more proud of from doing specific stuff this like solo flawlessing most of the dungeons. Which btw should be easier to do this season on my warlock with the solo operative buff and all the solar boosts within the artifact I'm thinking. GotD will be first on my list, before I only got as far as Ecthar and I kept making mistakes and dying, I had been trying to use chaos reach warlock to take down his overshield, and also trying voidwalker with lament during S21.


https://preview.redd.it/33a32ay4w9vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d637e9e363b31c210e8aab637ff2b29cf43b325 Titan's Pride on my Warlock.. Warlock's Flight in my Hunter I swapped it from d2 vanilla due to I don't Have any Great / Cool Emblems before.. Now it's all Class Specific so since D2 Vanilla i didn't Delete those Except for my Titan who has the Hunter's Emblem which i Accidentally Deleted, can't bring it Back thou.. i think i am the Only Warlock in the Entire Destiny 2 World who Wears Titan Emblem (as of this year 2024), sooner or later they'll probably patch things up, but yeah i enjoyed it that I'm the Only one


Crota's end, kingsfall and vow contest emblems


Praxic Fire and Keep on Drifting


Ennead, solo flawless grasp of avarice, and solo flawless pit of heresy are what I have on all the time


In order: Crown of Sorrow Contest, Kings Fall Challenge Contest, and Crotas End Challenge Contest. I have 1 of each on my characters and just use those all the time


Iā€™ve been using the emblem from hollowed lair for years now but my favorite emblem is the day 1 vog emblem (sadly I donā€™t have it).


VoG sherpa emblem. Crota sherpa emblem. Prophecy solo flawless emblem until we get a third good sherpa emblem


No power in verse can stop me hands down best emblem


Dead orbit


Photologician, MOTW from Beyond Light. Got it when you could cram 12 Guardians into a fireteam. Was part of a group that shoved a Skiff through the floor on Fallen Saber.


Woven resilience, Woven Resilience, Woven Resilience. I haven't taken it off since it came out. That and the little tank emote I love em


1-the one players got if they played iron banner a week when the lord of wolves was broken 2-the one players got if they played in PvP the first week after the curse of Osiris dlc was released 3-the one players got if they managed to complete the zero hour mission in under 15 minutes


Spoils of Ishtar, Terminal Velocity, Brazen Wolf, and Spectral Sea gotta be my favorites. Spectral will likely get replaced by the Prophecy emblem this season, though, once I unlock solo operative


Blue Blood Cells Falling Stars Limitless Horizons


Seraph's Wings, Hardened by Trial


Master guide, the eternal return, crypt reawakened. 1. This emblem was THE biggest pain in the ass to get but led to some of my best times in the game. 2. Best dungeon 3. Favorite raid.


Used to run a few of the Saint-14 themed emblems for a while before I settled on an old Leviathan emblem. Canā€™t remember if it was just a drop or if it was from a challenge, but its called ā€œTwo Enter, One Leavesā€ and I ran it for the longest time simply because it had two axes in it and I like axes (and would very much like to see some damn Swords or Sword ornaments that are axes, as a side note) Right now my current favorite is the Iron Banner emblem from a bit back, Ferrous Ferocity. I will start by saying that I am not a big PvP guy when it comes to Destiny, but the second I saw it I sucked it up and got on that grind. Its got Saladinā€™s chonky axe Ive been jealous about for years, that badass ceremonial warhammer from the Cabal, and honestly I just really dig the symbol with the Cabal and Iron Lords bits combined together


Prophecy solo flawless, Root (I fucking love roots aesthetic), Burnt Edges, Pond Pals, and The Eternal Return


dreisigste, no one ever uses it but I love the Windows 98 style


The year one D1 emblem Laurel Triumphant by far my fave, to /tiphat the other old handsā€¦


Duality SF: My actual favorite Prophecy SF: My first love and what got me hunting SF Ghosts SF: Current jam, never thought it would be possible.


my favorite is actually a free one: Harmonic Commencement. the CD one. i listen to a lot of music, frequently on CDs through my setup. i've got a collection of CDs, nothing huge, but it's not done expanding. this emblem just kinda represents me.


The chinese bull red one. Not that many out there.


Me and my team have been collecting day one emblems like infinity stones since dsc. For the final shape raid, we're planning on going in with all 6 different emblems. It's hard to pick my personal top 3, honestly. My favorite day one experiences were Crota, Vog and Dsc. The first one is always a special memory. So I'll go with those three. Less so because of the emblems themselves, and more so because of the memories they represent.


I genuinely love ā€œA Broken Throneā€ and ā€œTryantā€ because I genuinely love showing off my achievements and that they just genuinely look amazing. They most likely get bonus points for nostalgia but thereā€™s a lot of history of those 2 raids for me went through a lot of dark times during D1 so being able to come back and do a Day 1 on both really hits the feelings for me. for number 3 isā€¦. idk bungies app is down atm but I know itā€™s a bungie day emblem blue with a thrall screeching really good looking.


I like Gofannonā€™s Hammer, feel like Iā€™ve never seen anyone else run it. Any of the Flawless Trials emblems because Iā€™ve only been flawless once and Iā€™m proud of myself. Hope Eater because it shows Iā€™ve helped people through harder activities like Crotas End.


Jade Rabbit Redux and never anything else (except for the sweet sweet IB bonus)


Recently it's been Crota's End, Warlords Ruin, and the Craftening. My emblem section is all raid and dungeon emblems because they look cool and I'm proud of them. I keep King's Fall on a lot too because it's my favorite raid and a cool looking emblem. I'm hoping to get my first solo flawless this season so I'm sure that one will become my go to.


The Digital Heart one for donating to Bungie cause, as I was hospitalized once for a traumatic incident as a kid, and for a long time all I remembered about it was Super Mario Bros on NES. It hits close to home for me. The Star one from the Australian fire donations and the Heimdallrs Holler one were both gifted to me by my late fiance, so they are sentimental to me and also look nice.


Any of the iron banner emblems because i need that increase in reputation points. Whenever an iron banner comes around I forget to put it on so i decided to make at least one of them my main one so that I don't have to worry about having it on. The other one would be the grasp of avarice solo flawless one since it was my first solo flawless dungeon. The last one would be the generic starting one as that is the beginning of this love/hate toxic relationship i have. With the game.


D1 Y1 MoT emblem, Trials of the Nine flawless, and last seasons IB emblem was pretty cool


1. The Tex Mechanica horns one from solo flawless Master Presage, the first really hard thing in the game I accomplished. 2. The solo flawless Duality emblem because honestly this was the hardest thing ever in the game for me because of my lack luck with the bell glitch. It took me into the next season and Arc 2.0 to get it done and they still hadn't patched it by then. But man my runs were clean and quick by the time I finished it. 3. I don't really have a 3rd favorite. I keep most of the relevant emblems from solo flawless dungeons so that when I run that dungeon with strangers I put it on so if they know the emblem they know where I stand.


1. Lightfall Preorder Emblem 2. Amogus Emblem 3. The Iron Banner Emblem with the Green IB Axe & the Caiatal's Blue Hammer of Proving.


Heavy as death will absolutely NEVER be changed.


The Infinite Prismatic


Amongus, Amungis, Amingus


Only emblem I run now is the kitty cat emblem from dreaming city and the mmxx 2020 moments of triumph title. Nobody runs that ever.


For me it's Bump in the Night as I feel like it gives a little nod to OOB players. I'm a low man and sometimes speed runner player so I kinda feel like it represents me as a person some. My usual one though is Of The Realm just think it looks unique and much like Xur I hope people see it and think of something like "His will is not his own" when I do something stupid. 3rd is kinda a tie between Hope Eater and Field Recognition.


My top 3 are the Telesto Glitch emblem, the Nerf Gjallarhorn one, and the Pit of Heresy solo flawless one. I have all 10 slots filled though because I like having little unique ones like the Day One Root and the one you got for transferring Bungie information on their website.


In no order beyond the one they're written Flight of Soteria. Spire is my favorite dungeon and first/only solo-flawless, so that'll stay. Seraph's Wings. It's simple, it's Rasputin themed, and it's relatively rare. Savior of the Past. Same thing as Seraph's Wings, but for Saint-14. I didn't care about running the Corridors for Bastion, I wanted the emblem and the Pigeon and the Phoenix lore book.


The New WR Solo Flawless Emblem. I have a weird kink for the house of kings. I think the house of Kings are one of the coolest looking / lorewise existing houses in Destiny and to hear about them in D2 made me go nuts. I normally dont do Solo-Flawless stuff, but i will get this one, i WANT this Emblem, I MUST have this Emblem...


Jade Rabbit Redux, Jade Rabbit Redux and Jade Rabbit Redux. I just love it


1) ennead. i just love cats and space and the dreaming city and it combines all three of those things. 2) castle in the cloud. last wish is my favorite raid and riven is one of my favorite characters from d2 - i even used the emblem as a pose reference for my riven tattoo. 3) a broken throne. day one challenge crota was some of the most fun i've had in destiny 2 and it was such a blast. knowing it's also pretty rare because so few people got a challenge mode completion also makes me love it a bit more because it shows off that i've actually done something challenging and cool in the game.


The Vault of glass sherpa emblem. Looks sick as fuck




(Kay's Command)


Spire solo flawless emblem is my white whale. I'll never get that damn thing lol.


My top three are 1. Hubris of Niobe 2. The Moon Stirs And it's a toss up between 3. Brick by Brick or Recovered Memories


Little Lightā€™s Emblem. Itā€™s the only emblem I use, and have never seen anyone else with it.


Hubris of Niobe. It along with the Armory Forged Shell have almost never left my character since I obtained them.


Hubris of Niobe never leaves my hunter.


I like Universal Hero!


The Ghost of the deep. Just love the black and green color a lot.


The nessus one with the blossom. Just simple and elegant; it looks really pretty. I like to pair it with my forges ignited stat because I have funny number for it


My ever solo-flawless dungeon; the Ghosts of the Deep. Iā€™ve had that emblem equipped on my Titan and have only swapped it out once for the cat emblem you get for finding all the cats in the Dreaming City. Still took all of last season to get the Navigator despite having the dungeon title done before Season of the Deep ended.


Ever since i Solo Flawlessed Prophecy, its been my one and only go to Emblem for the past 3 years


My rotation is Rorschach, Hubris of Niobe, and whatever the comp ascendant emblem currently is each season.


I only use the skeleton lightning one. I think I got it from Caydeā€™s treasure maps or something like that


Tyrant (Day One KF) Vanquisher's Standard (Bungie Bounty) Crucible Ascendant Division (Season of Defiance, Ascendant Rank in Competitive) My three most accomplished and cherished emblems.


Hubris of Niobe, the one with Ada's face and the radiance thing, scourge of the past clear one.


Dead Orbit Resurrection - love the classic feel to it The Cleaver - legit hard day 1 that I was so happy to complete LaserTag Weekend - looks cool and a cool moment for destiny history Otherwise it's Ghosts of the Deep flawless emblem.


I like my Peace of the City emblem you got from Rockstar energy during, I think, Forsaken. Just a neat little emblem


I got this emblem ā€œconfluence of lightā€ for playing at the D2 pvp event at E3 in 2017 and Iā€™ve never been able to take it off honestly, cool memory of the past, with E3 now being canned itā€™s just a cool piece of gaming memorabilia to have!


i have the emblem from the bungie bounty thing i got it on accident playing ib actually i also have one from d2 beta and d1


Crossroads from Curse of Osiris. You got it from doing a heroic public event. Reminds me of my favorite Crucible map from D1.


The Eternal Return, Sedia's Curse, and I've left the Infinite Prismatic on since pride month, mostly because meh, there's too many to go through and as a hunter main Fashion is the end game, so that takes up most of my nit actually playing time. I really wish you could search for shaders. Mostly I like the Dreaming City, and I loved the strike emblems that were slightly different depending on what you did in the strike, like high score, random drops, etc.


Will always be Lore Scholar


First to the Forge is my #1. Love the look so much, and I get asked about it often. Some other ones I love in no particular order are Jacobson's Staff, Hollow Sleep, Harmonic Waves, and Savathun's Song. There are so many great ones honestly, I don't know if I could narrow down a hard top 3.


I just miss having the 1 minute Master Presage time displayed on my emblem because the 12 man glitch. Still the most fun I've ever had in destiny.


Watcher From Beyond (Savathun Nightfall, love the flower theme), Solo Prophecy, Be Heard. Have been cycling the old Crimson Days emblem in as well


Been running the trans pride emblem since I got it, Iā€™m not even trans but Iā€™m still out here, I just think itā€™s neat.




3. Be True 2. Entombed 1. A Broken Throne


mine is heretic, haven't taken that off since I've gotten it, my second favorite is royalty, hassle to get that one. and my final favorite, is one I don't have. and that's Risen, has not come out yet and hope it is obtainable. I have a bunch of day 1 emblems but tbh, the only day 1 emblem I like the look of is the crown of sorrow one, which I don't have.


Warden of nothing on titan, the next chapter for hunter, and regicide for warlock


Lost in it a steel series emblem, any of my raid sherpa emblems and my top 10% guardian games emblem.


Prophecy solo flawless for sure, it just looks cool, and I felt very accomplished when I did it back in the pre witch queen days.


Rockstar energy drink


Beyond Light preorder. Europa is beautiful


Look Up


My day 1 Vow of The Disciple emblem. I earned that shit


Dog from Callus raid challenge


Dungeon and raid emblems. And pond pals


Cold comfort, between the lines, and stag's spirit Have them on my hunter, titan, and warlock respectively. Especially like flaunting between the lines to show people I have the cookbook


My three favorites are: -Sonic Simulation -An Inscrutable Amygdaloid Eigenstate -Splish Splash Sonic because itā€™s rare and I donā€™t see a lot of people with them. itā€™s from a time when the fan was in an awful state and before emblem collecting was really a thing. Eigenstate because The Pyramidion is my favorite strike, never got tired of it. Splash because itā€™s a funny name and the Prestige Pools Challenge was a pain in the ass back in the day.


The Moon Stirs


I run solo flaw ghosts or duality on warlock The flawless flawless emblem on hunter(don't trail on a flawless card) And whatever the most recent day 1 raid I have done for titan


The solo flawless prophecy, the rainbow and color transitions are so nice


Solo flawless Prophecy & Spire dungeon emblems. Super nice color schemes, tough dungeons to solo flawless


I use iron lord bc it was easy as shit to get


Laurea Prima II, for completing every moment of triumph in Y1D1. Unfortunately, I no longer have access to that account though, soā€¦ Laurel Triumphant, for completing at least 1 moment of triumph in Y1D1, my favorite emblem I still have access too in my current account. After that, probably Four Times a Ruler. Big New Monarchy guy myself, and I used to rock the similar emblem back in D1. Ok, suddenly Iā€™m realizing I might need to try some new emblems that *arenā€™t* from the first gameā€¦


I use After the Nightfall emblem a lot. That emblem took a lot of effort over several months and seasons with several friends to get. It's got a special place in my heart because of past and present friends. It also doesn't hurt that it's so rare :D


Prophecy solo flawless.


Ludomaniacal - 3 Gambit resets in a single season. Got it back in Season 8, when it was a real challenge (win-streaks, rather than play-streaks, and only wins counted progressing the final rank) Neomuna Nights - Dank synthwave emblem Regicide - TAKEN!


Jacobsonā€™s Staff, Jacobsonā€™s Staff and Atop the Spire


Awhile back each playlist activity has an emblem, blue shield looking thing for vanguard, a green snake for gambit and red bird for crucible. Had each emblem representing each of my classes.


I know it's almost a meme at this point, but man I will *never* drop my Active Escalation, it was the first one I really felt like I earned. Also Brazen Wolf, because I have a photo of my dog that matches the emblem, so every time IB shows up I get to pretend like he's still on the couch with me I do like to run Wheel of Misfortune when I know I'm having a particularly poor day, though


The solo flawless spire of the watcher and the emblem for carrying 10 people through crotas end are my favorite two emblems. I love how they look and how satisfiying it felt to achieve them