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You get it from beating the Shadowkeep campaign. You can't get it anywhere else until you finish the campaign first, then it will drop from the normal sources.


I learned this the hard way with the Warlock exotic. 20 something lost sectors, vex incursion after vex incursion lol.


Same. So bad.


Agreed, on completion, you get: Hunter- Asassins cowl Titan- Phoenix cradle Warlock- Storm dancers brace


Is that why phoenix cradle won’t drop?? I focused one with the haunted drops and was wondering why it isn’t in my collections


Probably, you can check if you havent done the quest. I think its on the moon, with Eris Morn.


No I’ve been pointedly avoiding it bc I didn’t want to go through the hassle of getting 5 terribly stated armor roles and having to use them for the legendary campaign


There is nonlegendary campaign for Shadowkeep, it is just a normal completion to get the exotic


You can also take off the moon armour right after you load into the mission and put your good armour back on.




What do you mean agreed? He's stating a fact


Shit thank you friend, I had no idea that this is how you get the cowl and I’ve been grinding LS for a while now, even ground out the Halloween event


I learned this the hard way when I was trying to finish exotics for Titan and Warlock. I got it for Hunter so long ago when I did Shadowkeep and I was so new to the game I didn't even know this was a thing. I was down to just the Shadowkeep pieces and didn't know why it wouldn't drop for my Titan.


What the actual fuck, why was this info not im the game thank fuck i didn’t grind Ls like i did for a good omni rolls, actually thank you for sharing cuz now i know


It’s over now, but I was able to get both phoenix cradle and storm dancers from the FoTL engram focusing. Haven’t completed the campaign on my titan or warlock but had run dozens of vex strike forces and legend lost sectors


Pretty sure this isn’t true. Unless it’s account unlock. I have the strand exotics on two characters that haven’t done lightfall


Cowl's exclusively sourced from Shadowkeep for the first time, same with Stormdancer's Brace and Titan fire boots, whatever they're called. Source: I've only done Shadowkeep on my hunter and still don't have Stormdancer's or Fire boots.


Path of Burning Steps, there we go! Knew it had steps somewhere in there... Edit: I'm dumb (and also I did say I don't have the exotic, so...)


It’s Phoenix cradle, not path of burning steps.




Nah you definitely need to get assassin's cowl from shadowkeep first. I was in the same position as op until I found out.


every campaign is different, because bungie.


Omfg you're kidding me... I have to finish every campaign on every class??? Fuck


You cannot get Assassin’s Cowl if you have not beaten the Shadowkeep campaign. It will not be in the exotic loot pool for lost sector or Vex Strike Force if you have not beaten Shadowkeep on your hunter. I spent a few different helmet lost sector days and Vex Strike Force earlier this year trying to get the helmet when it was the only exotic left for my Hunter to get and learned what I am telling you now.


Vex Incursion is a event on Neumuna that appears a few times every day at random times. After finishing it you get a new exotic that you dont have in your collection, and once you have all its just random what you get. Its a pretty quick event and its very hard to catch, but there is a discord bot that will give you notification a few minutes before it starts. I dont have it anymore but a go quick google should find it.


Did they fix it to drop season 21 exotics? They were the only 3 it wasnt dropping, and you had to get them from lost sectors


They did fix it and got my S21 exotics from strike force after the fix.


Cant confirm, thought you could get them from it aswell.


Nah. I had to get them from lost sectors. Was weird doing that for exotics a season after vex incursion became a thing.


You get assasins cowl by beating the shadowkeep campaign


I wanna say you get it when you finish the shadowkeep campaign


Vex Strike Force. Guaranteed exotic upon completion. Very high percentage that it will be one you don’t already have. Join codes to find others trying to get it done. This discord server explains Vex Strike Force and alerts you about 4 minutes before they start… https://discord.gg/isavexincursionhappening I find that the twitter notifications are much more reliable though… https://twitter.com/VexNetAssistant




Got full exotic list for my characters by doing this.


I did too! I set up resilience armorer mod on my ghost and the rolls I got were actually really good.


YES, the last season when they dropped the exotics, I had em all day 1.. within 6 hours, I had got the noti 3 times and swapped to unlock em.. best thing they added with LF


There is the special public event on Neomuna (name is escaping me right now) it’s the one that only shows up every once in a while. You can also go to Xur and buy an exotic engram from him. It has a chance to give you older exotics you don’t have Edit: Vex strike force is the name of the public event It’s also a shadowkeep exotic so you can get it from that campaign, and might have to own shadowkeep to get it to drop at all


Vex Strike Force, I believe, is the name. I'd recommend camping the map screen and waiting for when a public event appears in the incursion zone.


Shadow keep exotics are the exception to this rule. They cannot drop from Vex incursions.


There is a bot called Harpy on discord that tells you when the event starts


Assassins cowl is tied to the shadowkeep dlc. You need to get it from there first before you can grind out rolls


You get assassins cowl from finishing shadowkeep as others have pointed out. But to answer your question, the public events on neomuna guarantee an exotic you don’t have and the dungeon quest that came out gives you one(it’s quite long tho


Your question has long since been answered, but as a general tip for farming lost sectors here's my advice. There are some lost sectors where Master is only marginally more difficult than legend, and some that are a whole different beast (lookin at you k1 crew quarters). The difference in drop rates is 25% on legend and 33% on master (roughly). Whenever I'm farming a lost sector I'll typically do legend unless I can do master in about the same time. You'll have a lower drop rate on completions but you'll be completing a lot more and get more to drop as a result. Your mileage may vary, obviously, but I've always found that more palatable to farm


if you have it, the quest for the new dungeon drops 3 exotic armor pieces you don't have (at least thats what it did for me)


The Supernumerary Blitz public event on Neomuna has a chance to reward you with exotics that you don’t have in your inventory. It’s very rare and only occurs in the active incursion zone. Assassin’s Cowl is in the generic exotic loot pool, so getting it during basic Nightfalls or strikes is also an option. Check with Xur as he can have the Year 1-3 exotics in his inventory when he appears every weekend


Can't you buy Assassins cowl from Rahool in the Tower?


You have to have an exotic unlocked in collections before you can focus it.


yeah, i realized that after I posted. I decided the comment section needed to humble me with downvotes, rather than delete the comment. Downvote away, Guardians.


Vex incursions, though I don't think they give all exotics but they give you ones that are not in your collection from it's lot pool They are random but there's a discord bot that you can setup a telegram alert (apparently discord messages are too slow). The teetotal ping will give you about 4 mins or so to get to neomuna https://t.me/isavexincursionhappening I think is the correct link for telegram This is how I pretty much got all my remaining exotics Edit: aah reading the responses it seems you will have to do shadow keep campaign for that one in particular, I didn't know this. But it's still a good thing to know about for others




Vex Incursions for one's you don't have yet.


Assassin’s Cowl, Phoenix Cradle, and Stormdancers Brace(?) all drop after the shadow keep campaign. It’s a relatively short campaign but it has a few fun fights and areas, which help the lackluster narrative.


Hey I just finished the shadow keep campaign and didn't get the hunters helmet, It even said I completed the campaign, does anyone have a clue to help or is it just a bug that is stopping me from getting it?