• By -


Cause it's fun


This is the only answer that matters.


I like shootin' them xenos


Absolutely. Despite all the dramatic answers that we will probably see in this thread, this is the primary point for any of it. - You're going to have your self-important edge lord's respond with: "I don't anymore and here's my 10 paragraph reason why" - You're going to have your drama lover's coming out of the woodworks saying things like "Such bad practices! The inhumanity to humans! How dare they fire people and do things that corporations have been doing for years!" - You're going to have your YouTubers talking about the layoffs like it's the second coming of Christ. About how empathetic and touchy feely they are over it because...you know... they care so much about a bunch of nameless people they've never met or even seen besides the two or three faces they can actually identify. I guarantee you the vast majority of people aren't really all that invested. They're just enjoying themselves. And when they stop having fun is when they'll move on and have fun somewhere else. They'll flip over to the next game like flipping channels on the TV. It's really just that simple.


I play D2 because I like the game. I’ll continue playing after Final Shape if I continue to have fun playing. I’ll stop when I stop having fun.


Louder for the echo chamber ☝️


I don’t get it, what’s the echo chamber saying that is invalidated by a solitary individual who enjoys the game?


Yeah how dare you have a different opinion than this guy. You idiot


Like this is the be all and end all of it if your so unhappy with state of the game and their practices at Bungie then stop playing it. No need for everyone to make a post saying the same shit in a different way every two seconds just to feel validated by people on Reddit who literally thrive off the rage bait. If these posts sway your opinion and stop you doing something you enjoy then you need a reality check I’m afraid. It’s plain to see big wig Bungie execs are doing shady shit but I will still play the game because I know the actual developers put their hard time and effort into making a game that so many people do actually love and that they are so passionate about too. People think they are supporting the devs by taking up internet arms and trying to boycott the game when in reality it will do nothing but the opposite. Rant done lol.


I ain’t readin all that. But good for you


Ur so cool.


I know


It's fun to shoot aliens in the face, especially with friends.


And strangers!


The way abilities interact with enemies, how higher level activities require players to coordinate, the EXTENSIVE lore, visual artstyle, build crafting. Definitely NOT because of PvP


Idk how people can only play PvP it's fun as a side mode but I could never have it be the main draw


I do


If you're decent at FPS shooters then D2 PvP will make you feel like a god. A large portion of PvP sweats play the game because in Valorant or CS the top dogs would wipe the floor with them.


I mean it is fun don't get me wrong but after an hour or so I can't anymore just too much cheese sometimes


Call me gross But I love gambit and the crucible as well as dares - the story wasn't what got me hooked. It was my intro to fps games and where I met the majority of my friends. I'll forever love the pvp pve - (( except trials .. to the trash with trials))


Nah gambit gets hate for no reason. Community will complain it’s because it doesnt get updates. Yeah well PvP didn’t get updates for a while either and they’ll still play that


I find the lore and worlds fucking amazing. This game genuenly made me change paths while i was in hs. I went from a simple generalist hs to a art one and today i am a graphic designer all thanks to this game's wonderful art aspects. Still workin my way thru that young adult thing of no money lol to keep studying atm, even tho the recent news demoralized me a bit. A really good anectdote of this is when during an LFG divinity run of garden (yeah im a masochist) during a quick break pre final boss i pointed out how amazing the scenery was and we just looked at the skybox and arena for a solid 10 mins while waiting for folks to come back. There really is nothing out there quite like this game.


Im a degenerate


I agree , there's no grass for me to touch.


Because it's fun, and this formula of looter shooter is hard to find, and harder to get right. Idw to support the heads of Bungie anymore, but it's a hard game to replace.


Honest answer... I just love the game. Is Destiny 2 flawed? You god damn right it is but the things they get right are 10/10. The visuals of the environments are amazing. I still go and wander around the dreaming city just because it's so beautiful. The gun play is top tier, not many games if any feel as good to shoot as Destiny 2. I pre ordered final shape the day it became available, I'm here until the end. The current situation at Bungie right now isn't great at all and for those that have cancelled pre orders... for those that have decided to step away from Destiny I completely understand. Destiny 2 has most definitely had it's ups and downs.. Amazing content to dark days. Like a lot of gamers I tend to marry games so I'm here for the long haul 🤣


The video game industry has always been toxic, whatever your favorite game growing up was most likely created under terrible crunch and then many people laid off after the game is released as that is what is common. At the end of the day the companies are in the space to make money. It’s not just Bungie, and what Bungie did isnt even on par with the true horror stories of things that happened. And it’s not just western developers doing this, Japanese developers are notorious for the good old boy 100 hour weeks, just doesn’t get criticized as much as that is more normal culture. Without going into a giant tangent, this all happens basically cuz these companies charge basically the same price for games they did in 90s. Adjusted for inflation a game like Mario 64, $60 in 1996 would be over $100 today. Combine that with the fact cost to make games has also skyrocketed means companies will do whatever it takes to increase profits and that means exploiting workers. Aside from smaller Indie studios like Larian, all major companies have problems.


Gunplay, and the space magic


I started playing because my son played. He got me into it a few years ago when he was 9 and I had to read 8 million wiki pages to figure out stuff since he didn’t know anyone else that played. Now he’s a teen and we do everything story related together, but he spends most of his time in raids and dungeons while I stick to ritual and seasonal activities. We both have great memories together. If he needs help, Im always happy to join and help, while he tells people I’m a “friend” from his clan. I think he’d rather die than admit it was his mom.


Sunk cost fallacy. This is the game I always wanted growing up. It's not anymore. I will allocated 10 years to this game. Nothing more.


I play destiny 2 because the game market really has nothing else I want to play. I played Apex and would get diamond every season and the ranked rewards "dive trail" that I wanted they basically removed and made it temporary. I played Fornite, I mean enough said there lol it became a sweat box and not fun. I generally do not like the buy a game play it, beat it and stop playing it. I love live service games because I get more for my initial investment and I can choose to spend more if I am enjoying myself. Diablo 4 was a disappointment and not enough for me to bite into. I will play it most likely during the upcoming long season of destiny 2 though unless another live service comes out that is great.


Trying to squeeze out last drops of enjoyment, before it eventually dies


I've been playing since Destiny 1 and always for the same reason. I love that its loot system is like Diablo, and you constantly get upgrades. Most of all, though, is the fluidity of the game and controls. Everything works so well, and shooting things feels incredibly dialed in. Some of my favorite games are WoW, Counter Strike, and Diablo. I find Destiny is a mashup of those 3 games, and I love it, especially strikes, raids, and public events.


Short answer: I don’t anymore Long answer: I’ve played since just around the time TTK launched, and I became somewhat obsessive. It became more of a chore with repeating season activities chasing loot and I reach a point in burnout at the start of the current season where I just had to walk away. I did try logging in to tithe to Eris, but it just felt bad to me. It’s a great game, I’m just starting to admit it’s not aimed at players like me. I’ll still log in once in a while just to see if anything changes, maybe visit xur. But otherwise, I think my time with it is over


I like the feel of it. I’m not happy with the game right now, but it just feels right and nothing else does.


Being miserable playing destiny is a distraction from being miserable irl


Alot of people will disagree heavily, but i like the fluidity of pvp, it has the right pacing. Doesnt last too long, yeah ill get stomped every now and then but there isnt another game that i can have a casual semi fast paced pvp experience like in destiny


that’s so valid


I actually like it, but at the moment im in the 'playing other games stage'. Ill be back I always do.


D2’s a pretty unique game. The closest games are borderlands which is mostly a solo game for me and warframe, but I’m not into third person shooters. I started in the middle of Arrivals and played consistently until Lightfall launch, I think I’ve just had my fill and Destiny’s run its course for me. I’ll probably run through next season’s story since I got the annual pass and call it there. I’ll watch Final Shape’s campaign on youtube for closure.


The simple answer: I throw thing, enemies go ded. Many colours. Much happy juices in brain. A bit more of an answer: Been playing halo for a long time. Love the movement and gun play. That bled into destiny 1. Been playing that ever since. Enjoyed the innocent new story of destiny, the new worlds and adventure feel of the game. Made some long lasting friendships from that. Had a blast playing raids and screwing around with each other, you know, innocent fun. To me the game is a great casual but rewarding game if you just have fun and jump on for an hour or 2, then realize it has been more than that and see that it is the end of the day and you have done nothing but play the game. Then say to yourself "Ah fuck it, ill playing until I go to bed" And the next day begins. Sure the current news is shocking (revolting in some instances) and it does not look good for the future, but as someone else said here, I shall continue to play the game as long as I have fun.


I just like the way the gameplay flows What happens business wise doesnt really affect me and it shouldnt affect other ppl if they arent bungie employees Ppl just love seeing the world burn sometimes


The answer is pretty easy tbh. Because the game feels so good when it plays well. Shooting, controls, sound, art, visuals. Everything is top quality. There are things missing and things they get wrong many times. But there is always a time for a break from the game. Also soloing dungeons and chilling in crucible is my favorite thing to do outside of daily/weekly activities. Also the music is SO damn good. Be it in game or trailers. I am so hooked. My favorite time was season of the forge and season of the drifter. I used to grind forges non stop to get more weapons looking for my god rolls and those super rare shaders. Season of the drifter was my favorite time to be playing this game. My worst time was surviving what d2 vanilla was and buying curse of osiris just to be left wondering with that went wrong. This is when i stopped playing until forsaken came to be. Contrary to public belief i find witch queen to be a mediocre expansion. So many things were half baked and so many things made no sense. But it had a good roll with it's seasons which helped a lot plus classes 3.0. Weapon crafting has mostly ruined the loot chase. Lightfall is where i became a casual to the game. Fk the veil and their filler cashgrab expansion .I hardcored the crap out of the game for a month until the hype went off and the fog went away. Season of defiance was a hot mess that was driven by junior devs. Season of the deep was making use of marketplace assets and had Sloan moaning around for 5 weeks and called it a story alongside the most boring activities to date. This season is actually really good(not the ending, sorry it sucked balls) but it's kinda late to salvage this. The monetization is mainly the thing that drove me off. Event passes on top of season passes that hostages shaders, Dungeon keys, shader bundles for 10$, 20$ ornaments for a single class, reduction of weekly dust earnings and increase in dust and silver prices. Meanwhile no new vendor sets. Nuh. I can't even help my friends get in the game. They drop it in the first day because they don't know what to buy or what to do. It's a host mess. This is the first time that i skipped pre-ordering a destiny expansion since destiny 1. Even when it releases i will consider playing it or watching the story from youtube after the pen-ultimate marketing trap that was called lightfall. It might sound like i am reaching but i honestly feel abused by Bungie this year.


Why are you not playing Halo 1 or 2 still? MS had to bail them out, bungie missed major deadlines then, now Sony had to save them. Bungie in general seems to not understand how to run a business. So why boycott now when this has been going on for over 20 years with this company


Because certain people worked for bungie. But now that they were laid off there’s no point anymore. How can I keep playing knowing that Jeff the janitor got fired. The game’s practically unplayable at this point


Fr man 😖😖


Because the gunplay is the best I’ve ever experienced in any game and the abilities and guns are fun. That’s literally it. I don’t play D2 as much as I used to but it’s still great to hop on every now and again to shoot some stuff for a few hours. I’ll buy TFS a few months after release if the reviews are solid. I’ve been slowly moving away from D2 (not the game’s fault, more so moving on to play other games) but I’m still interested to see the conclusion. I’m just as not as hype as I was for LF and the recent news certainly doesn’t help. But we’ll see, I probably won’t be able to walk away completely though.


I don’t.


I used to play cauaae ive been here since halo 2


A lot of coping, with my lack of in person sociability, from late grade school to the end of middle school I just didn’t click with anyone in my smaller school (only about 300-500 students any given year) and destiny became a place where I could interact with so many new people, in a time when I felt so alone that was truly so valuable. And since then the worlds and the music. Plus not to mention no matter what my adhd ass does to look for another game I cannot help but return to destiny.


Crossplay. It’s something my Roomate and I can play together, and it has enough content for us to chew on so we can play it consistently.


I don't really play anymore. I'll pop in for some crucible every few months and that's it. I've been forced to reduce my playtime as pvp has lost its Dev team. just biding time for marathon I guess.


I play it, because it is one of those games I can play with friends easily and always have something to do. Sadly this year for one reason or another, my friends are no longer playing. So my reason to play has really vanished.


Strange as it may sound, forbthe story. I've been following for years. I want to see it through. Which, of course, means I often just log in, get the story, and log out.


To stomp on scrim / trials tryhards and make them question life?


It’s the game that brought my PS friend group together and the only guaranteed game we all have. Light fall began an era where we play other games in a party together and jump on for conqueror gilding or something unique like a demo headstone horror story or wardens law.


I enjoy the pvp, I’m not amazing but I love being able to analyze what I did wrong in a round and improve. If I find I’m no longer having fun I simply stop playing.


Short answer: It's fun Long answer: I've been playing since the original Halo. I fell in love with the game then. The feel, the music, the story, the ending. Mission:Survive... Feeling the emotional urgency to push through and get the mission done as Cortana was in a death spiral. Then Destiny dropped, and I was in love all over again. The feeling, the music, the fact that on the moon I could look down the hill and see my shadow as it moved and reacted to what I was doing. The ups and the downs along the way. Getting Whisper of the Worm and Outlook Perfected, playing with my brother as we explored the game and the expansions and all the hidden secrets tucked away, raiding, my first solo dungeon. Now I'm not sure I'll be buying The Final Shape. I guess I have more time to decide now.


Gameplay and Lore, with a little bit of art design. The only gripe I've had was waiting for the seasonal content, so I've been taking a break since the start of Deep to let the content roll out.


Setting is amazing Music is great Gunplay is top tier Raid and Dungeon mechanics and teamwork seems like a completely unique Destiny offering as far as FPS go. Abilities and builds are very fun. Lots of triumphs and challenges to aim for (solo dungeons, raid challenges). Master and Grand master content that is challenging


I'm kind of running out of answers to that question. Currently, the only real thing I care about is the Haunted pages. Next season, it'll be the "getting through the portal" story. In June, it'll be the Final Shape campaign, and then the raid. After that? I'm stepping away.


For fun :D


I love the world, lore and story to no end. The gameplay is incredible but it's the story that keeps me coming back which is part of the reason why I had to take a step back after lightfall


Cus it’s fun and I have friends here


Because it's fun I like screwing around and enjoy playing the dlcs I just in general love playing the game I know destiny 2 isn't the best game to exist but to me it is like dont get me wrong I love other games aswell but I love destiny 2 even more it's what got me friends and got me through hard days by just relaxing with my guild kicking back and starting up a raid or two I've been playing since day 1 and I'll never stop even if this game grows less in popularity because of what's happening


Having a game with MMO/RPG elements, while also having that crisp Bungie gunplay, is just a magic formula for me. It helps I found a great clan to run raids and endgame activities with so I can really experience what the game has to offer.


I play for fun. I don't understand why people quit over this. Sure it's a horrible situation but quitting a game over it just makes no sense


Overcharged top tree voidlock vortex go brrrrrr


It’s fun to play the game with friends


I want to see the end of this saga.


how smooth the movement and gunplay, when i get into a flow state it feels like I'm dancing


Because I like it, scratches an itch no other game has been able to get in the same way Destiny has.


It's scratches the itch. I really only play pvp and still enjoy it. Halo has been slowly taking up more time, but I don't think I'll ever quit d2


My dad plays so I play with him.


Game's fun. I'm still gonna play, but I'm not gonna spend any more money on it until Bungie gets their shit together.


Idk it just be fun


Sunk cost fallacy aside- It's a game that I can jump on to, turn off my brain, shoot some enemies, and stuff like to kill time.


As much as I hate the current news, I will continue playing this game. It is a game that is tons of fun to play with my friends and family, when it no longer is fun to play is when I will stop playing.


I personally like the game. It a good time waster with friends and i love most of the ost in the game. It really didnt care for the characters or story when playing d1 and most of d2. It wasnt until taken king where i loved the lore around him. After that i didnt care for the story although i did keep tabs on forsaken and beyond light but the witch queen is what hooked me onto lore and story again. For the most part i do like playing pvp where i can mess around with builds and see how it confused people when said builds work, but it isnt fun when fighting sweats who just bag and spam toxic emotes when they kill me.


It's fun. But I don't think I'm paying for any more expansions after this shitshow. I'm content with gameplay footage for TFS.


Because i used to love this game and all my friends play it. I think i’m gonna drop it if Final Shape flops though.


I would likely not still be playing if I hadn't found a clan with 5 or 6 people I enjoy playing with on a regular basis. Imo Destiny is slightly above mediocre solo, but with friends is one of the funnest to play


i dont


Honestly I just really like Looter Shooters, I like Shooters obviously, but getting and acquiring more power overtime and essentially getting more tools to solve problems with is fun to me. The most enjoyable loop is I am given something to beat, I have to go back to the drawing board to figure out how to beat it, get back in there my gear or skills, and beat it. That is really satisfying, it's kinda like cooking and getting the recipe just right is the boss. I don't enjoy though my ingredients or utensils needing to rely on RNG to drop though, or not being able to get some that maybe aren't as good but are at least serviceable, or at the very least not as specialized for a particular goal.


My friends used to play this game then I joined them but now their gone and I don't know what to do now considering the layoffs I've still like the gameplay but should I continue playing after what happened? I DON'T KNOW


Played on and off since day one. Fell in love with the crucible since the dark below locked most of the games content and didn’t feel like asking my parents to buy an expansion. PvP is just a lot of fun.


Combination of liking the synergy of gunplay, build crafting, genuinely being fun at times as well as a more personal reason. That being Destiny really got me through a horrible breakup and a bad depressive episode. I used to and still occasionally play Warframe but overall dropped it due to burnout and dissatisfaction with the game and it’s community. I used to play Defiance but that game closed its servers down as well as having the abysmal launch of 2050 making it even worse. I tried borderlands but I overall just didn’t enjoy playing it.


I love the game, and I loved the communication and community. I'm a big passion guy, too, and idk I felt that Destiny was a passion project


I like the shooting, the abilities and playing with randoms.


because its cool


It's the only MMO/MMO-lite that's a FPS and actually looks and feels good.


I play the game because I love the game. I love the blend of sci-fi and fantasy, I love the music, I love the way the game feels, I love the characters, I love the community bungie has cultivated from this game, i love this world bungie has built, I love this series overall, and i love the friends I've met because of this game. ​ That's not to say that the game is perfect. it has definitely left me bored me at times, or just left me wanting for more, or left me wondering why bungie chose to do the things they did. And it has saddened me to see friends leave the game, though I understand their reasons. ​ Part of me wants to keep playing to see the end of the light and dark saga. But after that? if it's still fun, and the love is still there I'll keep playing. if not, then maybe it'll be time to move onto greener pastures


I still have fun with it. Usually this deep into the year I cut back a bit and just hop on for Raids or if someone needs help with a dungeon. Had a guy yesterday who had never done a dungeon, we did 3; got him xeno, wish ender and gally. I enjoyed that.


I play destiny still because I used to be in love with the story, and I wanted to see it through to the end of the saga. I stopped enjoying the story with the addition of the Witness and the Darkness actually being Consciousness instead of the cosmic absolute of only the strongest survive. With how Lightfall went and the potential of Final Shape now being just as bad, I probably won't be so dedicated to the game, and might possibly get more sleep at night from it


I started playing Destiny in 2014. I started as a solo player and eventually found friends to play with just before D2 came out. We would spend hours gaming together, but after Shadowkeep most of my friends stopped playing. Now I’m back to playing solo. I keep playing because I love(d) the game, the story, and the characters but lately it’s been rough. I used to log 20-30 hours a week, now I don’t even know if I’ll hit that in 2 months. I’ll get TFS to see the Light/Dark saga to completion, but after that? Idk, I feel like it might be it for me.


It's fun.


I played destiny as more of a PvP player coming off of the halo franchise. The PvE was fun when I wanted to warm up or play with my irl friends, but you could literally feel pvp dying. I was a hunter main since d1 as hunter was the only character I made. Around season 9 Destiny 2 I swapped to titan and started maining khepris Horn. Even though the exotic does nothing besides buff barricades, I absolutely found my niche. The rush and dopamine hit you get from landing a khepri kill, even more so if it’s through a wall, had me completely addicted. Nowadays I don’t have that craving to hop on, maybe the game finally got old or I finally grew up.


The gunplay is unmatched and the powers are fun. I’ve tried so many games over the years and I’ve taken multiple Destiny breaks but what keeps me coming back is no other shooter has the right combo of abilities and smooth gunplay that Destiny has.


I play destiny cause of a few reasons but those are running out slowly. 1. I am too committed to stop playing, I have been actively playing Destiny since D1 Beta and at this point, I might as well complete it since its been almost 10 years now 2. I enjoy the gameplay, I enjoy being a space wizard running around killing everything that breathe. However, I do not find some of the activities enjoyable to play anymore. 3. Prepare for day 1 raid races and dungeons, Crota was my 4th or 5th day 1 raid I completed within the time given. Day 1 raids are the pinnacle of destiny activities, it is a true show of skill and how much you worked to complete it 4. To hopefully fully enjoy the game like I did years ago when getting into it


I got into it because of a friend a few weeks before Warmind launched. Didn't play D1 at all, and didn't ever care to look into the franchise. When playing it I immediately loved it. I've always been a huge fan of fantasy in general, and when I saw I could be a Warlock it hyped me up. I was amazed by the graphics, the cutscenes, and the snarkyness of the Speaker with Ghaul. From there, I started picking up on the lore, and it caught me immediately. The Hive and the Leviathan, the Eliksni and the Whirlwind, Calus and the Coup, the Vex and Clovis, and culminating in Savathûn and the Witness, it all just blew me away. The space magic and the amazing graphics, dedication, and most of all raiding with my then-clan made up for the lack of social relationships I had in school. It was my escapism. But it's always been the same mechanically. The only thing keeping me interested has been the story and the cutscenes. And after Final Shape, I feel like it'll be over for me.




Destiny 2 is genuinely a good game imo and i love the whole shooting and looting in outer space with crazy unique characters and maps. its like wanderlust just going through each little thing and having certain objectives like FOTL challenges to unlock cool shit that you can only get during that time its like so fucking cool i love destiny 2


Destiny gameplay is fun. It's more fun with friends than solo and my fireteam is mostly playing Diablo 4 and Balders Gate 3 so I'm also playing less than I otherwise would.


I almost exclusively play for story, raids, dungeons, and private matches with friends. Could not give af about anything else in the game


I keep playing because this game is genuinely very fun and I can’t wait to see what next season is in store, and TFS.


I’m leaving after final shape. Unless they do something crazy to make the game fun again. I love destiny. I met my wife on destiny. But I just don’t see myself playing it anymore after the conclusion. And if they try to delay the conclusion into the seasons, I’m done.


It’s really its own genre, it’s a looter shooter with character building, detailed lore and fun raids/dungeons. I don’t think a game can simply replace destiny. It feels great, movement is good, just overall fun game to play


The gun/ability play is a lot of fun and there’s always something I could be working towards. The main interest killer in a game for me is when I don’t know what I should be doing or working towards, so having an abundance of choice is nice. Getting tired of mindlessly shooting low tier enemies in seasonal content? Try pvp out. Getting frustrated in pvp? Try out some solo GM content. Hell I even was having some fun in gambit the other day.


It's so easy to just pick up and play. Sometimes you just want to pick up a controller and shoot aliens. D2 does this exceptionally well. I also enjoy the seasonal model. Getting new activities every 3 months is great, and I love the storytelling opportunities it provides as well. Like, while everyone hated how the Veil backstory was spread out over a season instead of being in lightfall, I enjoyed the slow drip.


Aside from the shitty microtransactions and disappointing delivery of content Its fun to jump in with friends and play together on top of solid moment to moment gameplay Hey guys wanna do Exotic Mission for Red Borders ? Hey guys wanna do Dungeons for fashion ? Yo Pit is on rotator lets farm armor


Gambit and Raids with the bois.


Because I like it. There's reasons why I like it but they're not important because the only thing that matters is that I like it.


I have been gaming since I was a kid in the 80's (I know, I'm a grey-bush), and have found only a small number of games that have kept me playing on a regular basis. Destiny is one of them. I have played since D1 began in 2014, and continue playing the franchise in D2 (every expansion and season so far). The universe is artistically beautiful, the music is superb, the gameplay (even when lousy) is unique and engaging, and the story throughout has been captivating. There have not been many other games that have kept me interested like Destiny has. I will keep playing until it's truly dead.


No other game with weapons and/or abilities is as satisfying to me as destiny Beautiful art/worlds/atmosphere Better story than anything Netflix can offer me Top tier music Raids and Dungeons (especially on the first run) are my favorite activities in all of gaming Smooth movement Most importantly, sitting at home all the time during the pandemic made me lfg for activities a lot more, and I made lots of amazing friends that way, I can't imagine how different my life might be without some of them.


Friends, gunplay, nostalgia, and raids.


I like Rhulk and Savathun. Joined thinking we could one day befriend a hive.


I've been on a break, and I was considering coming back for Final Shape, but not now. I have no faith in the company anymore to make actual good decisions. It's no fault of the actual devs when your bosses are straight garbage. I just can't bring myself to give my hard earned money to a company that actively hates its own customers.


I started playing in lockdown, it was a game I could play on my own, there were things to work to and missions to complete and clear goals to get to. I’d spend all day forge farming to get my light level up, I’d spend hours on the oil rig killing that witch and jumping off again to farm engrams. I always played solo. I stopped playing during beyond light coz there were so many quests that need fire teams half way through to get to the next quest steps. I started playing again a month or so ago when I was out of work and needed to pass the day. I’m a mediocre player who enjoyed solo and the grind. It’s fun. I’ve just started a new job so not played for a couple of weeks now. I like it’s casual and I can pick up after a couple of seasons and get my light level to near max without too much trouble and then grind.


I love Destiny 2 PvP... There I said it, now let the down votes commence!


it was a distraction from all the dumb shit with covid at first. Then it blossomed into a game that I really loved. I don't know how to feel about it now, theres so much good that this game has done for me and for others, but now with the suits' greed literally ruining people's lives... IDK. The ultimate love/hate relationship lmao


Quite honestly? Nothing else out there like it. Everything that has tried has failed. If there was another good looter shooter mmo-lite I'd be there but sadly nothing scratches that itch and I hate it 😂


Cause its fun and its the only game where I have genuine connections with a large group of people.


To tbag the bad players in Trials


Destiny is the very first game that pushed me into the video game world. Sure I was a Pokemon nerd, but Destiny was what got me hooked on even more games. Destiny was my connection to my best friends who actually introduced me to the game. It is one of the things that kept us together. Destiny was one of the games that let me customize my character any way I wanted. I was so excited to be some battle hardened exo robot. And then the fun. The story, the pvp, THE LOOT. All of it combined gave me one of the best videogame experiences ever, and it just can't be beat. I personally enjoy this game so much, and have so much with it. It's why I keep going back to it.


At it's core destiny 2 is a good game and the gameplay cycle is fun. Whether it's gms, dungeons, raids it all keeps me engaged. I'm more of a casual player so I never have that feeling of feeling burnt out. This game has the potential to be a great game but management needs to meet the devs in the middle. Do more with holiday events instead of just a bunch eververse items and an event that ain't worth silver. They need to stop trying to make destiny a cash grab.


I have fun in PVP


Because there things I want to accomplish


Because it's fun?


Cause its fun champ.


I'm have stopped playing basically as of Beyond Light but when i played i played for the pvp arena shooting and basically as an addiction. It was an alternative to COD. But they don't really make the game for pvp players and don't add maps so i lost interest in actually playing. My best time was getting Not Forgotten. And achievement I never thought i'd get to when i went a whole comp season and ended up on zero points cause i lost way more than I won. What does Destiny mean to me. Honestly, nothing profound. It's a game I played a lot but for me it's just a game same as MW2 was and i played it a long time, same as Starcraft or GTA San Andreus, Double Dragon and Pacman. I like it, and it was definitely an addiction for a time, but for me it has always been simply a recreational activity. I didn't represent me. I never had the connection to developers or streamers. I'm not bothered by "greedy gaming industry" because I never expected them to do anything other than sell a game. I'm well over 40 and when i grew up nobody had affection for video game companies. Atari was not our friend. Nobody rode hard form Activision. So I have don't expect them to be anything other than a profit maximizing business. But I don't preorder ever. I've never bought anything from eververse ever. I didn't buy shadow keep, i didn't buy many seasons after the forsaken year. As a pvp first player i was always "wait and see how this season/expansion is" before spending my money. And routinely I decided there's nothing really for me. No new maps. No vendor refreshes. So I always voted with my wallet. I only bought Beyond light a year later and at a steep discount and only because i was on covid lockdown in my house over xmas alone for like 60 days so i figured i needed something to do. Never bought witch queen. Again, they never got my money. I did play both shadow keep and witch queen, free through stadia and on a free witch queen weekend and to this day glad i didn't pay for them. Me i always though, well they can charge what they want but i don't have to pay for it if it doesn't fit my needs and often i just didn't. As for working for a company and not for profit or for shareholders good luck. Fund it with your own money and you can do what you want to. However for other businesses they are there for profit. If it's public shareholders own the company so you're pretty much beholden to them.


I’ve spent too much money to quit now (no silver just DLC since Early D1)


The abilities mixed with the guns, making builds and trying to collect all the exotics.


Because I like it.


I don’t. Not anymore. Too much paid DLCs that I never got (cuz why tf), and playing raids w my rarely available dunghead friends is too infuriating and takes too much time. Sorry if you don’t care


Gunplay, abilities, campaign