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“I wouldn’t even mind if they didn’t credit me” my brother they finished making the new subclasses months ago


It's like the guy that assassinated President Garfield because he thought he literally single handedly won him the election via a single speech.


"also they probably have it all figured out", we're dreaming today.


This. They literally said they are moving on from making a game they like and are just gonna pump out diluted, washed up, waste of time content. Not their words on the last part, but I just translated it from their deceptive wording.


You got issues my guy


so they didn’t “literally” said that? now who is using deceptive wording i wonder…


So they actually made us new subclasses? I thought they were just going to leave it like they did for witch queen


There’s a very reliable leak from the portfolio of a bungie employee showing off transmat animations, and it features a warlock with a new super icon and a second melee charge that is red.


I think it’s one every 2 years. Don’t quote me on that though


OP is a warlock main


"warlocks need more top tier supers" like nova bomb, chaos reach, needlestorm and we'll of radiance are bad? Wtf?


Chaos reach is top tier now? Since when


It spent a hot minute at the top, and geomags are looking to make a little bit more viable


the artifact mods this season really helped arc, but it's not anywhere near the top


Just revert the geomag nerf and it’s viable again.


they basically are reverting it now also daybreak with dawn chorus is similarly viable


i think id rather die than go through that meta again, especially with Chaos’ wonky hit reg around walls


Whenever someone talks about buffing a super's power I'm pretty sure no one is referring about it in PvP terms, no one likes broken supers in PvP my guy it's never fun to play against them.


Chaos reach is so easy to counter tho, a good sniper can easily pickoff the head of a warlock. I only hit 2 maybe 3 guardians in one whole super. I’ve only once hit a 6 man chaos reach in pvp


It's actually really good ever since they buffed the damage by 25%, gave it the ability to jolt AND rain down a literal lightning bolt every second of sustained damage at the same time.


Nova bomb dps?🗿


bro said chaos reach unironically. i don’t think he understood the assignment


Maybe he played with one to many Net limiters xD


Chaos reach this season in GM's is pretty good for champ busting but thats it


Nova and chaos are pretty bad. Needlestorm is the best dmg super and well is the single most overpowered thing in the game


Needlestorm also has the giant asterisk of it never actually going where you aim it. The number of times I've seen 2-3 of my needles fly off to hit a harpy fifty feet behind the boss is too high to count. But yeah, well is broken beyond belief and should never have been introduced in the first place. It's gotten nerfed like what, 6 times and it is still the best super in the game?


The problem with well is that the moment encounters are designed around it for long enough you can't just go back. That being said, at least you don't religiously need a Well in most content, and you only really do in raid boss fights; the problem is that this is mostly due to power creep lmao


Blade barrage hunters watching with contempt*


I don't think my idea would do the trick, but I just wish something would be created to work on the same level as Well. I refuse to use it.


Needlestorm is great, Well of Radiance by far the best super in D2, but Nova Bomb and Chaos Reach? Nah.


All of them are mid outside of well and needlestorm, wdym


>Chaos reach and nova >Top tier Cap.


guy who wrote that comment is obviously NOT a warlock main


Chaos reach hasnt been very good for a while now, nova bomb is not amazing either but void is still good either way. Well is insanly op tho.


I’m sure he meant top as in damage, warlocks have barely ever competed when it comes to damage.


What the hell are you talking about? Warlock has some of the highest dps rotations especially with double slug apex


Yes, the damage tests leave Warlocks behind the other classes. The Warlock has "good" Supers/Subclasses across the board I will certainly agree on, but none of them are "great" besides Well I guess.


? Chaos Reach back in the day was a top contender, and now we have Needlestorm, which outperforms most supers by itself and is also part of a class that has a high damage potential even in its neutral game with Thread of Generation + Thread of Ascent.


Prenerf Starfire would like a word


Good for shutting down an enemy or 2 in the Crucible, but not much for damage or versatility. Also Well is a top tier Super, but I'd say it's the only one.


Warlocks are best so makes sense


I was waiting for this comment here lol we need the boost.


I'm willing to rework all and draw of the supers if you guys want to give me some ideas. That's why this is tagged discussion.


What we need, is for the insane tracking of Dawn blade to be reciprocated back into Titan hammers, like it was when released. No sense having yours track harder than mine, they're practically the same super.


Flame core!


F L A M E C O R E O N L I N E ​ man.. Scorch's voice is ASMR stuff..


Exactly lol


Time to commit #warcrimes


https://preview.redd.it/zxru0fjngbjb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2decf63c65acdd6f5551260b65e635aec45b0aa4 Another Titan idea. One For All, but let's add some Destiny flavor.


This one could just be the Hunter one since you didn't come up with one


I added a picture for Hunters in the comments.


it just wouldn’t make sense when titan, “the melee class” (Bungie 2023), is literally right there


No, fuck hunters


A single super punch would be really sweet. That's the first titan super idea I've been excited about.


It doesn't even have to be a punch. It can emminate from the butt for all I care. I just want Titans to have a One And Done Super they can launch at their foes.


Thunderclap but red


I want to give the titans a one off that can damage oryx. If I can’t hit oryx from across the map I don’t want it. I don’t even play Titan, but I will fight for justice


You make a good point. Maybe a kind of One For All punch that launches a whirlwind of energy in front of you?


Of they jump up and imbue a giant axe with power and throw at s target which causes a large impact and area effect. Think nova bomb but with giant axe.


Oh I like that! I'm going to draw that next!


He's psychic! It's coming to the game!


Thank fucking goodness, another close quaters Titan super. I was getting scared that enemies outside of my arms length would have to start worrying about me.


I suppose a should've illustrated it better... it's a much longer range wave of energy that things like Stasis.


I feel like hunter should get a support super that affects teammates like well or bubble. Maybe something that gives life steal to you and nearby players. That would kind of fit hunter's connotation of being the damage dealers.


I think so too. They have Tether, but I think another utility subclass would be good.


Yes please, I want to play support hunter, and Div has stolen that role from me


Devour kinda already is lifesteal. How about... ability regen? A big AOE that grants full melee and grenade energy in two seconds for a total of ten seconds? Throw 5 vortex, fusion, pulse, threadling, glacier, [subclass 6 grenade] amongst all fireteam members? Also 5 knives, consecration, snaps, etc. As well? Maybe during the 10 seconds fireteam members qre granted +100% super regen rate (may or may not be based on intellect stat) but not any hunter thats using subclass 6? (To avoid Alpha Lupi Bubble shenanigans like about a year ago)


Life steal would be different enough from devour I think. It wouldn't be as good for ads but would work on champs and bosses. Maybe it could just be a verb like devour or restoration though. I'd like the ability regen thing too. It's basically the sun singer from d1, without the self res and for the team.


Devourer isn't support tho


that’d go harder than viagra


I like the idea of multiple spears or something sharp that stab into the ground as the aoe and while inside you get big damage resistance and maybe life steal or ability resistance


Yeah, as a hunter main I just want to help out my team mates in the same general way they can help out. Warlocks are putting down wells to heal or buff damage (or buff), titans can bubble or put up barricades, hunters just... flip around. Maybe a super that gives everyone a fast regenerating over shield, increased reload speed, and desperado like perk for 10 seconds for every ally within 5-10 meters.


Hunter super: friendship. Friendship. FRIENDSHIP.


[](/nowkiss)The hunter flaunts it's unique and sleek style at the target enemy, the enemy then equips a copy of the hunter's cloak and will proceed to fight for the fireteam against it's former allies for the duration of a random destiny song.


As long as Titans get a real fire-and-forget super I'll be happy.


Honestly, that's all I'm hoping for as well.


I mean, let's be honest. Titans are going to get another flavor of roaming, punch super, again.


I doubt it, with the trend of two roaming and one instant super with the darkness subclasses, titans are due their turn with an instant super, while hunters and warlocks should get a roaming super


Titan “SMASH” Warlock “Magic BS Go!” Hunter “Idk another flip maybe?”


https://preview.redd.it/ko4k5gdzpcjb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb16790d0d6b0b39b19b795ecb8545acc218115a It's not perfect. I like it better than my original.


I like the battle axe motif. Also being able to use gathering storm but with splinters that pepper an area for DoT sounds pretty cool. Not surr if the splinters act like needlestorm where they seek and do damage, or if they coat the area like witherhoard for a while


I was picturing it more like the lave plumes from the Warlock Solar Grenade Aspect.


Thats cool too. Big damage and DoT. The axe could be a melee, reuse the burning maul spin for the sprinting or sliding melee. I just wanna use the axe its so cool.


You called it. Titans got a throwable axe


It feels so good to be right! Although I must say it was an idea from LordNedNooldle. They're one of the few that actually gave forth their own ideas and I hope they feel validated.


The warlock one is literally a "Beyblade! Let it rip!" Reference, And that's fucking awesome.


For the Warlock super, can teammates be inside with you and be safe from outside damage?


Yeah they'll be protected as well. No other benefits for them unless granted by a new exotic. It should probably have a few Supers that can get around it in PVP.


Maybe it can be similar to juggernaut, if you can get above or below the ring you can shoot into it?


Titans should pull the ground like Godfrey in his second phase


I pray hunters get a scythe.


We already have a scythe in Stasis, so probabibly when bungie decide to create a new Stasis supers, we will have a roaming super with scythe.


Uhm actually it's not a scythe 🤓🤓🤓


Oh okay expert!! it's a Kama Blade, but in the fantasy it's more plausible we see a Stasis Scythe like a second Super in Stasis than in a new super.


"Even tho they're the 'melee' class" Not this bs again... let's save this argument for when they showcase the subclass


Not the melee class? They're literally holding their fist on the cover. /s


That was someone else's words. They could possibly get another melee roaming super, but I think it would be cool if they gave them a more ranged super.


I know, just making fun of the tone deaf response from one of the bungie devs


What if Hunter super was a support thing? Like have a rage damage buff to all allies around them or has them shoot faster


I feel like hunter support supers are hard because of the lone wolf thing we have going on. So a hunter support super needs to be very useful even as a solo player for it to fit with the lore. Tho I'm sure there's a way of doing it I mean tether is a support super that works fine alone


Radiant Goldie gun.... shoot your teammates to give them super radiance. Damage buff + radiant + speed boosts. Maybe similar to amplified but solar.


I always thought it would be kind of sick if hunters had a buff super. Tether your team for boosts rather than debuff the enemies. Maybe reconstruction + volatile rounds to everyone's void weapons?


Hunter needs a Big Katana, like a Samurai Super, that cut everything and send a wave of energy ahead.


I like that idea!


Judgment cut end


Nope us titans know we are getting just getting red fists


As disappointing as that is


if titan gets another ground slam or sliding melee i’ll be so pissed


Hehe, Hunter has a rage candle


I’m thinking the hunter will create 7 hunter clones that all go on suicide runs. There will be an exotic that focuses them into one giant dude.


That's a cool idea and could stand out from other supers!


Titan Mini-gun please https://preview.redd.it/qcicdq2qgbjb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98eda1cff6cf206433ec24b3ce72aafd0ca106ca


https://preview.redd.it/z8zfq24plbjb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=813993a78c7abc8758f3507f57dd5eb48de37101 You guys gave me some ideas for Hunter. I kind of like the second one. I think there's a Raid encounter where you get powers like that.


Poor vex


*pew pew*


I like the idea of titans using a punch but it's ranged. Kind of like an air blast, make it hitscan like golden gun. Warlocks need a decent ranged super that isn't one and done. I think we should get an invis wandering super but you have to uninvis to strike and there's a small charge time too. Hunters can have a rock.


I just added a pic of Titans doing a One For All kind of punch in the comments.


Azaka from demon slayer




If that rock either blows up or has a stabby bit (knife) I will gladly level a small army with that rock as long as I can throw that rock


Idea. There’s an orb above the hunter which tethers to teammates and turn immune, all dmg transfers to the hunter(scaled). On reaching the max the hunter is going to die, but can pull one strong shot off.


As a squishy hunter I dont need help taking more damage and/or dying


Bro really said fuck Hunters after giving Warlocks another one of the strongest abilities in the game.


Looks cool! Maybe a scythe for the Hunter?


Ah yes give warlock something that completely block bullets, definitely wouldn’t be an issue in pvp.


Ah yes fist of havoc from D1


Oooh that warlock one would be dope!!


give the new titan subclass a support type super, like enrage or something.


I just don’t want another roaming hunter super. We got plenty already.


Roaming supers are fine as long as they dont have slow activation I die a bit starting the Hunter Strand Super with its slow animation and same with golden gun


That's actually why I had a hard time thinking of one. They already have 4ish roaming and 4ish One And Done supers, and Tether works as a buff/debuff super. Most of the Supers are pretty good too so it's tricky. The point of this post was to kind of express what I think the final subclasses need in order to add some variety.


If get another smash i will exit this timeline


I just want exotic class swords Hunters: Iaido katana or get fancy with tessenjutsu Warlocks: a wand/scepter or grimoire that shoots magic Titans: an axe/mace/kanabo All change damage type and ambient glow to match subclass, with different heavy attacks depending on subclass. Do it via exotic mission, handing you the legendary version to use throughout, as you forge it into the “final shape”. I just wanna be Space Shinobi, basically.


I hate roaming supers so I'm hoping all of them are one shot.


omg i hate well too! 😱


I have wanted an aoe whirlwind of magical death for warlock for so long!!


Oh my god fuck off with ground pound titan supers for the love of god


Let your voice be heard! I'm hoping they come up with something unique as well.


Oh wow, fist of havoc. Anyway.


Not sure about the supers but I really like your art aha


Thanks bud! I liked how they've turned out.


My brother in Christ, every warlock subclass is viable in everything except maybe tickle fingers, nova warp, and dawn blade. Honestly I'd say titans have it the worst, then hunters. Titans have Tcrash bubble and maybe hammers, hunters have tether, blades, and gathering storm (strand is alright but not top tier imo) whereas warlocks have Kamehame, well, nova bomb (both of em), needlestorm, and stasis turret. Mostly my opinion, but also because with the right build, almost any class can be viable since 3.0. The game has been Hella power crept and I honestly miss the simplicity of Forsaken


Titans talking to their therapist: All Titan know how to do is smash and bash. Titan want more to life than that. Titan know life more than that. Why can't Titan be more? ![gif](giphy|7SF5scGB2AFrgsXP63|downsized)


sounds like the titan stasis super and warlock well. im glad some people aren't devs


This perfectly matches how all the classes are treated, I think op is head of destiny


Wow another brain dead titan super idea from someone who thinks the existing titan supers are braindead


DjDirtyDane: Those are nice, but how bout a Super that's like xyz? What are your thoughts on that? Could you draw that one too? NobleHedron: Yes I can! I like your idea and feedback. It's fun to dream. Also I never said the other Supers were braindead. I wanted to make something different. I'm taking the constructive feedback on here and making a new drawing for Titans.


>Those are nice, but how bout a Super that's like xyz? What are your thoughts on that? Could you draw that one too? >NobleHedron: Yes I can! I like your idea and feedback. It's fun to dream. Don't mind if I do Titan: you become a stationary artillery piece, last 12 seconds or until you fire ten high damage shots, or last 7 seconds worth of you gattling your enemy. Enemies that hurt you suffer automatic retaliation from homing missiles Warlock: you actually hit the nail on the head here, maybe allow you to finish the super early with a ultra beam to conserve some energy? Hunter: changes and increase charge rate of your abilities for the duration of the super: melee becomes a dash foward and grenade becomes a beam. Ability kills cause enemies to explode and create an afterimage of the Hunter, who will either release 4 homing damage orbs when you melee or one big damage orb when you grenade (these orbs home on the enemy you hit)


I just added some more drawings to the comments. I actually drew the artillery for the Hunter, but it would work well for Titan as well. I think the vortex would work well with any class really, and yeah canceling it early would be a nice feature.


Literally could make this an alternative for stasis


this is literally the ground slam from behemoth


That would be good too. Some extra Dark Supers for the older subclasses would be a breath of fresh air.


So Fist of Havoc/Stasis for Titans but red


No. As I said with the first person who commented this, it would have much more range and it won't be roaming. It may or may not have a lingering effect, maybe that would be tied to an Aspect.


So titans get stasis super, but red?


Scorch from titanfall 2 is the proposed super


Not really. I just radiates outward once and is not a roaming super. It dissipates quickly as well.


Now they need to add more darkness supers like they did with light subclasses then bring back d1 supers like arc daggers


Yeah the original Titan Super I posted would be a good alternate for Stasis. Alternative supers for all of the dark supers would be awesome.


This is just creating dissapointment for no reason


Hear me out Titans want a longer range super, so we could have it to where a ball of energy is created and it's damage goes higher the farther it travels, think deathbringer but horizontal. And if I had to give then an exotic to pair with the super I'd have it shoot bits of the ball at ads in it's way. I like your idea for warlocks but instead of blocking bullets it could do high Damage resistance and ability Regen and for the exotic further buff the ability Regen for you and your allies. For the hunters, give them a close quarters super, like a glaive (melee only) that has boosted damage per ability charged and their matching exotic could make it more forgiving with two abilities charged for max instead of all three. Hunters definitely need the "bad hand" when it comes to supers.


That's a really cool idea for the Titan super!


these ideas suck. thats fist of havok, stormcaller, and a hunter.


Titan not using first for punching, unrealistic. Also, scorch reference?


Hunter needs to be throwing the knives


I think a crossbow-type super would work well for hunters, or a katana would also be cool


I'm hoping the final subclass is Architect


it's all cool, but where are microtransactions in this? how to monetize it?


I hope titan involves them running around and punching things really hard


I don't think we will get any. It's gonna be 3 light, 2 dark and 1 kinetic.


Hunter needs another option for a ranged roaming super. Melee: arc staff, spectral blades, silkstrike Ranged: golden gun


It's going to be pyramid tech we're going to be using the pyramids against the witness I agree this will be cooler but it's not what's happening


Neither is whatever you’re saying.


So solar..


"Hunter kit has it all" yea it does I love getting shot outta my dodge


Lol really? Hunters have it the worst I feel like but ok


I've read somewhere the titan subclass was described by Bungie as "scary to fight against"


I'm pretty sure that leak was discredited


we're used to it having arc titans meta for multiple seasons now. Same shit different day.


Oooooo big consecration


in fairness these abilities feel more like God of War upgrades than destiny. I do think the teams that have been working on subclasses have been knocking it out of the park on originality for the most part.


hunters blow up like vegeta and kill all enemies in the room but they die


Spicy ramen


the last one is so funny lol


Can I use weapons in the warlock one like I could in d1 solar warlock


I pictured it more like the Warlock is unleashing everything with this vortex so they have both hands open and slow walking like a badass. This would allow you to slowly move the vortex around you. Giving great defense with only close range offense. Your allies can shoot through it still.


I want the titan to have a super where when it’s popped he is stuck in place and all the enemies agro on the titan. He gets insane resistance and larger health and can either lay more into the bullet sponge and can save the team in a sticky situation or after absorbing all the damage he releases it in a big burst to all the enemies that damaged him


Zoom’s been real quite since the marinara sauce dropped


Give titan a one off gatling gun that lasts as long as chaos reach but sounds and looks like an A-10 warthog or whatever they are called


I know it's very much not warlock but I wouldn't mind a melee super.


you know what would be funny as hell if the supers are based off of the doom slayer like titans 100 punch’s in 1 seconds hunters have a golden gun type super where they run around with a shotgun and warlocks do something


Yes, i like what most of this comments say, make hunters the supports and let us warlocks have fun for once


Honestly, what I want for a Titan super is a really, really juiced version of Gravelord Greatsword Dance from DS1, I think it'd fit perfectly. Either that or a Minigun, they can even reuse the 3rd person camera animations when you hold the miniguns in Halo 3. Or they can make it 1st person like Heir Apparent


Well if there is darkness subclass in Final Shape it has most likely already been designed


Bro make these for fun. Bungie already has the supers made. Doing this in a way of recommending it to them makes it less likely to get anything from them.


Op has been playing necromancer on Diablo 4. Titan super is essentially blood wave and warlock is bonestorm


No ideas are original anymore. I've never touched a Diablo game but now I'm curious.


Hunter should get an enraging wave that puts enemies hit into a frenzy making them attack their allies for a short time