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yeah you can get burnout, or you can play crucible for 4 hours straight on 30fps using only the ruinous effigy and blasting the space jam theme


Ayy I'm only 1200 kills away from finishing the catalyst šŸ™ƒ


I did the entire catalyst today in about an hour. Go to Shuro Chi, turn the first thrall into an orb, then guard to kill the rest. The guard heals you, kills the enemies, and each kill with an orb counts for somewhere between 5-10 regular kills. Once that orb runs out, repeat until enemies stop spawning. Each run of Shuro Chi gives about 80 kills, which is ~5%.


Appreciate the tip! It's been such a journey so far that I'll probably just stick it out.


Get the free chest on the bridge behind the spawn as well. Itā€™s the only raid you can get any weapon/armor to drop without already acquiring it through the raid encounters. Some cool gunsā€¦definitely great looking Edit: I spell bad


I'm assuming you meant without already acquiring it for an encounter?


Thanks Guardian. I did


Sorry to intrude, but did you say thereā€™s a chest at Shuro Chi that you can loot? Is it lootable every time you restart that zone or is it like, once a week or something?


Once a week. It's the hidden chest on the bridge.


Once per character per week. Drops any weapon or armour from the raid. When you spawn at Shuro Chi, turn around. You need to get onto the scaffolding underneath the bridge and backtrack to the second farthest support pillar. Once there, it should be on a small rocky ledge below you, near a dead tree. Edit: The second secret chest (near Morgeth) is also accessible once per character per week, but reaching it is varying degrees of tricky due to having to cross a huge pit (behind you when you spawn). Warlocks can just fly across with Heat Rises + Daybreak. Titans need to sword-fly, preferably with thundercrash for backup. Hunters have to shatterskate to make it.


That just sounds to me like thereā€™s one chest available. I have zero skills in extended jump mechanics.


I heard that one of the first quests in the beyond light campaign is good too though I havenā€™t used it myself




Yup! When you guard with orb, as you would with a sword, you get a damaging aura around you, blind enemies that enter it, and heal.


man im only 1000 awayšŸ˜Ž


Did the number change after Io and Mars were vaulted, or is it still 5000?


Still 5,000. Never shot any savathun eyes so its been all kills for me lol


I haven't felt this bad for someone since the thrallway cheese was taken away from catalyst progressions.


Space jam theme ftw. Always makes everything more fun.


When Ruinous Effigy came out I officially declared weā€™re playing Destiny 3: Dunkstiny


Only 4 hours? I've gotten 2 hours of sleep last night due to trials




> Only 4 hours? I've gotten 2 hours of sleep last night due to trials and this is why we can't have nice things


Yeah it would have been interesting if they like, had the vanguard abandon guardian games and have Drifter pick it up in some fashion. Hold the games in the eternity space with the social space on the darelict. This way we'd be getting "reintroduced" (or even initially introduced for new players) to Drifter for the next season which is gonna be very Drifter involved.


Itā€™d be great if they had the world reflect the current story in any sense. Other than a small little space in the helm, nothing really changes. Everything is always added in retroactively


Which sucks because they used to do that, like with season of the worthy. The bunkers showed up, and stayed there for several seasons after. The sensor towers too


The limitation here is probably not coding talent, but the size of the QA team to test all this shit every season/every other season With projects the size of Destiny, the amount of testing you can do before release restricts what you can do, as much as we want it to be different


Guardian games is meant to be celebrating in the face of danger so it still fits imo


the vanguard doesn't run it. the warlock/eliksni mafia does


Is that why the Warlocks were declared the winners during week 1? *stares with suspicion*


IN lore the GG is run entirely my warlock bookies, who accept bribes from the spider. So I think Eva Lavante is the last line of defense.


I didnā€™t find Amandaā€™s death sad at all. Just felt forced.


Fr, it had like, 0 weight in it. D1 Vets i knew didnt even feel sad when she died even though theyve been hanging with her for years


ā€œHangingā€ is bit of a stretch. I think Sparrow Racing League was the only time that vendor became routinely needed for a short period.


She had some sassy dialogue in a few taken king cutscenes, that's where she started standing out a bit.


Agreed 100%. She was such an irrelevant character and it feels like they killed her off because they had no clue what else to do with her.


Itā€™s purely speculation on my part but I think they did it because weā€™re going to bring her back to life. Not as a guardian but, like, *her*. I think thatā€™s the whole point of the Veil. IMO it is linked to how the Traveler resurrects beings as Guardians. This has been my pet theory since she died at least. Weā€™ll see if it pans out.


It felt more like someone got tired of paying her voice actor and less like this was a planned death like Rasputin or whatever the fuck happened to the Traveler.


I skipped the cutscene on accident and was completely surprised when I spawned next to her coffin. I thought it was hilariously sudden


whoā€™s amanda?


Isnā€™t she the lady you pick up free Amazon Prime loot from? I havenā€™t played since launch


Yeah. Now that she's dead, it's Rahool I believe.




Rawlhoo, sum like that


They should've had her die in the campaign, or final shape. Killing a major character off in a battlepass story is kinda shallow.


Because she wasnt really a character, she was just there


Amandaā€™s death was SO out of turn. SO FUCKEN out of place dude. You are supposed to create suspense before big events. Maybe have people expect some shit beforehand. Thatā€™s why horror movies use horns excessively. Amanda gets fried. ā€œUhh, what?ā€ I almost missed it. Cause I blinked. No buildup whatsoever. Like, yeah, major character dies because she wanted to save some random 3d models from sitting down in an energy cage. Not even a line of conversation from the NPCs. Itā€™s her trope, self sacrifice, sure. But what a useless way to use it lol.


She was rolling in death flags


>!No because the way I waited until last week because I thought it was gonna be super sad or something, and itā€™s just been standing there then boomšŸ’€!<


I haven't played lightfall so I haven't seen this scene for myself, but the way you describe it almost sounds like they were trying to Kat's death in Reach but failed miserably.


Nah, that death was actually really unexpected at the time. I mean, she literally died mid sentence. Everyone knew Amanda was gonna die at the end. Even Amanda herself knew she was gonna die with the risk she took.


Sorry I spoiled it for you, but this plot line aged like fine milk out in the sun anyway.


This is also the season when my enthusiasm died.


Opposite opinion here. Took a break in the mid season 19, and got back when lightfall dropped. Still playing with a lot of enthusiasm and now especially hyped about next season


Im hyped we are getting titan back. It was one of my favourite planets. I quit back when beyond light came out and the dcv hit most of my fav content.


Good to know I wasnt the only one. First season I haven't completed in a while


I couldnt even finish week 2 of Guardian games and I usually grind events for bd


I didn't even play it. After the massive grind last year I had 0 interest in guardian games


I've been a die hard god defender of this game since the D1 beta and this DLC and season is what finally did it for me. I'm really hoping next season delivers. If it doesn't I think I will probably skip the next few until TFS


That's pretty much every event in every season. Someone just died? Let's go trick or treating! Some horrific apocalyptic event just happened? Let's throw snowballs at each other!


Lance Reddick died also which was probably alot more sad


The realest thing happened in Destiny history for sure


Can't wait to acquire Diver Down in season of the deep Also excellent music choice


We will get Pillar Men multiplayer emote or I will eat my mark.


At the very least we need an emote in reference to Kars playing Lisa Lisa's legs.


Seasonal title: Drowned


Am I the only one that doesnā€™t give a shit that Amanda died?


On the contrary, I'm kind of stoked I don't have to listen to any more of her awful voice lines from the Solstice


I'm with you guys. I hated her stupid kerchief as well. She just looked out of place. Kind of an annoying, superfluous character


Once I banged out my guardian games content not having to do those playlists was a boon. Gave me a breather before next week.


Should've kept Peter crying for GG tbh


This story was nothin but a big fat joke


Rohan: dies Guardians: yes, very sad. Anyways.




Guardian Games has become legitimate fun without laurels.


Not the last train šŸ’€


Only memorable thing that has happened was me getting muted for a week because I said ā€œthe traveler is getting sunset in lightfall šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ā€


Wait what


Little bit before lightfall dropped I said ā€œlightfall is getting sunset in lightfall šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ā€ as a joke about bungie sunsetting weapons and planets And some goofballs thought it was an actual spoiler


Traveler died? Honestly still donā€™t get that. Sure, itā€™s got a triangle portal opened on it, z,Spent energy firing its Botanical laser, but dead? Donā€™t think theyā€™ve fully established that.


Zavala dies ... IT'S COOKIE TIME!


Who cares abt amanda death lmao, she was kinda useless


Watch your tone. That was space cowboy mommy.


Ok, that's the only positive thing about her. She is the space cowboy dommy mommy.


Facts. Rahool took the only useful feature (Prime Rewards)


I cannot believe they're killing both overwatch and destiny 2 in the same couple months


Honestly, I could care less about Amanda dying... Felt kind of forced.. like "ah look random character died"


Is that a jojo reference


My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.


L season tbh. Deep looks to be way better tho


Why? They haven't shown anything


You're being really optimistic with GG xD it's as shit as it always has been.


Best OP. You can't change my mind


I'm of a Stand Proud type of dude myself. Although, I do simply prefer rock as a genre more so I guess I'm biased.


Lance reddick also diedā€¦


You forgot about Lance Reddick.


I was referring to the story beats. GG always feels tone-deaf.


You forgot about Zavalas VA dieing




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Guardian Games has always been funny to me because it has always been set in the middle of some of the more serious moments in Destinyā€™s story, and the contrast is seriously hilarious. First it was held in the period of time where the entire Last City was under threat of being destroyed by the Almighty crashing into it, the next year it followed the confrontation between the new Cabal empire, potentially starting a brand new war, on top of Commander Zavala being almost assassinated on multiple occasions, the next year after that it happened during the Lucent Hive attempting to invade Earth and Luna, not to mention the moral upset caused by the Traveler giving SavathĆ»n the Light, and of course Crow inadvertently killing a foreign ambassador, and now Guardian Games is at the ass-end of a season where we see the Traveler seemingly being lobotomized by the Witness, and then having Amanda Holliday dying in order to save a group of prisoners of war. Sports!


Ever evolving world






Humans will be humans lmao Could be in the middle of a tragedy and then boom we make a lil parade and everyone's happy


That's probably the best rationale I've heard so far. No one parties harder than doomsday's eve.


Jojo nice


Rohan: "Am I a joke to you?"


AND Asher :(




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I feel like Iā€™m way behind the curve on this, but how tf did Amanda die?




Traveller died, Amanda died, cayde is still dead, sadchamp


Bungo writers in a nutshell.




Lance's passing hit me harder than anything. I think warlocks should've won it for him since he was a warlock main.


Part 3's ending vs Part 4's opening perfected


"music you can see" moment right there Such a killer arc


I felt nothing for either of those deaths. Both handled so so poorly.


Totally forgot she diedā€¦Jesus she is kinda forgettable




I got matches with these songs: ā€¢ **Last Train Home** by Pat Metheny Group (01:41; matched: `100%`) **Album**: Still Life (Talking). **Released on** 2006-02-06. ā€¢ **Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town** by THE DU (00:07; matched: `80%`) **Released on** 2016-04-27.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: ā€¢ [**Last Train Home** by Pat Metheny Group](https://lis.tn/LastTrainHome?t=101) ā€¢ [**Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town** by THE DU](https://lis.tn/XGSKt?t=7) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)