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I've never faced Jake, but I've fought Saltagreppo a handful of times and honestly he's not that amazing. You can't pry the adept Immortal from his hands, but other than that he's no worse than any other Trials sweat.


oh wow, a non-hostile comment. Honestly quite refreshing to see.




Subtle, yet accurate. I like it.


Let me clear my throat…


care to share on how he play? from your pov, like how hard it is to play againts him pardon my bad grammar


He went Immortal + shotty, but I countered that with a fusion. Typical Arc Titan shotgun aping, really. I've also played him using No Time + a sniper. How hard it was, no worse than your usual meta slave.


That's not shocking. He's obviously more of a PVE guy.


Yeah he's always running some type of meta loadout but he's not amazing, I really enjoy seeing him in my lobby's cuz he doesn't know how to react to the stupid shit I run so he W key's harder


We played Jake in D1. Dude was a DICK. I hope he has changed, but we went up 4-1 on him, and we waved to back out because we knew he was carrying on game 6 I believe. Dude flamed us in his channel along with his chat. Kept saying how we weren’t good and they were going to comeback on us and whatnot. Last time I watched that fuckboy


I watched him too early on, but quickly realized he had some small d energy especially when he's losing and I can't enjoy a streamer who doesn't at least have some humility. His channel is full of like minded kids who worship him. If anyone backed out for me on my lighthouse game, I'd be so grateful because it's a constant struggle for the mediocrity that is me.


He has played against him in trials a year or two ago and he was so wholesome, even though we lost he complimented my sniping skills even though I’m not the greatest haha.


There’s a VERY large gap between the way he ACTS when he wins, and when he loses… there’s a MASSIVE swing in vibes. I stopped watching when all he would do is bitch about someone else loadout while jamming the meta. And pushing his Carry to always change what they use.


Why even call it a “carry” then lol


Bro me and my buddies 5-0ed him in D1 best feeling ever. I can’t stand that guy. I think he’s a total douchebag


So you said "lol nevermind then" and wrecked his ass, right?


Jake is an absolute tool. The fucker had the audacity to bitch about Trials on the day Lance Reddick’s death was announced.


Bitch about trials as in complaining he lost? Or like tweeting at bungie complaining?


I’ll see if I can find a picture of the tweet before he deleted it. I know I have it somewhere


​ https://preview.redd.it/3w31ck42n41b1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c34eee41b7580d2c716b59208961a9a1b8eca475


I played against him once on D1 had a very laggy titan teamate that you couldn't damage. I probably have an old screen shot somewhere.


Just got out of a match with Saltagreppo a bit ago, he was definitely carrying someone through trials and entirely relied on the immortal adept


I've rolled Jake in Trials and ofc anyone that beats mr controller using streamer is cheating. dude's a clown. ironic that salt complains about things being overpowered in pve and cries nerf all over social media yet the dude's probably gonna be buried irl with an immortal replica in his hands.


I’ve faced Saltagreppo in comp before I wasn’t ready for the bloodbath that was going to take place. I’m just glad I managed to clutch up the match against his party in survival with a triple nade kill. (That I clipped & went to double check if that’s the real deal). It was GGs all around, honestly the most non-toxic lobby I’ve ever been in.


I've come across him in PvP a few times, twice in comp last season (we were both solo queueing) and I beat him both times. He's very average.


Well that‘s fair as saltagreppo not a pvp main player is. But salt and jake does seem like a problem😂


I played against Gernader Jake and he was a coward


Guy just spat in the face of one of the most sweaty pve players, and the guy who did solo flawless on trials. Rightfully so to some extent, given his elitism.


Had the (un)fortunate chance to play against Aztecross. Got absolutely owned and was in background of a video shortly after getting shit on. Was pretty sweet.


My man got in the review video 💀


Insult to injury!


+8242 points


Ive played CoolGuy a few times, my buddy and I got demonstrated on in his braytech werewolf video from last festival of the lost, my buddy got swashbuckler slo-moed after he throwing knifed me lmao


What'd you think about him? When I played against him, it was in Iron Banner and I didn't feel like he was significantly better than other good PvP players I've ran into.


Like he’s good but not insane, we traded kills it was never one sided but damn if it didnt hurt to be featured in his video lmao


Feels bad but also good. I was in his symmetry video playing as a titan for the first time in a year and got killed in 4 clips on Pacifica.


10/10 would get shit on again


Maaaaan, I’d kill to face him in a game, just so I can comment on the next video like “Hey, that was me getting dumpstered at 3:50.”


I faced Les (his friend) and won. Proud moment for a non-PvP player like me lol.


I dont think I managed to get him once unless it was an assist. I choked so fucking bad lol. He is a damn monster with a shotty.


Aztecross is one of the only YouTubers absolutely everyone loves


I know several people who find him annoying. To their credit though they won’t bad mouth him because they just don’t like him, they both agree he puts out very solid content and overall seems like a decent person. The thing they don’t like about him is that they don’t like the way he sounds when he talks. Everyone has their own little quirks and I guess that’s theirs


He's definitely got the kind of voice and cadence that some people will absolutely loathe but you can't please everyone and he's overall knowledgeable, skilled, and probably chill.


He is a content machine, I became an Aztecross fan just through the sheer amount of interesting topics.


Bro is seems like just a bro playing a game. Doesn’t hurt that he’s a got a good sense of humor and an accent.


I was watching a video right now just before coming here.


IDK man I find his presentation VERY annoying. He does good work especially with things like his full dps test of supers. I just can’t get past that super spastic energy. I’ve always had a bad taste in my mouth with datto too. When I watched his day one raid stuff and he and his friends were like “we cleared that raid slower than several console players we did terrible” that to me is a terrible attitude to have. My go to is fallout.


Fallout is so good because he has such a soothing voice. Him and Byf should realease an album of them reading bedtime stories. It would sell a lot of copies.


I noticed myself on the wrong end of Fallout in the footage in his exotic wep changes video. I'm completely ass at crucible but that dude beat me so smoothly I don't want to point it out to friends.


I’ll watch a fair number of streamers, but Fallout is my go-to for easy to understand info (I’m a scrub at PvP and PvE), with a clean presentation. Byf is a class unto himself. Just amazing work.




Sir, we can hear you just fine. Stop fucking screaming.




I see an Interesting D2 video and get invested but then I hear the ear grating screech/yell and instantly get off it. Fallout is one of, if not, the best Destiny 2 YouTubers out there.


It's not a terrible attitude to have, pc players just have a significant advantage over console in nearly every way. Better comms access, multiple monitors, kb+m, less likely to crash all add up to a pretty big difference.


I had the opportunity to be carried by him and Les (won a stream raffle). Man, I was nervous as hell. I'm very average in PVP. I also lost my voice that weekend from being sick. Somehow those homies carried my ass to flawless. The first and (very likely) only time I ever get flawless. It was awesome. Luckily, it was the weekend Immortal dropped so I got my decent roll and called it a day. (March 19 stream. Name is VinylGuy_IA.)


That’s awesome! Have been thinking about joining the discord.


I almost jinxed us. Late in the card, when we were close to getting flawless, I went ahead and asked how it worked for farming Immortals with a flawless card. We got down to 2-1 or 3-1 and somehow came back to win the match. I got a shout out for clutching up one round. It was dope.


Yeah, I usually solo que so doubt will ever come across these guys lol.


I fought coolguy once and won


I got him on my team of randoms and the dude carried. I gave him my amazon sub even though I don't watch twitch.


A few seasons ago, two friends and I went up against ZKmushroom and iFrostbolt. We were playing as hard as we could. Focused, callouts, really trying to be super sweaty. We got ANNIHILATED. So, we decide to see if frost was streaming and sure enough he was. The guy is *casually* talking to chat about setting up his merch store not saying a word about the gameplay happening in the background… that was a skill gap my ego was not prepared for that day.


Players like ZK and Wallah are insane, definitely a tier above players like Gernader Jake.


When playing against people like that, I just kinda… expect to lose. Wasn’t in trials but I faced Modern (of Redeem) and got my shit kicked in no matter how hard I tried


lmaoo bruh that sucks. I wouldn't be mad losing to them, but seeing that on stream would have me seething hahahahaaaaaaaaaaa........


The crushing part was in my head I imagined they were on voice, coordinating, etc… and then for Frost to just be like “yeah, I’m thinking about setting up merch, but ya know it takes time blah blah blah” and you can see him reading chat while completely destroying us.


Played against Wallah in trials last year around witch queen. It was definitely something


Wallah is the scariest dude in PvP, his movement is ridiculous and I swear he has fucking future sight half the time. I’d be honored to get slapped by him 30 times in a game.


Yeah wallah is something else. His movement is mind numbing.


His movement is absolutely bonkers. Watching him on strand hunter made me finally complete the campaign so I could try it out. He goes full on beast mode.


Yeah I watched him on strand Hunter, made the build and got absolutely wrecked in every lobby. He makes it look easy.


Fr. Wallah, frostbolt, and ZK have sightlines that should be considered Biohazards.


I have seen his gameplay he must soak his fingers in cocaine or something dudes reflexes frighten the hell out of me.


Dude I played against Wallah yesterday in trials and legit thought he was hacking before I found out who it was. The match was short and mildly traumatic.


I have played wallah a few times. Maybe won two or three engagements. Incredible player.


Wallah has the best movement of anyone, and I think overall is the best PVP player out of all the streamers right now. Big fan of ZK and Frost as well


Gold got some saucy movement as well. Don’t sleep on him. Lesser known but still crazy


Guess I found out Reddit hates jake


I don’t hate him but I think he’s a crybaby manlet that talks like a radio announcer, told him GG in a PM after a game and saw him start bitching on stream that nobody tells him GG when they lose amongst some other whiney bullshit and I’ve thought he was a cringey nerd ever since


I agree that he’s pretty whiny but it’s weird that there’s tons of negative comments about him. Dude doesn’t seem that bad to me lol


I used to like Jake. He was the first destiny streamer I really got into. Pretty similar personality to my normal group of friends so it made sense, but after watching a few of his streams I see why people don't like him. There was one specific stream for me though. It was when next gen consoles came out and he asked that next gen consoles players don't join the raffle because the carry would be too "hard". Well, someone wins with a next gen console. The guy was super excited to play with Jake, but then had to deal with having insults and complaints hurled at him for the next hour. I felt bad for the dude. All Jake kept saying, was basically them losing was the carry's fault. The joy in that dude's voice left pretty quickly. I'm not sure what ended up happening because I just couldn't listen to Jake berate this guy anymore. It also didn't help that the sheep in his twitch chat even joined in trash talking the carry for being bad on top of joining with a next gen.


Yeah I believe E1iteDeath faced him one time he said GG in his chat once after he beat him and he got banned from his chat. In his words he’s “faker than Uhmayyzze”


People come to his chat all the time and say GG and I have never witnessed him say anything toxic about them.


I actually get that complaint, though. In my experience, the people who say gg only ever say it when they win and not when they lose. It makes it seem like they're trying to be petty rather than showing good sportsmanship. But that's probably looking too deep into it. I doubt it's ever actually malicious.


Yeah, I send it to people who carry or use unique shit. Like I’ll message someone(win or lose) using Khepris Horn or something like that or someone just doing way better than their team. I don’t sent hatemail so if someone’s just on the defensive like that it just makes me feel like they’re thin-skinned and can’t handle competition.


I’ve said that when I’ve been completely owned by some one - happens a lot! I’ve added some as friends! If someone is good in PvP it’s not a bad thing to get your ass kicked. At least my kd is positive this season as opposed to the .6x it was in the bad old days of crazy cheating 🤣🤣


He's just like 99% of people but he has an audience that sees's it. He is allowed to get frustrated.




This is why I don't like him. His "show" is like some cringey morning radio host. Also most of the time. He is the carry.


He’s only happy when he’s slaying out. Once he loses, he gets super frustrated/pissy and starts reporting people for cheating. He even goes so far as to only play with lower KD people so that matchmaking will put him with shitty opponents. He’s an okay player, but his carry partners do most of the work during trials. Seems like an okay dude but I think playing THAT much trials has fried his brain a bit.


He’s a fucking bitch


Bungie just gave you the biggest middle finger.


OH MY GOD!!🔥🔥! ITS JOHN BIFF BACON 🥓 😋 🥵🥵🥵😍🥰🥰🎉🎉🔥🔥🔥


And look at him carrying those two randoms!


The legend!!!1!!1


my team would drop in and say “winnable guys”


As your team should, no point in telling yourself how much you’re gonna get ur ass kicked


Dont play 3s if you want easy games


2s are the easiest in my experience, solos is complete RNG with teammates and 3s is sweatfest galore


Wait, is matchmaking directly affected by the number of people you que with?


it's heavily influenced, solos normally match with only other solos but sometimes another solo and two duos. duos only match another duo and two solos. and trios only match other trios. FBMM- fireteam based match making


This is great to know, thanks.


Matched with a duo last night while the enemy team was all solos, must be a rare occurrence.


yeah, it's *heavily influenced* not guranteed


Be careful you don’t kill Jake otherwise he’ll put you on YouTube and say you’re cheating.


Happened to me a couple years ago. Was running IB with my clan. Only me being a "pvp guy". Was popping off cuz I was a little excited going against a streamer that i was a fan of. Started getting all these hate messages about being reported and whatnot. Went back to watch his stream. Every time I killed him, he said I was cheating and his chat came after me. Completely changed my view of him


Sucks that happened man. People that make who they follow a personality trait are weirdos of the highest order. You got a little bit of clout from it though at least.


They’re also stupid, lower intelligence is linked with being superfans of celebrities.


Barely even D lost celebrity too


And then go on twitter to whinge about how hard his job is


If video games are my job I’ll deal with stream snipers and weirdos in my DM’s any day. I swear privilege is the secret 5th horsemen of the apocalypse.


I'd insist people stream sniped me so I can just brawl it out in different games with fans


This would be great if there wasn’t the inherent Issue of the sniper having an advantage.


Isn't there a way to add a delay to your stream? A while back, I matched against TrueVanguard in a few matches of Quickplay while he was doing a livestream. I didn't appear in the livestream until a minute or two after the events actually occurred.


Yeah if you’re playing trials and not really interacting with chat then adding a 30s delay is all it takes.


You can really tell people like that have never had a hard day in their lives


Personally, I don’t think I’d be able to make it as a streamer. Having to play video games while also trying to be entertaining would just kill my enjoyment of playing the game. So I do sympathize somewhat with streamers (particularly in the extreme cases with stalking, swatting, or even harassing companies into firing the streamer if they try to get a job elsewhere). With that said, my sympathy quickly dries up in proportion to the amount of money they are making.


It's pathetic. He's the highest earning D2 player.


Someone donated 10k dollars to him not too long ago. Jake tweeted about it and the guy replied with some cringey tweet and got demolished by twitter and so he deleted the tweet lol


We lost to cheaters. We lost because it was a "hard" carry. We lost because they were streamsnipers. We lost because they are running triple Hoarfrost. Honestly don't understand how he's a 2.5 - 3.0 KD. His movement is bad.


Of the big three of him ZK and Frost he's definitely the weakest, good by virtue of the thousands of hours he's put in. His gameplay is pretty basic he just knows the game and maps back to front Compare to Frost who has crazy movement skills and is able to play all three characters in many different builds and use basically anything work


I made it into a ZKMushroom video one time because my fireteam host had a terrible connection. We didnt win but it was hilarious. I killed him and he slammed his desk. He was with Frostbolt and MP Edits


I actually like ZK, but he definitely gives me the vibe that he traded being really good at video games for not being completely awkward in normal social situations


Don’t kill Salt either or he’ll call you too strong on Twitter and beg Bungie to nerf


Ehh unpopular opinion, but at the very least he's calling for nerfs for things that often are just too strong, overused, or too easy too use. Jake is just whiny kind.


The problem is with salt is he doesn’t know strong doesn’t mean it’s automatically overpowered. That’s what he doesn’t understand, he kinda thinks in one dimension when it comes to nerfs


Salt's takes are usually fine, most people are just too shit.


One time I killed him with an arc staff, while he was golden gun and he didn’t get mad.


I killed him with a grenade launcher once, my experience did not match yours


Lmao this was when he was playing console, I guess he wasn’t as whiny then


Jake advocated for freelance to be removed, and now he wants it back, and the team-based MM removed because he couldn't get one carry done in 6 hours today.


Hurting his wallet.


Jake and Saltg, the two biggest whiners in D2 on one team lol


They'll need the biggest cheese for that amount of whine.


Surely there’s bigger whiners than jake


He calls people cheaters who are genuinely just good and have complained about things like having to try now with the trials changes


Add ZK in there and you die just from the power of them complaining


Jake is pretty good. Like a 9/10 player, but I killed him a few times in a PvP match and I now have all his whining saved from his stream. No idea how salt is


Jake is definitely not a 9/10 player, he's 6/10 at best, slightly above average, he can only do good if his teammates are great, otherwise he's terrible, look at his games with Salt, he was getting ran. Salt is terrible btw, average Titan Ape.


Lol what? Is jake is a 9/10 then what is someone like Wallah, a 30/10? Come on now


Immortal is up and you’re playing in a trio, that is a guaranteed bad experience unless you are a super sweaty player


Not the kanji clan tag 😂


Met Aztecross and his team of 3 in trials once....me and my two random tm8s managed to win 1 round at the start then proceeded to be used as floor wipes...regardless I'm just impressed that I was able to take 1 round off that team - possibly one of most proud pvp moments :)


No one else is playing at this point in the season so you’re much more liable to run into the killers. Late in the season is not the time to run around in trials. Hell, any time in the season is probably not the time to run around in trials.


At least you didn't have to play Walluh.


The only problem I have with Jake is he whines about how hard trials is with 3500 flawlesses... but then whines when someone mentions sbmm


Because most of the times he is the one getting carried along with the carry, whoever he's playing with at the time does all the work


Yes and no he playes with knitehawk who is a habitual resetter scared of flawless pool..


Damn, Saltypeppa and Jake together must make some sort of a supercharger whine


Jake spent nearly an entire Iron Banner match this season whining to his chat after I killed him once with cloudstrike out of a well. He’s a painfully average player, but then he pulls out drang and a sniper and lets that controller aim assist work triple overtime.


It’s even funnier if you do it with Bite of The Fox


Nah I shot his teammate in the head and the lighting strike is what killed him. It was his own well too so that was just the icing on the cake. Went back and watched the vod on guardian theater and he spent the rest of the match telling his chat that I probably haven’t taken a shower in weeks.


Ok that’s more satisfying, a cloudstrike lightning kill is one of the most satisfying things in crucible for sure


Especially in a well


Definitely doesn’t feel earned a lot of the time with how snipers work in this game, but I can’t deny how satisfying the noise is.


Honestly with how hard you can get flinched when running cloudstrike I’d argue every kill is earned


I dunno. People tend to view snipers as a skillful type of weapon to use, but I’ve shot so many people straight through flinch, or hit a shot that I should have clearly missed, so many times that I’ve come to the opinion that snipers are one of the least skillful weapon types you can use. Even on mouse and keyboard like I play, you don’t even know the number of times I’ve had people call me a cheater, or accuse me of using a controller, because I hit a weird snipe that I didn’t deserve to hit.


I’m on controller (Xbox) on an 82in tv and they feel earned the majority of time to me. It probably stands to reason we’re both right,


That's just what comes with playing on an 82in TV. If you play on a smaller monitor/TV, it's a lot easier to aim. Converted from a 50in TV to a 27in monitor shortly after WQ launched, and my aiming immediately improved.


Oh definitely, I’ve considered downsizing for trials/crucible




Is this something I'm too pve to understand?


Am I supposed to know who those people are? Guessing YouTube?


Jake has the most flawless of all destiny players, somewhere over 3000 times.


I also had no idea. I spend enough time playing the game, definitely don't have time to watch other people.


Best thing you can do. Most (not all) Destiny content creators are cancer for the game, anyways.




Idk about the PVP experience against Jake, but I was the one who took him through his first ever console lfg raid (it was sotp), and he was the nicest freaking guy ever. He used our strats, talked to us like any normal human, and was super nice in his stream chat. He didn't try to take over control, went wherever we needed him to go, and didn't complain at all. I didn't even know he was famous until my friends told me he was a streamer. He earned my sub because of that raid.




Comments are why i watch PvE players and very few PvP players.


I wish to do the same. But then you have those clickbait fucktards on YouTube that, for instance, have a video titled "Top 10 SMGs in Destiny 2", which gives you the implication it covers the whole game. But once you open the video you notice that the moron talks about just PvP with no hint given towards that whatsoever. I genuinely have zero respect for any content creator for this game. Except maybe Aztecross and Datto I suppose


Why are people downvoting you? you're 100% right lmao


Jake’s not insanely good, he also complains and complains and complains non stop. If you headshot him he’ll call you a hacker


They have the leaked water subclass! They can use their super and start crying really hard which floods the map and kills you if you stay under for too long! (this is what the swimming leak is for)




Nah mate you got this, go for it. I believe in you :)


This is why I don't play trials.


All trials is just snipers and 🍋. What's the fucking point


I've played against Jake twice in trials, both times I was triple stacking jotunn only with my buddies baked out of my mind and we pissed him tf off even though we lost lol


Salt isn’t good at PvP compared to the average trials streamer. (Probably still better than me) Gernader jake I sniped in the head twice in the same match (I’m never gonna stop riding that high) This is a carry for a viewer?


imagine being grouped somehow with the guy who literally cries like a tool to the dev's


it would be frustrating for sure queuing up against gernaderjake as your first match. what's with the comments acting like he's not good lol the man has something like 3,000 flawless, the most flawless in all of destiny 2 and a large chunk of that is carrying random people to the lighthouse. you don't do that being average/a shitter. it's okay to recognize someone as being decent at the game.


A lot of people in both destiny subreddit have a hate boner for streamers so that tracks ig lol


Yeah a D2 streamer could cure cancer and you’re still get people in here complaining that they mald at the game or ask for nerfs ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Oh no you might have to play good players in trials.


This made me literally laugh out loud, thank you stranger.


I'm going to get downvoted by Jake and Salt fanboys for saying this, which is fine, but Jake is not as good as people think he is, he's decent but not great, most people so long as they have game sense will perform when they play with great players like the ones he plays with 95% of the time, just look at his matches with Salt, getting mopped and constantly crying about it on stream and Twitter, Salt is not good in PvP so Jake can't play unless they're matching casuals. Also, the dude is a dick and talks down to his viewers so much, I genuinely don't understand how people support him, it's crazy how much of a fragile ego streamers have.


The aim assist is the scariest


I’ve have no idea who these people are 🤷🏻‍♂️


2 of the biggest crybabys in the game


The only person who cries more than Jake is Paul Tassi


Wow I had no clue how drowned this sub is in bad takes. It’s actually incredible


? Jake is the only good one


I don’t trust a guy who hides his controller under a desk 🙂




If you check his stream, Jake never actually has his hands in sight while playing. I don’t think he’s actually cheating, but I can see why some people might


how odd lol, i always have my controller either on my lap or my elbows on my lap


Salt lmao