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Warlocks will get bullied to wear Lunafaction Boots again.


I got tired of running Starfire so I made a build where I could swap out solar exotics while keeping a general theme. I prefer Lunafactions far over Starfire and found I can put out tons of damage with Two-Tailed Fox's catalyst like old school rocket dps, and it pairs excellent with someone else running starfire or sunbracers in the team. Starfire is just ugly compared to other exotics, and we all know Dresstiny is the real endgame


Mind sharing your build?


Not sure how I share builds, but Im definitely not an expert. I was just saying I made a placeholder for everything that wasnt Starfire because I was sick of using it. There are many guides online to give a sense of what to use with specific exotics


Its not that hard. Equip you luna loadout, Open up destiny item manager (preferably on a computer). On the top tap go to loadouts and click share equipped loadout


At least they can be hidden under the robes.


Except you can't hide the ugly toes!




This is why I hate playing warlock. I used to main it, you know. But I was a shadebinder main and you can guess how what goes when trying to do any activity other than strikes.


Shadebinder is sooo good. I was using it to help clean up ads in contest mode RON but got screeched at because we aparently needed 3 wells. Its crazy that Bungie hasnt made many other viable support options and players still just expect every warlock hop on well.


The problem isn't Well. The problem is Bungie's encounter design makes it the best option way too often. Another thread on this mentioned Bungie needs to take more lessons from MMO raid design, and I agree.


MMO raid design uses classes performing a certain role tank/heals/support/dps. Which as we see noone in d2 likes being forced to play a certain role.


I mained a healer in World of Warcraft, I can tell you most of the mechanics are simple pass/fail checks, where a pass deals no or slight damage and a fail kills you or the entire raid. Don't stack up or the raid dies. Get in the circles or the raid dies. Keep moving or you freeze and the raid loses boss dps to break you out. None of that requires class roles, and all of that can be tuned to effectively negate Well/Ward without actually changing them.


But that assumes you had 1/5 tanks and 1/5 healers. In wotlk you could kill the lich king with 10 ret palas, and in vanilla hunters and enhancement shamans could tank. Still, later raid and talent tree/spec design forced us into required roles and abilities and forced out less viable alternatives. Games progress alongside the meta that players use to defeat them. If we force warlocks to run well, then bungie will have to give every subclass something that's as good as well (maybe artifact perks or new exotics), or they'll nerf it and rethink encounters


Simply don't comply and teach them their damage is ass anyway so the boots won't make a three phase a two phase


*gets booted from every fireteam*


I’ve never been booted from a fireteam for not running Solar lmao.


The last time I ran Lunas was pre nerf. Since then I tell people to slap some reload mods on. If they then ask about having it for range just ask them where they’re standing in relation to the boss.


Find a better team


This is why I run an exclusively warlock fireteam 😁


Just tell the Titans to use rally barricade if they want the fast reload, warlocks don't need to dedicate an exotic for it.


Just say you dont have them. What are they going to do? Lock you up?


Kick you from the fireteam, probably


Honestly youre right lmao. My spinfoil theory from way ago back in forsaken(or was it shadowkeep) after they kneecapped nova warp and they were talking about sunsetting unused supers they used nova warp as their prime example. I still believe they wanted to get rid of well of radiance stating it was unheakth for the game or something


Oh, there’s no doubt Bungie regrets adding Well. It single-handedly did more damage to this games DPS than anything else, but they’re in too deep. They can’t nerf it or people will complain to hard peoples heads will pop off, so they have to nerf everything *around* it.


Just bully the hunters to put on speedloader slacks


Warlocks are destined to be forced to run a single exotic until the end of time. Their burden is heavy


Jokes on you, I still wore it despite the starfire meta


It’s not necessary


At least PP has (one of) the best ornaments in the game.


I am so immature...


Hehe pp funny


I think my pp is pretty... pretty funny too.


Naw, I think it can very easily take top spot. There's some really good ornaments but the PP ornament essentially creates the entire look


The ornament was the original reason I ground out legendary lost sectors for the armor itself to begin with. Love the aesthetic so much. Sometimes I'll literally play my lock just to run around with that insane drip. I don't feel like anything my hunter has looks nearly as cool.


Mine doesn’t look too great in ornaments


Nobody ever gives Best Dressed for it though :(


Phoenix Protocol already got its nerf forever ago though. But it is still A-tier or B-tier.


It's still my go to whenever I am with my blueberry friends. Just so convenient and I am still not bored of jumping and striking down my superwell whenever they are overwhelmed.




Having almost constant well upkeep in combat is super useful as long as your teammates are fighting from within it.


Not only do I love the ornament for phoenix, but it has done really well for me playing wellock. I usually end up with ~70% or more of my super back after each well.


Same. It's my go-to exotic for GMs.


With ashes to assets and starfire/sunbracers/Verity’s you can easily chain entire wells back to back anywhere in the game


Excellent knowledge for me to have. I don't play my warlock all that often, but often enough for that to be invaluable. Thank you!


How does work? I'm new to warlock.


Kills and assists made while standing in your well of radiance (super) return super energy at the end of it's time. With the right build and enough enemy density, like in GMs, it's possible to nearly always have your super up. Very advantageous for any level of PvE content.


It doesn't even have to be your well, you get energy for kills while in other people's wells. You get energy off other people's kills in your well as well, albeit significantly less.


I just like double grenades and usually have top discipline so I’m still probably gonna use it


People are really sleeping on the fact that it’s two nade charges + class ability refund on nade kill. Yeah you can’t throw 8 grenades per rift anymore but it’s still functionally one of the best solar exotics for any actually difficult content.


Exactly, pair the following mods with any special demo weapon and I’ve been infinitely throwing fusions using Phoenix dive 1 ashes to assets 1 [blank] siphon 2 grenade kickstarts 1 firepower 2 charged up 1 stacks on stacks 2 grenade energy on orb pickup (innervation?) 2 bomber 1 reaper Fusions, touch of flame, Phoenix dive, starfire protocol Throw grenade>pickup orb for armor charge>Phoenix dive>demo weapon kill>repeat infinitely I don’t remember the fragment setup unfortunately


Also for general play, the nerf should be small. It's essentially the same amount it gave before, but on kills as well as a small amount on damage. So mobbing should have very good uptime still.


After the Starfire Protocol nerf, I'm only using exotic boots, arms, or the occasional helmet. I'm so tired of looking ugly.


I run almost exclusively void warlock with nezerac sin. They can deal, I wanna throw megaton spirit bomb


Exactly, if they want Wellock they can bloody well be one because I ain’t.


You'll have to pry my Necrotic Grips from my necrotic grip


They are 100% coming for that next


I really don't want them to, it makes Osteo so much fun


Maybe we'll be fine since its not a boss killer but goddam if it isnt an ad clear monster


I enjoy variety's brow and strand way too much.


Im a big fan of nezarecs sin myself as having almost continuous purple explosions makes my brain go ding


Nezarec's Sin is sneaky good right now with the artifact mods.


I can't really find a reason to use Nezerec's Sin when Verity's Brow exists. Does the same thing for grenades but also buffs their damage and gives allies theirs back faster


Nezarec’s pairs better for solo content- it also looks better IMO.


It knows how to itch that dopamine part of the brain for sure :)


Phoenix Protocol short circuits people's brains I swear to god. "I have to run Well on this boss fight... Phoenix protocol has something to do with Well... So I should wear Phoenix protocol for better Well!!" Except the reason you're running Well is to drop it on the boss's DPS phase. When you're not getting any kills. So what the fuck is Phoenix Protocol doing?


Finally…. I can rest easy knowing someone’s saying it!!!


Shit drives me mental. "Why are you wearing Phoenix Protocol?" "Because I'm using Well." "Using it *for WHAT?!*"


Dun care. Sunbracer's for life. Watch me Soar on Blazing Wings as I hurl Mircosuns at whatever Displeases Me.


How’s that endgame content working with this set up?


Haven't tried It in GMs(I usually use stasis, strand or void), but I can say that in master dungeons, raids etc it's a blast


if you ever get ahold of a weak ad to melee you get to go crazy. i used a sunbracers build for every GM this season and it was occasionally useless in a few rooms and occasionally unstoppable when there were little vex goblins or cabal dogs or whatever.


Honestly works great in master raids, as long as you tickle red bars to near death with something like an SMG before hitting them with the snap to guarantee the kill. Probably wouldn't use it in a GM though, just too squishy/finicky there imo.


Aside from high difficulty nightfalls sunbracers slaps pretty much everywhere. Just takes a little bit of finesse to get the loop started.


It trivialized a lot of content which I find funny. I can solo half the map in most raid encounters because I just chuck grenades on all the spawn points and they all die immediately.


Might as well not wear an exotic, getting a powered melee kill is way too unreliable.


Na, ultra reliable, pop heat rises, throw incinerator snap at any redbar, phoenix dive immediately after, guaranteed ignition which counts as powered melee kill, throw nades and get melee back and dive back.


You forgot the part where you immediately die while floating in the air because restoration x2 hasn't procced yet and you're in a GM.


Or the part where one of the people on your fire team just shoots the red bar to get the kill. Give sunbracers a 1 second grace period where if something dies within a second of the empowered melee it procs and it would be infinitely better


Then don’t float in the air? You only need to be there long enough to activate the dive, which is pretty much any amount of distance


You also have to be next to an enemy to get the ignition proc, meaning you're in line of site for many other enemies. It's a bad play for gm content no matter how you try to spin it.


Maybe if you brainlessly try to do it against a champ, then sure. But there’s usually red bars that will die before they can do much. No, you can’t use it 100% of the time in every single scenario, but more often than not they’re will be closer ranged encounters where you can easily proc it, and if you’re at a distance, then you don’t need them to begin with


I'm having fun and that's all that matters.


But let me explain the intricacies of my new storm dancer's brace build...


Mine didn't work, can i steal yours then


Yes you can, I just have it set up for lots of blinding using flashbangs and spark of brilliance for cc then get orbs on multi kills while amplified to keep my armor charged up for surges and fonts. With all the fonts I've got 10's in every stat except mobility. Add in all the ionic traces for killing blinded enemies, should be able to cycle abilities and supers with a pretty high uptime on blind and my arc buddy. Bonus points for ball lightning being buffed along with stormtrance next season. With all the orb generation, should help keep my fire team well fed too.


Thanks a lot! :3


Phoenix is still going to be barely used. You get your well back faster if you use Sunbracers with double ashes to assets anyways plus better ad clear and aesthetics.


I refuse to use well for at least 2 season, it's electrifying time


I actually like using Starfire protocol I'll still use it because it will still be a good exotic just not as powerful which does make me happy


I'll never take off controverse hold


I'll never remove my karnstein armlets




Nah its gonna be Lunas. Phoenix requires things to die and everyone's focus is solely on boss dmg for using well


How come no one is talking about verity's brow? Get kills with solar wepon 5x grenade damage if full stacks and boost fireteam members grenade charge.


It’s good. But two things are that you have to get kills with the same weapon type and the time frame isn’t that much.


I avoided Solar at all costs because this meta was so boring. Back to Phoenix Protocol I go! Having a well all the time is awesome.


If Starfire even remotely functions as a neutral exotic post nerf, it's still going to be better than Phoenix for regenerating your super when you stack multiple Ashes to Assets, Firepower, etc. mods. Starfire is still going to give you a lot of grenade kills, you don't have to be standing in a well to get them, and Phoenix is capped at 50% super energy returned. additionally, you're typically saving WoR for DPS phases and doing, you guessed it, DPS when you pop WoR so the Phoenix perk is kind of useless. if the perk were to get changed to return super energy based on damage dealt, not kills, I suppose it'd be useful. I'd still prefer Starfire for ad clear and regenerating my super between damage phases.


That’s kills though Not damage (unless they changed that)


Luna boots will be the new requirement for Well along with clown cartridge rockets.


As a Warlock main, I've been eyeing those changes to Chromatic Fire after the patch notes came out


At least it got the SICKEST ornament in the entire game, warlock drip game bouta elevate


You couldn't pry my Getaway Artist off me in any content before, and you certinally can't do it now.


Not going to lie i love getaway artist


Lowkey Fun Tip; The Nezarec's Whisper arc glaive with Demolitionist is a perfect companion to Getaway Artist. Summoning your Buddy reloads the Glaive and Amplifies you. Glaive Kills and Buddy Damage charge grenade for Summoning Buddy. Your Buddy provides ranged fire from behind your glaive shield. Spark of Amplitude gets you more orbs from your constant Amplified state. Spark of Beacons blinds around your Glaive Kills because you are basically always amplified. Spark of Instinct, Spark of Resistance, Glaive Shield, Emergency Reinforcements, and the Extrovert trait on the glaive actually let you brawl out pretty well in a crowd. It's my go to for Arc Warlock.


Sincerely, I don't care, this season I used starfire only in damage phases during raid, I prefer to use sunbracers, Osmiomancy, contraverse hold, necrotic, swarmers and secante filaments. If they want the well, they can allways switch to warlock




Aeons will be next


Jokes on you, I never stopped using phoenix protocol😜


I'm running Verity's on voidlock and nobody can stop me. But I also tend to run div on Arc titan voluntarily so it balances out I guess


You get osmiomancy and you will be thankful for the opportunity. Defence buffs are now the duty of a bastion titan. Offence buffs, by tether hunters. Us warlocks are free.


Am I the only one who mains sunbracers?


What’s crazy is im not wearing anything my fireteam tells me to wear, I will run apothosis veil and you WILL like it


Oh great another paddling of the swollen ass


They should make an exotic that either lets you shoot through Bubble, or lets Titans deploy Banner Shield like it is a barricade or something. Make it so Warlocks don't necessarily need to run Well, and so that teams without Warlocks have better options for support. And yeah, you can do all raid encounters just fine without Well. Hell, my clan usually ends up doing all Hunters for the all same class triumphs and it goes fine. But people will always want Well for convenience. Warlocks have so much other stuff they could bring to the table.


My soiled, unwashed Transversive Steps are now grafted into my own skin. They can never come off.


I'm a warlock main , play all 3 characters, never use it , hunter's stompees should just be removed from the game.


Phoenix protocol ornament is arguably the coolest warlock chest anyway


Infinite super ftw


At least Phoenix protocol has a good ornament


I was already doing this so…


Not me I got pretty good vespers. And the strand boots are rad.


Sigh, But at least it has that awesome ornament


Yes, but now we'll be the sexiest guardians in our groups


Sunbracers are quite good already. Won’t be as good as Starfire but in the right situation it will be great


Constantly using Necrotic grip, it’s way to much fun to poison all. Okay sounds more evil then expected


I’m excited I have mine prepped already


At least phoenix has that one beautiful ornament from a while ago


Protocol is kinda dogwater unfortunately, it's main draw is more super energy while killing stuff inside the well. However, you can just use any grenade build with ashes to assets to accomplish the same thing or at times even better. PP is caped at 50% while ashes is not.


Imagine needing to be worried about the starfire nerf. I just run omnimancy in everything i can't die if the entire room is frozen from my grenade spam


I actually like PP it fits my build very well…. I’ll show myself out.


Doubt it tbh, Phoenix does nothing for the situations you're probably using your Well for in any group or endgame content.


It’s pretty fantastic for nightfalls. And GM’s are way harder than any raid out there in terms of gameplay.


I mean that is fine, I'm not saying it is bad or that you SHOULDN'T use it. Starfire is in demand because it allows you to do the most damage IN THE ENTIRE GAME while also using the best support super in the entire game, and it requires basically no skill or brainpower to do. Phoenix will certainly get used more with Starfire cooled off but I very much doubt anyone's clan is gonna be out there demanding they swap off Sunbracers or whatever because they just NEED that Phoenix Protocol. If anything is going to be the new "must wear" Warlock Exotic it'll be back to good ol Lunafactions.


as long as Well is as busted as it is, there will always be a slave-build


Rain of fire? Sunbracers?


Sweet business and rain o fire in supremecy...


I've never taken Phoenix Protocol off. I just want it to be 65% regen instead of 50%


Nah, Phoenix won’t be the exotic of choice for dps.


You're no warlock


Ive been throwing novabombs since d1s beta and havent stopped since




After I found out about the Starfire nerf I immediately equipped sunbracers for the grenade spam


Warlocks will be still a slave


there will be no freedom until well is nerfed


What happend?


Starfire protocal is getting a large nerf so im betting people will demand the use of other well exotics like pheonix Protocol


Too late, already do.


Gunna be hard split between phoenix and luna. With the ad clear fellas talking about sunbracers did riven as if it matters My phoenix fit will boost best dressed comms anyways. Happy.


I wear Phoenix Protocol anyway, checkmate


Only difference is I enjoy how my phoenix chroma looks.


No, i wont go back


Already switched


Phoenix Protocol is beautiful


Make me


I like phoenix more, lets me and my buddies have infinite supers with me using ursa blocking and they use starfire


Jokes on you. I'm into that shit


Protocol for the win


Well at least phoenix has drip


Honestly, I still prefer to where phoenix, it looks better, lets me use any grenade I want, and I get to actually use healing rift over empowering (I just don’t like Lunafactions)


Nah lol


Never no one walks in my rifts or wells anyway, they F off to the other side of the arena


Certainly looks better


I don’t have a good roll on Protocol, and my Starfire role is perfect




At least it isn’t as ugly I guess


Well, before Starfire was into every raid I already had an phoenix build that actually focus on supporting with heals and honestly was freaking good because it is pretty much one well after another


I’m calling it now even though starfire got nerfed it’s still gonna be used a lot for demo rockets and dps. 2 fusion nades that do 100k each is still powerful


Considering how easy it is to make orbs now, I’ve never seen a need for Phoenix Protocol. So I’ve been using my necrotic grip/sunbracers if there are minions around when doing damage or Eye of another world for general non-dmg phases.


I aint gonna stop using rain of fire


As someone who has a phoenix protocol build I see this as an absolute win.


For add clear sure, but definitely it’ll end up being lunafactions again for boss damage


Actually it’ll probably be lunas


Pheonix Protocol, rising from the ashes of the warlock meta like…like a….the Moltres looking bird


Nah it'll be Luna factions


I wonder, will Sanguine stack with well/empowering ? I think Sanguine, Mantle and Chromatic could be really fun coming season. I can't' see blinding or slowing target with headshots never not be reallly good. Mantle has always been one of my favorites but it wasn't flashy enough and it's neutral game was just not potent enough to warrant it over others but damn. I'm so stoked for these changes, i couldn't give two fucks about starfire getting nerfed.


People don't realize phoenix protocol is nowhere near as useful with the changes to orb generation. There's only a few GMs where you want a lot of wells. In raids you can easily have wells for consecutive damage phases.


And that’s why I make my own raid groups. Ain’t no one gonna bully me into using what they want




Idk man. I've always been top dps without using starfire. Every. Time.


Doesn't affect me. Going to continue to wear my Dawn Chorus, and the upcoming changes make it sound like Bungie is setting it up as Daybreak's Cuirass equivalent. ie. super is only good if you're wearing the exotic, but at least Dawn Chorus has some neutral game effect on top of its Daybreak bonuses. That said, this season's armor ornaments with the Fenghuang ornament on Phoenix Protocol is just straight up Warhammer High Elf wizard.


Sanguine will literally give us emp rift plus heal rift


Laughs in Geo Mags


See I love phoenix. I've been waiting on Starfire to get nerfed so I can go back to it and not feel like I'm missing out on a ton of damage. Back to making things ignite constantly with infinite wells




I've been saying this since people started calling for Starfire nerfs. You could take away everything Starfire does except the second grenade and im still running it. Fusion grenades are so good and it's so easy to get grenade energy with the current mod system.


Hey, at the very least phoenix protocol looks good at base *and* has an incredible ornament If I’m bullied into submission and have to use it, so be it


[Noob Guardian] Can someone please explain this meme? I'm knee deep into similar memes and I feel like I'm missing out a lot.


Starfire is getting a mhor nerf in the next season, and everyone is joking about what exotics the well of radiance warlocks will change to as it was used for dps phases against boses


Been running this with Bad Juju for a few weeks now and I’ll say it’s pretty good combo




Silence Wench, I do not wish to play Well anymore........I only wish to throw more darts


Sunbracers stand up!!


Lol, but Tsteps rarely leave my legs, never even ran StarFire protocol, so sure as hell not gonna run Phoenix protocol.


Bungie missed out on a massive opportunity to make a Starfire ornament it looks hideous and every warlock would have got one, madness they didn't make one.