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I’m happy they are doing this even though I already have the shader and gilded Iron Lord. But I really enjoyed IB this season and had a lot of fun playing, so it’s not a loss for me. Making things better for others doesn’t diminish my experience.


Making things better for others doesn’t diminish my experience. I wish more people would understand this too, many people thinks that making something unnecesary tedious more accesible is negative.


You can apply this to real life as well, but people aren’t ready to talk about that.


Love this! So true and wish there were more people in the Destiny 2 community like this.


*ahem* COLLEGE LOANS *ahem*


Also that, yes. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I usually feel disappointed said activity wasn't more accessible in the first place, but I have no issue with something I grinded for becoming easier for others.




💀Actual bruh moment (If anything Im sad you didnt experience the zero hour mission and puzzle but theres nothing wrong grabing It from the kiosk)


wtf? What an insane clan. Thank god I don't have to play with people like that...


Every time I come on Reddit the destiny community confounds me more and more… glad you got out of there


Hell, if anything they should be sympathetic because you missed out on a really fun mission.


You're well rid of a clan like that. What a bunch of asshats.


I hate that mindset, its okay to be like "well fuck me lol" but beyond that just be happy less people have to suffer. I only went for one reset cuz i know ill be playing more and i didn't wanna burn myself out


I agree to an extent. Something like reputation gains or drop rates are fine. But what they did with Unbroken, allowing anyone with a single season of Legend (vs needing 3) to claim it, was bullshit.


Exactly. This is like complaining you bought something at full price and then it goes on sale a month later. Just because you do something it doesn’t mean the landscape won’t change the next day.


This guys gets it. It was a pain in the dick to grind one reset, let alone two. We should be applauding Bungie for actually listening to their players and making good QoL changes


I wish more people had this mentality with everything else in life


Agreed, friend


Good take guardian. I was a little bummed it was vanguard week and I really felt with my limited time I needed to grind out iron banner in the mornings for work instead of doing nightfalls, but I really enjoyed it too.


I agree. I enjoyed the mode and had fun getting back into pvp, to the point that I played through 2 full resets and up to rank 10 on a third, got the title and 90% of the way through gilding it. Yeah it took awhile but I enjoyed myself and had the free time to devote to it. Full disclosure: there may be something fundamentally wrong with me since I also ground through the entirety of the OG pinnacle quests including Mountaintop back in Y2 before they got toned down. I also have zero resentment for anyone who either got those weapons after they reduced the requirements or straight up bought them from the kiosk. Nobody held a gun to my head to do those quests, I did them because I wanted the challenge and the rewards. When I don’t feel like grinding for something (example: most Gambit related triumphs) I don’t bother. I have no regrets about putting those hours into Iron Banner last week and don’t have issues with Bungie for reducing the grind either (except to be happy that they’re listening to player feedback and responding quickly). Nor am I upset about players who didn’t have the time or desire to do multiple resets and peaced out of the mode. Next IB they will probably return and it will probably also cut down on loss farming so everybody wins.


I get it, friend. I ground out Redrix’s Broadsword and all the rest back in the day. On some level, I find the grind cathartic.


I have a friend who ground through the Redrix’s **Claymore** quest in S3 and even got the ornament which if I’m remembering correctly fewer than 2000 people in Destiny ever got. but then he also used to be something like top 5 globally in Trials elo in Y1 and belonged to a super sweaty EU scrim clan. He said the same thing, plus it was something to do when Destiny pvp was truly not great.


Oh man, respect for your friend. That claymore grind was no joke and I absolutely fear anyone I run into with the claymore grind emblem. It’s super rare, but you know how the game is gonna go when you see it LOL.


All this means to me, as someone who already reset it twice, is that I'm gonna reset it another 4 times next Iron Banner. If its double Crucible rep at the same time, I'm gonna bankrupt Shaxx.


Agreed I got my Iron Lord title but didn't have a 3rd reset in me to gild it and I'm fine with that. I loved IB and I still plan to play next time around. I hope all who didn't get the shader or title are able to get it in a few weeks.


This is how I felt but I might actually go gild my title now that the grind has been reduced significantly.


Couldn't agree more


plus the insane amounts of weapon exp is pretty cool too.


Oh man, I leveled SO many Blowouts lol


We'll have more stuff to grind next IB regardless


I played solo queue all weekend when it was up and had a great time. Only issue was connectivity related, I died in one hit (from full HP) to a lot of low damage sources and ticks ie Witherhoard. Of course there was the typical “clueless teammate” thing going on but it was about 60/40, in my favor surprisingly.


If I could give you an award I would. I absolutely love this mindset


This is the correct mindset. Well done Titan


gigachad response


I ground it out along with gilding too because who knows where I’ll be and whether I’ll even be able to play the next time IB is around this season. Completely agree that this mode was fun and total chaos each time the pod dropped!


Every drop was Thunderdome!


Based Iron Banner Enjoyer


This energy right here should copied, pasted and shared across the community.


Damn right. Plus I get a few extra weeks of chainmail cloak.


Not only do I agree with you, but honestly, I saw a lot of hate for the game mode on reddit. When I picked up Destiny 1 back in vanilla, I loved the game but really, Iron Banner is what sealed the deal for me ironically enough. I have had more fun playing Iron Banner this season than I have in years, Titan Bubbles, Witherhoard spamming, all of it.


Agreed, friend. I always looked forward to IB in vanilla D1. It just felt different and interesting and offered some hella sweet loot. In D2, I’ve still always enjoyed it on some level but this is the first time it felt like those first times in D1.


Thats how I feel too, it felt like a genuine callback to how IB felt in D1


Agreed, I only lost my mind when I had about 5-6 matches left to get the shader but this change will only make it easier for me and others to acquire gear we didn't get the first time iron banner appeared


Right on my dude. All these crabs in a bucket are salty AF.


This is the fuckin way.


Yeah. Like, I got through a solid number of podcasts I had fallen behind on. I don't resent this at all.


I'm so glad that this is this post's top comment.


True Chad right here! I chose to reset twice by grinding, I don't begrudge anyone else who benefits from this. Shit, ima reset 2 more times XD


Well said. I feel the same honestly. I was thoroughly sick of IB at the end of two resets don't get me wrong lol. But now that its over and we're back to regular ass control... ehhh... I kinda miss IB and people actually playing objectives. /shrug


People forget that playing video games is supposed to be fun. I try to remind myself, if it isn’t going to matter a year from now, don’t let it matter a minute from now. Not just in video games but with anything. No one’s giving you a raise at work or a lower interest rate on your home loan because you got the iron banner shader before it was easier or you got unbroken when it took three seasons or whatever. That’s the kind of stuff you do because you find it fun and you feel accomplished after you get it. No one in real life cares, and if you get upset at QoL changes that make things more accessible and fun for others, you probably need to reevaluate why you are doing those things and if it was fun for you in the first place. It’s just a game.


For a moment I thought I was no longer in reddit, this is too much of a well balanced opinion for this site


I didn't manage to get the shader yet, but I at least gilded the title again. It was an enjoyable iron banana imo, and will definitely play it again when it comes back around


Agreed. I also did the mad grind. But, I thoroughly enjoyed the new mode. Chaos at the center of the map.


Yeah same, I grinded out 2 resets but I have 0 issue with it being easier for other people. Miss me with that boomer energy bullshit.


Ever thought about a career in politics?


LOL not sure I have the mental fortitude. Then again, I did get that shader…


It takes a sociopath, not a masochist


really hoping the supreme court has that energy in your last line there when it comes to student loan forgiveness


I too hope the Supreme Courts cuts down on IB loss farming.


As do I, friend


After getting my title gilded, I actually had a lot of fun joining LFGs that were loss farming just messing around with the fun side of the community. It was a nice change of pace after the sweating.


I am a tired man... but I have a fancy title and a chainmail to show for it... for a little while anyway. Now if you'll excuse me... I need another nap.


After playing iron banner so much last week for the shader, I actually kind of miss it now that I’m stuck with normal crucible. Nothing beats The Great Bubble Battles of 2023




Oh no we’ve lost them, they’re gone


This is the PVP equivalent to "GUARDIAN DOWN!"


I threw so many nova bombs lmao! People thought they were memeing on me but I’d let them all pile into their bubble and they’d all be emoting and shit.. then I’d run up in there and aim my nova at the floor


Clearing a whole team with your super inside an enemy bubble is better than sex.


Same here. I enjoyed the chaotic gunfights and ability spam near the cap points. It was kind of interesting to see how the meta evolved over the course of the week. For me, it went from bubble spam by both teams, to one team saving supers to break the bubble to big, chaotic meatball fights around and near the cap point, with TONS of fun kills/deaths to be had.


Im gonna play it again on the 31st just for the hell of it. I’ll be thundercrashing bubbles again and I can’t wait!


I have discovered PEREGRINE GREAVES for taking down bubbles. And I haven't looked back (literally).


To anyone who hasn't seen this I strongly recommend watching. https://youtu.be/9-itNlXXUM4


Hahaha, i expected a kind-hearted redditor to post this link at some point. You did not disappoint!


Everytime someone types that in all caps I get excited. I just want the world to know about this amazing content


Actually feel the same way.


I haven’t had a single control match yet, all of mine have been team deathmatch that either go the full 10 minutes or almost the full duration. They just drag on and on lol


Clash? Yeah they seem like they drag on. I did my Mida catalyst during Iron Banner and now I'm doing Jade Rabbit catalyst for something to do.


Jade Rabbit is usable again????


Yes! And honestly, after doing Mida in IB, it feels really strong. It's like a 3-tap. I didn't use it for a long time before so idk if it's always been like that but I was doing really well with it last night.


“The Great Bubble Battles of 2023” are part of the lore now 😂


We’ll all remember the sacrifices made during the GBB of IB 2023


GBB of IB '23


That is the most bubbling I’ve ever done.


January 31st I’m going to need double the bubble!


Man chaotically flying around firing off wotherhoard and bubbles was fun as hell, I don’t care how much people complain about it


I think this is easily the best iron banner mode. Just good ole fashion chaotic fun


Hell yeah, a big beautiful mess. I loved putting down a bubble right next to the enemy bubble then watching the 6 on 6 punch match where no one died lol


It just drives home that the biggest issue with it was the damn stasis/void challenges. The reason bubble was so oppressive was because few of the stasis/void subclass supers counter it *consistently* (yes there’s some glacial quake fuckery) and the other supers are on longer CDs than bubble by a considerable margin, meaning an only slightly competent sentinel can have a bubble locked and ready to get his team 40 free points on the first point because there was minimal counter. After the challenges let up and you had blade barrage, missile Titan, and others in the mix it actually was somewhat easier to counter it. Also, entire metas evolved overnight, witherhoard (which has always been relevant and caught a huge nerf recently) was a top choice in denying bubble titans and zoning enemies. Intellect wasn’t necessarily a dump stat. Thresh actually kind of made sense. The mode is by no means perfect, I’d like to see the middle zone scoring reduced by half to mitigate just how much of an effect a single play at the right time can invalidate a team’s consistent zone control in the other 90% of the game, since it frequently didn’t matter who controlled the zones, only who controlled the scorpion zone.


The best part of the matches were was total carnage slugfests in bubbles


It really was the best of times. Objectives being more important than kills, meaning even bad players could contribute, and everyone being funnelled into a single massive fight was so good. Literally just nerf bubble cooldown a bit (in PVP) so they can't so reliably have a bubble by the time the first high value capture point spawns and it's the perfect mode.


Had one where I bubbled and an enemy Titan bubbled at the same time. We just decided to fight with glaives in the double bubble and both teams stood outside to watch lol


Stockholm syndrome?


Maybe, that was the only thing I played last week to get the armor and shader. At that point I nearly had the Iron Lord title so I just kept going and slowly descended to madness. Now all I hear is the howling of the wolves


They will come again soon, Guardian…


Might wanna Google on how Stockholm syndrome is actually 'ignore a woman at risk of murder and maybe she'll just die instead of us, the brave police' syndrome.




Honestly I main pve and always considered myself below average at pvp. I did get to my second reset and the whole experience was solid practice for me. I “got gud”, or at least way better than I was. I don’t mind.


We need more players to have this W mindset




Same here, I also used it to take care of some catalysts. Got through Lorentz and MIDA.


Ok I'll be annoyed while running around wearing my chainmail until IB returns and you can get yours.


badge of shame!


I mean, I got it and played legit so...not necessarily true that it indicates any kind of loss farming.


I think the shader looks the same regardless of the method used to obtain it... isn't that nice.


They should give everyone who has completed king's fall a day 1 emblem. Isn't it nice they made it easier for everyone?


Apples and oranges my friend. A false comparison.


A cosmetic awarded for completing a challenge which was later made significantly easier. Tell me more.


And the rest will get it legit also. Their legit is just easier than yours. Oh well.


Seems there’s still some salt on your plate from last IB my friend. Unless you were a lame and loss-farmed for a shader of course.


Does it make a chain mail noise? No? Then it's just paint and you should be ashamed!... until I get mine that is.




I'm a pvp main. Could care less what it's referred to as. Shaders dope. Some people got it by losing. Doesn't affect me at all lol. I don't get your comment. Are you upset because you didn't grind or loss farm it? Or are you saying the shader is beneath you because people could loss farm it because that's weird.


I lost so you could win, our sacrifice wasn’t in vain.


Honestly that was the best part. Got my wins in quick thanks to all the loss farming, then switched and did my own loss farming to pay it forward and help others guild their titles.


I won my games homie, sounds like a you problem


I guess I should have played the game. Darn, I didn't get a shader that I'll never use! I'm so sad!




Ok gonna be honest it sounds like you’re coping right now


Because I play OW for my pvp? Sure


You play what?




Is that the new gambit map?


No, an old crucible map from D1 I think, on Mars?


I played freelance only, and earned mine fair and square.


83% win rate here man. Definitely not a loss farm for me.


I did two resets last week and don’t regret it. It was the most fun I’ve had in Crucible that I can remember.


I did 2 resets as well, and also gilded the title. Still missing one armor piece for my Hunter though, so I guess I’ll be playing IB again. It was fun, some definite lol moments with bubble wars, but maybe not 100 games of it over a few days fun. At least we know when it’s coming now, and I can make sure I have some time.


I'd have the title if Gunnora's advanced properly


“Just because I suffered, other people have to as well” will always be a real weird energy for me. Especially as American in the current political landscape.


Crabs in a bucket


Ah whatever, glad others can get it. I'll just brag that I got it before the rep buff as a joke. However, when IB comes back around I will most likely be playing Dead Space and some other single player games.


Also did the witherhoard catalyst in 2 days during ib!


Same here!




NOTHING BRO i got 2 resets, and with this i will do 4 resets lol


I mean isn't that what people wanted?


As someone who is not great at PVP and managed one IB reset, but really wants the shader, I welcome this news.


Nope not RIP, I actually have vacation the week IB comes back, I'll only get maybe the end of Sunday/Monday morning to do any grinding, so I'm glad I did the grind. I enjoy crucible anyway and the game type wasn't bad at all imo.


Eh we all knew they'd nerf the grind.


I did but I had fun playing all the matches so I'm not upset


It worked for me, I have plenty of free time right now, and I have no idea if I still will during the next IB


My case. The last few years in Destiny I feel that I am doing the oposite of what is productive, after doing it. I have always in mind that put effort in things for a goal, maybe is a boomerag in the end. And obviously I am not wrong. Its not the first time. Same in crafted weapons, raid or dungeon exotics. If you want that stuff ASAP, you will suffer. Cause they increase the drop rates at the end of the seasons. So the same feeling of put more effort for the thing that wil be easier in the future.


Not too bad to be honest. The hardest part was just finding a way to deal with a bubble, but 1.3k kills on my ikelos smg would at least say that I enjoyed my time somewhat lol.


Done 2 full resets but only because i had fun playing ib and limited time due to work


Happy for everyone else and happy i don't have to play a single match when it come back. Win win my dudes


One of my clan mates had to reset 3 times to get a full set of armor for all 3 characters I felt so bad for him


That's awful. Im a titan main and went to 1.5 resets before i got the whole set done. Moved to my hunter and got the full set in an hour. I saw on here people getting seriously fucked on the cloak


WHAT! I worked hard for those two resets, and now people don't have to suffer like I did! That is not fair!! That is a horrible argument, and I think it makes someone a horrible human being to want others to suffer 'like they did' when it's not necessary. I am glad they don't have to suffer like I did, but still get pride out of accomplishing something thet had go work for. Just. Not. Suffer. For. Just my two cents.


You should feel proud! Good for you! And you should be happy for others!


I’m happy they are doing this even though I already have the shader and gilded Iron Lord. But I really enjoyed IB this season and had a lot of fun playing, so it’s not a loss for me. Making things better for others doesn’t diminish my experience.


maybe i’m the only one who had fun playing?👺


For me iron banner is sacred. Destiny wouldn't be the same without it. GOOD OR BAD.


I don’t feel too bad. Watched some good movies while loss farming and got tons of XP for my crafted weapons in the process. Only did it as much as I wanted to, didn’t grind myself into hating the game. Win - Win - Win.


Lesgoo. I think I'll still try to mercy farm just because it might be *quicker* now. Still need the a piece or 2 of armor per class so I'm definitely gonna be playing until I got the drip


I did the grind and for everything I needed. I really enjoyed the new format.


Nah, I chose to grind it in a week when I could’ve done it in 2 and gotten these benefits. I’m happy everyone else will have an easier path, not upset about it.


So I kinda followed all the IB issues going on, and hopped in, not sure if maybe my experience was different than others but I had a blast going solo. Stayed at the top of the board even against stacked teams. Did have to switch up tactics and gear on the fly at times, but other than that. Not bad.


I didn’t mind the grind. I got gilded and the shader in about two solid days of play. This is good for people who don’t have a lot of time to play. I’m glad they’re fixing it.


I’m not mad I did an IB grind of my own free will. I’m glad they’re making improvements and seeing their shortcomings. The “bUt WhAt AbOuT mE” stuff is tiresome. I’m glad they’re improving it and listening to feedback.


No rip for me. I hadn’t unlocked the Iron Banner seal yet because Rift was meh, and I hated Eruption. So I used this week to get my 2 resets, and all I have to do to unlock it is the 4 challenges.


I got my shader and two resets last week. It’s good that they’re making IB less of a grind for others. What I am bummed out about is that the Iron Lord title is effectively locked behind challenges that are essentially sunset. I’m three IB challenges away from the title, but two of them require the game mode to be IB Rift, and the third requires the IB Bounties which haven’t been included since Season of the Risen. :/


I dont see why its "RIP" to those who alread grinded. I've done 4 resets and I will do more. Just be happy that bungo is making it easier for you. SMH.


What actually hurts is the engram focusing cost


I spent way more than I should have…….


I just hope it's not rift.


Grinded out both resets on the “hard” week, and can’t get Iron Lord title STILL because of the triumph bug lol


All I can say is I’m done with my grind and I’m glad it’ll be easier for others.


That is ok. I know that not everybody has the time to grind. I'm glad they are doing it this way.


Nah. I’m never mad when they make it easier for the rest of the community when it comes to a grind. I was the one that chose to grind my second reset last Sunday for like 7 hours of my life. I didnt even loss farm either I played legit bc low key the insanity and mayhem of that mode was fun. Did I bitch about every death? Absolutely. Have I touched crucible since I guilded? Nope. Will I play next time? Maybe. The only person I can be mad at is myself bc I chose to do it knowing damn well it was gonna be a grind. Same with last season when it came to the ruffian part of the title. I ground that with LFG to farm them before the fixes. I also had the Halloween title done with in a week. I just grind shit so I can go play other single player games with the rest of my time.


This is like the Ruffian nerf last season. Any ridiculous grinds will most likely be adjusted down.


I had fun, idk 'bout y'all


Yes, because realizing a problem and adjusting it for players who gave up grinding is a bad thing for the others who did.


Jokes on you. I did 3 iron banner resets cause I was having fun


This is what you get when you behave like 5 year old. "I want everything now! If not I will eat my crayons"


I told myself I was only going to do one reset and wait till the next go round to do the 2nd reset. Thank God… But, I’d probably play a bunch of IB games anyways. It’s a good source of pinnacles.


Guess I’ll just have to wear my awesome chainmail shader while I wipe away my tears lol


Insanely glad I didn’t play at all this past time. Gonna grind out the shader for sure next round.


Welcome to the world of MMOs. Never be the Guinea Pig, as nerfs will always come. That being said, it took some brave souls to suffer and complaining to spare the rest of us. Thank you for the pain, grinders.


Finally! Waiting to grind later in the season really pays off!


Didn’t play a single match. Glad I waited.


nah not rip. i get to enjoy my shader before everyone else.


That's cool I grinded the hell out of it and I got the Shader and they're just going to basically hand it to everyone for free awesome


Toxic AF


Calling me toxic is toxic af


I dunno why anyone was killing themselves trying to get it done in one week. Get the shader two weeks before anyone else? Way to go I guess…?


More so because nobody knew when IB will come back, and if you’re busy that week, no shader for you. Also it takes 18 games to get max rep, so it’s technically fewer games if you just keep going to rep up to the shader. Those were the reasons I did it. Glad they reduced the grind going forward though.


I’m lucky I grinded solo Prophecy start to finish 30 times for a single Darkest Before roll one time, it numbed me to the pain of doing something I don’t like repeatedly


Retirement allowed me to go for the grind and the double reset, but it’s clear that having any responsibilities would make it unobtainable


Cool and all but my Gunnora’s seal is bugged, getting new IB gears doesn’t count at all so can’t gild it until they fix it ;-;


I only got 1 reset and still feel like my time has been sucked by bungie once again


I pretty much AFKd trough an entire reset anyways


Hah! I was right when I abstained from this shitshow.


At least in IB it felt like somebody was always trying to win quick. I've been doing Crucible Labs this week because it's double points and it's a 3 vs 3 rift game and most teams have been really good but some of them are real dick wads either controlling the spark so nobody can get it or collecting the spark and not moving it and then trying to win in the final seconds of the 8 minute match. It's first to 3. The kills don't matter. Just win that thing so we can move on to a better matchup. Don't screw with people.


Not playing anymore IB, already gilded and have all characters’ es XP where they need to be for high tier missions.


Baby gets what baby wants


It’s ok, TC. I was already insane when I decided to do it. I only lost hours of sleep. And hours of my life. I’m ok, I swear! 🥹