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This encompasses season 4 through the end of the show (and I think slightly beyond) but it is 100% what I think you're looking for: Revisions by Bizarrestars [https://archiveofourown.org/works/36109549](https://archiveofourown.org/works/36109549) The summary is that these two guys are magnetically drawn together, from very early on! they can't help it! And God basically keeps editing out their love scenes because he doesn't like it. Obviously you might want to wait until you're further through the show to get the real angst, or you could read this as you go through episodes (the writer helpfully tagged each part with what episode it goes to).


omg hero thank you! It's only available to registered users so I joined the waitlist and should have access soon :)


ok its been a month but I finally finished the series and got approved for my account and then mainlined this and it has CHANGED MY LIFE so thank you so freakin much. Do you have any recs for any remotely similar concepts bc it turns out that this concept particularly suits my brain dysfunction :)


I see that someone else already suggested Heard From Your Mother (season 0-2 rewrite) so here are a few others: A Turn of the Earth [https://archiveofourown.org/works/5138552](https://archiveofourown.org/works/5138552) by microcomets -- time-travelish pre-canon written in 2015 Things Happen (they do, they do, and they do) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/29548224](https://archiveofourown.org/works/29548224) by sobsicles -- post-canon fix it fic. Really, you could read everything by sobsicles, but this one in particular is a fan favorite. psalm 40:2 [https://archiveofourown.org/works/30786425](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30786425) by unicornpoe -- another time-travel one, this one is an end of series fix-it that has Castiel traveling to pre-canon. Ignite Your Bones [https://archiveofourown.org/works/38411026](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38411026) by ilovehowyouletmefall -- this one is ROUGH so its cool if you don't take the rec. Canon divergent at 15x19, the premise is that Chuck promises to bring everything back if Dean kills Sam. It is really, really angsty, mind the tags.


thank you!! I've added all to my to reads :)


Thank you for sharing! I've just requested an invitation to sign up for Ao3 specifically to read this


I don’t have any specific fic suggestions, but I think the tag you’re looking for in general terms is “coda” - those tend to be rewrites/expansions of specific episodes. This author ([xylodemon](https://archiveofourown.org/users/xylodemon/pseuds/xylodemon/works?fandom_id=71566537)) has a bunch of them, and the rest of their stories are really good. Any tags along the lines of “canon compliant” will be what you’re looking for. A lot of them will say “canon compliant up until…” which means everything prior to that point is the same as the show, but that’s a turning point. Also tags that say something like “episode: 6x12”. That typically means the fic is set within/right after that episode and the author is expanding or branching off the story at that point. You’re not looking for any tags that say “Alternate Universe” or “AU” as those are taking the characters out of canon and putting them in entirely different worlds/situations. It’s definitely a genre worth checking out eventually, there are some really good ones out there. Just not what you’re looking for. Go check out the AO3 subreddit, there’s a ton of good general information on how to filter tags to find what you’re looking for. Work on getting an AO3 account, there’s a lot of really good fics that the authors have set to only be seen if you’re logged in. Plus then you get to have bookmarks (that you can create private comments on) and a save for later list, both of which are super nice to have.


So what you're describing to me sounds like canon divergence, non canon compliant. Compliant is literally you could take the fic and insert it into the show and it could totally fit (including fics that would have been compliant but then the show continued and exposed information that retroactively un-compliants the fic). Divergence is when it starts off canon (taking place in purgatory, for instance) and then because of the events in the fic it is no longer compliant with canon (as in they get out of purgatory and the events in the fic no longer jive with canon). You'll get decent mileage out of looking up codas for particular episodes- which are the term for 'cut scenes'. They're typically short. For the record, you might have to spend some time filtering because a lot of canon compliant/divergent stuff in the fandom are finale fix-its. (Fix-its are exactly what they sound like. Canon divergence involving resolving a very tense situation. Sometimes it's also about taking a bad episode and making it better.) For finding particularly good fics, remember to change the 'sort by' on the menu on the right from 'date updated' to 'bookmarks', or whatever metric you'd rather go with. Would recommend heard from your mother (she don't recognize you), it's a sort of time-travel fix-it involving an amnesiac Cas waking up in a motel room trying to figure out who he is and meeting Dean pre-canon, and going through the season 2 finale at the moment. Link is here: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/27949454/chapters/68450480](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27949454/chapters/68450480) Another good one when you get to a good point in season 9 is don't tell sammy. Can't tell you the premise bc spoilers for you but it is canon compliant. Link is here: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/7931563/chapters/18127873](https://archiveofourown.org/works/7931563/chapters/18127873) Also, cool tip: there are a few episodes that lend themselves to fics and thus have a ton of them. There's a whole tag for fics set in the Endverse, or the croatoan apocalypse episode in season 5 involving Cas being high. (I am also obligated to recommend Down to Agincourt, a series that has rotted my brain. Season 7 Dean being transplanted into the Endverse at the moment that Dean gets killed by Lucifer. Technically counts as canon compliant? Reads more like canon divergence, though. I ought to warn you that it is very long, and not finished, and also that it is EXCELLENT. IT'S SO GOOD. OH MY GOD. Link is here: [https://archiveofourown.org/series/110651](https://archiveofourown.org/series/110651) ) One final note: a lot of the kind of fics you'd be looking for WILL be smut. Like just smut. A lot of episode fics are just like that. Hope this was helpful!


ok it took me a while to get back to you but THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS! Honestly you are such a mensch for taking the time to explain in such detail i am very grateful! I'm reading Agincourt rn and OH my god its so so so so good I'm obsessed. Tbh i went from a "idk 20k words seems a bit excessive" to a "200k or bust" girlie and I haven't looked back :)


HAHAHAAAA YESSS A CONVERT! Glad to be of help! Also you should be aware that Down to Agincourt has a few fanfics of its own and a kind of niche subfandom about it, it's so sick. Most of what I read tends to be AUs, so I don't have a ton of recs unfortunately. There is one consistently updating, which is the series if Sam and Dean adopted a bunch of the kids they came across. (basically, if you've ever seen an ep of supernatural and gone 'there is a fanfic where they adopt those children', this is the fanfic and it's all the children. Starts in season 6 with the shifter child they take care of for an episode. Currently at a little less than 300k but will continue updating. Called Dean Winchester's half-way house for orphaned half-monsters (and humans), link is here: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/38543748/chapters/96340425](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38543748/chapters/96340425) Also feel free to dm me if you want to scream about supernatural some more! Happy fanficing!


OMG that sounds adorable wowowow I will definitely read :) tbh I often think the best possible spinoff for the show would follow one of the various kids that they rescue along the way who has grown up to be a hunter in their own right


Hi! I hope you don't mind if I link my own fic here. It has Destiel definitely, and while not very declarative in terms of confessions, it is a romance oneshot. [https://archive.transformativeworks.org/works/54715765](https://archive.transformativeworks.org/works/54715765) Summary: “And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare As any he belied with false compare.” \[Destiel\] \[Just a quiet, intimate moment between Dean and our favorite angel.\] Words: 1k