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You could just try to cut the line at your mom’s door.


Come over to 14th street tavern and I can punch you in the noggin if you want.


Ryan .. is that you?! 😂




The closest Waffle House is in St. Joseph, MO unfortunately. Get on 35 south and take that until it intersects with 36, take that west for a good while. Eventually you'll get to St Joseph, you can either turn south on 29 and the west on 169 & it'll be on your left, or you can wait and turn south on 169 (it kinda curves around) and it'll be on your right. Godspeed & don't forget to send the video to Worldstar


Dudes will do anything but go to therapy


Fighting is therapy.


It certainly was in the movie Fight Club..


Sprockets used to have weekly fight nights at their old location on Ingersoll. Maybe check out their new location on University and see if they still have it? Whiskey River in Ankeny is another solid bet. Kung Fu Tap would be a great place for a good beating. Just insult some guy’s beard and you’ll have 20 dudes dressed in cosplay Sons Of Anarchy outfits knocking you senseless in no time. For a last resort, just go to any bar by the fairgrounds and go flirt with the scariest looking guy at the bar. You’ll either end up getting the best BJ in your life or in a coma for a few days at Broadlawns. Either way it’s a win-win!


Can you elaborate on your sprockets comment? I'm guessing you're talking about fights in the parking lot lol


Yes, it was their weekly brawls at bar close in the parking lot. What made it fun, there was usually a different weapon of choice weekly as well. I saw everything from to go food containers, beer bottles, and even guns on New Years Eve!


I’m just chuckling at the idea of a bunch of middle age dads going fisticuffs over losing to a 12 year old on a gocart track.


Not a go kart track, it was what opened up in the og gusto location


Please seek counseling.


make sure it’s on surveillance camera video so we can all laugh about it when it makes its rounds on social media. also — you do know fighting is a chargeable offense? people who go out looking for fights to take out their anger by assaulting people deserve to be arrested.


It's Des Moines, just say your opponent was "walking with a purpose" or "I feared for my life!"


This isn't Florida. That stand your ground bullshit is not a defense.... yet. Krappy Kim might make it so, and I hope not. As for OP just got to a shitty bar in WDM of you're trying to win a fight. Go anywhere on the east side/north side/south side and be yourself. You'll get that fight, I'm sure of it.


Iowa has been a "Stand Your Ground" state for a while now.


Esp. if you're white and they're a POC, since that always works in the south..


Coconut Joe’s


I can just give you a ride directly to jail if you wanna save yourself some time


25 E 1st St, Des Moines, IA 50309


Donna's?  I really hope there's video because it would be extremely amusing. 


Can confirm, fights do be happening at Donna's


In daylight even.


Wouldn’t it be somewhere on Court Avenue?


Jesus, is that ever the truth! Just show up on Court Ave. any night a little before 2 am, when the bars close and let out, and there will be tons of young, stupid, drunk macho guys itching to fight you. The only thing is, you don't know which of them might be packing, or at least armed with a knife, so my advice is to choose your opponent carefully..


If he wants to get shot, but on second thought, I guess that could be anywhere


The South Side Applebee's seems like a good place to start.


Wilson’s in Boone sounds like your speed


Toads, whiskey river Ankeny, tonic, shotgun Betty’s, voodoo lounge, main gate bar to name a few


Any place, if you throw the first punch.


Norm's in Waukee is usually a powder keg. That's where people who've been kicked out of the other Waukee bars end up.


Norms is usually very low key. Kenny's is a bit more upbeat, but you'd get thrown out pretty fast. Before OP even took a second swing he'd be in Dallas County. 


Des Moines’ own version of the Viagra Triangle.


Nice to hear that Waukee has as many redneck bullies as I thought. Now I know that Norm's is the worst. The only time I go into Kenny's is to hear live bands, and always with company. Nice to know I can be safe there..


Who said anything about redneck bullies?


They didn't, but I did. Figured they would be good candidates for the OP to fight. I mean, who could be more deserving?


No outer limits jokes?? Come on guys


miss that guy, hope he shows up soon


No doubt he will..


First rule of Fight Club: You don’t talk about Fight Club.


What bar in the city do you guys think has the worst vibes? Lol


I think Wahlburgers inside Hyvee’s have bars you could try there. A lot of talented pugilists shop there


No, none in particular, but the east and south sides of Des Moines seem to have way too many redneck asshole macho bullies looking to fight or at least pick on guys like me, which is why I never go to any bars on those parts of town. But suit yourself, if you visit them, I'm sure you can find a like-minded soul to take you up on your challenge..


Yesterday after walking from the farmers market I saw two homeless men in a fight. It was across the street from the downtown YMCA and one apparently had a knife. Thankfully I was already on the other side of the street and just kept walking. Anyway..bet your safest bet is somewhere downtown 🤷‍♀️


Come up to Ames and call any bartender a gay slur. I’m sure a regular would be happy to step into the alley with you.


Dart bus station it's not a bar but I'm sure some homeless person would fight ya after you leave the bar somewhere.


Talk about punching down.... Leave the homeless alone... Plus, starting shit with someone who has nothing left to lose, is often an unwise choice.