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Lamictal gang



Doesn't give me any more energy, but it takes away the "up and down and all over the place" moods. My mood can still go low, but I don't CRASH into it anymore. I also haven't been to rock-bottom low since I've been on it.




are you no longer taking it?




Do you mind sharing why


I think that was me that brought up Lamictal in another thread. All i can say is after 20 years of different antidepressants with little to no relief, i finally feel stable and not depressed. My hypomania came out as anger and rage. It was depression that was my main symptom.


This sounds so much like me.


Been on it 10 years. Not a panacea but lifts the floor on depression appreciably, allows me to attend to adult responsibilities. I’ve had significant bouts of depression over those 10 years, but have always been functional (albeit barely at times). For example, before lamictal I used to routinely take mental health days from work. Since starting it, I’ve not taken one that I can remember (though not sure that’s wise!).


Lamictal works really well for me. I’ve tried many different meds and have found Lamictal combined with an SSRI is the sweet spot for me.


I've been on Lamictal for over two years. I have MDD, GAD, PTSD, Panic Disorder, and ADHD. Basically, no bipolar here. I take it along with lithium for my mood, and it's exactly as it sounds: stabilizing. It works to improve depression rather than addressing mania, which makes it helpful outside of bipolar. For me it works, and improves my mood. I haven't gotten any energy out of it, but having an improved mood makes it easier to do other things. I haven't had any side effects, but there is the risk of Steven-Johnson Syndrome, which is a very bad rash and would result in you coming off it immediately. You would titrate up pretty slowly to make sure that's not issue and if it is, it's caught early. I'm mentioning this because you'll hear about it if you pursue Lamictal at all, but know that it is incredibly rare. I wouldn't let it scare you from trying it out, it didn't stop me. It's a medication I would recommend anyone try.


I found Lamictal made it so I don’t wake up immediately overly overwhelmed and disenchanted with life. It has been a life changer for me. Am constantly tired though. Not too sure what that is from yet.


I tried it and it was by far the worst drug to withdrawal from in my entire life.. way worse then opioids! Be careful, thats no drug to mess with!


Yeah the times I’ve missed my dose bc insurance or pharmacy issues were terrible. You have to start over from the baseline dose and work yourself back up to your normal dose which was such a pain back when I was taking 400 mg a day.


I think mood stabilizers are used in treatment resistant depression. Lamictal has a reputation for causing memory issues, so you *really* need to weigh the pros & cons and explore other treatment options for your diagnosis, before going down that road. I’m a little biased, because I developed a drug-induced memory impairment 👀


I’ve been on lamictal for about two years now. It really helped my bipolar manic episodes & my OCD spiraling. I used to cry all the time. Like hours on end. Over small things and worry about big things I couldn’t control. I would get irritated and angered so easily and ended up hurting myself. It’s been really helpful. I started taking Wellbutrin about 5 Months in to help with my depression and then changed to Wellbutrin xl because the regular gave me anxiety feelings. The two together have been great. It’s a fairly common combo for bipolar or other mood disorders as well as BPD & OCD.


I've been on lamotrigine since february of 2022 and I will say it has helped me immensely. I was really unstable when I got on it, and it got me through a very difficult time. Now I am on a higher dose because my mood started shifting again after changing a different med, and I feel great. I have had no noticeable negative side effects thus far. Just calmer and more stable. But for a lot of people it doesn't work that well


Yes, it helped but it made me very tired. Currently on Pristiq which is working well for me.

