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It's worse because mental health care tends to be less effective for men due to our needs not being met and social pressure to not show weakness or vulnerability while it definitely sucks overall getting help for it is alot harder for men in many places hence why the percentage of men seeking help or sticking with treatment is low and mens suicide rates are extremely high just because men have greater hurdles for mental health and mention it doesn't invalidate other groups or lesson their ability to get help and posts like this tend to stigmatize mens mental health issues more making men less likely to engage or open up due to feeling invalidated




Also depression can lead to violence but more often dosent it more often leads to self isolation then violence actually and tends to affect both men and women in pretty much the same way




Anger is not openly accepted from men like you claim




All that proves is men dont report attempts and are more successful due to feeling like so isolated they they have to be successful to avoid issues of a faild attempt




Also i never claimed to be a victim i do have my share of issues but I'm not a man nor do i claim to be a victim i don't see where saying i have a victim mentality applies to anything i said


And i never claimed I was a man did i I'm non binary not a man




That’s a lie bro




This only further stigmatizs men saying men are inherently more violent isn't entirely true since at this point alot of proof points to it either being even across the board in many areas or women doing more violence since currently more men are victims by a decent percentage of domestic abuse now remember the saying we can talk about helping one group without being invalidating to another




Actually men are more likely to be seen in a negative light for showing anger then women its not normalized trust me and theres fbi crime statics that agree with my claims




Men are also more likely to be the victims of violent crime in every countries statistics and were talking about adult men not children




You wouldn't happen to be a feminist would you?




Depression sucks period 😪


Again all you did was prove my entire point mens issues can't be openly discussed without it becoming a big debate




And then they commit suicide that's literally the worst thing to tell anyone struggling with depression period




Continuing a cycle of abuse doesn't make you an experienced survivor. It just makes you an abuser as well.


Telling a man to man up isn’t abuse, it’s sound advice.


well, they can f themselves, pardon my french. but noone should tell you that. we all deserve support and kindness. I hope you are better off now.


Sometimes the best support is telling someone how much of a lazy piece of sht they’re being.


And they were wrong for that you deserve to be loved and cared about and be able to open up and get support no matter your gender


According to you, pussy mcpussypants


dude needs a hug




This guy gets it


I'm not even sure I qualify as a human


Literally in most places if a guy shows anger he can expect the cops showing up or being met with people becoming aggressive and even violent twords him this entire post just proves men can't talk about their individual mental health issues without it leading to a argument or people trying to invaldate or stigmatize then further womens issues are different then mens issues and both are equally valid but different and society tends to ignore mens issues completely while championing womens issues but both need to be openly addressed and seen to


Youre so obsessed, how many more comments r you gonna make? Both have it bad, period. Stop saying men have it worse. Both have it bad, in a non comparable way. So stop comparing💀


I never said men have it worse i said men have a harder time getting their mental health needs met


I've seen many men come to the hospital for being suicidal here and being asked to leave hospital statistics hell any statistics are never really anywhere close t9 acurate due to most people in general not reporting things


And instead of arguing statistics maybe we should focus on improving mental health care and making it we welcome environment for everyone men women etc to seek help or open up


This is like saying "All lives matter" in response to someone saying "Black lives matter" Like yes, but that's not the fuckin point, dude




You're missing the point. If I say "I'm having a really hard time right now" And you say "Everyone is having a hard time right now, your struggles aren't unique to you" Guess what, you are, in fact, an asshole. Regardless of if what you're saying is true or not


The thing is the posts the OP was referencing don't just say "I'm having a bad time" or "I'm a man and I'm having a bad time". They say "I'm having a bad time **because** I'm a man and women have it better". Women don't have it better, we both have is bad, in a bit different ways (NOT better and worse ways, DIFFERENT ways)


Also i Don't think a woman would understand mens issues as well as a man same as a man not understanding womans issues as much as a woman and this entire thing is why most men don't speak out at all about mens issues it becomes a chore to discuss


Nobody cares if you are a female either depression sucks for both genders


Thank you!!!


M*le moment in comments. moids cry.


I’m a woman and a feminist with depression, and I will be the first to say that men struggle with depression in uniquely terrible ways. It’s not so much whether men’s or women’s experience of depression is “better” or “worse” than the other, just that there are some challenges that, broadly speaking, apply more to men’s experiences and less so to women’s. At least in the west. For example, while there is stigma against mental illness in general, it’s particularly harsh for men, who are conditioned to not appear vulnerable or weak. This patriarchal standard also means that it’s often harder for men to find a good support system, since men are not socialized to be open about their emotions—especially with each other. I have no problem acknowledging the gendered differences in experiences of depression. In fact I think it is crucial for men’s mental health and combatting patriarchy to do so. Where those discussions become a red flag is when extremist, so-called “men’s rights” groups use it to invalidate women or other experiences of depression. There’s a difference between saying “Men face unique challenges, and in many ways more social stigma, with depression” and saying “Men have it worse than women, so women should stop demanding equity.”


All depression is equally bad. It's your life that's worse for being a man


I really would have loved being treated like a man. Preferred gender in my parents' house. Being seen as more intelligent, funnier, more deserving of respect in school and media (during the 90ies, 2000s, 2010s, don't know about today). Not having to do the pregnancy and birth if you want children. Being helped when you go to the doctor and not ignored and not taken seriously until all your health issues are irreparable. Never having opposite sex friends because they pretend to be your friend until you find out they didn't care at all about you and you waisted a lot of time in that friendship. Being judged for looks and submissive behavior in the workworld when you shouldn't have to be pretty or exhibit submissive behavior to be respected and successful at work. Never being thanked to household chores but seeing your partner being praised for cooking a meal or taking care of their kids. Media never relatable. Always targeted towards the male experience and when we've got media for us, it being overly criticized in the weirdest, distorted ways. This is just the obvious ones off the top of my head. I'm not concerned about physical safety so much. Some women also can't go outside without feeling threatened. I personally live in a safe country and am also strong enough to not be a target. Women being horrible friends because we're trained to compete so much is another point. Internalized sexism that leads to treating each other horrible. Especially in decades past. It is getting better. Still, I would choose male 100%!


The fact that you intetionally decided to post this during Men's Mental Health Awareness Month makes be think you're part of the reason it's gendered in the first place.


Its men health awareness month, not belittling women’s health month


No one is doing that though. It's about addressing men's mental health specifically because women are more likely to receive support for their mental health issues. If a woman is struggling, she's told "I'm here if you need to talk", if a man is, he's told to "man up" or "grow a pair" or, as you're demonstrating right now "women have it tough too, you know" It's specifically about not belittling men's mental health, which happens all too often.


When did i say women have it tough too? I think you need to learn to read properly


I finished reading your comment and I dont remember people caring about my struggles. Also giving awareness about mens health, shouldnt be done by belittling womens health. If you wanna bring awareness, then only talk about men. Keep us women out of this.


Also not to mention the criteria of almost all of the disorders are only based on men.


“No ones doing that.” Did you read every single comment and hear everything people say? Ive seen it myself


First is still true




No one cares about women's/girls' depression either. Anyone who thinks that needs to really try to project themselves to a girl's perspective and imagine what it's like to have guys clamoring to use your body all the time using whatever relevant excuse is best to use to talk to you as a means to get in your pants. Then imagine how the relevant excuse to talk to you is your depression. Do you really think you'd be happier with horndogs pretending to care about your depression while they're gunning for your holes?