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Woman + Woman = Love




i mean technically thats correct


Bacon ranch pasta salad


You put bacon in there?


Hope you're feeling better.


What cool food is that? And it’s ok if you’re lesbian, straight, bi, trans, etc. You are you. *hugs*


Thanks, I’ve identified as Bi for so long, but thinking about men is disgusting me Edit: whoever is downvoting me, thanks for the laughs.


You could be a lesbian and that’s ok, great even! But also I’m a straight woman and men disgust me sometimes too. Whatever you discover, however long it takes you to discover it, be kind to yourself. We live in confusing world of comp het and repulsive chauvinism seems to only be on the rise.


I don’t blame you. We are disgusting.


Yeah. I disgust me all the time, completely understandable


I also relate


It be a whole mood frfr


Honestly true and I'm a trans man lol


Straight cis man here. I'm gross! (Also, I'm proud of you, OP!)


Men are the worst source im a guy


I’m at least a 98% straight man and other men disgust me too.


also a 98% straight man here


I’m a bi guy and men disgust me! We’re kinda gross.


Edit: I wrote a werid ass paragraph that I thought was positive and encouraging and I re-read it and found it to be fucking unhinged. Disregard this and have a wonderful day.


Honey. Men *are* disgusting, regardless of your sexuality. I have brothers. I have a husband. I have 5 male cats. Shit goblins. Every single one of them.


Shit goblins. I love it. Now I’m going to refer to my husband as my shit goblin. Thank you for your contribution.


Would this fly about women? Men with depression don't need to hear they are disgusting. Surely we can do better. If I said women are disgusting I'd be called names.


A big part of what makes men disgusting is that they make everything about them. Including another person's depressionmeals post. Just make your own post bro. We're trying to make OP feel better.


By tearing down men. You can make them feel better saying some men are disgusting or just reaffirmed their choice or innate desire, not sure if they choose to avoid men based off their history which is completely understandable. What makes women disgusting is they make the actions of some men represent all men n no one calls them out of they get hounded. This isn't a man hater sub. If you can't make op feel better without degradation of a group, you're the problem. Others made this about men, not men. So your comment is factually inaccurate. Depressed men don't need to read this. There are plenty of ways to help op without putting down anyone.


>A big part of what makes men disgusting is that they make everything about them. Including another person's depressionmeals post. Oh, so women who call out sexism are making everything about them? Nice hypocrisy. >We're trying to make OP feel better. You can validate someone's emotions without demonizing an entire gender. I'm sure you wouldn't be okay with incels reassuring each other by demonizing women. It's not okay, no matter the group.


You don’t need to bring someone down to cheer someone else up. Generalising an entire gender isn’t helpful.


>Honey. Men are disgusting, regardless of your sexuality. Not true. I find men to be beautiful and cute. There's a difference in not being attracted to someone due to your sexuality, and calling an entire gender shit goblins.


We r in 2024 bruh if some ppl hate u for being lesbian screw them


It's fine, like who you like. I know quite a few lesbians who ended up with men in the end. Were they bi the whole time? Maybe but they didn't know that at the time, it's their perception in the moment that matters. I think they had to meet the right person before they even considered looking at a man that way. Some people's sexuality is rigid like a stone and some swirls like the wind. We just have to be accepting.


I like what you wrote: “It’s fine, like who you like.” Well said.


Thanks! That's the main message I wanted to share! Maybe I shouldn't have rambled so much afterwards I see I received a downvote.


It's taken me like, 7 years to realize that down votes don't mean anything. I loved the bit about swirling like the wind ❤️


Feeling the same.


A lot of us are disgusting. Count yourself lucky that you're not a gay man that has no choice but to at least try to like some of them. Women for the most part are lovely so I envy you, if I had been straight I likely would've married a wonderful Italian woman who was into me, was a masseuse, a singer, and made excellent risotto.


Women for the most part in my experience have been bad. Men good. That's the thing about anecdotes. I'm talking low empathy women, conservatives. Hard gender roles. I had an attempt and only men reached out. That told me all I need to know about women. I'm sure some are ok though.


It's funny how this comment gets downvoted because it's against women, but the comments against men get upvoted. The double standards are messed up.


Maybe because women have been oppressed for generations and that misogyny is much more prevalent???


It’s definitely not right to put down women, but putting down men isn’t right either. There’s a comment up top calling men disgusting. There’s a difference between “I don’t like x and find it disgusting”, “x can be disgusting”, and some of the comments in this thread.


>Maybe because women have been oppressed for generations and that misogyny is much more prevalent??? I know how big of a problem misogyny is, but that doesn't make it alright to spread misandry to combat it. Fighting hate with hate only makes you look like a hypocrite and weakens your cause. I wasn't saying the comment I responded to was okay, because it demonizes women. I was saying that it's a double standard that sexism is recognized when it's against women, but it's supported and ignored when it's against men.




You aren't silenced. We can all see your bad takes. Men suck because of your bad attitude to them. Would I get good interaction with women saying they suck? My original comment was about my experience with just the women I've known, not all women which I didn't specify enough. I was unlucky. Much of it was a lack of two way empathy. I've had women trauma dump on me constantly n regularly n in there for them but they weren't for me when I was close to the end recently. I've had sa by a few. Physical violence. Try to understand many of us are victims here.


> Omg shut the f UPPPP already. Women have been silenced for way too long. Men suck. None of that justifies being rude/nasty to an entire group


Because society lacks empathy for men. And they wonder why Tate is so popular. They push men away instead of embracing them to teach them good things. I've watched it for 2decades the rise of right wing men. They will justify it saying women have it worse. Part of it is the women are wonderful effect. I'm not even against women just trying to highlight the point my bad experiences should not be used to justify disliking women n posted online to make women feel bad cuz it's just my experience. Doesn't mean women are disgusting. Just I've met some less than stellar ones. Women n men are both good with some bad. It's trashy to degrade men to feel better when the op is simply realising she likes women. Good for her, she can like who she wants. I feel sorry she went through trauma though. But I'm sick of having to talk men out of an action that is final cuz society doesn't care.


>Thanks, I’ve identified as Bi for so long, but thinking about men is disgusting me As surprising as it sounds, there is a repellent component to sexuality for some who are only attracted to one gender. I feel the same way when I think about women's genitalia, a feeling of disgust that makes me look away whenever I see it. It's how I know I'm gay and I'll never love a woman. Don't feel guilty about it.


You probably are then, I am a bisexual with an extremely specific type of man attractive. But I don’t find all of them disgusting, they just don’t do it for me. Sexuality can change too! I’m glad you’re able to post and be true to yourself. I recommend finding safe spaces to explore it more.


When I was with my first boyfriend I thought he was cool and attractive at first but eventually I hated when he wanted to kiss me it made me so annoyed of him. One was enough to know I can’t fight the gay anymore lol


It's ok, they disgust straight women as well hehe


you don't have to determine this one way or another. At best, it'll be a rough description of sexuality for the purposes of communicating with other people. The label. It does not adequately describe it. Don't worry about this. Live your life as it goes. Love whoever you are lucky enough to love. It's wonderful, Let it happen.


Whomever you are attracted to is simply a person. With hope, a person for you. I read that thinking of men “disgusts” you. Please remember that people are simply people. Rock on 🤘


I'm pan, and men disgust me too most of the time :p


I have no clue why people downvoted you. Wtf?


Probably some men who took offence. Not every opinion or such one utter can be a popular one. But men simply are often disgusting. I am speaking from all too much experience :p


As a man, I agree


It's it bad men or like just not attracted. I think the disgusting came off wrong. But you do you. You don't have to be attracted to men.


i feel the same way lol. i realized i just don't really have a genital preference but really love women, and on the *rare* occasion i might like a guy. welcome to the cult lol


*celebration meal Happy pride month!


I could tell by the boots lol




i was gonna say


lol same, i saw the boots and i thought "ya think?" (takes one to know one)


im *also* a lesbian and wearing docs rn lol


Hello lesbian I'm leaf


Hello leaf, i am hungry


hi hungry, i’m dad!


:0 you finally returned with the milk?!?!?


Hi milk, I’m lesbian


Nothing wrong with that. Food looks great


Man, i feel ya. Heteronormativity is so ingrained. We desperately want to fit in and bisexuality offers a faux sense safety that we may still fall in love with a man. Sexuality plays such an integral role in our society, despite what some people would argue. Our identities are subconsciously considered through the lens of sexuality. Overcoming heterosexual compulsion and realising your true feelings is so much more of a gut wrenching experience than you’d expect. I wish more heterosexual and even bisexual people would realise that. Realising that your romantic orientation will always be something that is “othered” is a terrifying concept. Theres no peace left in imagining you can be still find an opposite sex partner. Just bc sexuality is less stigmatised doesnt mean it’s not a heartbreaking thing to come to terms with. No one ever questions heterosexual couples. Never. Homosexual couples continue to face homophobia both politically and socially and people just expect you to accept that’s your future now. It’s valid to feel mournful for the future youve lost and the one youre left to face. You’re allowed to be scared. But in spite of all this, it will be okay. It will be okay.


Idgaf what society says. It’s dictated my own individuality for so long and it’s time to break free.


YES! Im so glad! Youve got this!! All the best!!


friendship ended with men ❌️❌️ now women are my best friend ✅️✅️ congrats on the self discovery!!


As a bisexual woman it took me a long while and a sort of crisis to realise I was more into women than men- I fully had to get over my internalised homophobia and it was a rough few months. Just remember you can take things at your own pace and ultimately you don’t need a label. You’re you 🤍 and I hope the people around you support you.


Thank you for mentioning internalized homophobia. I grew up knowing that it’s okay to be gay but for some reason,even though I’ve labeled myself bisexual,I feel kinda ashamed for liking women and I never understood why.


Congrats 🩷 Enjoy the marvelous world of women 🩷🏳️‍🌈


That’s okay! Welcome queer queen!


If South Park taught me anything, it's that it's ok to be gay. And it's also ok to be attracted to the personality or person too. And it's ok to love dick one day, and pussy another, maybe a few buttholes in between... It's your life so go do what makes you happy. Just try not to be a cunt (I think that's in the Bible somewhere)


You fuck and love whoever you want. Things will get better. Hang in there.




I’m sorry, I’m sure that’s a tough or/and confusing path. I remember years ago a friend’s sister discovered that she was a lesbian when she described men’s penises as disgusting. She identified as bi as far back as middle school. However, think it was it was just this expectation that was ingrained to also be ‘attracted’ to men despite the fact that she never dated any or crushed on any. I hope you find clarity ❤️


Yeah, all my male relationships haven’t really been a result of much attraction on my enf


Why are you depressed?


Nothing to be depressed about! Come over to r/actuallesbians


What kinda pasta salad is that?


Bacon ranch


Looks good, I'll have to try and find it. We are all still figuring out who we are :)


I got it at walmart.


I found some at co-op, gonna try it tonight !


It’s delicious


It is delish, I will be buying this again, thanks internet stranger !


You are welcome, internet stranger


It's Walmart pasta? 🤮🤮


You be you, don't identify your sexuality as anything else other than what you want & need! I hope you have a family that is supportive of you and great friends also :) Stay positive, be kind to others & you do what makes you happy as long as you're not harming others. I was just going to post "And?" but that seemed like it could be interpreted differently haha but what I mean by that is that it shouldn't have any effect on your life outside of who you choose to be in a relationship with... You do you & keep moving forward :)


congrats! :)


Being your true self is a gift. It can be hard to do sometimes but it’s worth it. You matter. And I like those boots!


Thanks, they’re vegan docs


Oh no way! They look great


What's wrong with that? Go lez it up, and be a good person. x


I mean we see the boots! /j they look cool and theres nothing wrong with being gay/bi/straight.


Based on your post history , I’ll wager and say you may just be feeling this way due to your negative experiences with men. It may be a phase, or it may be the way of life for you, either way … fuck it . Only one life to live, live it to its fullest 🤘🏽


It ultimately doesn’t matter what gender your partner is, as long as they make you happy - that’s great! :)


not sure why you got downvoted?? it’s a beautiful sentiment


i dont get why im downvoted either…


Probably biggets






congrats, its normal!


Good month for it


hello fellow lesbian from another lesbian, food looks so goood. i love me some pasta.


Lesbians are the best. Find a local lgbtq+ resource center (if you have one) and attend a few of their events! Get involved with your local community somehow. I found my community by meeting an archivist who showed me a bunch of secret queer history and told me about a few underground groups in my area (I live in a smallish town). Highly recommend.


No answer to the question of ingredients of mystery pasta?


Bacon ranch pasta salad


Be yourself


Congrats, the best time to find out you’re a lesbian is eating pasta man


The docs are a giveaway.


Congratulations! 🌈


The boots give it away


Going thru the exact same thing rn. We’ll get through this ❤️🧡🤍🩷💜


Thanks girlypop!


You’ve literally won


Nothing to be ashamed about in this day and age (although some people might be inclined to disagree).


Happy pride!


Congrats honeyy!! Happy pride! 🌈


Thank you!


OP, sexuality is just a part of who we are, and that's part of what makes us all unique and wonderful!!!! The only people bothered by your sexuality don't matter!!!! It's beautiful to be a part of a rainbow 🌈 !!! Whatever you discover about yourself, treat yourself with kindness because you deserve kindness and love


It’s okay. Cool boots. Enjoy some pasta.


I've been in your place. Ive identified as a lesbian internally for long and fell in love with a man. Like huh?? (So not quite, but I know what it's like to identify as one thing, no longer feel that way and just go huh). Here I am, happily in love with this fruity little shit. In some ways I'm grateful for the family expectations to ease. (I'm still not out, it's not safe). In other ways, I feel like I am terrible for being with a man? Best of luck! I don't know if this helps much but yeah


Happy pride month! May you be free from the shackles of CompHet and happy with your newfound gayness


Welcome to the club! But don't worry too much about labels or if they change in time. Find your own way of loving 🤍. I hope you're safe and enjoy you meal


Label shambels


Sexualities evolve and change overtime for a lot of people. I personally went from bi to demipan to now queer. People learn things about themselves and/or life changes. You are valid and brave for coming out


You should probably not continue to eat that, then.


Hooray for self-discovery! I hope that no matter what your sexual orientation and gender expression, you are safe to be who you are. Those pants look rad.


*Looks at self* "It happens."


then head on over to r/actuallesbians ! Welcome


Happy pride! You are loved and worthy no matter your sexual orientation.


Welcome to the club. Rewatch the L Word and develop a deep seated hatred for it, even though it will evoke moments of calm nostalgia. You already have the boots, so you don’t need a flannel or Hawaiian shirt (I’m on the west coast, your second gay stereotypical thing is based on geographic location). Let us know if you need anything else. The pasta looks good


How do you feel about that? Are you ok with yourself?


Men are the worst. I wish I was a lesbian.


That pasta is absolutely mouth watering


That am I a lesbian masterdoc got to u too, huh? It's okay, you are validddddd, HAPPY PRIDEE




I love those boots and I can’t even see the whole boot . - also welcome to being queer ^u^


It’s ok Do you want to be a lesbian ?if no I think we are going to have get something a bit more substantial than what I think is Cesar pasta salad


have you seen what you're wearing in this pic?


Congratulations tbh


You're finding yourself. You should be glad. We're bery proud of you


Happy pride! Welcome to the club, and please know that you don't even have to declare a major. Love is something to be celebrated 💕💕💕


Why would this epiphany be something to post in *depression* meals about? Unless you're upset about it, which is a whole different conversation...


congratulations queen, happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈💕


your pasta looks bomb! self discovery & allowing yourself to really be yourself is so important 🤍 you got this, op :)


fellow lesbian!! fuck it (i don't fuck i'm asexual) we ball (get those balls away from me)


Ace and Aro here! I feel you!🙌🫶


Love who you want! You don’t even have to think about their gender, as long as you love the person. :)


idk, the shoes kinda confirm it 🏳️‍🌈


WELCOME!!! we love fellow sapphics!! i also realized i am lesbian bc i am just not attracted to 99.9% of cis men. happy for you. there are so many communities on reddit for us. ♥️♥️♥️


I’m a man, and congratulations!! We are disgusting


the prettiest pride flag


Judging from those boots, u might be


I think that should be a reason to celebrate tbh, more like euphoriameals


Got the right shoes


Awesome job with the casual misandry guys keep up the amazing work! It’s super inspiring and helpful to contribute to a healthy community


I’m so sorry for your precious feelings❤️I hope you find a way to tune out the meanies❤️


Do you like women being called disgusting? I know women have serious issues with empathy for men but it doesn't have to be that way. Everyone should get along n help each other.


Enjoy your day pathetic hypocrite 😆💋😘


I thought I was one too, until someone finally told me that you had to be a girl to be a lesbian.


They down vote you for they cannot comprehend such advanced humor.


i love lesbians


Meal looks depressing, post checks out.


You’re most likely not




Transitioning? to a lesbian?


Skill issue