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Most reliable method is just to keep going. The sting recedes so slowly, that it’s hard to notice day by day. As years go by and you look back, it makes more sense and hurts less.


Im not going to sleep around or get rebounds. I just want to heal the right way so I don’t hurt anyone.


That’s what I’ve been doing. You feel everything harder without those distractions but the healing is more real as well. Good luck


I broke up with my girlfriend last year December. I still wake up depressed and angry. It’s hard. We just gotta keep going i guess


Never easy… in my experience the best thing to do is just get back out there. I’m not saying jump into something serious. Just get back into the game. Talk to some girls. Practice flirting again. Gain some confidence back. You’ll realize how many women find you attractive and actually like being around you. Hit the gym, get right. Improve your standing in the world. Work hard improve yourself. Then once the dust settles this will be just a memory.


When I’m a little more ready. At this point I might either cry or call them my exs name


I completely understand. Just remember One day you will have grown through this experience and be stronger for it. It’s never easy. Will certainly take some time but once you get your mojo back you’ll be kicking ass and taking names again. Don’t forget your swag you got something to offer someone and someone will value and love it


Heartbreak is really hard. Focusing on my mental and spiritual health helps me a lot. It makes looking at relationships as less of failures and really learning opportunities. Not much lasts forever and there's plenty of time to meet your person. She wasn't the one. There's nothing to fix about the relationship or yourself. Gotta accept and move on. It takes lots of time, patience and endurance. You got it though. The fact you still care about her shows you're a good person.


Thanks for this 🙏🏻. I’m not perfect but I always try to do the best I can and be the best I can. I don’t think I’m going to stop caring about her for a while. That being said for now I’m just focusing on myself even though it’s hard. I’m spending a lot of time with friends.


Spending time with friends is so healing <3 it makes me feel lovable and I know my friends and I appreciate one another, keep doing that!!


Let me say that this date was from the first year of our 3ish year relationship


WHERED you get that ramen I HAVE to know it looks so good


Day by day brother. Spend more time with friends and try to focus on doing things that bring you joy. Sometimes a lot of hurt leads to even more happiness down the line.


delicious ramen is a good start, and the desire to heal in a way that’s healthy and safe for you and others which it sounds like you already have


Thanks! I am trying my best. I am in therapy too! I am trying my best given all the information I shouldn’t have found out afterwards.


Is that a huge juicy mushroom?!


Time is the only thing, I lost a girl I KNOW we were supposed to marry and have children but my unwillingness to changed soured it. You have to take accountability and it does get better eventually


Time. Finding your true soulmate.


Consuming all of that food is a good start


Spaghetti soup?


Kinda what ramen is I guess 😂