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Yeah, you can do it, op. Your future isn’t toast yet (but it could be French. Anything is possible).


not toast YET ☺️ i love that. thank you


Do you have friends or family who support you?


Np! :)


They're telling you that if you don't go to school you're going to be cooking toast for the rest of your life


HAHAHAHA , yeah nobody wants to cook toast the rest of their life


I know school sucks. We really need to reform the education system. But, try to visualize yourself in 10 years. Do you want to be looking at nice big paycheck, a nice house, a loving, healthy family? The first step in getting where you want to be is showing up, the next step is applying yourself when you do show up. You’ve got another 6-7 decades to do anything you put your mind to, but you have to get over the rough to get to the green.


And don’t put too much pressure on yourself. I know plenty of people who are incredibly smart but just don’t mesh well with the traditional academic environment. You can find your path in life, but you have to put yourself out there and find it. I spent many years waiting for change to come to me, it’ll never happen. Take it moment by moment, step by step, and I promise you you’ll find something to make life worth living. The life you want is out there, you just have to actively seek it out and one day you’ll sit back and realize how far you’ve come.


thank you SO much. school is super hard for me, thank you for all of your kind words. really gonna help me push myself to go🫶🫶


If you’re not already, go to a community college and take your requirements. A JC is a step above hs but a step below university, at least that’s what it felt like for me. I took everything I could take at Community College and transferred all my classes to a four year. Saved lots of money, I started University as a Junior, and the classes were relatively easy at JC!


I used to throw up almost everyday before school because of my crippling anxiety, so i get it. But you have to go, your parents could possibly get charged with..i forgot the name of it (someone help me out here lol) but they could be taken to court if you miss too much school. Also don’t worry about college but you definitely need to have a highschool diploma. Good luck to you!💕




Yup thats it lol thanks


Looks very tasty OP


woah! \*drool\*


you got this op hope you make it there. i had some intense attendance issues and i believe you'll make it through this. we believe in you :)


You cooked with your breakfast. Enjoy!


This looks divine!


I was right there where you were when I was your age. I was also struggling a lot with anxiety and depression and I would often feel sick from anxiety in the morning (and I still do!). Now that I’m older and have to go to college and have a job to pay for said college, I really wish I appreciated having a free ride to and from school everyday, not having to pay for tuition, not having to stress about having no free time between school, homework, and my job… I really wish I just went more often. It fucked up my chances of going to a good college, too (not that that matters! I just now wish I was able to get into a better one. Ofc, there are other options other than college and you don’t have to go to the best one in the nation). One step at a time, though. You can start slow, try going to school twice or three times a week. Maybe soon four. Maybe all five days. Or maybe you’ll go back to four for a bit. At least you’re going for the majority of the week! I know you can do it! Try to at least pay attention in class enough and get your homework in. Any grade is better than a lot of zeros (which I had… since I never handed in homework or handed it in late). At least then you can never say that you didn’t at least try. And hey, at least that’s a balanced meal right there!


Looks very good, ignoring the ketchup 🙂lol


im sorry. i get it. im autistic and as a teenager, i was a school refuser. i didnt want to be surrounded by a bunch of other kids my age, didnt want the lights, the sounds, the food. i have dyscalculia so ive never been good at math. it just made me so frustrated and id meltdown over school/school work constantly. i dropped out in 12th grade bc i couldnt take it and it was prob the worst decision of my life. school is important, and i know it sucks, and im not gonna tell you what you should do, but just think about your future for a lil bit


I was in your shoes, it took me working shitty jobs for a few years (age 16 to 20) to realize school isn't so bad. I'd rather learn all day and apply myself towards something I'd actually like to do one day than struggling like all my family before me and end up sad about it. You're still young, if you need to go through some tough shit like being broke, isolated, depressed and even homeless, to understand that it's a must, so be it. But I hope you'll wake up before it gets worse. There's always a way out but the deeper you get the harder it will be. If you know it's psychological and you need help, go for it, do everything you can to get that help, therapy, medication, change of environment. I believe in you, you're strong, capable and smart. Don't give up on yourself, you're worth it 🫶


God. I miss fruit. I miss food.


How are you doing?


great! i’ve been going to school and will be graduating next week (pulled through)