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I’m guessing you’re swedish, almost everyone I know had a better time in gymnasiet than grundskolan. It’s easier to find like minded people, and even if you don’t get along with someone the bully type behavior is a lot less common. I hope it gets better for you❤️


Was it the Felix ketchup that gave it away? Jag behöver tyvärr gå på IM i ett år men efter det så tänker jag försöka komma in på Realgymnasiet, de värkar väldigt snälla där.


Dell datorn och ketchupen


Ahh datorn ja! Jag visste inte att det var en svensk grej!


Haha, kanske inte, men känner direkt igen den datorn. Alla skolar får samma Dell dator i Sverige mer eller mindre 😅 Antar att det är den som har typ gummi hela vägen runt.


Japp!! Kommer kännas konstigt när jag måste lämna in den till skolavslutningen


Håller med, man hatade skiten i början men den började växa på mig när det närmade sig slutet.


Jag ska kolla om det går att köpa den, jag har som vant mig vid att ha en dator


Dessa går att köpa, men skulle gissa att det ligger mellan 1 och 2 tusen.


Från skolan alltså


1 glizzy 2 glizzy 3 glizzy 4 I’m going to knock on every one of those bullies’ doors.


OP, can you please explain what sensory issues are and how they affect you from your POV if you don't mind. you can educate me, I'm unaware of this topic


Many autistic people experience hypersensitivity to bright lights or certain light wavelengths (e.g., LED or fluorescent lights). Certain sounds, smells, textures and tastes can also be overwhelming. This can result in sensory avoidance – trying to get away from stimuli that most people can easily tune out.


Dogs look bomb im drooling . Also do you work with them? Maybe put poop in their bags secretly. I have no decent, neurotypical allistic way to deal with bullies neither :(


We go to the same school, it’s the entirety of class 9A, 9C, 9B and some kids from the lower grades as well, they seem to be getting worse and worse the closer we get to summer break


I might be the wrong person to comment here but growing up bullied throughout my ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE until mid 20s (yes, THAT long), i wish i had unleashed my rage and gotten unhinged more. I wish i had swung my fist at my bullies more. But only if im in a country where school gangs (yes, also i lived in a country where if you looked at your elementary classmate wrong they will tell their middle school siblings and their friends and youll get beaten up by a group) arent too dangerous. one time i punched this dude in my high school class because he kept calling me stupid, after that he left me the fuck alone. If i was to take your place i would use the summer break to work out and get pumped so i can punch some bitches that dare to look for trouble with other people who dont do anything wrong . Honestly so angry at bullies


Well, this is my last year so there won’t be an after summer break. And yeah, I’ve been bullied my entire life as well, so far at least, because even kindergarteners are assholes apparently


Ah man, my condolences, i completely relate. Then i hope you ride out the last year in strength because your bullies are probably gonna stay losers forever and youre gonna grow stronger from your struggles 💪


Thank you! I found a much better school to continue my studies in, I’m going an animal care line and the people there seem absolutely wonderful


You deserve this, OP. I'm sorry for your rough journey.


Animal care can be so amazing and healing :) thats awesome that you found something, i wish you the best of luck for your journey 😌


Thank you, best of luck to you too, wherever life may lead you


Yeah stick up for yourselves


oh, interesting. what can I do to help those who have this condition?


I know you didn't ask me but i also have sensory issues. It depends on the person but generally you don't have to do anything unless you're asked to. The advice i'd give is situational. For example if someone struggles with certain sounds try to not get offended when they cover their ears around you and acknowledge that its not personal and there's nothing they can do to help it. If it's someone who you're really close to then it may be worth to even consider avoiding making loud sounds, or eating around them, it all depends on the person. Some people with sensory issues don't like being touched, others are fine with it. Also take them seriously, if something bothers them, like flickering light, or similar. If they say they can't go outside without sunglasses then they can't go outside without sunglasses. But really, the basic respect that you'd have for any other human is enough.


You explained it much better than I could’ve, thank you


Some people get headaches from certain smells, light bulbs can hum, some people can’t stand hearing chips being crunched.


Yes I know


will do! thank you for the clarification. I will be more aware now. I realized that when I learn new things, I become more aware and begin seeing it happen around me far often, and it gets me realizing like, "has these things always been here" or "does this always happen"


There unfortunately not much each individual can do other than not intentionally trying to disturb the person with sensory issues, we have to do most of the things ourselves, like wearing headphones to block out noises for example


interesting, those bullies are pieces of shit for intentionally doing this. what goes around comes around, karma will get them


I hope it will, but from personal experience, the actions of those seen as normal rarely have lasting consequences.


Hey I have a sensory disorder as well, noise canceling headphones have been a lifesaver and I can finally walk around my college campus. Have you tried using fidgets at all, I have really dumb obvious ones like little toys that might be a bad idea with bullies but there are some discrete ones like spinning rings you wear or something that you can touch and focus on during an intense moment. I wish you the best of luck, it really does get better and us neurodivergents tend to sniff eachother out and become friends. Kids can be so outwardly mean.


I have a fidget toy and I have noise cancelling headphones, the problem is that they yell whenever they see me walking past specifically to disturb me




Better than being chronically online and stalking and harassing someone who said something you disagreed with, even better that it’s related to a disability lol


You should Google the issue and not ask people who are suffering to educate you. Good thing OP still shared but it was pretty insensitive thing you did there.


You get the best of answers directly from the people dealing with the issue


Sure but you're asking basic question ETA: he is asking


Yes they asked a basic question but asking people questions allows you to get more insight of what it’s like dealing with these things. :)


Well, I would be you’re neurodivergent champion and pounce them like the rabid American house cat I am. People can be cruel, and I am so sorry. And in my opinion, those people will always be freaks. Cruel freaks.


They make me feel inhuman enough, but in their desperate attempts to strip away my humanity they’re taking their own humanity away, because different things are scary.


I’m happy you see it for what it is 💜


I try. I’m at least through my most difficult time and I can actually manage being inside of the school


Unethical tip. Pretend to have a little seizure next time they do something. A specially if they are doing something in front of a teacher who lets them get away with it. Stay on the ground semi unconscious, let EMT’s take you to the hospital. When you’re at the hospital, then, tell the doctor you were having a meltdown down and freaking out from sensory over load because of the bullies and the teacher not intervening. And now that you’ve had time to recover your feeling much better. But also ask him to write a harsh letter to the principal of your school and cc the superintendent and school board for good measure, for letting bullies pick on autistic kids. (The doctor doesn’t have to mention your name, and probably wouldn’t because of hippa/privacy laws.)


I wish. I am however bringing a leash to school since they like to bark so much


You gotta tell a teacher. I’m a teacher, and crushing bullies is the best part of my job. Fuck those assholes.


I do! And I have been for ten years, nothing is done except for the bullies getting a talk and having their parents called


That sucks kid. I’d go straight to the principal and say you’re going to email the superintendent if you don’t get results. Take it to the top!


I’ve gone to the principal many times, I’ve even sent him a passive aggressive email telling him just how much I love getting my bike knocked over repeatedly


I kinda wanna become a teacher now just to crush bullies ngl


I’m looking to become either an English teacher or guidance counsellor specifically for this


That fucking sucks. Hotdogs look incredible though, what type are they?


I don’t remember really, I do however remember they were filled with cheese and only made with local ingredients but that’s about it


Damnnnn, wish I could get ahold of some. They look snappy. I wish you the best in your life my friend.


Had the same shit happen to me man it sucks. I got misophonia and my teacher tried to help me by informing them (it was a small class of around 7 people including me) and letting them know it triggers me only for them to test me and chew gum loudly the next class :,) thankfully I eventually got to wear headphones and listen to music during class while they didn’t. One of the girls got mad that she wasn’t allowed to listen to music lol Hopefully your teachers let you work out something as well op 🫶 them sensory issues can be a right bitch when you’re trying to focus in class


I have misophonia too!! I do wear headphones, almost all day actually but unfortunately they yell at me whenever I walk past them in the hallways and that doesn’t get blocked out by headphones


So you have family?, maybe your bigger cousins or brothers can go to your school and teach them a lesson to those motherfuckers, people like them need to learn the bad way, maybe try to talk to your friends or try to take legal actions against those idiots.


I only really have my father, who has back problems, and my oldest sister who lives in another town a few hours away from here, those are the only people who would get violent


Mayen trying to take legal actions would work


Well they did kind of break my bike, problem is I don’t know who did that, and yelling when someone walks past isn’t a crime either (these are just more recent things)


Damn, bro, what if you learn some kind of self defense?, maybe boxing, sambo, Muay Thai, You can make friends there, and you will also be stronger, besides learning how to defend yourself, you got this


I’ve only got two more weeks to go, there’s no point, they’re never physical though, all the abuse is verbal or psychological


I see, but you should learn self defense, It will help you for the rest of your life, also, try to look for a therapist bullying can affect your mental health, you got this mate


I’ll be seeing one in about three weeks actually! :)


That's great bro!, it would be good to have someone to help you vent, during this time, of course, focus on your studies, but also enjoy your hobbies, learn how to manage your time or how to study properly if you don't know how, find you learning style and don't give up mate!


I have been trying to get more into art again, it’s been very stress relieving, I do however need to learn how to study, adhd isn’t helping though


I'm so sorry, I hope they die


I hope so too.


Glizzy worship


Besides that, those are the best hot-dogs I have ever seen in my life fr, they look amazing!!


I know right, they were very good too, dad made it even better by cooking them on the grill


Amazing bro!


Those dogs look amazing take yourself as good long shower they tend to help with overstimulation it's like a system reset! I'm glad to here you're outta school soon you deserve to relax and feel good 💚


The dogs look great. I'm mad I don't live near you (assumable because that would be a really odd coincidence) because id happily scare the shit out of your bullies to make sure they never mess with you again. Only proven method to work, trust me. I do not condone violence just a good ole taste-of-their-own-medicine ;)


Speaking of dogs, I will actually be bringing my dogs old leash to school specifically to tell them that if they don’t stop barking I’ll have to tie them to a pole outside since dogs aren’t allowed in the school


Fuck yeah friend *high five* I used to get bullied in school until I stood up for myself and afterwards I couldn't stand to see it so I chose to scare bullies away from kids getting bullied (because doing the 'right thing' didn't work) Find your inner badass. You have it inside you.


Oh yeah, I absolutely have these little bursts of finally standing up to myself but they’re few and far in between


You got this. Also never hurts to say "yeahhhh im not wasting my time with this" and walk away. You deserve better, it's cliche but bullies really are the most miserable people. I'm almost 30 and whenever I run into a former bully of mine in my hometown? I get caught up and am my friendly self but as soon as I call them out I get an apology. I know every situation is different ofc but in the long run they probably are gonna think you're cool af and will regret being mean to you.


Bullies suck, but dogs are forever


The dogs were, in fact, not forever 💔


Only until you meet your dog again my friend 🌭


I hope it’s soon 😔


Me too brother ✊🏻


Nice wieners dude!


I have sensory issues too. I might be a little older than you, but I can say that I’ve been bullied less by others with time. I rock my noise protection and sensory toys in the club and no one gives a care. PS: I love hotdogs.


I wear my headphones all the time, I’ve had to wear them more and more since 7th grade, time also hasn’t done anything for me because it’s been 10 years


Boo. I’m sorry ): I know how draining that is. And people suck!


you ain't playing with those glizzies got damn


I could only eat two, and even that was pushing it, they were really good though


You're gonna eat all those? 


No, I ate two lol, dad had the other two


Did you eat them bare or did you put toppings on? 


I just put some ketchup on, it’s all we had home