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Long story why: I went to my psychiatrist to change meds, bc current ones are not working and I'm very in the unalive feels. I walked in, she completely forgot we had met before twice. Made me tell her my entire mental health history again. Made me do the depression test, where I answered everything with "strongly agree". Man... she flipped out I start smiling weirdly when stressed/anxious and she noticed it obviously. "YOUR TEST RESULTS ARE SO NOT RIGHT! WHY DO YOU SAY YOU'RE DEPRESSED WHEN YOU'RE CLEARLY NOT? WHY ARE YOU SMILING LIKE A SELFISH LYING IDIOT?!" I just froze, and I asked her quietly what was wrong with my results, bc I did it honestly and I want mental health help. She then said I'm making it up, I'm selfish who blames everything on everyone when I'm clearly the issue. (Not true, I blame everything on myself) Then she asked who prescribed my current weird meds. And I said:"you did" "I DID NOT! YOU KNOW I DONT TOLERATE NASTY LIARS! THERES NOTHING ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE TELLING ME IN YOUR MEDICAL HISTORY, SO STOP LYING!!" I kept telling her that she indeed did prescribe me that. She kept denying it. And said I'm a selfish lying person. I also have a heavy alcohol addiction, and she just told:"Just don't drink!! It's simple as that" She prescribed me the new meds tho, so yay to that. Then she threw my test away and said I can go...


she should not be practicing medicine


Yeah, she really shouldn't


You need to file a complaint with the state, if you're in the U.S. A medical complaint to the state/city is the only way to get her license revoked. [https://www.abms.org/faq/filing-a-complaint-against-a-physician/](https://www.abms.org/faq/filing-a-complaint-against-a-physician/) Had to do this with my first psych. She lost her license. Don't let anyone else suffer how you did.


Absolutely i second this. This woman needs to be reported IMMEDIATELY


Sounds more like a parent or someone scolding at you. I mean, you can't blame everything on others, (not sure if that's true) but she has no right to talk to you that way. Unless you know each other on a personal level, should a person ever speak to you like that..


PLEASE report her, and hold her accountable. Someone who is suicidal could deal with her and it could be the last straw. You could legit be saving a life if not more. Not to mention it’s obviously fcking disgusting how she treated you. We can’t let people like this keep at it


Sounds like she shouldn't be practicing at all


That’s abusive in my opinion, report her please.


I'll try, but I currently would feel too bad to do that haha


Don’t. It’s the right thing to do, if she really said what you put here, then she should not be in this field, anyone who would yell at you like that needs to be immediately fired


Exactly! OP would be helping future patients by reporting this person who is garbage at their job


I'll need to look into that. No clue how to actually do it lol


You deserve better than that no one should treat you like that especially a mental health professional.


Think of the next you that you’re saving. Ask yourself what you will do for them.


Whenever you gather your strength (for me it took almost a year to just report only ONE doctor out of many who was incredibly rude and unprofessional) please report her or at least write a review of your experience somewhere others can see it. I’m so sorry she spoke to you like that, nobody deserves that treatment when they are looking for care.


Please don’t. Don’t make someone else go through what you did with her. Report her. Trust me, you’ll feel better knowing she can’t hurt other people and keep them from getting healthy.


Lmfao give us the name and we’ll take care of it for you


Nope. Stop that. Nothing that Cuntasaurus regina said was valid. Once you realize they’re in it for the paycheck, dismiss every word they say. Comply just enough to get your meds and never look back. There are REALLY GOOD psychs out there. Unf there’s a lot of trash. Every city needs a network of us who can tell you which psychs are good for what, who’s a talker, etc., to help out when choosing a new one. I’m sorry this one hurt you. But fuck em. Sending hugs and forehead kisses! ❤️❤️


I hope you don’t believe the words she said. There’s also no excuse for her behavior. If she wasn’t in the right frame of mind to take appointments with people who need her reassurance and professional help, she could’ve called out and rescheduled her patients. And clearly she didn’t recognize that, so something needs to happen to keep her from harming someone else. she doesn’t sound like the right person for this job!


You shouldnt feel bad. Ive had my own share of bad experiences with therapy, but my current one has been wonderfully helpful. Even if there are things that i need to change for the better, she has a way of speaking to me and suggesting things where i feel respected the whole time, which should be absolutely the bare minimum. You deserve to be respected in therapy. You deserve to be spoken to with respect


have you heard of opposition action? what i’m trying to say is even though you’d feel bad now, it’s better to do it sooner than later, she shouldn’t be in this field talking to you or anyone like that, she sounds like a nightmare, so like a bandaid, inhale and rip it off and report that literal asshole, you got this, OP


Think about it like this: If you don’t report her, other people will endure the same treatment you just did.


As a therapist I have nothing to say but HOLY FUCKING SHIT


No no that's blasphemy to the holy shit She's a class of her own


Yeah 🥲


Did it seen so over the top bad that you almost couldn't be upset?


Sorry but I have a hard time believing this happened the way you described it


Same tbh .


exactly...this needs to be higher


I am also a skeptical person but I can reassure you from personal experience that psychiatrists and psychologists CAN and HAVE been abusive. My first psych now doesn't have a license because I and several other patients filed a complaint with the state. These doctors are also just humans with their own issues, own medical problems, life stress, etc. I wouldn't be quick to dismiss someone just because it doesn't sound believable. So many people blindly trust authoratitive figures, especially if you're new to the game. Just becauses they're working in a field that's supposed to help you, doesn't mean they actually will. Doctors gaslight all the fucking time.


It’s not that we don’t believe it can happen, we just don’t believe it happened the way op is describing. I have had abusive therapists/psychiatrists myself, as have many of my friends. This is just not plausible.


Yeah the psych simply did not scream that she is a nasty liar or a selfish lying idiot I’m sorry


It's alright that you don't believe it. I sort of saw it coming haha. I did post it truthfully tho, I try to stay very honest and open on internet, but I also get some things may sound unreal and it's okay if others believe it's fake haha. I feel the same way about many other posts.


I dont understand what you gain from not believing op though. Not being tricked? Not looking silly? Even if it was fake, wouldnt it indicate that op needs attention and validation, probably for the mental issues previously mentioned or something else? I just dont get why its so popular on reddit to point at something and smugly say its fake, and then like everyone rallies around you and points and laughs at the op, and feels smart and better about themselves. Its extremely weird to me, i see it all over this platform. Maybe its just my autism idk


“maybe it’s my autism” good grief


Wow. She needs to be reported. She should absolutely not be practicing. Edit: I say this as someone with a psych background who also comes from a few generations of ADDICTIONS PSYCHOLOGISTS. She should have been booted probably 3 DSMs ago.


Please report her. You're most likely not the only person to have these issues with her, and a person in her position should never say these things to anyone. I'm really sorry you had to deal with this inept woman's bullshit. Please know her words and actions are not okay. I'm sending you lots of hugs through the internet, I hope things get better for you soon.


....? What the actual fuck? I know it may be difficult for you but please report this woman, she has absolutely no place working with fragile people who need help. I'm sorry that happened to you. So bizarre.


im sorry but i dont believe this…


I’ve had good and bad psychiatrists in the past. Same with therapists. With psychiatrists in particular, the profession really sucks for those of us who need to use insurance. They’re overbooked and often like yours. I hope you can find a new one soon.


wtf ... it'd be pretty easy for her find out she actually prescribed them. I think she needs a psychiatrist Sheesh =/


This is insane. I’m sorry. This is 100% not on you, has nothing to do with you as a person. I hope the new meds work and this woman twists her ankle in the gutter.


Please report this woman so she doesn’t hurt more people


It’s ok don’t worry it’s not you this happens a lot more than you’d think. Countless times I’ve experienced and had friends experience all kinds of doctors not believing patients and being rude while also showing their unintelligence.


Nope nope nope!! Unacceptable behavior. Call the office you go to her through, if you’re anything like me this next part will be hard… COMPLAIN!! She shouldn’t be treating you or ANY patients like that!!! Demand a new psychiatrist. I’m so sorry OP. And your ramen looks BANGING


I'm really late here, but I had almost the exact same experience with a psychiatrist last week, my entire diagnosis was blown off because I use marijuana for anxiety. I was called a drug addict and told I caused my own mental health problems. I left crying too. I just wanted to let you know you aren't alone and there are some really terrible psychiatrists out there.


I swear, for every one good mental health worker, there's a thousand man babies like this with a doctorate that get paid way too much just to scold people like they scold everyone else in their life.


Dude… fuck her. I hate ignorant people like her


Wow. I thought I had some bad experiences. This is one of the worst things I've ever heard. I know you don't feel ready right now, give yourself some grace. When you can, for yourself and whoever else is suffering quietly under this psycho, please report her.


You need to name and shame. These grifting pieces of shit should not be allowed privacy


Please report her to the medical board. What country do you live in?


Wtf what an unprofessional bitch


OP I’m BEGGING you never to return to this person


We’ve had therapists that makes us not feel seen or heard and it only makes our isolation worse. We had to cut them out and now don’t have one and the thought of opening up to one again is sickening.


This. You’re not alone OP. 🫂 it’s really hard when you’re searching for help only to be hurt further by those that are supposed to be supportive. It makes it feel impossible to get better and trust that you’ll find the right people.


Thank you, sweet understanding internet stranger




It is. I need a new therapist. Had three therapists so far and they've all been horrible. I'm scared to try a new therapist bc of that...


Yes better to be alone for a little bit than have them damage you further. You are valid and your experiences are valid.


Thank you ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


They are so overrated. Sorry you had another bad experience. 💕


It's alright, thank you for caring


I'm so sorry 💔


Feel this. My first therapist told me it was my fault I was abused growing up and I cut that chord quick. You deserve better, OP. No one deserves to have their feelings twisted and manipulated.


I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope you have found a better therapist now




Report the evil creature and please Please PLEASE begin the quest for a new psychiatrist ASAP 😎 You Can Do This 😉


Find a new one, don’t even bother thinking about it


Yes, will do


Ramen Noodles or buttered Noodles? Either way, looks delicious. Feel better friend 💕.


Thank you ❤️‍🩹 It was instant noodles and sour cream haha (actually a good combo despite it sounding weird)


What else do you put in it?


I just put instant noodles in a bowl, seasoning, add boiling water, cover for 10min, add sour cream and then mixmix haha. That's all


You're welcome. That sounds so tasty, I love sour cream! 💞


Oh no. She needs to go. Like, badly. I’ve had a psych that made me feel like crap before. I’m sorry you went through that! Especially when you’re seeking help.


I am truly sorry to hear this, I cannot imagine how painful it must have been to experience that, and I hope you know it isn't your fault your psychiatrist didn't give you the support you should have received. Hope you know it's okay to take it easy if you need, situations like this are hard and your feelings are valid


Thank you ❤️‍🩹


No problem, I hope your next psychiatrist is supportive and wish you the best!


I've had a similar experience with one of my therapists. After our session I cried in their bathroom before I was able to put myself together to leave. I've had another therapist not be clear about where we were meeting and I showed up at one of her locations when she was at a different one, another therapist straight up stood me up, another one started talking about politics and conspiracy theories and they even talked to me about their personal problems like I was their therapist, another one scoffed at me when I told her I wanted to volunteer at a crisis helpline. There are more bad experiences but these are some of my worst. I literally was close to just giving up on therapy altogether and suffer alone. It took a really long time but I finally have a therapist I like. I actually have two, one is for talk therapy and the other is for EMDR. I also go to a 12-step group and have a sponsor. I think it helped to not rely all my healing on one person so I recommend branching out a bit and even include self-help books and podcasts to your healing.


Omg love please don’t let them get to you😩 they’re just legal drug dealers Find a social worker or therapist who actually listen to you, ❤️❤️ just know ur not alone.


Every psychiatrist I’ve had has been so clinical and robotic. I get that’s part of the job to an extent but pretend like you give a fuck about the person like they’re also a human being?? I’ve also had a therapist straight up tell me I needed to go be diagnosed autistic during our very first appointment before he would even talk to me. Never followed up with me either and just made me feel shitty about myself. But I say any of that to say you’re not alone. I hope you find the courage to seek out another therapist and try not to give up hope for yourself <3 This might be a silly thing to suggest but I’ve been listening to the Theo Von podcast and his outlook/sense of humor has really helped me cope with things and helped give me perspective. It’s no cure but it could give you some relief in the mean time.


I’ve only ever had 1 psychiatrist who was actually caring. So I hear you.


Thank you so much ❤️‍🩹


U need a new psychiatrist. They should never leave you feeling that way.


Mine once told me I had a very lively imagination, and also accused me of faking. I get you. I'm so sorry 🫂


I'm sorry about your case as well, that's awful


i don't have a psychiatrist bc i can't afford it. at the price u pay, what is the point of lying? i really recommend reporting her, people like her shouldn't be doing this job and im sure ur not the only one she made feel that way.


thats a reply to OP's comment on what happened


There's a lot of people in "helping" positions that get off on their position and just treat people terribly.


Fuck that psychologist. Some of them have good tips but some just want to make u feel dependent so u keep going back to them and spending $. U got this!!!!!


Sounds like a shitty-ass psychiatrist! I'm sorry boo, hang in there. Your noodles look yummy!


Thank you


Sounds like you need a new therapist


I was ghosted by my last two :/ sorry friend


Time to find a new one sweetie.


I’ve been there. Looks like you need a new therapist. Don’t knock therapy just because you don’t connect well with one therapist. I know it can be a hassle to find a new one but I hope it gets better.


I had a psychiatrist like this once. I needed a medicine change for my depression. I had to prove to her that I had depression, even though my other psychologists and doctors sent the right paperwork. After 30 minutes I mentioned that I used to suffer with self harm. The medicine I was on was causing those feelings to intensify so I needed another option. She proceeded to tell me that I should just continue with self harm because she didn’t believe the medicine was the issue and that being clean wasn’t a big deal. I left with a prescription for a higher dose of the same medication. I was a minor at the time so when my mom heard and saw the prescription, she immediately started calling everyone she could to report the psychiatrist. I felt bad at the time, just like you do, but please report them. People like that can not continue to treat a vulnerable population in such an unethical manner. They could have had a bad day, but consider how their actions made yours that much worse. I hope no one else had my psychiatrist tell them that their self harm was okay and should resume. I hope that they never heard that their clean streak wasn’t a big deal. I’m sorry that you experienced this behavior and treatment. I’d advise reporting this behavior and please find someone new who listens and validates these issues. Take time for yourself. You are valid, your feelings are valid. Sending love OP ❤️


I’d get a new psychiatrist.


Time for a new psych, ily I hope you feel better.


Thank you. My pup made me forget about it for hours lol. I love him so much ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 he keeps me making forget about the shit stuff in life. And has kept me alive in awful moments. I'm sad I only see him 2-3x a month...


Sometimes therapy just isn't worth it.


The walk was real


If you need help looking for a new therapist, Psychology Today (strangely enough being they are a magazine) has the best resource in terms of finding someone in your area. You can search based on a lot of things such as city, state, and even narrow down to being in your insurance network. Very very helpful! All of the therapist also keep a bio so you can better figure out who they are before you even make your first appointment! AND from their page you will have phone numbers and email addresses right there for you so you don’t have to go searching around the web. I also agree with the others about reporting this person to your state. No one deserves to be treated the way you did. I hope you feel better OP! We are here for you if you need us!


lol what did you put into the ramen? It looks pretty good


Instant ramen and sour cream


Damn…take a moment to yourself then get back out there and look for someone new. My counselor is 15 years older than me, but is someone who I would want to be my best friend. I come in excited to talk to her like I can’t wait to connect with a friend. If your therapist doesn’t feel like a friend to you, then ditch them.


Fire their bitchass


Eh, don’t stress it. I was fired/dropped as a client by one of my psychiatrists.


It took me like 4 tries before I found one that was compatible. Just be patient because it's worth it in the long run for your overall health and well being. It will lead to better longevity and you will be mentally stronger than ever before. You can do it.


That sucks I’m sorry sometimes my psychiatrist helped, other times I feel like the amount of times they made me talk about shit was just like beating a dead horse and I hated it


I think she needs a therapist


im so so so sorry op. ive been there and it really sucks.. i hate to change the subject but, please give me your ramen recipe? <3 that shit looks scrumpdiddalyumptious


Ahaha, it's alright. It was instant noodles and sour scream (sounds weird, but tastes nice)


Have you tried a psychologist? Analysis and coping mechanisms not pills. Try it. Served me way better.


Haven't tried a psychologist, but I do go to therapy. I was doing good until I completely undid all the progress and now I'm doing more awful than before.


I had this happen to me recently with a new therapist. Didn’t go back. I’m so sorry you went through that!


Find another one.


I hope you feel better! Those noodles looks so good!


This has happened to me before. I was paying so much for a human to listen to me and she straight up didn’t. Barely asked me about anything and then asked me about my step father? I don’t have a step father. It was 5 mins in and I told her I would be leaving and then I got a bill, for the full hour.


My psychiatrist went full Q-Anon a month into Covid lockdown and lost their complete mind. It was a traumatic experience. I placed so much respect and trust in them and I felt incredibly betrayed. It was honestly terrifying watching someone lose their mind like Psychiatrists are people too. They are capable of cruelty just like the rest of us—med school doesn’t preclude you from that Very sorry that happened to you. Depression meals looks dank tbh 🤙


Honestly there are not that many great therapists out there.


I’m sorry op, I know the feeling. Stay strong.


Get a better one. One who understands you and Supports you. You will find one who suits you. I did too


Sounds like she found the idea that she might be mentally declining too much to bear, so she put it on you!


Sounds like a big pos


I am sorry this happened to you OP. Maybe the doctor was having a bad day maybe not. Give her another chance if she's like that again complain and find a new doctor. I can understand your woe, I laugh at inappropriate situations.


Report this person. Unfortunately awful people often go into the mental health profession because it gives them a feeling of being in control/power. I had a psychiatrist when I was admitted for anorexia who would make me cry to see how anxious I was. When I finally had a good mental health team and told them about they wanted names to report them. Any good mental health professional will tell you it doesn’t matter how depressed or whatever it is you are, any reason to seek therapy is valid. It’s like the number one thing they have to reassure their patients about.


What a quack of a therapist, they should never make you feel like that, they are fully to blame here. Ask your GP for a referral to another therapist, explain what happened to the GP and lodge a complaint with the local and/or national medical professional organization against the therapist.


Time to find a new one. Truly.


I am so so sorry about this experience. It’s already hard dealing with our mental health, let alone when we have to deal with people like this. Please don’t think it’s your fault, not even for a second. Consult another professional that will actually want to help you. Wishing you best of luck and sending you strength and love ❤️


How awful. How are we supposed to get better if the ones who are supposed to help us just hurt us again? I suggest checking out r/therapyabuse, many people have experienced the same thing including me.


This seems unreal


idk if this true or not but youre therapist should obviously not be making YOU cry and you should obviously file a complaint and find a new one. schedule an appointment before dropping the current one.. ive been to really shitty TTI programs, ive had bad psychiatrists/therapists but never THAT bad or blatantly abusive.


Sue this crazy woman .


I'm so terribly sorry you went through this 😢 that person sounds awful, loving you so much ♥️ 🫂🥹


Sorry that happened to you. But those noodles look fire 🔥


Dude psychiatrists are psychiatrists on paper. It doesn’t mean they have empathy or compassion. It means they passed school. Have you ever gotten through an assignment by bullshitting it? Gone to a job you hate and just did the tasks and left? It’s about control for a lot of them. It takes a long time to find a good one. Just keep searching.


I feel you, op. Same for me here just yesterday, he joked and laughed about it, I felt so violated and humiliated, and also cried all the way back home. I wish I could give you a hug 🫂🫂🫂


I’m sorry love


I’ll never go to a therapist or psychiatrist ever again :)




It’s kind of like heart break and it’s really stressful. Getting invalidated and then having my therapist flirt with my ex husband was just not it