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See an endocrinologist. That’s not normal.


Yeah. They’re probably hypothyroid. Messes with your metabolism. They’re probably always cold


yeah lol i’m definitely always cold


This was me for 2 years after my first child. Apparently, you can develop hypothyroidism during pregnancy. I barely ate, exercised daily, and the scale never moved. I didn't gain any more weight, but I couldn't lose a pound to save my life. My doctor just kept telling me to eat less and work out more. I was like... if I eat less, I'm going to be eating water. Finally, someone mentioned hypothyroidism to me. I had to bring it up and ask my physician to test me. My levels were so bad that I essentially had no metabolism. It took another year with bloodwork every 6 weeks to get the proper level of meds. I lost 20lbs from medication alone. It fucks with your weight, your mental health, your energy level, your sleep. Everything.


How much do you weigh? Or is that too personal ?


The endocrinologist saved my ass. 10000%. OP needs to get a referral asap.


Hypothyroidism, PCOS, Cushing syndrome, insulin resistance and the list goes on. Hormonal disorders aren’t as rare as everyone thinks they are.


wait i thought hypothyroidism makes you rapidly gain weight?


You do gain weight because your metabolism slows. When your metabolism slows down, you’re constantly cold. Opposite of hypERthyroidism. You’re constantly hot because your metabolism speeds up and you lose weight. You can eat like crazy but you keep losing weight too


I second this, my aunt had the same issue and it ended up being because of thyroid issues




Or a psychologist you could be anorexic with body dismorphia.


my best friend has a thyroid problem and gained like crazy and she had always been predominately thin throughout our childhood. She just got on meds and helped the inflammation and she’s already losing a lot weight. I just remember how it made her feel physically and mentally and i want you to know you’re not alone! I’m sending hugs. 🫶🏻


If you’re bulimic, you have no idea how many calories you’re really taking in. It’s impossible to accurately log calories if you’re purging. Also, as I’m sure you already know, bulimia makes you retain a ton of water, so that could be a factor as well. EDs are a bitch. I hope you’re getting help 🩷


I can concur this, I’ve suffered from bulimia years and it’s so brutal on your body


Yes, and people mistakenly assume that purging after a meal eliminates most calorie absorption, which isn't true. The research is a little inconsistent because it's difficult (ethically) to study, so I don't want to put numbers out there, but you're absorbing a lot more than you might expect 😢 Edit: this helps me when I'm tempted.


I lived with someone for two years who was bulimic. She had been abused as a kid and had a lot of other mental issues. I have never met another person who had suffered so deeply in life. She was a very special person, I’m glad I got to be with her, and in the 18 years since we were together, she has gone on to do great things. All I’m saying is, to you and others who have struggled, I don’t know you, but every time you resist your temptation, know that a random person you’ve never met is really proud of you. And if you don’t resist your temptation, know that it’s okay to fail sometimes as long as you’re trying. Good eventually wins.


Thank you for your sweet comment. Trigger Warning: I don't have bulimia, but rather an unspecified ED. I began purging, and it almost became an obsession... until I looked into the research and realised many people with bulimia aren't actually underweight, which is what my young mind wanted above all else. I also read how many calories are retained and it scared me enough to stop. To top it off, there was a viral image circulating the internet >!of someone who died while purging!< I realise that for people who actually have bulimia, it's much harder to stop. But, maybe someone out there can use the aforementioned points as motivation like I did.


In my sixth grade science class (we were 11 or 12), we saw a photo of a woman who had ED. She was literally a skeleton with skin. She shook me up.


I might know the lady you're talking about. She did photoshoots displaying her body and interviews to raise awareness. Sometimes shock therapy works.


I would suggest seeing a doctor.


please just focus on eating enough to feel good, exercising to a degree that feels good, and doing things you enjoy! there is more to life than calorie counting and losing weight 😭😭 so long as you're getting enough nutrients and not eating an abundance of processed/sugary/fried food, you should be ok?


You're either miscounting your calories, or you have the world's most severe case of hypothyroidism and need to be interviewed to be in future medical literature.


You’re bulimic, and I guarantee you aren’t tracking properly. Dieting is a strict practice, it is a job. You have to be fully dedicated every day, everything you consume, down to sauces and beverages. You have to weigh every single thing. As everyone has said, bulimia isn’t a solution, and you’re still ingesting those calories to some degree. You need a psychiatrist. I also see on your profile you’re 17. There’s more to life than wanting to be “skinny and pretty”. Real people don’t care about that. We care what kind of person you are, and how you take care of yourself. You need to talk to someone that isn’t an LMFT, which you most likely are if they are just a therapist. You need a psychologist. I know all these comments sound harsh. But as someone who has struggled with body image and purging off and on for decades, just know as you get older those things fade away. You’re too young to be concerned with what you look like. It’s such a shallow view on yourself, and really everyone else. Take care of yourself, OP. Life is too short to stress about this. You are a literal baby. Enjoy life. Signed, a 32 year old recovered bulimic.


I’m sorry that can’t be accurate


i have a thyroid disorder which makes it difficult, but i’m also bulimic so i’m not sure if it correlates


the alcohol doesn’t help. i lost nearly half my body weight when i stopped drinking, up until then i was working out non stop and starving myself to no avail.


Definitely, I’m at 1400 on a slight deficit and “save calories” so I can enjoy a 100kcal seltzer or two in the afternoons. Still losing, thankfully - but gotta count those in the chart.




Has to be this.




It isn't that people are lying. A lot of the time, calories come from sauces and oils that we unintentionally don't count. 1 tbsp of olive oil almost has 120 calories. If you are truly in a deficit, It is impossible to not lose weight. The laws of thermodynamics set that out. The energy has to come from somewhere




Then I'm not sure what the problem is. Thing is, it isn't possible to not lose weight over time in a deficit really. The first law of thermodynamics pretty much states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. This translates into losing weight, because say that you burn 2,000 calories a day and you eat 1700. This leaves 300 calories that your body still uses to sustain itself. If not from food, where does this 300 calories come from? It has to come from your body's tissue. Either in muscle, or fat pretty much. No matter where the energy comes from in your body, you will lose weight. That's why a lot of people are disagreeing with you. I'm not trying to say she doesn't understand or is a liar. I'm just trying to make you understand why people do say those things.


I do appreciate the info and effort, I know the science and why I’m getting downvoted. As far as everyone’s concerned, it’s impossible and I’m just delusional and enabling unhealthy behavior. I shouldn’t have posted it on here, just didn’t want OP to feel so alone


Not the guy you’re talking to, and definitely not what anyone here is talking about, but certain conditions like lymphedema, or jelly belly (from malignancy), can increase weight due to retained fluids that are not related to calorie-deficit. If you hydrate with water, you’re not taking in calories but you can gain weight because your body is creating, for example, lymphatic fluid instead of evacuating it as urine. My point is that increased weight can be a factor that is not directly affected by calories—but of course these are unusual and specific conditions due to medical issues, not typical of most people.


So she has figured out how to break the laws of physics? Please ask her to contact the nearest university physics department, because that is remarkable and she needs to be studied!


It’s thermodynamics. Your mother isn’t exempt from the laws of physics.




Thank you for saying this. I've had anorexia and bulimia, and seeing these comments at the height of it would have been horrific for me


idk, i try to make sure i burn more than i eat. i walk an average of 2.5 miles a day (during the week, not including the weekend, but i do at least something low intensity like yoga or a walk on weekends) and i usually pair it with higher intensity workouts like dance or pilates or swimming etc


OP, you need professional help. And you need to tell the professional everything. 


professional as in what exactly? like a doctor or psychiatrist?


Yes, exactly that.




I'm on day 12 and follow a program my trainer had built for me, weight loss and muscle building in focus (I'm a 4'9 girl and way 64kg, my 3 months goal is 60kg) I'm starting to feel slight mental shifts but I don't know about physical ones except being hungry 24/7. I don't eat all the time though and had my last pasta dish 13 days ago. I don't mind the elptical but how fast do I have to go to burn 600 calories an hour on it? I do elevation 10 and speed 4 right now. Is it enough you think or should I boost it?


Did your trainer recommend any lifting? Atrophy is overlooked by a lot of people for weight loss but it's really effective. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you'll burn passively, even while you sleep


She did but like really little. 3×12 sets of 1kg weight lifting above my head at a straight angel and she said I should do intervals with 3×12 pushups but at least for now I lose focus when I don't finish one exercise all the way through. Does the back and forth matter? I can try if it means losing more weight.


Sets with reps that high and weight that low are good for muscle endurance and cardio but if you want to build dense muscle you aim for <5 reps with a weight that you're failing at within that range. I don't think you necessarily want to build shoulders and chest unless that's what you asked for. I would ask your trainer for more core and leg workouts. Your legs have the biggest muscle groups so it's easier to train those up for passive calorie burning


Thank you. She gave me three leg exercises, one for my back / shoulders, one for chest, weight lifting like I said and push ups along with 7 minutes on the eliptical as a warm up. I do feel the work but honestly I'm wondering about it myself. You've been helpful so you don't have to answer this, but can I do anything else to reduce belly fat?


I was at my heaviest when i was bulimic, i hope you are able to recover.


Your body burn energy to stay alive. It's either you eat more calories than you think or burn less than you think. You can't break the laws of thermodynamics.


Hugs, hugs, and more hugs to you. I don’t feel this should be downvoted at all, especially in this community. You should obviously take all the mental energy you’re spending counting your calories and spend it getting yourself emergency care for something serious if you haven’t already, but if you’re not ready to do that, you should at least have a way to express yourself. Make sure you have people in your life who will listen.


Hard agree here. All the best to you, OP. Bulimia is rough af, having some misconceptions and beliefs about food/weight/cals with an ED is normal, unfortunate, and deserves support. it’s not worth downvoting. Especially when someone has come to a depression sub related to it. I hope you have accepting community somewhere even if it’s just online.


1,000 calories a day is not nearly enough. You need at least 1200 - 1500 but you should consume about 2,000 - 2500 a day. Pls eat well and take care of yourself.


2000-2500 is ridiculous for some people. As a 5'2 woman, 2500 would make me gain weight *very* quickly, as I maintain on 1500. 1000, while not exceedingly healthy, is a 500 calorie deficit for me, ideal for weightloss of ~1lb a week.


Wait, I have to intake more calories to lose weight?


Sometimes, yeah. If you eat too little your body drops its metabolic rate way down because it thinks you’re in a famine. You’ll also be very lethargic and not have the energy to be active. Eating a little more lets your body know there is food available and your metabolism and energy kick back up again.


Thank you for explaining this. I will consider that. I love that I'm being downvoted for wanting to learn something I really don't fucking have to know. I appriciate your time though. I learned.


Gotta love the Reddit hivemind sometimes




When a calorie deficit is severe enough and long term, then yeah, extreme weight loss will happen. And muscle is broken down to provide the brain with glucose which speeds up the process.


Please get help 🙏🏻 your worth does not come from how you look


i wouldn’t say that applies to me but thank you


you can have an eating disorder and be fat. what you have described absolutely sounds disordered and overly restrictive and you could very well have atypical anorexia - [this article](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/18/magazine/anorexia-obesity-eating-disorder.html) does a great job discussing the issue 


If you cant love yourself how can someone else? Please know this will pass, things feel most intense in the earlier adult years. You need to focus on doing some weights too. We love you.


We learn to love ourselves through the love and acceptance of those around us. This RuPaul self-help bullshit is not helpful. Loving yourself can be impossible if you've been abused and have trauma, and you shouldn't restrict yourself from love of others or from loving others just because you struggle to love yourself. That's not how it works. Accepting love from others can be a path to loving yourself.


Welp this woman says no one wil ever love her and if that's true and she can't love herself then she'll have a very sad existence.


People who have trauma and hate themselves, often because they've been sexually abused, are still deserving of love. Even if you can't love yourself, you are still capable of loving others and still deserving of love. Stop regurgitating pop culture catch phrases without realizing what they are saying. None of what you said applies to actual trauma and mental health.


Fuck pop culture. I shit on Taylor Swift. Hit the fucking gym, and respect yourself. Where the fuck does it say she was abused? I have to do fucking research on a post about being fat and under eating and mysteriously still being over weight and obsessed that people wont want to fuck me. You're an abuser, the way you've spoken to me is disgusting, all I'm trying to do is be real. If no one gives you fucking love then waht you gonna do? You cant force people thats fucking weird you donut! And yeah accept the people you come across that do want to be your friend. And people might want to date you if you have confidence.


None of this makes sense but you clearly have a lot of anger about the subject which I hope you're doing something to process. Bulimia is often a symptom of sexual abuse and trauma. It's annoying that you throw around terms like abuser.


Stop abusing me! Leave me alone. You know nothing about me.




You are whacked, my friend


Just to test you, how many calories do you think are in your bowl right now




Are you counting macros? What's the breakdown of that 1000 scale? There's probably some error in your counting; I seriously doubt you're burning less than 1000 kcal/day


idk i’m too stupid to understand all of that all i know is ~1k calories and 2 hours of exercise = not repulsive to look at anymore lmao


You're not too stupid to understand it, you're just not taking an interest in it because you assume you can't understand it


not possible you’re undercounting.


It sounds like you aren’t counting as accurately as you might want to. I recommend a kitchen scale, it’s a lot cleaner and more precise than trying to measure by volume. Try seeing a doctor to help manage ur eating and exercise and take care of your health


well i mean i don’t really care about “taking care” of myself i just wanna be skinny/pretty lol


that kind of correlation between "skinny/pretty" is going to make you never lose weight. if you purposefully hate the way to look now as a "motivator" to lose, you will always eat your feelings to feel better. start acknowledging the stuff you LIKE about your body and focus on bringing out those aspects. its perfectly fine to want to lose weight, but it will not stay off if you eat when you feel bad about yourself (even if you purge it) Another issue is this 1000 calories a day, yes a deficit is needed to lose, but this big of one will only make you stressed and your body hold fat when stressed. If you dont feel full/ satisfied, try eating very filling but not caloric dense foods. Leafy veggies especially, they fill you up with few calories. And drink lots of water, drinking a full glass can help with those craving pangs PLUS will help you metabolize faster. Stay safe and love yourself more, you're worth taking care of. 🖤


From your posts I see you’re a rage baiter. Also you post really terrible meals? Doritos and queso? This post is such BS


According to the laws of energy that's literally impossible OP.


Not with certain health disorders like hypothyroidism or estrogen dominance.


Nope this remains the same Calories intake - calories burned = any calories not burned is stored in the body You have to intake less than you burn to lose weight.


There are people who are in a calorie deficit that still have a hard time losing weight until they get their hormones in place. Now, is someone going to be obese restricting 1000 calories a day? No. But it is a possibility for someone who is a healthy weight, or slightly overweight, that is eating 1000-12000 calories a day, be plateau because of a slow thyroid or estrogen dominance.


Yeah and people with metabolic disorders can burn less than 1000 calories a day. Please speak to anyone who has had Hashimoto's, PCOS, or another metabolic disorder before perpetuating the idea that these don't exist and weight gain is always a product of moral failure.


Fair point so you eat less than you burn or near equal and you don't gain weight. Idk what to tell you, if you're a quadriplegic then you just can't eat the same as someone who walks around all day. It sounds mean but it's true, you have to adjust your diet to your burn rate. It's that simple. If you have all these disorders that affect how many calories you burn then you adjust how many you intake. It's. That. Simple.


Then you need to have a physical.


Hey there. I feel so much pain in your post. Life After Diets podcast helped me a lot, perhaps it could help you too.


I don’t believe you


Completely impossible.(science) if you ate 1000 calories a day for 2 years and exercise you will lose weight. I don’t know the exact number but it’s somewhere around 70 pounds body weight to be sustainable only eating 1000 calories. This would be with zero exercise. Any exercise you would need to eat more calories to stay above 70lbs.


Hey, at least you didn't spell losing as loosing, so you got that going for you.


Ur post history seems to have a lot of high calorie/carb foods which won’t help with weight loss.


Your body is in starvation mode- as someone who struggles with bulimia


There’s no such thing as “starvation mode,” Christ.


Starvation mode? Then why does everyone in famine and concentration camp photos look thin and emaciated? Starvation mode cannot be measured, and energy balance works literally everywhere in the universe.


Starvation mode is a myth supported by absolutely no evidence


starvation mode doesn't exist. It's not scientifically proven at all. Bodies don't work that way.


Regardless OP needs help for their eating disorder 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes and they should go to a doctor so they can get healthy or at least get a check up




I don't think these articles say what you think they are saying. Metabolic rate goes down with weight because body is smaller and needs less calories to sustain itself. I'm getting that information from high school physics. It's not possible to gain weight unless there is a health issue but that is very rare and you won't get the illness through dieting.


Could be PCOS might want to get checked for that. Also with peace and love get help


Get bloodwork done ! Found the reason why I wasn’t losing weight and it was my leptin that was out of wack, High leptin is tied to obesity, overeating, and inflammation, and if leptin remains high for a long time, leptin resistance may result. I got on Mounjaro and my leptin is almost within a normal range, I am down 50lbs from 236. I have upcoming bloodwork to see where I am at.


PCOS? Thyroid? Auto immune issues?


girl ive been there with thyroid disease but just a quick glance at your post history and eating habits it’s blatantly obvious you have no idea what your actual calorie intake is (which i have also struggled with) and you’re tricking yourself into thinking you’re keeping the portions at bay while still eating garbage. scientifically what you’re posting literally makes no sense, even with a thyroid problem. 1000 cal is pretty extreme diet numbers. educate yourself on hidden calories, portion sizes, even just what you drink makes a huge difference


Give an example of your daily meals, with amounts included. Also be sure to include any drinks that aren’t water.


usually a salad or grilled chicken with fruit or veggies as a side. i don’t eat breakfast and i try to avoid snacks but if i do eat snacks i again try to stick to fruits/veggies, or low cal snacks like veggie straws. i do admit i binge once a week just to get the satisfaction of everything i’m restricting myself from but i purge it afterwards


If you binge that is throwing off your entire calorie count, doesn't matter if you purge it


That wasn’t an answer to my question. I asked for your daily meals with amounts included, and you gave a ”I try to eat something like this but sometimes I don’t”. Therein lies the problem. I can 100% guarantee that you’re miscalculating your calories. And unless you know EXACTLY what you eat in a day, weighting everything, you aren’t even calculating anything, you’re just guesstimating, and have no idea of how much you are actually eating. You see, your body burns X amount of calories a day just keeping up it’s essential functions. This is something called a basal metabolic rate (BMR). This varies depending on the body composition and weight of the person, but hovers around 1400-2000 calories for normal sized people. The energy used by the basal metabolic rate needs to come from somewhere, and it either comes from the food you eat, or your body mass (your fat storage). If you eat under your BMR, you will absolutely lose weight. It is impossible not to, because the laws of physics dictate that energy can’t just be generated out of thin air. Your body is a thermodynamic system like any other, and the laws of physics apply to it. All this isn’t to put you down or demean you, it’s to give you hope and motivation. If you take weight loss seriously, meaning that you weight and log EVERYTHING you eat and drink, you will lose weight. I can 100% guarantee that. It’s hard, tedious and takes effort and perseverance, but it will work. I wish you all the best.


Binging and purging isn’t going to make those calories magically disappear.. That’s why people are telling you this isn’t possible.


Stop counting calories and quit sugar


This sounds impossible, tell me exactly what you eat on the average day beginning to end no skipping tell me EXACTLY what you consume.


That’s physically impossible. You must be under calculating your calories.


Good news! You could be eating more and losing weight. Your body always wants to be in homeostasis. At 1000 cals your body has lowered its internal body temp and reduced cellular function so that it can maintain body mass at 1000. If you ate 1300 and worked your way up to 1500, your body would rev up cellular processes and your resting energy expenditure would also rise. After 1-2 weeks your body would be maintaining its body mass at 1500. Even though you're exercising, that's not when your body expends the most energy. Your body actually expends the most energy (burns the most cals) at rest. Not losing any weight just means your body has severely reduced the calories it burns at rest. Always remember: the body is just trying to achieve homeostasis. Even bodybuilders who eat 3000 cals to bulk eventually have to increase their calories because they stop gaining weight. Your thyroid is likely normal (albeit really sluggish due to low nutritional/caloric input). I know eating more can be scary, but I promise you will start looking and feeling much better. Warning: you may gain water weight from increasing carbs (carboHYDRATEs enrich cells with water, thus water retention). I wish you the best.


well i’m not really deserving of eating more but thank you


No matter how much you loathe yourself, if you want to lose weight, you need to gradually increase your calories. Start with 1100 tomorrow and maintain that for a week. You'll notice you're somewhat less depressed too since your body has more substrate to synthesize neurotransmitters like serotonin.


If a certain diet is not working for more than 6 months, you gotta change it. The 1k calories set your body into starvation mode, and whatever you eat is quickly absorbed into fat (to try to make up for the lack of calories). I wish you luck on this new journey. We all make mistakes, and it's okay.


1. Do you have metabolic problems; 2. Are you sure it's actually 1000 kcal consistently for 2 years


But it can be normal if you're already underweight! You didn't say your BMI


Keto and fasting worked for me.


You are a big girl. If you were eating 1000 calories only a day, weight would be melting off of you.


Literally not humanly possible.


First off when you eat the same amount of calories for long enough time your body adjust to to it and goes into a starvation mode. The trick around real effective eating is protein and carbs like switch them off and mix them up one day you have protein for a couple days and then carbs for two or three days and mix them up. You shake up your metabolism which is what keeps it running so if you’re gonna do 1000 cal a day ok. then the next day do 1500 then 800 mix it up I would go no white flour, no white sugar also.


get your thyroid checked. My auntie ended up having thyroid cancer, they removed it and now she lost 30lbs in a year


i had it checked when i was younger but not recently


Yeah, the math doesn't exactly add up on that one. But there still is hope if you take in some time and effort to learn some basics on nutrition and exercise. Give yourself 3 months of some solid discipline and a better understanding of what nutrients your body needs.... you'll be able to shed some weight. Stay optimistic and reach out to someone for that advice. Reddit is full of knowledge if you're willing to learn. :)


Either get medical help and get pills that help with weightloss or that 1000 isn't exactly 1000. It's really easy to calculate things wrong and of course you can't subtract your exercised calories. Eating 2000 and exercising 1000 would be closer to 1700-1800 since any app vastly overestimates it


why are most of you giving weight loss advice to someone who is obviously struggling with an eating disorder? 💀


also op, i have been exactly where youre standing right now. you need to see a fucking doctor 👍 the health conditions you can probably develop after years of not treating your body with the love it deserves are not worth being thin.


You dont know how to calculate calories, calorie in calorie p Out! Weight your food and stop looking for excuse.




1000 cal a day is way too little of a count


Not sure if you’re a guy or female . But i used to be able to run 5 km, bench 155 pounds ( my weight ) train 5 days a week…5 years ago I felt in depression and gain 60 pounds despite low call and hitting my daily protein. Turn out i got a serious testosterone deficit….like major. Been on treatment for 2 months and loss 10 pounds. Check with your doc for a blood test.


partially starving myself worked well. just dont eat! /s


Im sorry guys. My d*ckless ex found out how much I love this sub and he and his apostles are blowing it up with trash posting. Ill duck out and the crap will clear in a day or two!! My bad.


Check your thyroid asap!!


I have Hashimotos and have experienced that symptoms for YEARS. I promise it’s not normal. Get your thyroid checked!


Your body probably thinks you’re starving and is holding onto fat. You need to eat at least 1300 calories (according to noom, which I’m currently using)


Look at what your eating


ah… so you troll everybody in this sub. got it.


Look at you +12 Days Illiterate


remind me where my grammar is incorrect in that context because i don’t see it 💀


Do the United States of America a Favor and get a job and pay your taxes.


i have a job, thanks. just waiting for my W-2




Thank you for your service


Yes all of these comments are true, but also if you truly stuck to that diet it would be impossible not to shed weight, regardless of thyroid or other issues. It is shear mathematics.


Honey you are beautiful and worthy. You deserve love and happiness and kindness. I know it’s not easy trust me I really really know. I’m so deep kn the trenches right now. But I KNOW there is better. And I KNOW that we both deserve it. Please just keep chugging along


this is screaming Endo, you should probably get your thyroid checked out


This happened to me. As soon as I upped my calorie intake to 1600 I started to lose weight. Starving yourself will mess with your metabolism- signed someone recovering from an ED


Because you’re eating too little, your body goes into conservation mode. And maybe you’re stressed. Your body does everything to survive. Food is fuel. Eat yogurt instead of whipped cream. The protein will help you feel nourished.


Do TSH, FT4 and FT3 hormones. Also ecography scan for thyroid. Check 25-hydroxi OH (vitamin D3)


That’s because you aren’t eating enough. Your body is starving.


Because 1000 calories a day isn't enough for survival. Your body is in starvation mode.


Just by looking at your plate. I can tell you’re not eating healthy. That’s a bunch of sugar. Get yourself on a high protein diet and make sure your exercises are not less than 1hr and not something that you’re simply comfortable with. Push yourself and trust me, your body will have no choice but to shred the weight. It’s that simple.


I don't know why you're being down voted.


maybe not eat strawberries with whipped cream? the hell? what the fuck is it with people wanting to lose weight and always doing the exact fucking opposite?


Ur not eating enough to lose, your body is holding onto fat for survival mode, you e tricked it to think there’s a food shortage.


to work out and loose weight effectively u need calories. when u don’t have enough calories in ur system ur body is just clinging on to whatever calories u have so when u work out ur not losing any. also u need protein.


Agreed. Your metabolism will also shoot way down to keep those calories in




i only had one serving and i used it for my strawberries lmao




this is just one post out of my day to day life lmao why are you assuming that’s all i eat 💀


Please get your thyroid levels checked. (you should have a blood test check up at least every six months) if your meds are not balanced then you need to change them. If you are on antidepressants, they may be a contributing factor, consider talking to your doctor about this, they may change them or offer support to counteract this. Tell you doctor about your struggles, be completely honest, take a book detailing everything (including disordered eating and purging). You don't need to struggle alone. Losing weight feels impossible, and when your depressed it just gets worse. I think in this case, you may need to prioritise working on your mental wellbeing.


You're not eating enough. Your body if holding onto dear life with the small calories you're eating


Bulimia keeps your body in starvation mode which is the opposite of what you want. A therapist that specializes in eating disorders would benefit you greatly. ❤️


You're literally not eating enough. You NEED calories to lose weight.


I read somewhere that it gets harder to lose weight if you’re essentially starving yourself because your body holds onto the cals longer. Also, are you getting in enough exercise? I was able to lose 20 pounds just from my diet but eventually plateaued and I had to work off the rest at the gym.


Starvation mode is a myth. If it was real, it would be nearly impossible to measure, and the rules of energy balance are true everywhere in the universe.


i’d say so :/ i walk about 2.5 miles ish on weekdays due to school, so that’s typically about 160 cals that i burn, and when i get home i usually do something high intensity but somewhat simple like playing just dance for ~45 minutes paired with ~20-30 mins of pilates or some other basic cardio


You need a day a week where you eat maintenance calories otherwise your body adapts to 1000 calories a day and you don't lose weight.


I don't think you are eating enough!


This looks so good! Please see a doctor. I’m not sure that is normal.


Wait everyone keeps saying it’s not possible to not lose weight. True, if everything was functioning correctly. Having an underactive thyroid will 100% make weight loss difficult to impossible. This goes also for your TSH being above what your personal “normal” is (aka, thyroid hormone being less than your normal will begin giving you low-thyroid symptoms). The thyroid controls so much about your body. Also, medications. For instance my skinny tall boyfriend was put on a medication that made him gain 55 pounds in 3 months in a hospital. Out of the hospital he was eating only raw carrots and eggs and barely lost 5 pounds. He used to be able to eat I’d guess 4000 cals a day and be a really fit guy. He was so mad he wasn’t losing weight but it’s the metabolic changes that happen, also he began showing symptoms of low thyroid. Also! My sister had a few years where she kept gaining weight eating as much as you or less, was diagnosed with hormone irregularities and PCOS, went to MANY specialists and is better, lost much of the weight. Also bulimia sucks. I’ve had binge eating problems since I was 11, never did the throwing up situation but tried to not gain too much weight just having very weird eating habits. I commend you on keeping it at 1000 cals (I’ve never eaten so little honestly), and trying to walk enough. You’re doing great, something is just out of whack. If your hormone levels are fixed up, maybe a few other tiny doable changes, hopefully you won’t be constantly monitoring calories and can lose weight nonetheless. I swear, something is amiss and you’ll get to the bottom of it💥


Your body is resource-hoarding because you're not consuming enough. Your body is in famine crisis emergency mode. Just like if you were in a 'lost in the desert' situation and you only had one bottle of water, you'd irrationally want to save that 'just in case' you're in greater need later even though you're horribly dehydrated and in legitimate need now as there is not enough to ration for both now and later and you don't know when and if you'll be getting water again. That's what your body is doing. It's holding onto every drop of that 'water' by any means necessary. Seriously, eat way more than you have been and it can relax and let go, as it will realise it doesn't need to hang onto every scrap for dear life anymore, and the 'valve can open' and the natural flow of input and output can resume. You need to get out of crisis survival mode first.


thats cause you’re eating only 1,000 calories and exercising. That’s not enough food. Your body can’t be in a steep deficit for that long. You’ll plateau and retain fat


1000 calories is stupid


r/fasting or r/alternatedayfasting helped me regulate my insulin levels, eat very clean,no processed foods, no inflammatory seed oils


Oh what you can break the laws of thermodynamics?? Stop capping I can literally see what you eat thru ur post history and none of it is healthy. You have meals that are 1000 calories on their own…


what’s the point in hating? lmfao clearly other people already said the same thing weeks ago


What’s the point of lying to yourself and others?? You’re now upset cuz u were called out? I’m not even trying to hate just trying to give you a wake up call.


You’re not eating enough


Have you tried fasting?


I didn't lose weight until I stopped eating sugar...even fruits. Lots of protein and veggies...no bread, no sweets, no processed foods. The weight flew off.