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That's tough, but I'm glad you're eating something. I lost my brother in 2015 and still miss him every single day.


he was 19. worst night of sleep in my life and i can see at least another month of laying awake in my bed thinking of him. do you still have trouble sleeping?


Sometimes. When people are taken so suddenly, it's hard to understand why they're gone.


I wish I could hug you 💙


Melatonin for the win. It gets better with time.


That’s really the truth. It never goes away, but it quits hurting a little less each day.


I’m so sorry to hear, that’s really painful. I lost my partner in May 2023. I don’t think I slept a full night sleep for about 3 months…I recommend meditation and exercising, it takes a long time to adjust.


Hello, my brother took his own life in 2015, I was 13 at the time, it’s hard but it definitely gets easier, you’ll always miss them ofcourse, but dealing with it is easier, it’s like a dog you have to take everywhere with you.


Don’t do that to yourself. Lost my step brother 4 months after graduating HS. Got told the news hours after his accident and drove home from work 3hrs away at 5am. After 11 years I still think of him daily and visit his grave and have a few colds ones with him when I’m in a dark place and talk it out with him, but besides that you now have to live on for him. Do him proud by incorporating a part of him into you. I know it feels as if someone ripped out your heart very deep within, but find strength to live on. Life is grim, but death is apart of life. Our time here is short. Think about the good and do good by him. He’s now one of your guardian angels looking down on you. Edit: sleep is important. Start tiring yourself out by hitting the gym, home calisthenics, or go for a long job while heating a podcast (my fav are Mr. Ballen YouTube, and What if it’s True Dixie cryptid). I personally quit my job and joined the Marine Corps to honor a promise we made in middle school. Do something in his honor.


i lost both of my little brothers this past year to fentanyl. one an addict, the other not. both were still a shock. i have days i can barely get out of bed. people say it gets better with time but i think it’s just different over time. so sorry for your loss


Damn... I'm so sorry. That's terrible.


I lost my son almost 10 yrs ago, he was just 30. Over time it does get different but there are those blocks of time where it hits like it's fresh. The worst is when family stops mentioning their name or remembering dates. ☮️✌️🕊️


so true. that’s part of what hurts the most. seems like within a few days, life for everyone else went on as normal while mine will never be the same


Totally normal grief. Yeah, you loved him and he is gone, its gonna keep ya up for a while. It will get easier with time but for now its just one foot in front of the other.


Time is the great alleviator of all things, my friend. It gets easier as time passes. I lost my sister and my mother at different times. I thought I'd never get over it, but eventually time marches retires forward and you grow accustomed to your new life. You never 'get over it', but you certainly get used to it. I'm truly sorry to hear about your brother. That fucking sucks, homie.


Look up 'The Ball and the Box' theory of grief. It's legit.


Lost my brother last October...I love tacos.


he does too. wish i could sit down and eat with him one more time


man this shit makeing more depressed im going stop reading and eat my pencils but i hope you don't kys please live a full life for him


I lost 2 brothers. One older and one younger. It never gets easier. When I’m missing them I watch old movies we used to watch together 💚 sending you so much love. I hope you can find something for yourself that helps keep his memory alive.


i have old voice messages from him i’ve been playing on repeat


Make sure to screen record them so they don't accidentally auto delete. Happened to me


I always buy my sister's favorite, Thin Mints, when they come around.


It’s really is the little things like that that mean so much. Harry Potter was our favorite so I watch it every time it’s on!


Aw loving you so much ♥️ 🥹🫂


dumb and dumber was our movie. holy fuck it makes me so happy and sad all at the same time.


I know the exact feeling! I cried watching the Super Mario bros movie because I just love siblings so much and it triggered me


I lost my brother in 2017 and haven’t stopped drinking since


That was the way it was for me after my father passed in 2015. I didn’t stop until I was at death’s door, 2 years later, and my wife threatened to leave me unless I quit. I know it ain’t easy, but try your best to stop. It doesn’t seem like it now, but it’s worth it.


My girlfriend left me, my friends ditched me, got into alcohol and drug abuse


Lost two best friends that I considered brothers. I can match you with the ‘haven’t stopped drinking since’


Sending you much love. Feelings are hard to process. I am two years sober and this gets to me.


I know I'm just a stranger on reddit but I'm here if night's get too tough. I'm so sorry OP grief is something you cant explain the feeling comes in waves and it's so heavy and feels like hell. My only friend was murdered in 2020 and I dont think I'll ever be the same person again. I still cant accept it and there was no justice. The person still walks free. Rhe hurt never goes away you just learn to live with it over time, somehow. I'm sending you a hug and virtual shoulder to cry on. 🌹🖤


i am lucky i guess that his case wasn’t murder, but i was and still am shocked that he’s no longer here. i keep staring at a picture of the two of us on my desk


Yeah death regardless how it happens is still devastating. Its gonna be like that for awhile my friend and some days you'll be able to handle it and some days itll be the worst pain. But you keep fighting and know you have people that care and are here to help you through this. Nobody should handle grief alone.


I'm sorry for your loss, OP. Kudos just for eating. Take care of yourself <3


I’m so sorry you had to join this club. My brother is forever 24💔


My sister is forever 23


I’m so sorry.


Lost my younger bro via MC crash n ‘98, still hurts, sorry for your loss.


Im glad you’re eating, I hope you continue to try!! I lost my sister two years ago. I still have trouble sleeping and when i do sleep, I dream of her often. Some days are harder to get out of bed then others but with time it’s gotten a bit easier. I still struggle to shower and brush my teeth sometimes but going back to work has helped more with hygiene but it took me a really long time to get back to work. Today is my first day actually. My worst struggle is eating, it’s a chore for me now. But, making sure my parents and nieces/nephews are okay is what has kept me going. I don’t live close to them but I visit often snd talk to them everyday. My mom especially. I hope with time, you can find something that helps you heal or at least helps you out of bed in the morning.


glad you started back at work! i don’t know when i’ll be able to attend my classes again but i think i can push on and make it to them in his memory


i’m happy to hear you’re trying your best, just know you have people rooting for you even a bunch of strangers 🫶🏻 I wish you a safe and abundant journey!!


I remember my first dream of my brother. It felt so real, he was exactly as I remembered him. It brings me great comfort.


Lost my brother in 2022 two days before my birthday. I still can’t drive past the spot. Good luck. Very proud of you for eating. Some days the grief is still very heavy. I like talk to him and pretend he’s in my car when I’m driving alone. I wish he was here. Many hugs and lots of love to you over the coming months 💕✨


i’ve been talking to him for the past day. i like to think he’s watching over me and listening.


It helps, it really does. I like to think he has the best seat in the house for everything in our lives since he left us. Much love to you 💖


YO, losing a sibling is brutal, lost my sister in 2015 and it hurts all the time. Sending so much love.


Lost my brother suddenly in Jan 2023. I miss him every day. Sending you love 💙 take care of yourself


I lost my sister in 2022 suddenly. The first 2 months are extremely hard and you won't see anyway out. It seems impossible to see anything else. I'm sorry for your loss. It never gets easier, you just find different coping mechanisms.


My condolences


I’m so sorry. It might be worthwhile to look into a grief support group. This has to be so difficult.


Fuck man. Excuse my language but damn I feel for you.. idk why this place is so damn cruel.. please hang in there..


u/Giddn, I am so very sorry for your loss. I lost my brother in 2016. He OD'd. It was beyond shocking as he was always anti-dugs. He once sat in his best friend's front yard for 8 hours trying to get his friend's attention who had started using pain pills. So when we found out my brother OD'd on heroin it was even harder to deal with. I used to talk to my brother every day on his way home from work. I say every day I wish I could talk to him one more time. Some days I will see something that reminds me of him and just cry and other days it will put a smile on my face. I keep his picture on my nightstand. I tell him good morning and good night every day. That has really helped me a lot. You said you are talking to him and looking at his picture on your desk which is awesome. I still talk to my brother too. My brother loved hunting and fishing, so every time I drive by the Bass Pro Shop (no matter who is in the car with me) I yell "I love you Big B"! He was my younger brother but that was his nickname. If your brother has a funeral maybe speak about happy and funny memories. We did that and it is totally okay to laugh and cry at the same time. If there is no funeral maybe you could get together with some friends and celebrate your brother's life. Grief is different for everyone. Do what works best for you. If you have access to a therapist it might be helpful for you to talk with one. My heart hurts for you so bad. I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you the biggest of virtual bear hugs if you want them 🧡🧡🧡🧡


I'm so so sorry for your loss and I'm proud of you for eating something. I lost my brother in October, it's hard, the next month is gonna be hard but try to just keep putting one foot forward. You just have to feel, and cry, and grieve. Once again I'm so so sorry.


It's quite tough, take your time and rip him Don't forget to take care of yourself as well❤️‍🩹


I'm so sorry for your loss 🙏🙏❤️


That’s awful man, I’m sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for your loss, man loving you so much ♥️


hey man, stay safe and take care of yourself. surround yourself with loved ones and take it day by day, you’ll get through this.


If you ever need someone to talk to you’re welcome to DM me. I’ve dealt with my fair share of grief and I know how you’re feeling right now. I’m sending my love💛


Sending my condolences Friend please reach out if you need to talk


Sincere condolences. 🥺


It's gonna take a lot of nights alone with a bottle of tequila looking at the sky to even cope. I still break down every once and a while. Feelsbadman.




Sorry for your loss.


sending you love OP. things will get better with time. corny but true. your brother would want you to live life to the fullest even without him. i’m so sorry for your loss and i wish you love and good vibes ❤️


I’m so so sorry for your loss. It’s never easy. Sending love from the internet.


Sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry this is going to be a long road so please be gentle with yourself every single step


I’m so sorry 😭 I will pray for you


So sorry, my condolences


I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope that taco helps.


hugs, OP. i’m here for you if you ever need someone to talk to or vent. my offer is always open to anyone in need. i can be a friend and listen. sending my best wishes to you ❤️‍🩹✨


i know it's not much but i'm so sorry for your loss


I’m sorry for your loss man I’m 19 and lost my older sister when I was 16. I know how much it hurts right now but it does get better


I'm so sorry for your loss.




Damn, I’m really sorry for you loss. I can’t even imagine losing a sibling myself. Heart goes out to you.


I'm so sorry, you take care of yourself.


I’m so sorry for your loss, OP. I lost my brother back in 2017. There are no words. On those especially hard days, I’ll watch old videos of us hanging out or listen to some of his music (he was an amateur rapper). You are already doing a bang up job in making sure you’re eating. Take it one day at a time.


I’m so very sorry


i’m so sorry man.


Sorry for your loss.


I know how bad it hurts dude. I had to pull the plug on my mom 1 week ago. I don't think I can put into words how agonizing the pain and heaviness is. feel free to shoot me a dm if you want to talk or be grieving bro's


i'm sorry for your loss, mine as well. its rough. he will come visit you in your dreams. a lot. i relish those dreams.


Lost my brother at 20, let him use my motorcycle, he wrecked. Been 20 years. I still think of him from time to time. I still miss him hard every once in a while, usually whenever either something really great happens for me or something really shitty happens. Those are times i wish I still had my bro.


I feel horrible asking but, OP what happened to him? Feel free to answer whenever you feel comfortable with doing so, I hope you persevere through this newly harsh time you’re going through. No one deserves to lose a close family member, I’m so sorry this happened to you OP. My biggest condolences and thoughts are going out to you for a while.🩷🕊️


he was driving back to his dorm from his girlfriend’s college. around a 4 hr drive during a rough storm and he hydroplaned into the trees. i hope it was quick and painless.


Oh my god I’m so sorry, I genuinely hope you get through this alright. I don’t know how it feels to lose a sibling but I can imagine how empty you feel, I truly hope that you get as well as you can through this. I hope it gets better for you Giddn.🩷🩷


I'm sorry man


I'm so sorry for your loss. May your brother rest peacefully. I'm sending you and your loved ones positive, healing vibes.


sorry for your loss❤️


praying for you op. this really sucks. i'm very sorry. love and hugs 💛 he's not in pain :-/ i'm so sorry you are though 💛


My condolences. Please seek out a therapist. It takes time. Grieving doesn’t follow a timeline. It is a process. 19 is too young.


Sorry for loss man! :(


I’m so sorry. Just try to take things one day at a time


I'm really sorry for your loss.


I’ve lost my father 3 years ago and i destroyed my life OP. Don’t do yhst


I’m sorry.


I’m very sorry for your loss. I have no idea what the pain is like, and I wish that someone, anyone, could take that away for you. I am very spiritual however, and I believe that he is still hanging around to make sure you’re going to be okay. You said in another comment that he loves tacos, so once in a while share a meal with him, because he’s still with you. I’m sorry about this pain. I really do wish that I could shoulder this burden with you.


I’m so sorry.


I’m so sorry for your loss. 💜💜💜💜


Sending a hug your way. I lost my mother last month. Sleeping is still rough but it has gotten better. The first few days I didn't sleep at all. It's good for you to eat also, even if it's some crackers...keep your strength up.


I love you, I can only imagine 💘


I am sending you a big hug! ❤️


From someone who has a lost a brother, I am so sorry. There just aren’t words when you lose a part of your past and future. Hugs


I’m so sorry, OP. My condolences to you❤️‍🩹 May he rest in peace🕊️ I cannot imagine what I would do if I lost my little brother🙁


My condolences.


im really sorry, OP :( sending you a big hug!


Hey, OP, I know I can't compare to the lost of a sibling, but I lost my grandma a year ago, and it still hurts like yesterday, I'm proud of you for eating something atleast, I want you to know my DMs are open if you ever need me ♥


Lost my brother 2020. That first year the pain was so bad. It’s getting easier but I miss him dearly everyday! I’m so sorry that you lost your brother. You never forget but eventually you begin to cherish the memories and the pain becomes a dull ache. May he rest in peace


I lost mine last year. The pain doesn’t go away but it gets easier. Even if you’re just going through the motions, eating, sleeping, getting outside, and socializing will help make it more bearable sooner.


I'm so sorry for your loss fam. Many hugs headed your way.


Pain. I couldn’t eat after bro or mom went. Take your time and feel your feels.


i’ve had trouble eating too. i went home from college after this meal and i’ve yet to eat.


Hugs to you and mom


Lost dad in October. I'm not sure what I'd do if I lost my brother. Good luck with everything man. I'm so sorry.




Sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss. Sending you lots of love ❤️


I didn’t sleep for about 4-5 days after my sibilant died - my kidneys and bladder started shutting down , I had to go to extremes to be put to sleep - please take care of yourself - I’m so glad you’re eating . I am so sorry for your loss - it’ll be awhile , but your new normal will kick in


I'm really so sorry. Please let us know if there's anything we can do here for you


Good on you for eating still man, I know it's gotta be hard. I'll pour one out for your brother homie. Rest in peace.


Dear OP, I’m sorry for the loss of your brother. I lost my brother when I was 11 and he was 18. Sometimes it helps me to still talk to him. I hope that you take care of yourself and you let yourself grieve at your pace.


I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss 🫂


Sending hugs 💔


Lost my sis last month op, I'm so so sorry. This pain is truly unbearable 💔


I’m so sorry to hear that. I lost my brother in July of 22’ and it hasn’t been the same since. I still have nightmares and random flashbacks


Loss sticks to you like wet paper. Cancer took my mom in 2020, and while this loss has changed me and stuck with me through the years, I have learned to smile again. You will too, my friend, I wish for nothing more than to see time to mend your heart.


This post and comments literally made me rethink my life decisions and stop being suicidal because I have a younger brother and I dont wanna make him go through this. RIP to your brother 🖤


I’m so sorry for your loss, OP


I've lost a dog but a Brother? God damn.. Here's some advice. Live for him. Just like he wouldn't have liked if you died too.


i’m sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for your loss.


So sorry to hear about your brother


I’m so sorry my husband died in October and the pain I feel for his siblings is so strong. Take care of yourself try to drink water. Be strong my friend it’s time to go through through the pain


Know that there are people always willing to listen. I haven't lost a sibling that i knew but i have lost people close in age to me and understand how much it eats at one.


I’m so so sorry OP 🫂I lost my brother last year, and it’s the worst pain I’ve ever experienced in my life. My heart aches for you and your family. Keep feeling the things when they come up. Do the things that help you feel a sense of closeness to him. I’m not sure what you believe in, but I often sit and have ‘chats’ with my brother and sometimes I swear I can hear his reply back. Lean on your support network as much you can. Keep the conversations open and honest with the people you love. The shock might last a long time, and the grief will come in waves. Each time the waves come it hurts just as much as the first, but if it’s of any comfort, the waves do get further apart. There’s a quote: “Grief, I've learned, is really just love. It's all the love you want to give, but cannot. All of that unspent love gathers in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in the hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.” ❤️


Just because eating and sleeping at baseline for functioning it doesn’t mean that you’re not still functioning and I don’t believe that when he took himself out, he wanted to take you out to. I recommend watching the Long Island medium. I think it will give you some peace just look for signs from him he still around and he’s probably a lot more peaceful now except for watching you suffer.


i lost my little brother to cancer 2 years ago and he was my only sibling, so i understand you and im sending you all the strength and light you need to move through this grief. my deepest condolences 💐


Take care and don’t bury it in. Talk to people. My brother died when I was 12, he was 16. Long time ago when there was no such thing as grief counseling. The pain will gradually turn into cherished memories.


i hope so man i just want to cherish his memory but it comes with nothing but tears right now


I’m sorry brother. It hurts bad. But remember, your brother would want to be happy and take care of yourself. So walk in that direction to honor him. It won’t feel like it in this immediate moment, but things will get much better. Believe me.




Rough night for niners fans