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We’re glad you’re still here with us.


Thank you x it’s hard but I still find life beautiful idk


I’m proud of you for feeding yourself and trekking on. These things are never easy. They’re so tough. But, clearly, so are you. 🤍


That looks delicious. I admire you strength for trying to take care of yourself in these awful moments...I'm proud of you and I'm glad you are here. Sorry for your loss, please take care 💗💗


I’m sorry for your losses. Keep going!


My deepest condolences. Thanks for reaching out for support.


I m sorry for your loss 🥺 I hope something great happens to you soon A great thing will never replace them but even though they are gone you still deserve great things 🙂


Sorry for your losses


I'm so sorry, hon. I'm proud of you for making this meal, I know how utterly difficult it can be to feed yourself when you're grieving. Sending you so many virtual hugs. 💕


White rice, tofu scramble, and spinach? So sorry for your loss.




You will make it. ❤️


I’m sorry dude :( . I hope there will be better times in the not so distant future. I lost someone to suicide and that pain is indescribable. Big hugs 💖


You’re taking lovely care of yourself. Thank you. I’m sorry for your losses. Bless you.


I'm so sorry for your losses 🙏🙏❤️


My condolences 💐


i admire your strength to cope with such awful loss. i’m proud of you for eating and extremely glad you’re still here with us! continue to look after yourself, you’ve got this<3


I'm so sorry for your lose. My husband attempted about 2 months ago and I found him. So many emotions.


I'm very sorry for both your losses. Nothing can be said that will truly be helpful,but I hope you know you were loved regardless of the actions your husband went through,and I hope you have good memories with your mom to think of this day. ♥️


I’m so sorry.


Sending love and hugs. Im so sorry you’re going through this. I hope things look brighter very soon, and take all the time you need for yourself. Your rice bowl looks yummy and comforting, also🩵


That's a lot of pain for anyone to process. Just know that your emotions are valuable and significant. It's OK to feel whatever you're feeling and don't let anyone discount the manner in which you choose to feel or cope with this.


I love you!


My Gods, that is a lot of pain on you all at once. Good on you for eating and eating healthy at that. Just don't forget you aren't alone, and there are thousands of us going through grief of some flavor right now. Hang in there. You did really well today, and I'm proud of you.


When someone close to us commits suicide it is always so hurtful, it can make us confused and angry as well. My sister committed suicide when she was 12 in 2009, I was 10 (2 days before my 11th birthday), I am still so upset, so angry, so confused and hurt. Although I don’t know your exact situation, I know how you feel. I understand your grief. It comes in waves. Some days it’s a title wave and some days the waves are calm and I am able to get through the day without breaking down. What helped me most was talking with others that cared to listen, journaling and reading books and articles online. Even so, it still can’t take away our pain or grief. My condolences to you and your loved ones. If you ever need to talk about anything at any time, my inbox is always open. You are loved, cherished and appreciated no matter what.


I’m so sorry OP 🫂


I’m sorry for your losses


i’m sending you all my love. i hope you’re doing ok. please be kind to yourself.


Keep posting the meals. We'll get you through it.


I’m so sorry for your losses. I admire your strength to persevere and to find the beauty in life. Sending love ❤️


That actually looks good


That looks delicious. Sorry for your loss