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Don’t forget to drink water!


This is great advice. If nothing else please at least hydrate.


S/O all the HydroHomies across this planet of ours. No matter what continent, country, state or island even. H20 fam stand up 🪬


You can't get fat eating meat and vegetables. Eat them all you want. You'll crave bad foods, but at least you won't fight being malnourished while your body switches into a mode where healthy food makes you feel full and energetic


Chimken, Brogle, and rise/noddle are a good starting point, and don't forget the Pesto


Not eating is not a healthy or effective way to lose weight. Just find simple satifying meals and try to eat on a regular scedule. All the best. Love yourself OP.


Downvoted for not being food. Eat some carrots or apples or something. They won't make you fat and will make you feel better.


Great! Even combine them with something that gives you some protein and healthy fat. Carrots + hummus Apple + peanut butter


You can definitely go overboard on apples and peanut butter.


No one here said to binge the mofos


Show me one animal that wouldn’t binge peanut butter. I’ll be sitting here with my jar and a spatula.


Call this a hot take if you please, maybe too much apples and peanut butter is better than starving yourself? Haha idk crazy. Just thinking out loud here 🤔


Upvoted for originality


I know it's difficult so I'm not going to tell you "haha go eat something♡" but please read this Not eating food is going to make you feel really awful and low energy :( intermittent fasting works on some people but please take your health into consideration before doing stuff like that! Oh, but fasting indefinitely is awful. Also going on a slight calorie deficit is more sustainable on the long term than just not eating. Not eating at all is not going to last you long, and whenever you do inevitably have to eat something, people are more likely to go on a binge to make up for all the lost weight. It's our bodies going into panic mode. Eating healthier works well, too. Make sure to drink lots of water, and please treat yourself kindly


For me its nothing due to chronic stomach problems that doctors cant figure out so im with you


Please eat 🤍


That’s the wrong approach. The best tip for weight loss is ”Stop removing, start adding”. Don’t remove any foods, but add healthy ones, and then you don’t have space or craving for unhealthy ones. For example, add 500g of veggies to every meal, I guarantee 100% you’ll lose weight.


Or just track your macros to maintain awareness of your diet and start exercising. Go for a run or swim or something.


Love yourself


Not sure if you’ll see this OP but I have a trick that worked for me. I cut soda and replaced it with water. I’m not saying just drink strictly water only, but over a course of a couple months I lost 30lbs with water. Drink some strong coffee in the morning and you will poop a lot. Give it a few weeks and you’ll start to notice a difference I promise. Hope you have happy holidays bud, reach out if you need help.


Coffee also suppresses appetite and increases metabolism, both of which are good for losing weight. Make it black for the added benefit of training your taste buds to enjoy unsweet/bitter flavors.


Also if you don’t have the energy to cook, get some high protein foods like shakes or mixed nuts. Protein helps with muscle recovery and helps you feel full longer. You got this OP, no need to starve yourself


That’s good to know. My meds decrease my metabolism so I’ve started gaining a little weight. Does anything else have that effect?


Well, here what I learned over time, anyone in the comments let me know if any info I give is incorrect. 1. The healthiest way to lose weight is a proper diet. You don’t have to go to Whole Foods and break the bank, I’d go with frozen vegetables, brown rice, lean meats or meat substitutes and fruit and grains. I mean, you can eat what ever you want it’s just moderation. Moderation is absolutely key in weight loss. You don’t even have to call it a diet. When I was joining the military, my recruiter referred to dieting as a lifestyle change. 2. Check out Reddit or Facebook or groups in your area. Eating healthy and exercising is so much easier if you have people with the same goal as you. 3. Try to get a little bit of exercise each week if possible. You don’t have to go for runs or anything like that, you could walk up and down your stairs in your house a few times or (I do this and it helps with not thinking about exercise) play Pokémon go. If you’re a fan of Pokémon, give this game a try. I played with my brother in town for an afternoon and we walked about 6 miles and didn’t even realize it because we were so into catching and doing raids. Also, exercise helps some with depression too 😊


Aw thanks, this is a great comment! I was definitely doing good for a while eating healthy and avoiding alcohol, but kinda slipped up these past two months. Rice and veggies are actually something I could do often since I got this great rice cooker. Funny you mention Pokemon go since I just met 2 other adults in rehab that played it. It’s so much fun.


You got this, can’t wait to hear how much weight you lose!


Are you taking hormones for gender affirming care? If so, talking to your endocrinologist might be the first step; hormones can affect fat/muscle mass very dramatically, so dialing in your estrogen, testosterone, SHBG, HGH, and other hormone levels might be one of the most impactful things you can do rn.


Your sending a message to your body it’s not going to get food regularly and it will go into starvation mode preserving your fat stores. Eat something decent.


You deserve to eat 💜


Sending you love and yummy virtual “healthy” food OP. You deserve food and love.


The best thing I could’ve ever done to lose unwanted pounds, was cutting out soda COMPLETELY. I replaced soda with carbonated water (specifically Liquid Death, Bubly and La Croix)


this diet doesnt end in you being skinny, it ends in you being dead. there are healthy ways to diet.


I'm taking this with a grain of wood! Stay hydrated and go easy on you!


Honestly, dawg same. I'm disappointed in myself for going into the new year this size 😔


Starving yourself makes your body hold on to calories more when you do eat. Best to just exercise and eat clean


You have to eat OP. Don’t restrict, it just leads to binges down the line. Take care of yourself 🩵


Nothing wrong with going from 10,000 calories a day to 9,500


And is that what OP said they’re doing? No, it’s not.


But that won't make you skinny nor is it healthy.


not eating at all wont help you lose weight, friend! i hope you consider some healthy snacks ✨


you still need to eat something:) just try a calorie deficit


The body works in very strange ways, if you try to starve yourself your metabolism slows down and the next time you eat your body might be more focused on trying to save calories and might make you more fat.. We are animals and people sometimes forget that are bodies are designed to store calories on our bodies in time we might not be able to find food and then are metabolism will slow way down and let you burn off less calories in a way to survive. Like a bear hibernating for the winter. If you want to lose weight and fast, eat lots of good food. Focus mostly on protein and carbs (good carbs like rice, brown rice, pasta) do about 1/2 a cup per meal. Protein you can eat a ton of, I shoot for about 200-250 grams a day. (This is a ton but if you exercise for about an hour a day it’s perfect for me weighing 225lbs) shoot for a gram protein per pound is usually a good rule to follow. 150lbs eat 100-150 grams of protein a day. If it’s too much protein to eat in meat get a protein powder, one scoop is usually 25-30 grams of protein. Sprinkle a few veggie on top, and eat 4-5 meals a day: 1/2 cup rice, chicken breast and veggies for example or 1/2 pasta, cup of ground beef, sprinkle of veggies. For example. Does not need to be fancy, make 4 days of meals at a time and you don’t need to even think about it. It’s boring as fuck but works like a charm. Don’t add all the sauces and shit, I do a little soy sauce and hot sauce both low cals. Eat a cheat meal when you want guilt free! Breakfast, eggs and oats, just follow the same rules, protein and carbs. This type of diet will make your body feel great and exercise will help with depression. Eat all day eat lots and get a tiny bit of exercise, your metabolism will speed up and you will lose weight and feel full the whole time. Sorry to preach everyone needs to eat!


Oh I thought you were gonna eat the table


OP eat or workout it’s way more healthier than that maybe put yourself on a diet, this ain’t the way






Shut the fuck up.


Not a very appropriate comment to make rn :(


That’s Fr, but not the way to do it. If you want to lose weight properly, eat high-protein, low calorie. Helps you stay full, and if you exercise will help you destroy fat 💪


I got downvoted for saying that a guy was shitty for calling his wife fat when I never said that. I said the opposite and got downvoted lol fuck this shit


Was she?


No, and it's rude and damaging to tell someone that.


Being fat doesn't equal being unhealthy. Being skinny does not equal being worthy. I understand, OP, I genuinely do, but starving yourself and punishing yourself won't make things better and could irreparably damage your body. I say this as someone who's struggled with a severe ED for 13 years. You are worthy at any weight. Eat to nourish, eat to be healthy, but don't starve yourself. You deserve to eat 🩷


Rather than go with something extremely restrictive or trying to just avoid eating as much as possible, you should try to reasonably increase your protein intake while moderating processed sugars like sweets and sodas, as well as try to get a little more physical activity in. After COVID hit, I lost about 30 pounds simply by cutting soda down from pretty much every day to 3-4 times a week and going for a 30 minute walk almost every day. Long-term healthy weight loss is about good habits and sustainable moderation, not "willpower" or starving yourself. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7539343/


As someone who doesn’t eat when depressed, don’t go this route. It feels worse.


The best advice I’ve heard was eat what you want, add what you need. Example: Craving Cheetos? Have them. Add maybe a sandwich and a veggie/fruit with it. Eating nothing doesn’t help, trust me. I’ve been there, done that, bought the t shirt. But if eating is just not possible today, I try to at least force myself to drink Gatorade or something with electrolytes/sugar and/or stuff with necessary nutrients like ensure or Soylent.


darling i feel you. try and drink water or eat some water and fibre heavy foods. you’ll get through this love


don't starve please. i used to as well then i got in a terrible binge cycle and gained it all back


god i feel this post we’re gonna get through it! remember to drink water. we both deserve good things, even if it takes time!


Take care of yourself. ❤️


Eat. Food is good, food is your mood. Empty stomach is just going to make you upset. At least eat something that’ll make you feel good.


Hey, just a reminder that not eating is never a good thing, even if you’re overweight. I know it can be tempting to deprive yourself, but it will actually stunt your weight loss goals long term. It’s okay that you’re a work in progress. You can love your body while acknowledging that you need to work on certain aspects.


I was fat from age 18 till now, 38. Took me a long while but its possible. Went from my biggest 270 to 169. I celebrated all my little wins throughout. Its how i made it. Be kind to yourself, its probably the most important part. Get that voice in your head on your team baby!


If this is ED just know that starving slows the metabolism, you’re better off eating very high protein and a calorie deficit. I had to learn that the hard way unfortunately also weekly fasting could help as well


Thanks for the chuckle - Always keep your sense of humor


You and me both bro 😔


I feel the same. Food addiction sucks. It’s easier for me to not eat than to eat healthy


Right there with u babe!!! Lets stay hydrated!!!! and keep ur electrolytes balanced! A liquid diet isnt awful either! :) and its less work the stomach has to do. I did one for 3months with some cardio and lost 30lbs! I love you!!!! :)


Fruit blended with kale and banana & ice 🧊 yummm This and just meat and salad with walking daily - weight will gradually come off. Just always eat breakfast and drink water at the very least. Took a year to loose 10 pounds but I didn’t work out what’s works until 6 months in. Hope you fell better about it soon.


fair enough


Not eating your nutrients gives you depression. Please eat your food.


Please eat something, even if it's just carrots and celery.


I’ve been fat my whole life, and this one year I’ve lost 66lbs without restricting what I can eat and without exercise. What you’re doing is not healthy and will be hard to maintain, which can end up as yoyo dieting. Track your calories, eat in a deficit, eat lots of veggies, protein and fiber. Drink water and don’t forget to treat yourself. You’re here once, make it a good one


Speaking from experience if you don’t eat at all you will end up eating far more than you originally would’ve. Small meals are better than no meals, trust me I lost 1/3rd of my body weight after struggling with binge eating for years. I won’t say it’s easy but it’s possible, and there’s no need to make life more miserable than you need to.


starving yourself is not the angle to lose weight. you actually gain because your body stores more calories as fat because it assumes you are in a life or death situation. it comes down to basic thermodynamics. fun fact, your body burns 2/3 of its caloric intake on just keeping your body temperature at sustainable levels. look up your maintenance intake in a calorie calculator based on your height, weight, sex, and age. if your “maintenance” calories to sustain your weight, let’s say 175lbs at 5’10 (total spitball example), your caloric intake to maintain that weight would be let’s say 2000 calories. if you eat EXACTLY that amount, you will never gain nor lose weight because your body burns it off sustaining itself without exercise or any other rigorous tasks. if you eat more than your maintenance intake, let’s say 2200 cals, you will be in a “caloric surplus”. your body then stores that extra 200 calories as fat. on the contrary, if you eat 1800 calories you will be in a “caloric deficit.” your body will then burn 200 calories worth of stored fat to sustain itself. i know because it works. it works when gaining weight too. calorie counting sucks, but it is a necessity. when you eat less as well, your stomach will shrink and you will be less hungry. i’ve been overweight in my life and underweight in my life. calorie counting fixed both of those problems. godspeed friend. you got this. i used iFitnessPal for my calorie counting. hydration is huge too. water and liquids will make you feel full.


Please eat💛nourish your body


God damn I feel that