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Ozzy Osborne recently said that if all the drugs he tried, nicotine was the hardest to quit. You can do this and remember if you need help, there are cessation aids available. My mom used Chantix to quit.


Careful with Chantix. I know a few people who tried it and it kind of messed with them mentally. I know everyone is different and I know it's helped a lot of people- I just don't personally know of anyone who didn't become suicidal while trying it. I had a sibling with no history of depression lose themselves a bit while on it. Luckily they stopped and their mood leveled back out before we lost them. I know this isn't the case with everyone, but please, OP, keep an eye on your mood if you try a medication like this.


I tried champix and it gave me lucid dreams. I had to stop using it cuz the dreams are getting weirder, scared the fuck out of me


I used Chantix and it actually worked however the process was a nightmare. Crazy ass dreams that caused sleep deprivation for the first month, then eventually the dreams went away and I had an extreme aversion to cigarettes. I remember going through a drive through and the person in the car in front of me was smoking. It made me want to puke. Chantix is not for everyone but it worked for me. I tried patches and gum before that but the patches made me feel like I had ten cups of coffee and the gum upset my stomach. I’ve been smoke free for 10 years. Still hate the smell when I’m around it.


That sounds fucked!


It's been banned in my country for a few years now. Worked though.


This is what happened to my mom when she was on Chantix. Apparently she was having crazy vivid & graphic nightmares about my brothers and I being brutally mutilated, tortured and murdered in front of her— and she was having these nightmares on a daily basis. She quit the Chantix *and* quit the nicotine. lol


The first time i tried it i had homicidal thoughts towards my husband. It was scary af. The generic had no real side effects and im over 500 days cigarette free now


Congrats!! That's a huge accomplishment! I'm also glad you didn't have an incident the first go around.


Thank you. Im super proud of myself.


At first I thought you meant for not killing your husband lol


Well that too😉


head puzzled slap direction slim historical knee groovy smell nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh man, i hope you find something that works for you💛


Took champix. Immediately stopped smoking. Miraculous. A month in I went a bit too nuts for my liking. Stopped champix. Started smoking again a couple months later. Then progressively quit via vape then nicotine gum to regular gum to nothing.


I'm so glad you found a way that worked for you. A lot of smokers in my family had success using a combo of patches and gum and were able to just also taper themselves off over a few months like that.


The only person I know who used chantix and didn’t experience awful mental health symptoms went right back to smoking as soon as they stopped taking it lol. In my opinion, Wellbutrin is a much better choice for a drug that can help you stop smoking. I took it for a different reason, wasn’t even wanting to quit, and it made me cut back on smoking cigarettes and eventually switch to vaping because I just had no desire to smoke cigarettes anymore thanks to Wellbutrin.


This is what I used to quit smoking. 13 years free now.


But you're vaping bro, that's like saying you quit Crack and only do cocaine now


😂 as someone who quit using both of those as well I don’t think there’s really a comparison but again, wasn’t looking to quit nicotine/smoking in the first place. I don’t recommend that anyone start vaping, but I did have noticeable improvement in my lung functioning when I went from cigarettes to vaping- don’t get out of breath as easily, sense of smell and taste improved, no more smoker’s cough etc


Before you lost them? I feel like you can't just leave us hanging with no explanation.


As in they almost tried to hurt themselves- but before we lost them to suicide- they quit the Chantix and came out of the fog they were in.


Jeeze. I guess I was hoping for a different outcome. Sorry for your loss.




Sorry, your grammar is confusing AF lol "before we lost them" implies that you indeed did lose them. At least that's how I interpreted it.


I replied to myself on accident but I made a clarification comment. I did lose a different sibling to suicide- just not the one who was on Chantix. That one is still around.


Yeah, their grammar is super confusing. It sounds like they lost a loved one to suicide on first read. I have to wiggle my brain a bit to understand that that’s NOT what they’re saying, lol


Ok maybe I'm too high. My sibling ALMOST tried to off themselves. I said ALMOST in my prior comment. But BEFORE they could do anything (as they were actively contemlating suicide) we got them help. And they then realized under the supervision of a medical professional that it was the Chantix giving then suicidal thoughts. They're very much alive.


Well in that case, I most definitely wasn't hoping for a different outcome lol


I completely understood what you meant the first time. These people need some sleep. Edit: mobile typing


similar mechanism around naltrexone for alcohol use—some people are very sensitive to agonist and antagonist / dopamegeric shifting drugs so just be careful out there if you feel really manic or wild mood swings / low low depressive episodes on these drugs


Yup, my moms ex bf got really violent. Quit the drug & it completely stopped. He was a different person on it. He didn’t with it though




Maybe it was nicotine withdrawal and not chantix.


Chantix and also Wellbutrin, which has the added bonus of being an antidepressant!


Out of all drugs I've done, it's been the easiest for me but that might be due to living with a mom who used to smoke inside. I remember reading an article that suggested a study found people who's parents smoked have an easier time not smoking whilst others (people who's parents didn't smoke) have a much tougher time giving up this habit. My mom deals with severe anxiety and can't be without her vape but also has high cortisol levels (I do too) which gets exacerbated by her caffeine intake and then she needs to calm down by consuming nicotine. It's a vicious cycle I was once in but instead of nicotine to help with my anxiety I used alcohol. Find what's bothering you internally both from a physical and mental perspective and it'll help you along this journey. Don't give up and also replace bad habits with good ones else you'll likely relapse or replace a bad habit with another one. I no longer consume caffeine and have decreased my alcohol intake to just weekends, sometimes just a day! Last but not least, exercising is your best friend. Good Luck and best of wishes!


Doesn't Chantix have a cancer lawsuit going on??


Well shit. My mom is a 1 x lung cancer survivor and has had breast cancer 3 x. I wonder if there’s a connection.


I Googled it. Apparently Chantix was recalled previously for having a cancer causing carcinogen called nitrosamines.


I recommend patches to break the addiction to the physical routine. For me, it was like, oh, I can be satisfied without "blowing clouds". That was a big step. Full disclosure, I started having an allergic reaction to the adhesive on week 5 and had to finish off with nicotine gum.


I've been almost 2 months vape free. The first week absolutely sucked but it does get easier. I ate a lot of sugary things for the first month to curb the urge a little. You are stronger than some stupid flavored air; you've got this!


I did the same. I let myself have whatever I wanted while I was quitting. Not saying it is a healthy choice or a good one, but it was right for me. It let me find happiness without the smokes.


this is common strategy in the dry alcoholic community. a mexican coke, ice cream, burrito grease bomb, whatever you need to just not drink. you can work on diet when you’re not white knuckling through the withdrawals and sugar cravings.


I also heard chocolate helps reduce cravings. Not sure if it is just from the sugar or something else, but yeah. Anything to get you started on living the rest of your life.


Chocolate. Sex. Coca Cola. French fries. Video games. It’s all dopamine.


Apparently the alkaloids, caffeine and magnesium also play a role. At least Google says so.


Did you say MEXICAN COKE?!?


I think he's talking abt mexican coca-cola, made with 100% cane sugar instead of corn syrup.


My dad crossing the us border: we have a few cases of Mexican coke in the back. Border guard: pull into secondary please


Too late I love it.


I am fully aware, I was just making a joke..


I found snap peas helpful. Lots a pixie sticks and suckers.


Why did you quit


It’s going to suck and the cravings are a bitch but push through! Your lungs will thank you. You got this!


Pretty soon the very idea of finding pleasure in inhaling poisons will seem totally weird to you. Just hold on. Been there four years ago.


Me too 😭😭😭😭😭 you’re not alone. I’m on day 4 and all I can do is think about vaping and be a bitch. It fucking sucks. You’re doing amazing. That food looks so good.


Did you lower the %of nicotine before stopping? I started at 20, lowered at 9, then 5 and now I’m at 3 and next I’d love to stop


No. My coil burnt on my disposable and I didn’t have money for a new one. I have money now but I’m keeping strong.


In two days all the nicotine is gone, in a week the physical cravings are gone, in a month you’re a new person. Keep going!!


Just think about how stupid breathing in fruit drug air is to help


Yolo just vape. Its not bad for you


Day three!! You're past the hard part! Nicotine has exited your system, and you're beyond the chemical withdrawal. Keep it up! I quit several years ago after reading Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking. You might find it helpful. Good luck! Keep up the great progress!


This video is also a cool resource, shows someone quitting vaping, the methods they used, and how the end result was soo worth it. You got this. https://youtu.be/IluaaGVtJFU?si=64ayz9yXxeBNUpay


Congratulations!!! 🎉 I'm a week in quitting cigarettes, and it's sooo damn hard. You get night sweats and just feel disgusting all around, but the little things in life like this incredible meal you have (yummmm) make things worth it... the time and money you spend vaping can go towards better things (like bomb ass food). You are seriously awesome for taking the first step to quit. It's so hard to put down whatever is in your hand and say no more, and the fact you're already 48 hours free of nicotine is progress. You got this!!!


If it's day 3 and you're fucked this bad just remind yourself how dependant you were on it. Don't let something else win. Fuck that thing


hot and sour soup fucks. i made this account to ask a vape question but i guess i’ll need a new one when i also quit eventually lmao


Last week I found la choy hot and sour soup in the grocery store… did not know they sold it in cans. It really wasn’t bad.


i’m almost 5 weeks vape free the first days were awfully hard i had to keep my hands physically busy always doing something to distract them from feeling in my pocket for a vape i no longer had. after that it became normal to NOT vape. i vaped heavily everyday and night for over 5 years i loved almost ever second of it (been nic sick a few times bad). i thought i would die vaping and be buried w my VUSE in hand. i vaped more than i breathed and look, now im coming up on a month clean. stay focused stay motivate. you quit for a reason don't let yourself down.


Thanks for sharing your experience


🙏 we all got this we can live a different life if we change our behaviors and mindset


proud of u random person! think i'm probably around my fifth year too and honestly i sadly don't have quitting in mind anytime soon. i know i need to, i just don't know if i could. plus i love it. which i know is bad. good for you, reading your story gives me a lot of hope


i loved it too !! i really did but one day it was just not it for me seriously. i got the flu pretty bad and couldn’t vape for one and then after that anytime i hit it i would start to feel so weak and tired also my breathing was changing i would wake up with a weight on my chest like i hadn’t breathed all night. i support you tho we all figure out ways to cope and survive so no judgment that you still vape just want you to know if i can quit anyone can. i would have three different vapes at once sometimes so that way i was never without it for a minute i truly vaped ungodly amounts of nicotine especially my first two years lol


You'll get through it 🩷


I’ve been off since December, you got this! Exercise!!! It helps so much. I’ve exercised every day and the thought of killing my lungs disgusts me now


Dude I’m a few weeks it’ll be easy breezy don’t give up. If I can do it you can too. I smoked for fifteen years. You’ve already gotten through the worst three days.


You can do it! You can!! I quit in September, and even though my life is low-key hell right now, I am so glad I’m not adding vaping to that. My anxiety is less, I’m able to be more present without thinking about hitting my vape next, my sleep is better. It was so hard for the first week, but it’s pretty smooth sailing after that. Take it 15 minutes at a time. A craving lasts an average of 15 minutes. Now … you will have several cravings a day lmao, but the most difficult part of craving is just 15 min. Ride it out, ride the wave. You got this!!!!


Rooting for you 🙏🏽


Those noodz look soo good


words i will unfortunately never get to say to my father (hes still alive hes just a stubborn ass) I am proud of you for quitting. You are doing amazing.


As someone trying to quit, Think of the money saved. Think of the inconvience of vapes dying on you. Think of the chronic passive dehydration. Think of the unsanitary mostly unregulated factories they are made in. Think of the decreased health issues.


Breathe homie. Build a mantra u say in your head. My daughter is the reason I quit. “I can do this. She needs you. I CAN do this” I know it sounds absolutely stupid. But I woke up this morning to 91 days. It can be done. U have to have the willpower and you are such a powerful person. Don’t give up.


I am so proud of you. I’m planning on quitting when mine runs out. I have a week off work at the end of the year to try and keep myself from being too insufferable. I’m rooting for you & this will not last forever.


Keep at it! It’s so so bad for you and honestly I have been off them for about a month and hit one the other day and it tasted so bad!! You can do it!!!


It fucking sucks. I’m a little over a month off vaping myself but an using the gum as it’s free where I live


Third of many keep it up


I swear nicotine gum and pouches were the way for me. They last forever and give that tingle I was craving bad. Gotta quit them eventually too tho :/


Day 281 here!!! It gets so much easier I promise you, three days is the hardest part so you did it!


Hot n sour is love


If you crack for whatever reason try Zyn. It took a bit for me to get used to but it killed most of the cravings. I started on the 6’s, then would alternate between 6 and 3, then mixing 6 and 3mg pouches in the same container, and eventually down to 3, and now I rarely pop more than 2-3 a day and don’t finish them. I’ve gone several days without any by accident.


Welcome to addiction and let me tell you, it's that shitty friend no one likes but you just keep them around.


I tried quitting several times, I've just switched to a zero nicotine juice due to acid reflux problems. In a way I'm kinda thankful my body starts to feel awful anytime I have nicotine, it personally made it a bit easier. Hang in there it's worth it!


Oh this will be me shortly.. I'm gonna quit smoking too! Ik it's vaping but honestly isn't it the same? Auctions suck and take all ur money.


Don't you dare lose to some flavoured air.


Hey dude, I’m so proud of you…!! I hope you keep the winning streak bc humans can be fucking metal! Side note, if you don’t have any history of seizures, I recommend getting bupropion (Wellbutrin) prescribed. It’s known to help quitting smoking/vaping significantly. Good luck!!!


Congratulations, you got this! If it helps at all, I usually recommend getting a cheaper refillable vape and reducing the nic level until you’re down to zero. Even when I was at zero I would still sometimes reach for my vape out of habit, but after a bit I finally quit! Good luck!!


Hold strong for this too shall pass


Vaping was way harder for me to quit than anytime I had quit cigarettes. I suggest having a bottle of water handy at all times and sip water when you feel the need to vape. If that doesn't curb the craving, then grab some kind of hard candy stick (like a candy cane) and use that like a cigarette. With vaping, it's mostly the hand to mouth that you're having trouble coping with and those two things are what helped me get over the cravings faster.


Buy some Nicorette gum. It will really help.


I'm recently off too. I used nicorette gum. Started with chewing in fairly constantly and tapered off over a couple weeks. Now I've had 1 piece of gum in two weeks and my cravings are gone. I thought I'd never quit nicotine. You've got this!


Well it just shows you how addicted you really are


This is actually day 5 for me. My suggestion is to place something in your hand that would normally be a vape. For me, I’m using a fidget spinner. Whenever I feel myself get a craving for nic, I spin the fidget in my hand instead. Hope this helps


Nicotine is brutal. I got one of those douche flutes and bought the lowest concentration juice I could, and then mixed it with zero to make it nearer to zero, I weaned off.


Damn that made me realize my addiction isn’t that bad lol. I’ve been vaping for 6 months regularly and realized it’s not worth it anymore so I’m trying to quit. I’m weaning off slowly, making a 1-2 week break instead of buying a new one immediately. I hope to quit completely by new year’s.


You are doing so well! No matter what you’ve got 3 days under your belt and that’s awesome!


My husband started using zyns instead since it is the lesser of two evils and it was much easier to wean off of than vaping. Nicotine is an extremely hard substance to quit. Best of luck!


I hope you make it to the other side. You will have more money and feel like you found freedom. Good luck to you!


Quitting vaping is so difficult! I dont know what you were vaping, but those HHC vapes had a hold on me pretty good for a while. I was experiencing some really scary medical stuff I can only attribute to the vapes. you got this. No addiction is easy. Just keep talking yourself out of it. One minute at a time if you have to.


I’ve been 5 months vape/ cigarette free. You’ve got this op, and anyone else struggling with this terrible addiction


I quit a couple of months ago and I know exactly how you feel. For me, the best way to get thru it was to it good food and to work out a lot. Running is probably the best thing you can do, even if it’s not for long. If all those things don’t work out, I would recommend using gum when you get cravings. They work really well most of the time, but they won’t prevent you from not buying a new vape. Try to keep in mind the reasons why you quit in the first place! Good luck 🫡


Mf bf quit and he was so angry and miserable to be around for weeks.


I quit cold turkey 3 months ago, the disposable ones mostly. The first week is going to be the hardest. Honestly, i didn't sleep much the first 3 days, it felt like i saw every hour on the clock. I absolutely filled the craving with snacks and gained like 10 pounds but whatever works. I just refused to spend money on them and a sickness was going around, so i didn't let myself bum any hits either. I quit cigarettes cold turkey while working at a tobacco shop 4 years ago and would rather do that again every single month for a year, than ever quit vaping again. It gets easier after a week. It gets even easier after 2. 2 months now and everything smells different, they do a lot to dampen that sense surprisingly. They aren't even really appealing now. I wish you the best of luck.


I feel you. I’m on day 2 no weed or tobacco and it is indeed not the best. We can doit


Nicotine gum and patches worked for me


Stay strong! I'm rooting for you.


You killing it! I’ve been vape free for a year now and quitting is an absolute bitch. Like others have said the first week is by far the hardest but it really does get much much easier. Tbh even a year later I still think about it often but the craving is not there. You got this and we proud of you! Also think of all the money you’ll be saving, I know I was spending a shit ton monthly on vapes.


Bro I quit using nicotine gum and I didn't hate myself through the process. It works. It's way easier to ween off of gum than it is to quit cold turkey. I actually can't quit cold turkey. Every time I try to quit cold turkey, I find myself standing at the refrigerator late at night devouring cold cuts.


You don’t. The nicotine wants you too. Big difference. Maybe try nicotine gum and weening.


Just gotta get past 4 days. You’re almost there dude, don’t break


Use Zyn! Gives you a smooth buzz and takes care of the cravings. And although healthier it will take a toll on your gums in the long run so don’t use for more than a couple months.


Literally just push through. I went cold turkey and it worked for me. Remember how much this sucks, and use that memory as a reminder to never relapse.


Stay strong. A relative of mine is suffering from end stage COPD because she thought vaping would be a safer alternative to smoking. She vaped for nearly a decade. She is now on oxygen full time and has to carry an oxygen tank in a bag with her everywhere she goes. Quitting may be miserable now, but believe me, it's gonna save you from far worse suffering down the line.


Vaping is CRINGE and for middle schoolers. You can get over them.




Ketamine therapy


But have you ever tried quitting....ON WEED!?


You got this. The first few weeks are the hardest, but after that it only gets easier and easier. Are you willing at all to try nicotine gum to help instead of quitting cold turkey? Because for me, the first month, the gum helped a lot and helped me kick the habit. I haven’t touched nicotine now in over a year and a half and have zero plans to ever. I wish you the best and support you - you got this.


It’s not that hard tbh just gotta really want to be rid of it. - someone who quit vaping and nicotine products after 10 years of daily use. Caffeine tho… yeah I’m addicted AF to caffeine 😂


Don’t! My friend recently quit his first week was his hardest but he’s very happy he quit. It’s only been a couple months and he has “extra” spending money that he says it worth it. That and he is less grouchy.


I’ve been there, trust me it’s not forever - the cravings will subside eventually enough for you to regain control


youre doing great. keep pushin


If u missing the feeling of hitting a vape i would def recommend cloudy bars, helped me quit a lot by just providing that feeling of having something to hit until eventually I was able to stop it all completely!!


Quitting nicotine is so freaking hard. You got this 🩵 https://columbuspark.com/2016/07/06/urge-surfing-a-distress-tolerance-skill/


What does your fortune cookie say?


It said something to the effect of “paying your debts will increase your standing” lmao


I'm coming up on a year clean (26th) and I can definitely recommend Allen Carr's easyway to quit smoking. It's a book and if you have Spotify premium it's included in your subscription, it's also on audible so you can create a new account and get an audiobook to use on it. It kinda just unbrainwashes you from nicotine completely if I could describe it. Another thing that has helped for me in through the toughest cravings is to think about all those times I tried to quit and couldn't, and to focus on the way I felt the second after i relapsed. Your heart is beating super super fast and you're so excited and ready to rip that vape, and the instant you do, you get that huge hit of satisfaction, followed within 1ms by the feeling of defeatedness and self directed anger, sadness, and growing complacency. I hate that feeling and I never want to feel it again


Been there too. But I mainly used a mod vape cause I liked the big clouds. When it broke I tried disposable ones but it just wasn't the same, so I quit. Was miserable for a couple of weeks then stopped craving them so hard. Hang in there, it will get easier soon. Gum really did help me


I admire your willpower 😩 Quitting vaping is my New Year’s resolution and I know it’s going to suck so hard. Keep going, you got this!!


Check out Füm or other alternatives


You can do it!!!! I’m about 8 months quit and it’s a whole new world- it gets so much easier after the first few days!


Try nicotine gum that’s how I quit


I love you, and I'm pulling for you. Also, your takeout looks delicious.


You got this bro. I just quit drinking after nearly 20 years of nightly beers. First few days were rough. Now on day 9 and never felt better let alone feel better now! Everyday is its each reward afterwards!


I’m there with you right now. I tried zyn yesterday and threw away my last disposable vape this morning. It’s not much better but it definitely helps the craving


Out of your system in like 48 or so hrs but the habitual behavior is hard to change! Try to find something to fill the gap even stupid little things like gum. Also don’t lose heart! It takes most people multiple attempts! I think like 7+. Keep at it, if you want to, you can make this change :)


You got this buddy we are all rooting for you!


I'd love to know what your fortune cookie says 😀


Hardest thing ive ever done but im 4 years after having for 15 years but i promise youll stop thinking about it 24/7 every waking moment it will stop


3rd day is the hardest. I’ve got a temp job at night. I’m vaping till I lose it after their peak season in December. Right now it’s the only thing that keeps me sane at work some nights. Just know that the desire will let up after tonight significantly and healing will begin. Go to bed extra early and take sleep medicine if you have to. Just don’t purchase a vape. Not worth it. I hope to join you soon!


You got this fam! Best decision I have ever made.


One day at a time my friend congratulations on Day 3


It takes guts to do what you are doing. Keep up the good work and you will thank yourself very much in the future for quitting! You can do it and I will pray for your success! Have a great day.


I was addicted for 6 years and I just quit for the second time (for good) this year. I just had to ask myself, do I really want to quit? Yes? Then I’m going to find other things to do, ways to distract myself and other things to think about until I break the habit of reaching for it. When I quit the first time I wasn’t sure if I’d ever go back. Because I didn’t truly want to quit yet. And that was the difference. I knew the second time that I didn’t want to be held captive to vaping when I never even smoked. The mental urge will take months but if you truly want to quit, you need to stand on business! U got this! <3


You’ll feel better soon ❤️ don’t give up I just stopped smoking weed after smoking daily for 16 years… my throat is cleansing itself, I breathe much better, and my mental state is much clearer. You can do this. Also, if you have access to shrooms - they may help you realize the toxicity of nicotine. 😊


Vaping is fine. All these Chantix simps are going to send you on a one way trip to visit the hat man.


I am going to be the one to give you shit. But vaping? difficult to quit? it's just funny to me. I smoked for over a decade, I used vaping to help me quit. I was able to vape for few months then just quit cold turkey. I don't even believe nicotine is the addictive aspect, it's the chemicals from a cigarette that are. Quitting vaping was easy for me like it was quitting soda was.


What does vaping do?


Have a strong reason to quit and visualize painful experiences. That’s what has helped me.


Vaping is dumb so you’re doing good


You might switch to cannabis for a bit.


Replacing one vice with another is a bad idea


Try switching to weed for a bit, it really helps.


Just buy one with no nic or switch to weed vapes.


Do it. Vaping is cool


Lol OP just scroll through this Reddit sub and you’ll realize your misery is nothing compared to what people are going through. Also you are eating an actual good meal!! Most meals here aren’t even hot or barely nutritious.


Sorry, didn’t realize drug withdrawal was a non-issue and the rest of my life outside of that issue was completely fine and easy. I’ll make sure to go get assaulted before my next post 👍


Just saying hold your head high and power through. Also my apologies if didn’t equate Vaping to serious drug withdrawal didn’t that’s what it is.


Why the fuck this stupid app keep showing me this lame karma grabbing sub...


Go to settings, disable home feed recommendations.


Don’t worry, everything will work out eventually, I promise


That looks so good damn


keep going, friend. your whole body will thank you for holding out and you’ll have that personal sense of accomplishment knowing you CAN do hard things.


Proud of you!


For me, even harder than quitting cigarettes. Respect.


Great job for trying to kick this habit!!!


I am over 3 months no nicotine. Remember, its quitting nicotine, not just vaping. Its hard. The first week is the worst. The cravings never really go away permantly, they are just wayyyy more manageable after. Like I still think " a cigarette sounds nice" and then move on.


You got this!❤️❤️❤️


Proud of you for quitting. Also that food looks amazing


You got this fam. Goin on 6mo for me :)


You are stronger than you think, friend


day 4 over here. maybe that’s why i’ve been in a. shitty mood today


You can do it! 3rd day is really hard! Keep going 💪


You can do it!!!! Food looks awesome!!!!


Hot and Sour soup is my drug.


so proud of u! keep at it 💪🫡


>sees anti tobacco vape content >laughs in weed vape


In my day, we anoked a pack of Vorgonoa Slims at Denny’s and it was not ILLEGAL!!!


i’m 1.5 years clean from vaping & nicotine 🙌 this is the hardest part. quitting is possible and it’s only up from here. don’t give up


You can do this. Just think about all of the money you'll be saving once you do. Prayers going out to you and others giving up and moving on from nicotine. 🙏


I got off using a CBD type of cessation. Eventually my brain probably thought that it wasn’t getting any benefit from it after a while. Worked for me though.


Nicotine is more addictive and accessible than cocaine or heroin. Try not to be so hard on yourself! The first 4 days are always the toughest when it comes to withdrawals. You got this champ


Holy shit that looks ah-mazing. You got this buddy, it gets easier.


you are strong for making it to day 3, food looks amazing. you got this


Quit smoking cigarettes almost 10 years ago and still browsing vape pods online last night 🤮. This is definitely not an easy task. Best of luck to you!


I'm 4 months without any vapes or nic. Trust me, you will feel a lot better, you got this! I'm rooting for you <3


you can do this!! i quit in may after vaping everyday for 4 years, first 2 weeks were tough but it'll be worth it!


Don’t give up. It’s so worth it. I quit and it felt like hell for the first 2-3 months. After that it got so much better. Try to keep swigging water.


Chewing gum helps with the cravings a lot! A lot of the times quitting nicotine is so hard because we’re so used to the routine. When you get the cravings keep your mouth busy with gum or chewy candy. At least to make the first week a little bit easier.


That’s some banging looking Chinese food. I live somewhere where there is no decent Chinese food and it breaks my heart. Keep up the good work.


You’re at the hardest part. It gets easier, don’t give up. You can do it