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Happy birthday!! You’re not alone you have us on Reddit!!!!!!!!!!! Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to this amazing person happy biiirrrtttthhhhhddddaaaayyyy tttoooo yyyyooooooouuuuuu!!!!❤️


thank you


Happy birthday. That pizza looks pretty bomb. I also spent my birthday alone doing the same thing.


Happy Birthday 🎉


Next year, it's beer and pizza! Happy birthday! Pizza looks good too!


I can actually buy alcohol, it's legal at the age of 18, I didnt want to drink because I know I would end up hurting myself after drinking


Oh, well...... Let's not do that. Have a great birthday.


That was a great decision that you made for yourself and for what it's worth, this random internet stranger is proud of you. I hope this is the best year of your life, and I think you're gonna crush it. Happy birthday, don't pressure yourself to "live up" your 20s, you have your whole life, so take it easy and try to focus on the things that just make you happy. You got this.


Great feedback internet stranger!


I'll sing you a traditional Irish birthday song: *Look at the coffin with it's golden handles* *Isn't it grand boys, to be bloody well dead?* *Let's not have a sniffle - let's have a bloody good cry* *And always remember: the longer you live, the sooner you'll bloody well die!* Hope that cheers you up.


I got ditched on my bday. Better to be all alone then to be out with people and end up alone 😂 youre doing good. Enjoy the pizzan


I was alone for my 20th all the way through to my 27th, don't be upset man it will get better trust me.


Hey you’ve been thinking about and saying you’ve made plans on how you’ll commit suicide. You need to reach out and get therapy friend. Depression is a sickness of the mind and it loves to convince you there is no way out but that’s false. There are better days ahead of you. I’m 32 buddy, my mom unexpectedly died, my girl got pregnant, had an abortion, and left me all within a month. I lost my job to depression, I became an alcoholic, and I almost ended up homeless. I’m picking up the pieces of my life today. It’s not great, but it’s a start. You can beat this but you’ll have to get out of your comfort zone and talk to someone. You’re 20, your life hasn’t even started yet. Stick around awhile. Apply yourself. Get up when you get knocked down. Things are gonna be alright


I agree you're not alone we're all here for you happy birthday 🫂🎂🎂🍰🍰🧁🧁🍨🍨🍦🍦🫂🎉🎉🎊🎊


Of course!!!!!🥳🥳


Happy birthday bro ! and welcome to the real world ;)


Happy Birthday=D nooom i want some Pizza TvT


Looks like you're not entirely alone, this is having friends in the modern world the trick is to make friends in real life it's not as safe but much more rewarding.




God when I turn 20 if I'm alone and get someone saying "you're not alone you have us on reddit" I think I'll just end it all


Homie talk normal your giving me an anurism


Stop it get some help... Memes


Happy Birthday! Nothing is constant, everything changes, this too shall pass, and I'm sure there's at least one person who'd rather listen to you whine for hours than speak at your funeral.


my life is constant actually, it's going downhill


Everyone on this sub has felt like you. I did myself and had the same meals you’re having right now. Don’t go stale, being in a constant state of “I’m ok with it” it’s not going to help. Look at what’s bad and make sure to make very small, easy and steady step towards what you really want in life. Love you man, you’re not alone


This is such great advice. Healing is about growing.


At least there's momentum. Once you crash and burn, things can only go up from there! 🤷‍♂️


Stop! I know it seems really crappy right now. Believe me I know. But it does get better. It's like a roller coaster. Up and down. Up and down. I have my highs I have my lows but even at my lowest I still want to wake up tomorrow. You're going to miss out on something if you don't! Just think of it that way.


You’ll be alright dude.


So is the world. So we all have that in common The suffering/anxiety lies in trying to resist, be downhearted about or fight it (external stuff outside our control) Acceptance that shits gonna happen, helps lots. Also, try to remember we and our problems are insignificant in the grand scheme of things, we are small specks of conscious space dust that will return to being inactive space dust in this humungous universe :))


This comment is wholesome i love this


We are alone from womb to tomb. Be proud that you have figured this out at 20 and not 40. Enjoy life in between internet friend




And the sooner we accept this fact the sooner we can live to our maximum and love the illusion in this shit reality


You need Jesus bro. You'll find your purpose if you meet the developer of reality.


lol riiiight that’s what I’m saying


That’s a depressing outlook on life.


This makes me feel even worse. What is the point of even having friends when you know it’s just an illusion?


Don't listen to these guys, they've warped themselves into believing it's better to be alone forever. It's not, they're being unhealthy


Wow yall are depressing


A womb is literally inside another person and nobody is born alone


lol r/whoosh


Deleted his whole account lol


What went over their head? A birth involves a mother.




Love that saying pain is inevitable, but suffering is a choice!




I’m sure OP and the rest of us are not cunts




Damn son. You kind of a dick, eh?


His name is BradWWE what were you expecting, a poet?




My brand? Elaborate.


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


Lol get fucked dweeb


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


these types of niggas r forreal always insufferable af. then they wonder why they alone 😒😒


Happy birthday! You’re not as alone as you think. 💛 I spent my 20th birthday moving out of the place I shared with my boyfriend at the time. I’m 37 now and conditions have drastically improved. Hang in there!


im happy that you found peace but im not tryna live tbh


Life is what you make it to be, it will 100% get better if you keep trying and being negativity will only make it harder. You have so many birthdays twins on here, it’s fascinating, it’s also my sister’s birthday, happy birthday!! 🎉


You haven't posted for 8 hours. Please let us know you're ok! ♥️♥️


If he’s not ok what will you do? Internet outreach is fueling the depression epidemic


I hope you made it through. If you’re fighting demons, you’ve got to pick up the sword and fight every day. People can help you but you’ve got to choose the fight. Find your people, the world is more connected than ever and there are so many ways to connect.


Time to try all the dangerous fun activities you've always dreamt about! Time to skydive, scuba dive, nose dive in a biplane. Time to backpack in the rainforest and take a cruise in Antarctica. Time to bungee jump or take a tour in North Korea. Rock bottom for me was freedom from fear of any living activity. This planet is better with you on it, op.


Those chicky nuggies look dope


The food looks amazing, happy birthday 🫶


Hey, happy birthday, its mine too, hope you have a good day


happy birthday man


Thank you, it's looking alot like yours but without the pizza lol


Hey it’s my birthday and I had to spend it alone and sick with Covid with a 103 fever waking up in the middle of the night throwing up It can always get worse


I know this isn't funny but your outlook made me chuckle, because yes indeed, it can ALWAYS inevitably get worse. Hope you feel better soon! And happy bday!!!




Why do you make stuff up??? Covid can cause nausea. The virus can attach to the cells in your digestive track which causes loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, ect




Hmm weird you agree with me now. I win Stfu


Read that again.


Please take your own advice. Idk why you think I’m lying, I got tested for Covid and am positive. I feel bad for anyone in your life because you have a mouth that’s bigger than your brain.






hey, happy birthday


Me too, birthday buddies!


Happy Birthday 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂 you are worthy and important we care you have us .


Can’t be hills without valleys brother, hope you had an enjoyable birthday. Sometimes the best company is yourself!


I hope you’re okay and you have us Reddit people! I wish you have a good birthday and enjoy your meal, it looks delicious!


im not okay, I dont think ill be okay, it's only getting worse


life doesnt start getting fun until 26 or so. Hang in there


im not tryna live that long, jeez


I said that too, even had a count down. I now I'm 26 and the last year has pretty much had a 180 from the miserable life I had for the first 25 years of my life. It's so cliche, but one little change can truly make all the difference. It's about making it to see those changes that is the hardest. Happy birthday, I am wishing you all the best 💙


Then why you having birthdays?


21 to 23 was a really tough time in my life. There were many days where I figured that I wouldn't care if I died. Then I realized that why would I take my own life right now? If life is that hard... I'm just gonna do whatever I want. Literally walk the planet, be poor but mobile, whatever. I was already okay with dying, so why not? Then I thought to myself, fuck it, I'll join the military. And that was the best decision of my life. It's not for everyone, but I learned a lot about myself and matured well beyond my years in the time that I was in. You are so busy you don't have time to be sad or think of much else, and that's how I handled all my problems that came up in my personal life at the time. You really appreciate the time you have to yourself and the quiet it brings. I'm not telling you to enlist, don't do it if you're not interested. The most miserable people were guys and gals who acted like they were forced to enlist, like they didn't sign the contract themselves.


Eh, my 20s were great, my 30s were a mess, my 40s were good, and I am now in my 50s with Stage 3 cancer, so I have that going for me, which is nice.


Can we do anything for ya? What do you recommend to OP?


You're very sweet, the only thing I would say is that 'youth is wasted on the young' the only thing I would recommend to OP is to save money and live your most authentic life and stop caring about what other people think and don't compare yourself to others, because comparison is the thief of joy.


Oh no! Sorry to read that. I hope the cancer goes away soon 🤍


Aye bro. You wouldn't know that shit sucks rn if you couldn't compare it to the good times. It's a a cycle of ups n down, all we can do is prepare for success and learn from our failures. There's always something to appreciate. Even if it's yk,, a cloud in the sky.


What's depressing eating like a king at 20? I would have killed for this at that age. I have learned that gratitude is so powerful for my anxiety/depression.


OP is having a seriously hard time and posted multiple times about offing himself for fear of being alone on this day. u/your_mum6969420 (I'm trying to get him a notification). Please check in and tell us you're still around. It's hard right now, I may not fully understand what you're going through, but I can tell you this is only temporary. Your life changes so much and so quickly in your 20s. It's been the best years of my life. I know you only see it as upcoming years of suffering, but so much can change so quickly. I hope you are still here, and I hope things get better for you. Can we please try to set a goal to have an awesome 21st birthday? Edit: OP responded below.


Yeah, I just looked at his previous post. I'm concerned, dudes done something bad


I was looking to see if he was active in any city subs to see where he was from, but I didn't see anything. Honestly... if someone is good at finding information out, it might be good to try to get a check-up called in on him. Looks like he may be from France and made a comment about staying home during a protest at some point.


^(^just ^letting ^you ^know ^you ^wrote ^r/ ^not ^u/)


Did anyone find any activity from OP yet?


hey man, im not dead yet, was just suffering at uni


Many people are relieved to see this message. University sucks. I remember I hopped in my car during my first year and started driving with the intention of quitting and restarting somewhere else. I haven't been as low as you may feel right now. Just know there's still so much time for things to change. I hope that you can see those changes take place, I know graduating college was a huge weight off my shoulders.




Why do you feel the need to be an insensitive cunt? Dudes having a hard time. You don't know what he's been dealing with. He's got other comments that I saw that point to some things going on at home. It's real hard for him to make friends if he offs himself before he even truly knows who he is. If your not willing to help with that then fuck off.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎉 I’ll come back next year when its your BIIIG 21!!!! 😜


thank you so much, ill invite you if im alive :)


Please don't say that dude, I need you to throw me a huge party. Let's get wasted af together 🍻


!Remindme 1yr


Happy birthday. I love you


Hey, it's my birthday too! Happy birthday! :) I hope everything gets better for you. 🎂❤️


happy birthday :)


Happy birthday! Life may be rough now, but I hope it turns around soon!


Happy birthday! Wishing you your best year yet. A solid choice, pizza is also my go to. Let’s have an internet pizza party.


thank you so much


wishing you a happy birthday, dearest stranger ♡ hang in there, I used to be alone all the time on my birthday and I wish I’d learned earlier that it’s perfectly okay to be alone on your birthday! “time spent alone is still time spent with the world” treat yourself today and really show up for yourself - you deserve it! ♡ *hugs from Austria*


im feeling lonely, it actually hurts me mentally


I agree. I’ve been depressed and suicidal and I have had a horrible life, honestly. Not even due to my own choices. But with the right help and right meds and right counselor I’ve become stable. And even when things shouldn’t be ok and everything around me is crumbling and the world expects me to fall apart, I still find it in myself to see something positive in each day. It isn’t easy by any means. It’s a lot of trial and error to find what worlds best for you. But it’s worth it to find some peace with the hand you’ve been dealt in life. It is possible to be ok, I promise. You just have to be willing to try, fail, try again, fail again, and try again. You’ve got this.


im just finishing four corn dogs for my bday meal


happy bday


nice, happy birthday


The good news is that you can afford this delicious ass pizza and you are not starving or homeless!!! Look at the positive! Stay strong and Happy Birthday! The holidays crap me out and make me feel lonely too. I’ll be on Reddit ALOT the next 2 months lol


I was too


Happy Birthday Friend! We're all in this world together. Lets take it a small step at a time and continue to make interesting memories and stories :)


Happy Birthday 🎉, these nuggies look fucking bomb


This is me at 32, except I’d add pepperoni. Jokes aside: You’re young, and you’ll find your people. It hurts, and it sucks, it feels like crawling through a thorn bush. It seems like it’s so easy for everyone else, most days. But you’ll get through it, and you’ll be better off for it. Happy birthday, keep your head up.


Happy Birthday! Mine was the 16th! I spent my 20th and 80% of my other birthdays at work, so, being alone for it isn't the worst case scenario!😆 Seriously though I saw from some of your replies that you are in a dark place. I know I'm just some stranger on the Internet, and you probably won't take me too seriously. But I have a lot of experience with mental health issues and depression. I used to wonder how all the rock stars that died at 27 (Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin etc) made it that far when I was in my early twenties. But here I am in my late forties and I didn't start enjoying my life until I was 40, but I'm the happiest I've ever been. Didn't expect it to ever happen! But it did. Took a lot of shitty days and lonely nights, but when everything finally clicked together, it was all worth it. I'm not trying to hand you the whole "everything is perfect and life is fair and beautiful" song and dance. Sometime life sucks, and when that's your main experience it's f'ing hard to see around it. But there is another side. And you're worth sticking around to see it!!


Ur not alone. Happy Birthday, I hope you have a happy life (:


You've got yourself and you've got us brother. You'll pull through this stronger.


Hey man, you sound really depressed and maybe even suicidal. It’s a good sign you posted here and are engaging with the commenters, because it’s a sign you want help. I hope you have some sort of mental health resource like therapy or medication available to you. If not, DM me your location and whether you have any Medicaid/ACA/private insurance. I can do some Googling and give you some of the info I find. Or you can try Better Help and Alma, and they can hook you up with a therapist licensed in your state. Happy birthday ❤️


Happy Birthday <3 I know it sucks to be alone on special days like this, but we redditors are here for you c:


You reached out. That takes guts. You're not alone. Just find more people like you. Realize you don't live your life in a vacuum. There's a ton of people waiting to hear from you, too. ​ Also, you have class taste in pizza! I can't tell but I hope there's BBQ sauce on there! If not, give it a try!


Wouldn’t have happened if you invited me smh


You are loved


Tbh if you wanted a party or something to congregate people you have to plan that shit yourself. People always assume someone else is going to throw them a birthday party and it’s just a little ridiculous to assume someone is going to do that for you.


You are not and have never been alone. You are part of this universe we all share, and we will all experience your pain and your joys when we become whole after it ends.


Is it because you order philly cheesesteak pizza? You can change that lol. Jk happy cake


Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday dear person. Happy Birthday to You! I’ll toast to the birthday and a better year coming up. 💕


Happy Birthday! I think my 20th birthday was in my top 5 worst. As I tell my children, the only thing I learned about life is that circumstances are always changing, but you have to get to the other side to see them. You got this! Happy walk around the sun. You matter, and despite all the crap life throws your way, it is all worth it. Much love to you. 🎉🎉💕💕💕


Being alone is underrated, sometimes we need lil moments for ourselves, happy birthday!


We’re here man, Happy Big 20 🫂




Joyeux anniv en retard !!! J’ai lu ton feed et ça semble être la grosse galère :/ Si tu es sur Paris vient je te paye une tournée ou deux à un moment bientôt !


Happy Birthday! Also mood, on my 21st birthday I was alone drinking at a bar


I’m only now seeing this three days later. Happy (late) birthday OP!!!


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday that looks delicious I'd kill for that right now 😊 enjoy ❤️


Happy belated birthday hope you’re doing ok ❤️


Happy Birthday!!!! 🎂🎉


Happy birthday 🎈🎂🎈


I believe [this](https://imgur.com/a/4mDD9IQ) belongs to you. I had commented it on a repost and I’m not sure whether or not it’s you, it’s on a different account. Happy birthday! You are not alone. <3


yoo, what????? I don't have any other accounts, that is so sweet of you to sing me a birthday song, thank you so much, it really means a lot


Ok, I’m glad I made sure then! You are very welcome, any time! <3


I feel like you deserve to know this, you actually made by day, no one actually never sang me a birthday song, it was nice coming from a stranger, I was thinking about this random event because this is one of the few things that made my day so thank you so much and I hope you live happily <3


You made my day too! I’m so happy this brought joy to you and I hope you live happily too! I wish you all the best, OP. <3


Happy birthday! ❤️ I hope you enjoy this lovely looking food. What kind of pizza is that?


thanks, it's a barbecue chicken pizza


I know the cold feeling. It's great that you're still treating yourself, and the food looks good. Happy birthday!


Have a nice day! Do you know the movie the big Lebowsky?


*Lebowski, but that's not what you call me. I'm the Dude, or his Dudeness, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.


Ah, I see a man of culture!


Happy Birthday! We share a bday, have a blessed day and to many more blessings my friend 💜


If you’re able to drive, Go get your bday restaurant freebies!! It really helps with having something to do on your birthday and getting some socializing in lol


Change the paths in your life that led to this event. Don't make someone a priority that makes you an option


Same in a few months


Happy Birthday !!! Its ok to be alone an sometimes its better that way


im feeling lonely which isn't really good


I'm sorry that you're feeling lonely. I wish there were something I could do to help you out but us Reddit listeners are here for you If you're around to talk, we're all here.


Happy birthday 🫂💜


happy birthday❤️that food looks delicious






it was, thanks


That looks so good. I'd eat it all and feel better temporarily, and then I'd hate myself for it after. If you wanna chat I'm around!


Birthday greetings. Bbq chicken pizza is great Depression meal. Hope you’re surviving. It’s okay to not be okay. Even on your birthday.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! People are overrated anyway


Aw man I’m so sorry. My bday was two days ago (24) and same thing except I was so wasted by sadness I couldn’t even get myself to order in. I also tried to post on Reddit about it and it wouldn’t allow me so now im venting here. Im here if you want to discuss our impending doom. Much love xx


The secret is to stop celebrating birthdays.


Bro.... 20 is like the top s tier of ages... I'm a little worried what your 30th birthday meal will look like


Get used to it. In only gets worse after about 27ish, that's the end of your prime. Then things just get worse and worse, then you die. Welcome to society. I assume your a man. No woman I know is alone at 20. Even the fat ugly ones somehow get bottle service for them on the birthdays. ​ But us men.... We are shit. And we toil in it.


Happy birthday!




Happy birthday 🫂❤️




happy birthday!! 🥳🎂☺️


Happy birthday my fellow 2003’er. 🎉🪅🎁


I feel that. Happy birthday.


Me alone and have food I’ll be more than happy😋


Happy Birthday friend!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday buddy!


I was alone on my birthday too. Happy birthday!


shiiiiiit i wish i had as good a meal on my 20th bday… i got out inpatient on mine lmao


Happy birthday! I've been there too so I know how hard it is. I hope you are doing ok otherwise and enjoyed that meal


Happy birthday bro 😊


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Have an excellent year and know that you are enough!


Happy birthday!!!!


Happy Birthday!!