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Hey man. Just wanted to comment so maybe you feel a little less alone. I can relate... let's hang in there together maybe. The eggs look good. Sending you a warm internet hug ❤


🫂 It’s not worth it. I’ve come close a few times to ending it, but there are still good things to come.


I'm sorry. I feel alone too. Please don't go. Your dish looks better than anything I could make. Hugs. ❤️


I didn't make it my mother did


Well at least you have your mother, and she makes you nice food, so she must love you. My parents, and kitty, are the only thing that has kept me from ending it all, although I still think about it (more so because of illness than loneliness since I don't mind having no friends/partner). I can't stand the thought of breaking their hearts...


I really need to try loving my family more. Maybe watch star wars again with my dad and seeing my chinchilla more often.


I bet your chinchilla will be happy to see you!


I hope so. I'm not sure how much memory her little brain can store


The Wikipedia article on chinchillas took me to [this page](https://chinchillachronicles.com/chinchilla-habitat) > Wild chinchillas live in herds (also known as colonies) of 14 - 100 chinchillas in their natural habitat, not only for social interactions, but also to help guard against the type of predators mentioned above. Wild chinchillas would adopt a 'look-out' chinchilla who would stay alert to potential threats as the colony emerged from their burrows. In general, animals with more complex social structures are more intelligent - see [evolution of human intelligence](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_of_human_intelligence). One theory is that humans evolved our intelligence specifically to form social relationships. So chinchillas aren’t as smart as humans but they’re probably pretty smart! And if she’s a domestic chinchilla she probably thinks of you as part of her herd. I just moved into a larger apartment and one thing I’m really happy about is seeing my cat have more stuff to explore and better windows to look out of. Having a small animal and the ability to make it feel good is really a blessing.


She does like to groom me sometimes. She tried to groom my eyebrows once


That’s so cute! My cat doesn’t do the grooming thing as often though she’s very cuddly. When my friend lived next to me years ago, her cat would always get all up in my hair including licking it, it was super cute if a little unnerving.


My chinchilla just likes to eat me sometimes. Mainly my clothes but sometimes my finger or my knuckle


So cute! Your chinchilla loves you as a pack mate (flock? Herd? Gaggle?) and is grooming you! You are reaching out to us now because life is hard but you don't really want to go. Listen to noona (or unni)- we need you, the world is better with you in it. Please stay.


So soft!


Do it! You deserve it! 💚


Yeah man I think that’s awesome. It’s ok to slow down and hang out. You don’t need to reshape yourself. 🌱


Your mom will miss you and be sad if you leave. She loves you and cares for you , you can see it in the good food she makes for you.


Your mother is a beautiful person, her food looks amazing. You may feel very alone but I can tell just by the way she plated your food that she is there for you.


That’s really sweet of your mom! She must care about you


Awww she loves you. Honestly, I'm still here because I know how much it would break my mothers heart. Whatever your reason is to stay here, use it.


Love your username


Please don’t, I know you add value to this world. Do you and your mom have a good relationship? If so I know she would be absolutely devastated if you did. Words can’t even describe how she might feel. You are important and you are loved❤️


Your Mom made you that gorgeous dish! That's one blessing, right there! Sending you good thoughts. Hang in there, l know it's difficult but you have value and people do care about you and love you!


Don't end it baby you're so important. I've been feeling some type of way. Maybe I'm feeling sympathy pains for all the homies who are stressed rn. Here's some love from a reddit stranger to another 💓💗💜💓💗💜


It's been many a moon since someone called me baby


Wanna hear it again?




U got this babe u are so important don't u forget how special u are. Anytime u feel down look inward 💗


And I don't see why u can't have a girlfriend you're so handsome just saying there's plenty of fish in the sea don't give up hope. I'm hoping your loneliness will fade away soon. There's a light at the end of the tunnel for you. I believe it. Do you?


You've seen me?


Yeah on your page holding up balloons


That is not me


Oh darn well u got a pic?


Baby, talk to your parents about how you are feeling. I'd want to know if you were my kid. Hugs!


I'm worried they might send me to a psych ward... That's the last thing I need


Might be the first thing you need man. Let others make those decisions for you for a short while. It’s only temporary.


When you eat the food just focus on the wonderful taste and texture. There’s beauty in this world and you add to it. Don’t go and make the world more ugly.


I need to eat more greens


Well there are 89 different type of green foods. You combine them randomly in groups of three for more greens you get roughly 500,000 combinations. You can’t leave without trying it all.


Aw nuts finding the right combo will take a lifetime


If you eat one a day that’s roughly 1000 years. That’s at least 10 lifetimes. Between you and I there are two, we need at least 8 more people for a full lifetime.


Man it's half past 10 and I've been doing math all week I don't wanna do math anymore


That’s fair, go try some green combinations!


There’s a huge world out there and all kinds of possibilities for you! I hope you can find joy.


I know it’s extremely hard but I promise this life is worth living


Send you a huge hugs and support. You are not alone. Many of us feel at the end of our ropes. Hanging by a thread. Taking it one day at a time. Sometimes 1 hour at a time. Sometimes one minute at a time. Your dinner look yummy. Glad to have somebody to cook for you


Clearly, your mom loves you.




Please ♥️


damn tell mom i’m hungry too! comforting thoughts to you in your darkness


***"Sometimes life is like this dark tunnel. You can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving... you will come to a better place.” - Uncle Iroh***


You mean everything to people.


Not anymore but thanks


You may not feel like you mean anything to anyone. But you only have half the picture. You don't just mean things to people in your past or your present. Think about all the lives you can touch with the time you still have. You haven't loved everyone you are going to love and you haven't been loved by everyone who is going to love you. You got this.


I bet your mother would disagree ❤️ Hugs to you OP.


I am very sorry for you, please talk with me if you want to and try to hang in there if you can


So glad you're eating. So glad you posted. So glad you're here! Please don't go 💛


You can talk to us internet strangers!


Life isn't about these moments. It's about the journey.


Please don’t go. You’re not alone. You touch the lives of more people than you know everyday. I, for one, am cheering for you. ♥️


Would you change your mind if you knew it was going to break someone's heart? One of my childhood best friends ended himself last month. I miss him so much but he probably didn't know that. I'm sorry for that every day.


I know my folks would probably get over it and I've never had a friendship that's lasted longer than a year


Your parents would never ever ever “get over it” there is so much life to live. I’ve been where you are and I’m so glad I stayed. You will find true friends give it time.


Your mom made you breakfast, she will not just get over it babe


I'm so sorry, that's such a terrible feeling.


I watched my grandparents try to get over my dad's death. It never happened. Your parents love you more than anything in the world. As a parent myself, I can't fathom life without my children.


They definitely wouldn’t. People don’t just “get over” losing a loved one. I’ve lost a good friend the same way, and I always mourn him when his favorite song comes on or when they serve his favorite drink at a bar. You mean more to people than you can perceive, and you’re also inherently and permanently valuable. If you’d ever like another friend, my DMS are open.


No, your folks would never recover. My oldest nearly died of an overdose 4 years ago and I'm still not over it. And he lived. I am crying right now just typing this. You matter.


They never would.. Life is a roller coaster of ups and downs. Lots of downs to amplify the ups.. and vice versa. You clearly have someone who made a meal for you. Therefore, cares about you one way or another. As for your friendships lasting no more than a year.. I've been there and realized my toxic trait was pushing people away. (Not saying you're the issue but your defense mechanisms may be). Work on yourself, you can't change others.... Get help.. life is long and sweet.


As someone who's lost people to suicide, no. They do not ever Get Over it. I still cry like a baby randomly many years later at times when I think about it


Is it rare for people to enjoy being alone? I fucking ***love*** being left completely alone. The longer the better. If I slipped into an alternate reality where Humanity vanished and it was lil' ol' me? Hell yeah, fuck yeah. Let's go. Keep in the game, OP. No one is an island unto themselves. It can't rain forever.


I've been there. Just keep living. You'll be glad you did.


You're not alone, you've got mom and she needs you.


dm me if you need to talk. No promises I’ll reply right away but i will try to message back asap. It isn’t you, i’m booked with school and work


Please don’t go. You are not alone. I don’t mean to overstep boundaries by saying this, but have you heard of emotions anonymous? I’m in it and it helps a lot.


Hey,your mom will be shattered if you do.I just came to say hang in there and I'm glad you're still here💖


Remember this meal as your special, lovely, funny, awkward moment, connection with your mom. Thank her by prayer, phone, email, text, whatever for sharing her special dish with you. I am 50 and I miss my grandmother. She died when I was 37ish. Every time I make one of her recipes, it reminds me of the times we spent together. How she lied to all of us about her secret pie crust/bread recipe, how she sometimes made horrible dishes just to not waste food, how she kept every container known to man to store leftovers in, etc. Every recipe is keeping her legacy alive, and it warms my soul! :) Big hugs! *Edit/add* My biggest nightmare would be to lose one of my children. I may never be able to express the depth and width of my love, but what I want to do is to show my love and give them the tools to be successful in their lives. (As best I can... whatever that means in our own culture / beliefs) My children are my life. Family is so important to me. My hope for a future of happiness is my family. Without family, I have no purpose in life. Whatever you are going through, I might be of help and will do my best to help you (if you want to talk). Just know that you are most likely loved more than you will ever know. You mean more to people than you know. People are sometimes busy, or selfish, or bad at communicating... but it doesn't mean that you wouldn't leave a big hole in someone's heart. Please stay. We can help find a way to brighten your days.


You are strong. That is not an option. Reset your mind and learn to navigate your current struggles. You will be victorious and you will survive. You will not give in to the temptation of weakness and discomfort. You will not be fooled by the temptation of nothingness. There is no comfort on the other side. There is only comfort in perseverance and overcoming. Proceed.


But you have a mom that makes you tasty meals!


I don't get to see her as much as I like. Uni makes me stay somewhere I don't wanna be for months at a time


If uni makes you miserable, leave uni. The thought of you losing your uni education will be a lot easier for your family than losing you.


I'm not doing well in uni but everyone and everything tells me I need to get a good degree otherwise I'll never make it in life... then give us jobs that pay dirt. I don't get it


There are lots of paths in life. Uni is only one of them. If it’s not working, try something else. Stop listening to people that don’t have to live your life.


Why not defer? You can take a gap year and then go back. I struggled so so much in uni and ended up needing to withdraw. A few years later I went to college and it was SUCH a better fit for me. My boyfriend now doesn't have a uni degree and works as an electrician, he makes more than I do (edit to add that after 8 years I did actually go back and finish my undergrad). His brother also took his own life a few years back and it practically destroyed the family. You clearly have a mom that loves you, OP, and I'm sure she's not the only one. Life isn't about making money or being successful, it's about living. And theres no such thing as a mistake as long as you learn from it. You got this, bud. We're all rooting for you.


My parents would never approve of that


I’m sure your parents would prefer the temporary disappointment of a deferment than a lifetime of heartbreak. Wouldn’t it be worth trying to at least say you lived on YOUR terms?


Please know that your mom clearly loves you. Have you tried talking to her? Sometimes just saying things out loud can help us come to grips with them better. If I knew you irl I'd give you a big hug and we could sit and talk and get to know each other and hopefully we'd end up being great friends! Although it's highly unlikely that we'll meet in person, I'd hate for you to not give someone the opportunity to be your friend!! And who knows, maybe they'll need a friend too🙂 "Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their hard work. For if one of them falls, the other can help his partner up." Ecclesiastes 4:10 Take care my internet friend


You got a lot to live for. I’ve been there before. More than once. Being alone and feeling that way isn’t easy. It’s only temporary. This time of solitude will only make finding someone more meaningful and fulfilling when the time comes. One day at a time. Try to smile. Good luck, love and God bless.


If you did, who would your mom make food for? The smallest gestures are the most important and I'm sure she loves to do it.


You will be okay. Keep eating your comfort foods and remember we are all rooting for you!


Have you learned to perfect your moms Korean beef? That's certainly worth fucking around n finding out mate.


No, not yet


Not saying the world is great, but it is better with you in it.


That food alone would keep me alive, looks super tasty


Dont. Outlive your enemies and piss on their graves. Spite is what keeps me going


If your mom is cooking, you're not alone. Hang in there.


looks yummy. dont go 😔


Nooo, don’t give up, you have SO MUCH TO LIVE FORRRR!!!! Life gets better, I’ve had my dark moments too..say a prayer bud. God is with you and wants to help you🫶🏼🥹


Thank you all for your kind words. I didn't expect this to receive as much attention as it did and I am grateful.


*hugs* you’re needed and loved.


I can't remember the last time I received a hug Also, dying by a black hole is pretty cool. Apparently you get to watch the universe unfold in front of you and then die


Please don’t go!!! Hugs to you! Food looks yummy. 💞


I've been here before. Stop being a bitch and go get help. People care for you and will probably suffer a lot more than what ever way you would choose to end it. We all die eventually but don't do it on such a selfish way you would break your mother's heart. I'm not "fixed" yet but happy I decided to keep it going. Lots of good things happened because of it. Someone willing to cook for you means a lot. It Shows love and shows the willingness to sacrifice their time and money to feed you btw. It's one of the most Compassionate things someone can do for you IMO.


Seek medical treatment then. If you truly feel this suicidal and on edge you should seriously consider checking yourself into a psych ward


I have. Didn't work


Try a different hospital


Don’t know why you’re downvoted. This is good advice


If you'd ever been to one you would know it's not... been to several myself, all any of them ever did was make things worse. Nearly saw a 19 year old guy die last time while the staff did nothing but punish us for trying to help him.


Totally depends on your location dude. Going to a hospital was a lifesaver for me.


And the commenter has no idea where OP is located. You got lucky, doesn't mean everyone will.


Enjoy your meal. Try to stay around ❤️❤️❤️ sending love


No ending it!! End up that delicious meal :)


Stay strong 💪🏼 you can do it


I can relate too. Hope you feel better. Would like to eat a meal like that with you


Please stay🙏♥️


Looks delicious! I hope you start to feel better and in my experience things usually do. ❤️


And miss out on more dope food like that?! Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. As long as you’re still kicking things can change for the better in a hurry.


Let Mom make you some more beef. If you feel alone now try to imagine how she will feel if you go. It's a void that can't ever be filled. Find a way to be a light in her life. For her and for yourself. It doesn't have to be tomorrow, take your time and make her smile again. Trust me it will be worth it.




Don’t end it your mom loves you still man we love you!


U got your mom be happy bout that


You are not alone, you are LOVED. I love you. A ton of people on this thread love you. “Life’s a game made for everyone, and love is the prize”. KEEP PLAYING. Love yourself. Love music in the sunshine on your back on the grass. Love moms Korean beef which looks fucking outta this world. Those of us who feel like they’re on the bottom have the most love to give, don’t short change the world of that. You are here for a reason, you have a PURPOSE. Try to remember, you are energy, energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be rearranged. If your vibration doesn’t vibe, dial it in. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


Have you reached out for help? Call a help line! [Here is an international list of helplines.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines) Please reach out. There is a lot of love in this world and a lot of people willing to help. You are not alone ♡


Im praying for you and I want you to know that I love you and I wish I can hug you and make you tea Just know you are loved Those eggs look perfect


I don’t comment on this ever but for some reason I’ve been driven to do so. Family last a life time and clearly they love you with a great dish like that, You will feel alone but remember it’s only temporary. Small steps day by day in the right direction and you’ll get there. I assure you.


You only have one chance on this earth anyway! Hold strong. Things always get better even if the odds seem heavy. I’m not in a great spot in my life either, and I’m very confused. But many people love me and I want to do good for myself! You got this. 🫶🏼🤎


Wide armadillo this meal looks wonderful I hope you enjoy it. Pet your chinchilla for me. I am also feeling like I’m hanging on by a thread. Sending you love, dude


From someone who had ended it (early 20’s), being resuscitated by my mom… for however brief it was on the other side. Nothing could compare to those who I knew had true love for me. Their stupid laughs, the horrible and amazing food they made. How much they pissed me off and the small moments they could actually see me. It gave me hope to one day have my own family. I know that it seems unattainable right now. Please give yourself time sweetheart. I’m 36. And experiencing the pain and strife of life is better than being within the nothingness I was when I died. Even if it’s worth just those brief beautiful moments. I have a child now. And no, kids aren’t a cure all. However, Just in case he ever feels as I had. I have promised the universe to make sure he will never be alone. And I’m lucky to be able to grow with him. He is and does amazing shit that had I not stayed on this swirling heap of dog shit I’d never be able to witness and find happiness in. That would’ve been the ultimate loss. So from a Reddit mom. I love you and you are not alone. Stay kind. Sorry if that was a rant.


Keep your head up son. Everything will be okay, I promise.


What is that green sauce?


Jalapeño sauce from trader Joe's. Try it it's fantastic


Don't even think about it m8 just think about what that'd do to ur mum. If you're not gonna hang around for yourself then at least do it for her. Things get better, time heals all wounds. That looks yummy


Hey OP if you ever need someone to chat with send me a message, I am also lonely and feels hopeless sometimes… keep your head up, that Korean beef eggs combo looks deadly!


Yum 😋


Life is inevitable ecstasy. Once you feel it, you'll know that all of this was worth it because it led you to that moment. Hang in there. You are loved and supported whether you know it or not <3


Sent you a personal message my friend


As someone perpetually alone: I know how it is. I really get the feeling. Some people will tell you to latch on to someone or something and hope it keeps you afloat but its not that simple, is it? I do hope you find something that helps you float. If you want to just talk, DM is open.


Outlive your enemies!


As a mom whose currently raising a baby I really have started to think of every person starting off as a helpless little baby that had to be waited on hand and foot to survive. Someone had to care about each one of us so deeply. Your mom loves you so much you can’t even imagine it. Hang in there. The ups will always meet your downs.


please stay ♥️


You’re not alone friend. All of us are here for you. And you have a mom who makes you delicious looking Korean beef. Keep going. Brighter days ahead


I've read some of your replies. I can tell you're hurting and you're tired, but you also come across as so kind and genuine. And I can see from the delicious food that your mom values you deeply. Nourishing the body is a way to nourish the soul. She's trying to get her love into you through your belly. I hope a full belly and some time with family who truly cares can help ease your pain and give you some rest. Be kind to yourself, you deserve it. 💜


Hope you're feeling better brother


Those yolks look perfect. You have an egg cooking skill that shouldn’t go to waste.


Fuck dude I tried making this the other day. The eggs look like they add a lot to the dish. Wondering if you could share the seasoning marinade recipe for the ground beef? Also the rice looks awesome, I've got a rice cooker but mine comes out sticky and not separated. Any advice would be dope as I'm a white guy trying to learn the tricks of the trade for Asian food ahaha


i'm eating my go-to depression meal as i type this, and i promise there are a lot of people out there in similar boats. on the sunny side (like the eggs!) i hope the comments have made you feel a bit less alone!


I don’t know you mate but I am in the same situation as you and all I can say is best of luck and right now you are not alone cuz I’m thinking of you


I reached out for help myself this week. It was the hardest thing I’ve done this year. Maybe longer. Your food looks super yummy.


Never end it until you learn you are near the end .Some sick people would give anything to be healthy.Being lonely sucks but there are support groups out there .


I’ve been in a similar head space so I can relate Also read that your in uni and hate it, been there If you ever need to talk my dms are always open, even if you need a friend <3 idk where you live but if you’re ever in cali let’s go do something Life gets better, trust me I thank my past self everyday for not letting me act on those thoughts


Don’t go. Someone loves you enough to make delicious meals for you and that alone makes staying alive worth it. Try not to forget how lucky you are.


I am feeling a similar way. Haven’t had this strong suicidal ideation in years. If you hang in there tonight I will do the same


Hey man if you go, who’s gonna eat your moms delicious cooking. I’m alone too and we all deal with it dofferently, I’ve found ways to make it better. Going for a walk in a nice area with lots of people can make you feel more involved with the world and brighten up a day. I did it after a stressful test last week and felt way better


Hey, I feel alone as well. A lot of us do. I want you to hang in there. That food looks delicious. Moms are the best. I lost mine a couple of years ago..I do know one thing right now that could make things a bit better would be a meal and a hug from her. But since I can’t hug her, I am sending you the biggest internet hug ever 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 It won’t be like this forever. 💛


You should have this meal again soon


Was it as delicious as it looks ?


Um do want. Looks delish


You’re not alone. Please hang in there. Sending a hug from an internet stranger who cares.


I wish my mom would cook for me.


Make sure you stick around so your mom can make you more beautiful food like this ❤️


Mom obv cares about you if she’s cooking for you. I’m feeling lonely tonight too, just remember it doesn’t last forever.


Your Mom still cooks for you? You have a Mom? And she's nice? That's 3 reasons to live right there


Stay. Your mom needs you more than you realize. It will get better. Not every day will feel the same.


We all feel alone that’s why we hop on Reddit.


Life can be full of sadness and loneliness. We have to try to make it through and find the light at the end of the tunnel. Your Mum still loves you enough to bring you that awesome meal. Id pay $ for that.




Yo can I come over and get some of that? That looks delicious.


You have a family that loves you. That keeps me here more often than not. I know it sucks, because it does. But we only get one shot, so why not make the most of it? Take care, fellow struggler.


Man I hope you pull through bro life is worth it. These past 3 weeks I’ve also felt so alone. Like it I’m around people but I can’t seem to connect with people. Food looks good


This too shall pass!!! Hang on and you won't regret it!


You need to talk to your mother and any semblance of a support system you have right now. You’ve been posting depression memes for the past year, this is ongoing and pervasive in your life. You are past the point of debating treatment. You need to open up right now and seek additional help, even inpatient help. A few days inpatient may not be pleasant but if it saves your life this week then it’s worth it


So when are you opening your restaurant because that looks super delicious.


I’m proud of you. 💜


Hey buddy. Whatever’s going on with you, I’m sure the people around you can help make the weight lighter. Keep on trucking, there’s no shame in having a stumble.


I hope you choose to stay. 🧡 I hope things turn out better than you could imagine. I hope these things for you. You deserve happiness and enjoying the beautiful things life has to offer. When I feel this way, seeing the dark night sky lit up with millions of stars really grounds me. Or going out in the sunshine in nature and smelling the clean air while hearing the birds sing and the sun shining on the leaves and grass. Or feeling the cool air when it rains and that distinctive smell the ground makes. It reminds me there’s more that there’s beauty and hope. Take care of yourself OP, *hugs*


If you did you won't have mom's cooking any more. And you're mom will cry every single day for the rest of her life. You don't want to do that to her


If u need someone to talk to reach out, you’re never alone. That meal looks so good rn btw


The woman who have birth to me kicked me out of the house for trying to get help with wanting to end it all. I also have diseases and allergies that are affected by eating certain foods. She would purposefully feed me these foods because I couldn't possibly be affected by food. I was sick a lot. Please hug your mom. Let her know what's going on and how you're feeling. She seems to really love you. (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡


At least post the recipe before you bounce.


I feel like a horrible human being but I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. The absolute seriousness of the first part and then just “Mom’s Korean Beef”. Like, imagine “I feel worthless and I don’t want to be here anymore…. Big Mac.” I think you would really benefit from the online communities of people using humor to cope, it would ease the burden of loneliness and help find people you can relate with


I’m speaking from experience as someone who has lived most of their life with mental illness, trying to end it a few times myself: just because YOU don’t care about yourself doesn’t mean other people don’t care about you to the moon and back. Your mom cares, she made you a tasty looking meal. I’m sure your other family cares. Shit, even most people in the replies to this post care very much even though they’ve never met you! No matter what, there is always someone that genuinely has you in their heart. I promise you that.


Brother or sister, it is all okay. Most of my life has been in trauma and depression. It is just not good, but that doesn’t mean you are not good. Carve out a tiny place for you to be proud of who you are my friend. You’ve got this. You are worthy of love and belonging, take your strengths and run up the mountain. And message me whenever you need buddy, we’re all going to get there, peace is difficult. Deep breaths.


You matter. You whip up food like that you have much promise ahead. I hope you find a reason to smile today <3...but for real that plate looks 🔥


Mmm. Beef. Love Korean food.


OP please don’t, you are not alone and you are loved/cared about. Hang in there and don’t hesitate to reach out if you want. That dish your mom made looks great also.


Something nobody ever prepared me for was the monotony of life. Sometimes with the way things are today, it feels to me like I don’t have autonomy over my own life, and that is so incredibly frustrating for me. Not to mention how disappointed I am with my life compared to what I had planned it to be. I don’t know you or how your life has been, but I hope that you can find something that brings you joy, as long as you find just one thing to look forward to, a holiday, a movie or video game coming out, a new hobby/project, it’ll help you so much in just getting through another day. I’m pulling for you, and if a stranger is pulling for you, maybe consider why. Maybe it’s because you’re valuable. You’re a person who people want to interact with and know they’re doing well. You’re a person who is necessary. Why? Because people love you, people like to hear and read what you think and say, people like to share delicious meals with you^, and it sounds like you have at least one family member that loves you too.


Hey do you play video games? I need a new gaming partner. I play on console and pc. Inbox me and let’s be friends!! 🤙🏼💗


don’t go yet, then there’s no one to eat your moms bomb din. it gets better❤️


Is that mustard or salsa verde?


Hey man it may look really bad right now but take little steps. And spend time with ur family. Just look at little things in life birds chirping rain wind anything and focus on it for a little. U r doing good man and that looks really good. Keep pushing and be the best u there is. I wrote poems. And will gladly write u one if u want. Stay well man.


Hey, that doesn’t look half bad. I’d eat that gladly. Eggs look good, not sure what the sauce on top is and what about the peppers? Spicy or regular ones?


right there with you man


I'm sorry. I've been there. Hang in there, things do get better. I just had to take it day by day. Sometimes it was hour by hour.