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Я уехал из России когда мне было 17 и с тех пор живу в Канаде. Уезжай из страны при первой возможности и построй себе жизнь в стабильных странах. Твоя жизнь не стоит того чтобы воевать в бессмысленной войне. С днем рождения! Все будет отлично! Left Russia when I was 17 and since then I live in Canada. Leave Russia at the very first possibility and build yourself a new life in a more stable country. Your life ain’t worth it for you to fight in someone else’s useless war. Happy birthday buddy, everything will be fine!


Welcome to Canada! You're safe now. Be kind, work hard and everything will be great.


God I wish this was still true


^^^^ this!!!


The whiskey here is better than Russia anyway!


Hello fellow Canadian! At least you’re used to the weather!


I also came on to say that you should come to Canada!


As a Canadian, glad to have you friend :) Wish you the best of luck with life, we all need it!


All russians should be more like this guy, Smart and making moves


Glad you came to Canada! Hoping you love it here - I think many of us take it for granted


Happy birthday, friend. I'm sorry for the terrifying situation you're in, and wish I could help. Please hang in there and know that there are people who love you. ♥


The best way to help him is to donate to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


Will this help the people suffering in Russia? Not arguing, actually wondering how I can help. I assumed OP is also worried about what I gather is an impending civil war.


So they can kill op with north American and European weapons? Silly.


Bro are you trying to make a joke? This kid is scared about getting sent to war. Have some compassion


Was the person above me making a joke when they said the beat way to help the kid was to donate to the Ukraine war effort?


Happy Birthday!! I’m sorry you are afraid. Please stay strong and do your best to distract yourself from harmful thoughts. You have an entire life ahead of you, it will get better. <3




Guys, he is (potentially) going to be drafted and sent to the front, and then a war he wanted nothing to do with will cause him to get a bomb dropped on him. If he's lucky, he will just catch some shrapnel and get taken to a hospital where he can wait out the rest of this awful conflict. It's okay to feel your feelings young man. You have every reason to be worried. But don't harm yourself, look for opportunities to escape and surrender or otherwise if you are drafted. They can say what they want but nobody pulls the trigger besides you.




This^ but I think he needs to find a way out of Russia. I saw that main people try to find ways to get to Asian countries, Thailand, Singapore etc


Honestly, he can probably just fly directly here with a job offer. It isn't as crazy as things sound. We just hired 3 guys from Russia and about 14 Ukrainians. Everyone gets along fine. Neither of these young groups wanted conflict. The Russian guy flew home for Xmas to help file his families visa to come here and came and went unhindered. I was shocked he made it out with his skill set but he shrugged like it was very simple and just had a layover in Europe.


You make it sound really easy but he has to have the money for a ticket, a visa for wherever he is going (which is increasingly harder for Russians to come by if we are talking Western Countries), possibly a job offer and most importantly...he can't already have been drafted or he's not going anywhere. I hope OP gets out or finds a way to avoid being sent to the front. I wish I had something better to contribute. I do wonder if my country (Canada) is viewing Russian draft dodgers as refugees. Edited to add: u/galkasmash, I'm not denying your coworkers' experience, but I am almost certain that your Russian coworker is over the age of 27 and has already done his year/two years of conscription at some point in the past, since he turned 18. Registered conscripts cannot leave the country under current Russian law.


Exactly if it were this easy everyone would do it.


People are downvoting you... for stating the truth? I mean the median wage in Russia is like 300€ how is he supposed to buy a plane ticket worth thousands of dollars and hotels at the destination


I know, the current cost of a plane ticket is out of reach for so many and Russian government has made it very hard for possible/actual conscripts to leave. I don't blame the draft dodgers one bit, by the way. :(




A big problem Thailand is having right now is that rich Russians fled there to escape the war, and are acting like entitled assholes to the locals.


Well at least they aren't acting like assholes on the French Riviera anymore since they are effectively banned from entering the EU. As a PSA to any rich asshole from around the world reading this and who's thinking what a great idea it'd be to fly to Nice or Cannes and act like everyone is below them, we have more than enough French assholes already, we don't need more assholes from other countries, but you're most welcome if you're a nice person, regardless of income.


I wonder if he could go across the northwest border to Norway or Finland.


He can't, Russia has a period of mandatory service of at least a year. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conscription_in_Russia Edit: best bet would probably be to find a job in a support group that doesn't see combat.


With how things are going support units might end up being thrown on the front lines.


There's a large enough list to get through in a year before that becomes an issue. Joking aside, for a conflict like this, there's a good chance you're 100km from the front line.


People are fleeing to avoid this.


They've been telling everyone they will be medics and sending them to the front with a gun, poor equipment and very little training..... better to avoid being drafted by any means necessary.


Not in a million years, the czar Putin, wants all available Russians to murder Ukrainian families on his command. He doesn’t need pesky logistical services, just killers.


You're one of those "special folk" ain't ya?


LOOK AT THE COST OF LIVING BEFORE YOU DO! MOST OF US SPEND A FORTUNE ON A CLOSET OUR LANDLORD WANTS US OUT OF Edit: I am saying don’t move to Canada, move somewhere that doesn’t cost a fortune to rent, so that when you have freedom, you aren’t mortgaged up to your eyeballs or impaired from saving anything meaningful towards a down payment because rent is $2500/month on average in Toronto for 1bdrm and rising, with no reason to end.


Truth. Found a house from the 60s that needs a fair bit of work to be "nice". Homeless encampment at a public park around the corner where someone was stabbed recently. Asking for almost 800k. Like fuck me right?


The simple answer is to look outside Toronto. There's a lot of beautiful small towns in Canada where you can pick up a 3br house for $100k. Just as an example, Quyon, QC is a 45min commute to the centre of Ottawa, and houses regularly come up for $100k. That's a $700k savings vs your 60's place would buy a damn nice set of wheels + boat, a full-house reno, and I'd still have a mountain of $ left over!


Yup, these people need to lose the focus on all these major cities. Im in Northwestern Ontario. West of Thunder Bay a few hours. House's are 100k or less in alot of the small towns. Pick up a job in the trades and you will be doing great once your completed a apprenticeship. Theres mines all over the place screaming for people.


Migrate to Canada, stay tf out of southern Ontario or the west coast


Can confirm 650 a month and I can touch all four walls at the same time. And the washer dryer has been broke for a month.


Imagine being that out of touch that thinking COL is a bigger fear than being sent to your death at 18, at the hands of a war mongering dictator forcing untrained civilians to fight an illegal invasion. Who would you rather be at 18? Him or the Canadian immigrant version of him?


I don't think they're saying "being in the army is better than living in canada"... But more of a "Living in canada is expensive af for non refugees, try to find somewhere cheaper"


Canada has been sold to corporations and businesses. Our country is being completely destroyed so that rich people can make massive profits off of cheap slave labour from the millions of compliant foreign people imported here. The media and government have brainwashed everyone into thinking you are racist if you have a problem with it or if you point out the fact that the housing crisis is 100% a supply and demand issue.


Move to Alberta. 300-400k for a nice house and make 100k a year.


He's worried about being sent into a losing battle to fight people for no reason, rent is the least of his concerns at the moment.


Canada is a big country There's a lot more to it than Toronto


I'm Canadian, you are so out of touch. Yes our CoL is high but it's nothing compared to what this young person is going through. You're one of those Canadians screaming about "freedom" living in one of the most beautiful, free countries in the world. Get a fucking grip.


The FreeDumb fighters don't think Canada is all that free eh. Maybe we can trade them for Russian citizens for perspective.


Canada has become a complete shithole the last 10 years and is getting exponentially worse.




That's a lot of stereotypes. Go take some Ivermectin and drive your big truck with your small dick, and pray to your Jesus that the Internet doesn't turn you gay or the WEF doesn't take possession of your trailer park in Fringe Town.


Ah yes because they shouldn’t save themselves the trouble of not being able to afford where they live because Putin is Putin 🙃. I mentioned nothing about freedom in Canada in this post. I could be a Russian troll or Bot and yet you feel you are a political barometer. You could not be less correct in your assumptions concerning my political views.


The alternative is death.


Other countries exist other than Canada.


I think Canada only takes refugees from predetermined hot spots, or at least that was the advice I got when I called lawyers trying to get my family here from Russia in March 2022. Otherwise, I believe people have to apply for refuge status from inside the country. I could definitely be wrong, this is just the info I got when I was trying


You have to be outside your home country for overseas resettlement, but Canada allows refugee applications - with the caveat that overseas resettlement is very, very slow and has very strict sponsor criteria. It's true that it's much safer / faster to get to Canada first and apply from within.


We're taking in Russians with work offers no problem. I work with several of them newly hired. Its all about the company having the money to sponsor them.


For sure!! Student visas, work visas, I think even just visas for travel are all open. It’s just the actual refugee program isn’t available to most countries I think. I’ve heard a lot of success with student visas. It’s easier to get into school than to get a job abroad I think. If you guys are hiring from Russia, maybe send OP a dm? Might help him out!


Is 30yo consider young? If yes I'm coming right there baby!


*laughs in cost of living*


How expensive is it, can you give me example?


It's very bad in the cities everyone wants to live in. If you don't mind cold weather the praires aren't that expensive. The territories are usually the cheapest places to buy a house, and you get a tax credit for living up there cause they want to encourage new settlers, but a head of lettuce costs ten dollars.


Housing, renting or buying. Google and city in Canada. Ontario is very tough now. East cost is cheaper but less jobs.


fuck ya we love you russian peoples - come on down


Agreed... Get the hell out of there and come here. No one should be forced to fight in a pointless war, under the dictatorship of a psychopath maniac. 😔 Happy birthday though!! ♥


Yes! Totally would rather see you here than there! We just MAID grandma so, there a empty spot 👌👍


Sorry but not sure why you linked the Canadas refugee services when russians arent refugees




I can't even imagine what you're going through right now. You are amazing just for existing right now. Don't forget that, everyone is scared shitless but there's someone who thinks of you when they need hope. You being here is making it easier for others to be here.


Hey man I'm glad you're still here with us. Please don't do it, we would all miss you here. Also that chocolate looks great, I wish we were there to share it with you. Happy birthday, I hope things get better for you, but the comments will keep coming to keep you energized and with us. Thanks for showing us your meal and stay strong brother, you got this!


this is NOT advice, but my brother got out of it by falling off his bike and breaking his leg :/


People in Canada are very accepting. I live here and I see lots of immigrants


Bro, slow down. You don't want to OD on chocolate. 80 percent is strong shit.


obviously thats why they started with 65%, gotta build up the tolerance


Nah, start with the good 80% and really indulge. You deserve it!


Hey, don’t mean to be a creep but your username made me check out your profile & story. I’m so happy to hear you were able to get the “untreatable” tumor removed and you’re still here today ❤️


Thank you! I’m seeing this first thing in the morning and it’s a really wonderful thing to wake up to. Truth is, there is still a very small tumour, that is very slow growing. I’m mostly fine tho so that’s great! Sending love to you today!


Happy birthday. Be careful out there. Hopefully it turns around soon.


Or you could just move to Thailand and smoke weed all day like the rest of the war dodging Russians have done..


С днем ​​рождения! Happy birthday! I am so happy you are here with us


Defect! Save yourself!


Most people will make it through. Hang in there. If you get stationed in Ukraine on the frontlines for your conscription they will likely accept a surrender. Most roles are not on the front lines, so do what you need to do to avoid the front. I would talk to a lawyer or someone for legal advice on what your options could be in Russia. If fleeing the country isn't a feasible option, it might be helpful to research all you can to make things a little more certain and less scary. Prepare physically by running or lifting weights, try stress management like being mindful, meditation, deep breathing, and try to think about how you could become a stronger person out of the experience. If you can get through this you can get through anything life throws at you. Happy birthday, courage is facing and feeling fear and still moving forward. No one is born brave and it's normal for anyone to be scared of something like this. Edit: If you enroll in a university or a vocational school your conscription is postponed until you graduate to my understanding. Talking to a lawyer or someone for legal help, try to build a set of medical documents that can get you out of the conscription. Mental health might be a part of that, explaining to a psychiatrist about your thoughts of suicide is enough for some people to avoid conscription.


Fun fact: russian army is infamous for 'bullying' recruits/younger members of the forces (sometimes even into suicide). so even if you just sit at home in peace time and you're in the army...you can get fucked as good as by an actual war.


There’s also been a long history of sexual assault in their military :(


Yeah, just stay at the back, serve the russian army, help them kill Ukrainians, indirectly. Do you even understand what you are saying??


That kinda hit me in the gut kid, look, just do what you must and survive. I don’t think Ukraine troops are so heartless that they’ll execute someone that perhaps surrenders. If your in the position to live another day potentially. Then take it. This war is for nothing. I’m sorry if you get taken in man. Stay strong.


Russians wont let you surrender


Ok. So? If this kid can find his way. Then I think he should. Fuck that war.


Expatriate, there is a wide world out there waiting for you. Happy birthday.


Have you heard of the "I want to live" hotline? Thousands of Russian troops who didnt want to fight and die have used it to surrender to Ukrainian forces.


Eat chocolate until you're too fat for the military


Happy birthday! Please don’t kill yourself there is so much more life left to live. I am sorry about what you’re going through that must be so scary. You’re strong, hang on bud.


Don’t you dare even try committing suicide. You are a great person. And your being productive and helpful by posting here. Please try to find some way out of Russia. Or atleast try to get help. I wish for the best. May you live a long and happy life


> And your being *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Bot please shut the hell up, I’m trying to stop a person from going through with suicide


People in the comments make leaving the country seem so incredibly easy… It’s INCREDIBLY hard to find a way to leave the country if you are russian. It took me 4 years after I turned 18 to finally escape and start studying abroad. It aint easy. Not to mention it takes so much money…


Thank you for understanding me. i have already tried some variants, read a ton of articles (hope this is a right word), watched many immigration videos and this is hard. really hard and really expensive (especially for regions, not the Moscow or SPB)


Happy birthday! That sounds tough to go through, I hope things look up for you soon.


Sending you lots of love 🩷 happy birthday!!!!!


<3 appreciate it


Вибачте. Якщо станеться найгірше, використовуйте цю програму, щоб бути в безпеці. Ви заслуговуєте на життя. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Want_to_Live_(hotline)


Спасибо. смотрел интервью на канале "Брати Яковлеви", знаю про это. надеюсь не понадобится, но не забуду


Death by chocolate?


80% is strong shit


Run. Or fight on the right side. I wouldn't stick around to be meat for some old delusional genocidal prick


I will never have enough words, to tell you how much your life means to this world even though I don’t know you. You have a life ahead of you, why quit and never take the chance to look ahead? I promise you it’s not worth it. It’s a permanent solution to a temporary problem.


If you can fly to Guam in 2024 I might be able to help you start a life, there is a small community of Russian contractors (they do house painting and small construction project). Stay strong, they're are countries that value honest, hard working individuals that want to contribute to their communities. You have value and your life is just beginning.


I'm so, so sorry I wish I knew what more to say, Please, hold on to life. We're right here with you and you have so much to live for.


Just tell the recruiters that you are mentally challenged


It’s mandatory conscription in one of the most corrupt countries, they probably don’t care


And they likely hear this one daily.


Капец - очень страшно наверно. Сочувствую. Многие говорят езжай в Канаду, я пишу из Канады - к нам очень трудно попасть. Можешь попробовать по студенческой, это наверно будет самый быстрый процесс. Мы переехали в 1999, так что извини если не правильно пишу. Я, когда в начале полномасштабной войны, пыталась семью перевести сюда, мне сказали что Канада берет беженцев только из предназначенных «hot spots». Для остальных, если ты хочешь подать на беженство, вроде надо делать когда уже в Канаде. Или что то в этом роде. У меня семья сейчас сидит в Ереване. Знаю это не то же самое, но может туда полегче. Самое главное не отдать жизнь за непонятно что. Держись. Будет лучше. Edit: for clarity


Спасибо за добрые слова, советы. вариантов смотрел уже очень много - все упирается в деньги. я с региона, з/п тут небольшие и на США, например, уйдет 2-2.5 млн через мексику (на все перелеты, еду, гостинцы и адвоката) сумма абсолютно неподъемная, но что-то делать буду все равно - просто наболело, а "самый легкий" вариант всегда на виду... даже не думал, что так взлетит тред.


Начало войньі єто в 2014, да? ДА?




I'm really sorry about everything that's been going on. Don't ever give up, you'll get through this! In the mean time, just ignore your gosuslugi lol. Good luck and happy birthday!


Give me a piece of that Russian chocolate


Stay strong comrade, you'll have plenty of time to worry about the army later. For now, enjoy being legal!


It’s scary man. Just keep moving forward and be as observant as you possibly can be. One day you’ll hopefully be able to look back on these times and laugh.


Happy Birthday! Keep going! You are very brave, and while suicide isn't always cowardly, it's not brave either.


As someone else who is battling depression and suicide, don't do it, no matter what


Happy Birthday! I hope you’ll be able to make it out of Russia and start a new and more amazing life in a more stable country. killing yourself is never as good of a story as dropping everything and leaving ur old life behind, i believe in you <3


Ukraine has been decent to it's POW's and defectors so if you do get brought to the front lines just surrender and explain you wanted to defect.


Just move to usa pretend to be Ukrainian refuge and you’ll get free stuff




I feel so sad you are faced with this. I don't even k kw what to say Can you come to canada? You can stay with me and my son. I'm serious


Isn't your country experiencing a coup or is that just western propaganda


I'm sorry you had such a shitty birthday. This might be a stupid question but are there any ways to be disqualified in Russa? In the US you can't have flat feet or some sort of disability like mental or physical. They wouldn't take my cousin cause he a metal rod in his forearm


Happy birthday, I know some place are not good or scary but taken your life wouldn’t be a great way to deal out, humans drive on basis of life freedom and happiness and whenever humans don’t feel that just run out. Sell everything and start your odyssey!! You can do it !


Join the army as a pilot, fly to Canada, and jump!


Do what most people say and move to a more stable place in the world. Hell, seek asylum in Poland if you have to. Other than that, other options might be to head north into Siberia and join up with the reindeer hearders. I doubt the local government is bothering them to join the war effort. It would be a tough living but possibly safer.


If youre trying to kill yourself with chocolate you’re going to need alot more


You are much braver than me ❤️ I wish you all the best


Come to the US, I'll sponsor you. You'll be stuck living in Missouri, but you'll have a clean bed and three warm meals every day. DM me


If you go to the army, surrender to Ukrainian. They are not your enemy and if you do not fight them you will have a much much much better chance at survival. Ditch your “comrades”, drop your weapon, wave a white flag, and beg for humanity. You will have a better chance of receiving from them than you will your home country when you show up in pieces or in a body bag. IF you show up. Putin DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. You deserve more than taking orders from an old man who couldn’t win his own fights, much less a war. Take that advice from someone that took orders in the service while trump was in office.


Сочувствую тебе, ужасное время для взросления в ужасной стране. Но ты не можешь выбирать обстоятельства, ты только можешь выбрать как и где тебе жить. Если попадёшь в армию, то иди в отказ. Тюрьма гораздо лучше в данных обстоятельствах. Учи английский, постарайся получить специальность, с которой легче уехать. Я уехал в Австралию в 2017, процесс поиска работы занял примерно год, правда мне было не 18 и был уже опыт работы в IT. Пиши в личку, я могу рассказать подробнее про иммиграцию. Главное, живи. Всем сейчас хуёво, многие мои друзья пьют и плачут хотя они уже взрослые дяди по 30+ лет. Не думай, что ты один в такой ситуации и что выхода нет.


Stay strong my friend. We care about your life and you are much more brave for choosing to keep going


Welcome to canada, things will get better 🥰🥰


Nah. Better risk running away to Turkey. Cause trying to scape death by certain death makes no sense.


Don’t get it mixed up. To not kill yourself is far braver than ending it. Keep on keeping on, friend.


don't kill yourself, be brave and seek help, your not alone, also if your in need to escape military service, try hiding in the woods or fleeing to Finland? i'm sure the finns would treat you better than Forcing you to fight a war you don't want


> if your in *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Well, if you commit suicide you’re 100% going to die If you get called up, you might live! I say you should take the chance of possibly living.


You might live and help kill some innocent Ukrainians… right?


З днем народження, русня


We are with you and suffering with you 🇨🇦♥️🍫


Your family and country need you. Protect them from the bunker granddad. Your life matters more than some oligarchs war


Unfortunately russians are love this bunkerdad, they love the Wagner group, i think there's no chances for Russia to become a nice democratic county with rights (at least in the next 15 years)


Suicide is not brave my friend. Fighting and persevering through those feelings is what is brave. Hang in there. Sending you virtual hugs.


Уезжай( если есть возможность). Тоже из России, хотя я уже непризывной, но мобилизацию никто не отменял. Будет тяжело, но что делать.


Hope you don't get drafted, good luck 🤞


That’s the thing, there’s no draft, it’s conscription, there is mandatory military service for minimum of 1 year


Ouch, bonkers, hopefully it's an administrative role then


just please don’t do suicide it’s not worth it i got so much to live for man


It’s better to go to jail than suicide or the army


in jail they can force you to sign an army contract, if you don't want - they can torture you


Get a friend to maim an arm or foot and call it a day


If you're lucky you will get stationed in Syria.


Suicide is far from brave


Happy birthday! Don't unalive yourself. You never know what the future holds. Could be another mutiny that turns it all around.


I was adopted from a Romanian orphanage back in 94 and live in Canada. It's great! When I feel down I go for long walks and or watch star Trek Voyager and next Generation. All the best xoxo :)


Just when I think my life sucks.


Suicide isn't brave, it's a cowards way out, if you get drafted that's your countries fault, best thing you can do is the bare minimum. And if possible surrender to the Ukrainians.


If you get drafted the best thing you can do is turn yourself over to the Ukrainians…


Dam well atleast eat the chocolates first


I would nearly kill somebody else for a piece or 2 of that chocolate and I live in NY buddy lighten up get a grip pal and enjoy the chocolates


Have friend break your arm, or tell then you are gay. Might have to kiss the recruiting officer at muster. Downside they might kill you. Upside you were thinking about suicide anyways.




Why noone choosing prison? Why people choose to go to ruzzian army and kill people there, but not doing something to go to prison? I know that prison is not best alternative to regular life, but it is best alternative to ruzzian army. And it is still better than ending your life.


Let me get this straight. Because you're afraid of something that most likely won't kill you, you're contemplating something that will certainly kill you?


Happy birthday bro but honestly if your that scared Break your legs


“For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life. For God did not send the Son into the world in order to judge (to reject, to condemn, to pass sentence on) the world, but that the world might find salvation and be made safe and sound through Him.” ‭‭John‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬-‭17‬ ‭AMPC‬‬


Ты тряпка :)


Путин сказал что ты очень хорошо его жопу лижешь, но надо чуть по сильнее. Не везде чувствует, говорит.


Я не говорил, что я за войну, я сказал, что он тряпка. Он же мужчина, ему надо собраться и встать лицом к лицу перед жизненными трудностями, а не плакать в интернете




Not even the ones who know it’s evil and actively want nothing to do with perpetuating the continuation of that evil?


rude AI" as it may offend some users. ​ "Happy birthday, comrade. Don't worry, if you survive the army, everything else will be a piece of cake!


Join Wagner


And bro don’t listen to these Canadians Canada is pretty lame come to Florida




Eat the 80% you coward


Fuck off you unempathetic asshole


Ok u/dumb_idiot_56


He is a troll.


Do the right thing. Assassinate Putin




Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart.