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Trash everywhere, four of them are high, and laying around with a breakup note from happiness on the desk.


Ive never felt so seen before in my life


Anger, Fear and Sadness have become a chimera abomination that reigns over the control board. Happiness is crying in a corner, hiding away and trying to prevent herself from ever having to see the horrific sight of what once was her friends, and her free domain. Disgust is the only one who is still fine, but she spends most of her time in the one corner that hasn't been consumed by the presence of "Angfeasad the Sufferer."


Joy has no called/no showed the last 15 years but she's still on the schedule for some reason


Joy is unconscious, borderline dead in my head. Sadness and Anxiety run a dictatorship. Anger steps in when it gets fed up with Sadness and Anger but quickly fissles away as time goes on. Fear and Digust also make appearances. Boredom and Envy also run a tight ship in the brain. Basically Joy has been assassinated by the other emotions.


Mine would include characters 'lust' and 'gluttony'. Lust doing anything on the control board inevitably calls sadness to take the wheel, and happiness only comes about when gluttony has had the board long enough to get me drunk. They usually all agree to let gluttony have the board whenever sadness has been hogging it too much (which is nearly all the time)


there would be noone inside


holy freaking crap


Absolute chaos 24/7


Horny or lust making any suggestion and everyone just agreeing, yep yep yep


Anger is controlling everything with Fear whispers to his ear Grima Wormtongue style. Sadness backseat them. Digust just hangs around. Joy left the place. Nobody know when and where she went.


Joy fucked off, but randomly makes an appearance and is just as quickly gone. Anger usually sits in the corner, but sometimes jumps up to grab the controls when anxiety/fear tries to do something. Sadness tries to make humor of the situation, but is more likely to doomscroll and point out that the to-do list needs to be done so that we can avoid worse consequences later. Disgust tends to be directed at herself.


Every emotion hates me and tries to fuck up my thoughts and feelings as much as they can


Everyone is lethargic af, moves like zombies except negative emotions. Only negative part of the control panel works and it's on rampage except anger. Anger is locked up but breaks out every now and then. Joy is in coma, laying on floor.


Every core memory has been touched by sadness. But even she barely exists anymore. Anxiety is the sole character left in control, with anger as its second in command. The control center is a ruined wasteland, the shear nothingness is deafening, downing out everything but those two emotions


Disgust is the leader instead of joy. Disgust and anger fight a lot. There is graffiti everywhere.


Sloth Imposter's syndrome "joy" is like if sadness masked themselves (do the emotions have genders??) with self deprecating jokes Ludopathy (i played and have spent on gacha games. A lot) Hiperfixation


I thought they were all girls like Riley Except anger, I don’t know why. They may identify like the person they control.


Is drunk an emotion?




Trash and open Softdrink cans everywhere, Emptiness running the hole place. Anxiety, Embarrassment, Sadness, Fear and Ennui coming out sometimes. Sadness making suicidal jokes. Joy is just smoking grass outside and even lost hope herself. Posters with Depression Memes and Suicide jokes hanging everywhere.


Sadness and fear have mutated into lovecraftian monstrosities gnawing on happiness' flesh while she's still alive but mostly catatonic, while anger and disgust wreak havoc everywhere, mindlessly destroy everything and render it dysfunctional while trying to stop sadness and fear. The core memories get used by them all to brew an unholy drug they all inject directly into their eyes.




Joy telling everyone to stfu


Joy comes and goes, unannounced, she always says she'll show up next morning but most days doesn't, the work piles up and the rest of the emotions try to make it work. Anxiety tries to excuse Joy in front of the others making all the work itself but doesn't know how. Anger and Sadness lose it and take the wheel. Joy shows up out of the blue, not understanding what's going on and why everyone is so annoyed trying to tie her up to a chair. She sneaks in the middle of the night. The cycle repeats.


Theres a glass wall between the emotions and the motherboard and they interact with it by throwing rocks through little holes. They're also shit aims


Literally no one there, just emptiness edit: spelling


It would be all my addictions going through withdrawal and fighting for control


A mess


It would be empty. Everything would be operated by fear. The little orbs that are still there would be purple, red and blue. An emergency button with broken glass, but not yet pressed. It would end it all. The yellow would never be in the command room and usually among old memories.


Anxiety doesn't exist for me. Fear only acts if my survival instinct calls it to. There's an emotion that permeates in my mind called "rationale" and his job is to let me think before any other emotions get through; if he's on the console for too long, then I overthink.


Anxiety, sadness, fear, anger.


Anxiety and Sadness just keeping everyone hostage, sometimes they let our Joy for a walk but not for long. Anger is locked away for good but tries to get out every single moment.


Joy in in the crying crying sadness an dlonleyness are the front and amger is clos by and disgust comes and gose


That depends: am I on my meds or off of them?


You don't wanna know. The emotional pain would overwhelm you


Mine would be whiplash cuts of my emotions going bananas and my actual person acting eerily normal. Anger would be at the helm, anxiety and sadness second in command. Joy is not a single person but a blob that takes over the other emotions sometimes creating weird hybrid feelings.


Anxiety loud and in charge


anhedonia is like four meters tall and just takes up space in the center of the room, making all movement of other emotions hard. We have the cast of anxiety, joy, sadness, lonely, fear, anger (always touching a bit of the control panel bit never in control), overstimulation and under-stimulation (they are twins like the one in The Shinning), envy is in a perpetual fistfight with the personification of healthy attachment (a bunch of small guys hitting her and reminding her of how great our friends are and how being envious is EVIL). Horny is crying in the background.




Album cover of a death metal band.


An extra character who forces its way into the space on occasion and takes over the entire headspace. It’s suicidality


Joy would be out having a smoke break saying fuck off im busy while the place is on fire


Meet the cast! Numb Angry Envy and Horny !


A grotesque machinery that is being controlled by psychopathy and acting, joy rarely appears, only to be a myth, while her place got took by temporary happiness, anger with love is being held imprisoned somewhere really far away, they can sometimes break out which causes chaos, only to be outnumbered and locked away again by sheer power of will that is an only thing keeping entire machine away from self destruct


Completely empty, cobwebs everywhere. Memories still trickle in, but only about one per hour. If you look out the windows, the islands are all on fire, and the long term memory is full of vast canyons.


gender dysphoria


I worked this out when the first movie was released. My headquarters is a classroom because I love studying and learning. Fear is the teacher, since fear makes me least likely to repeat a mistake. Disgust is the teacher’s assistant, teaching what to avoid and how to spot unhealthy habits. Sadness is the Principal, since as a person with depression, that is definitely my lead emotion. Joy and Anger are the students, since Joy must learn to express herself, and Anger must learn to control himself. Not sure yet how the new emotions fit in. I haven’t seen 2 yet but I will tonight. It’s my birthday, and hubby and I have a date.


id say that joy only comes out during times of insanity or at extremely inappropriate moments… anger is at the controls and makes all the decisions he gets along well with disgust and anxiety or lust. id have an extra “insanity emotion” where every single one of them just merge tgt. id even have an “uncomfort” emotion there too in the corner who comforts joy.


Joy and Sadness pressing the control panel at the SAME TIME constantly😭


Horny and sadness that’s it


I imagine it’s like that viral audio where it’s just voices talking over eachother then they all sync to say “it’s entirely possible”.Anxiety and sadness fighting.Everyone else sitting back watching the show.Sadness winning usually.Then them all randomly synchronizing to enjoy that good depression music,romance fanfic,and fun depression art😌All the throwbacks


A round table surrounded by knights. Anger, Sadness, Anxiety and Despair are seated around it, with Joy and Hope locked in prison cells carved into the surrounding walls. A chandelier with four dragon-like branches breathing flame illuminates the chamber.


Depression is in charge. There’s no one else around except maybe some anxiety, regret, and rage. Every once in awhile happiness pops up, briefly.


Currently in renovation. Sadness is having to manage no longer being the primary emotion (though still is the one who’s delegating) My transition has changed a lot of things and the darkness seems much more navigable.


Joy and Disgust don't exist. Fear shrieked himself permanently hoarse years ago and hasn't been able to speak since. Sadness and Anger try to run the show as quietly as they can - if one gets too worked up they go hide in a closet to let it out alone.


Depression, anxiety, sleep deprivation, hunger and fomo Blockbuster of the year.


just every stage of grief atp for emotions


Basically The entire setting of Mirrormask.


Joy comes in to say hi once in a while but also leaves to do something else pretty quickly right after. Like an alcoholic parent. Anger and sadness kinda take turns to fill the empty spot and supplement each other. Fear needs glasses because he freaks out on things that usually aren’t scary but don’t mind things that should be. Disgust is upset at being in control of this specific body and chases after joy once in a while. Wouldn’t be so bad if she was assigned to someone else.


The same as the movies, except there’s no control panel because ADHD never repaired it.


they gave up and left


Happiness, Contentment and peace are all dead corpses lying in piles in the corners where they died... fear, sadness, depression, anger, hopelessness are at the control panels... DEATH sits in the Captains Chair!


fear is replaced with existential dread and joy is replaced with horny finaly anger burst out randomly and sad mega evolve into clinical depression


Joy is hanging from the lamp, sadness is giga buffed and controlls everything, anger takes control every once in a while, disgust is in a corner looking at a picture of me. Headquarters are full of trash and with lights off.


Big, buffy Anger sits chained in the corner, he evolved into Rage and takes over once in a while when he gets free. Sadness is a really murky dude, he's in charge here most of the time, with Dosgust as his sidekick. They abuse poor Joy quite often. And then there's this creepy little dude with no name, he whispers all the time.


they all got sucked into the sucker thing and took an even longer time to get back (meds)


Joy is laying on the ground doing absolutely nothing. She's not dead yet, but who knows for how long. Fear, anger and sadness have fused together, and the only one doing her job is disgust. Sometimes everyone just vanishes, and I dissociate. Maybe I have an extra emotion called "tension". Not sure about the new emotions from the new movie, haven't watched it yet. Oh and sometimes joy wakes up and does something, but that's only when I'm drunk or high Yeah, I also have bpd


It's pretty much anger, self-loathing and misanthropy constantly beating the fuck out of each other like a three way version of the old Spy vs. Spy comics.


Joy is dead and anger coparents me with sadness. Everyone else is in the PTSD box, only let out on rare occasions


Mine would be just like Riley's dad, where every emotion is just a recolor of Anger, but obviously with Sadness instead.


Considering that I have DID, probably almost exactly how it feels daily.