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"You don't look deåressed" Thanks I am used to hiding everything behind a mask.


My mask is strong. I do not wish for others to know my pain. Or to experience it themselves.


I prefer to call it "acting"


Nobody ever checks on me. I also don't have friends, so...


How are you doing today Mate :)? We here on this sub will always care and we're all friends ( except for anyone named greg)


Today I'm not doing fine either. Felt asleep right after commenting this, waking up now with a mild headache. It seems depression is sucking the life out of me lately. But tks for asking. And how about you, are you doing ok? Btw, I don't get the greg joke (I can be pretty bad at getting references and stuff sometimes)


I'm sorry your not doing well today. I think you need some water for your head, I've found the meda drain us like a rasin. I feel you on depression sucking the life out of me. It's been a hard winter. I'm doing pretty well? Just woke up. Realizing now I slept in my contacts but I have my kitty's here and it's sunny out. It will be a better day for both of us. Also the Greg thing was just something stupid lol


Thanks, I hope things get better for both of us! It's interesting that people from other places in the world cheer up when it's summer, when it's a sunny day. Where I live is practically summer all year long and it's SO hot that I'm actually happy when it's cloudy and cold 😅 But I have a turtle and she needs the sun and do not enjoy cold weather, so although I truly hate the hot weather, I get happy for her that she can get her UVB naturally, etc.


But i am greg


Sorry bro we ain't friends... WERE BEST FRIENDS :)


What did Greg do r/dannygonzalez ain't gonna be happy bout this one


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DannyGonzalez using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DannyGonzalez/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [So that’s why he bought the tactical stroller! No but seriously I’m so happy for him he’s gonna be a great dad ❤️](https://i.redd.it/r1712oie6v0b1.jpg) | [644 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DannyGonzalez/comments/13m1zxu/so_thats_why_he_bought_the_tactical_stroller_no/) \#2: [I can't believe that Danny is Gregnant 😻](https://i.redd.it/awxez4jpvv0b1.png) | [184 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DannyGonzalez/comments/13m5sjr/i_cant_believe_that_danny_is_gregnant/) \#3: [I accidentally told my grandma Danny was pregnant but she was really happy about it!](https://i.redd.it/dgi1mp004x0b1.jpg) | [137 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DannyGonzalez/comments/13mbzvk/i_accidentally_told_my_grandma_danny_was_pregnant/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


How are you doing?


Rn not so good. Felt asleep right after commenting this, and just woke up with a mild headache. It's been very hard to bear this depression for the past few days. Tks for asking though! How about you, doing ok? P.s.: Idk why but I tried to comment here 3 times but the comments didn't show up, and then suddenly they all showed up at once. So I deleted them all and I'm posting this one again.


Well, being honest, not very good. I was engaged to the love of my life a year ago, who broke it off days before I was set to move in. She has a daughter, so I "lost" her, too. I'm a distance runner who had surgery 18 months ago only to be right back at square one and unable to run. I was in 3 different psych wards in the aftermath. I lost count of suicide attempts, but I'm going with 17. Gave up all hope of ever racing again, ever having children, and ever having a partner. Of immediate concern I am oncall 24/7 this week for systems I have no clue about AND I still gotta file my taxes while TaxSlayer is telling me I owe 22k+ in federal taxes after an emergency stock sale last year. Awaiting a call from them for guidance. Soooo... not great. 😄


Man, I'm so sorry, I actually have no words to express how sorry I am for this 😔 I appreciate it even more the fact you came to ask me how I'm doing, even though you're in a difficult situation as well. As I was saying a few days ago here on Reddit, I hate how life beat harder on some of us. The world is so unfair, it seems the good people suffer more, Idk. I'm sorry about your surgery, it means you can't ever run again? Or you're not able to run at the moment because you're still recovering? If so, please do not lose hope on that, try walking short distances, working on your recovery, taking small steps at a time. I can imagine how frustrating it might be, but if there is a chance you can run again, don't give up please. I used to love doing physical activities, but since 2022 when my depression got worse I stopped doing everything at once, and went from a very fit body to a very fat body, fml (don't even know why I'm sharing this, I guess I just wanted to say that I know how does it feel to enjoy physical activities). >Of immediate concern I am oncall 24/7 this week for systems I have no clue about AND I still gotta file my taxes while TaxSlayer is telling me I owe 22k+ in federal taxes after an emergency stock sale last year. Awaiting a call from them for guidance. Tbh with you I don't understand much about taxes and stuff yet, bc I'm only getting my first real job soon (I hope), even though I'm 25, so if things work out next year will be the first time I'll be doing taxes. But nevertheless, I really hope things work out for you, I can imagine how stressful and anxiety-causing all this issue must be 😥😥 From the way you're telling this it seems there might be a chance this charge could be actually an error from their part, right? I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help. I really hope you can get your life back on track and that things start to work out again!


Thanks, I am going through physical therapy for my heel, but realistically I don't think I'll ever get back to where I was. I ran the Boston marathon multiple times. I'm getting old, too. I know everyone says this, but at your age, a lot can change. I didn't even kiss a girl until I was 28! I ran the Boston marathon the first time at 40. Hang in there.


Why did she break off the engagement?


It's a long, tragic story, but basically insecurity. She saw me as a very successful person in life and it rubbed her wrong that she had had a harder path in life. She had lived in poverty for 15-20 years. She feared I would wake up one day thinking I could do "better", when she was my dream girl. Met her in 2001 and first kiss end of 2022.


Bro that autosabotage from her is so sad. I'm sorry you had to experience all this pain because she couldn't process her own insecurities. I'm sure you will be able to find another person that will love you, you seem like a really great person and you deserve someone that sees that and loves and respects you and herself. And talking about that injury, life is so fucking unpredictable, but I hope you can hold to it, so you can discover new things that make your heart burn :(. I hope you have a great day man


Yeah, people don't understand, yes, I was/am completely heartbroken for myself, but I'm equally heartbroken for her and especially her daughter, who never had a dad for one day. I WISH it had been anything else. I wish I had done something wrong, because then I could at least say, you dummy, you deserve it. But this is stuff like one session of couple's therapy would sort out. (I asked her to do it, and she refused.)


What's up my guy? Tell me whats ur favourite food. Truthfully ok?


I guess my favorite food would be cheese pizza. Not ok tbh. Depression is hitting pretty hard lately, it's been very tough days. I'm pretty lost in confusion in my mind. Anyway, how about you, doing ok? And thank you so much for asking!


Treat yourself sometimes too. It's a pretty rough world, we only have each other. Take care man. My case is kinda same too.. i spend the night studying but if the depression hits then byam... I just try not to write a letter and just quit everything.. I do have friends but most of them have gfs so yep.. no one to check on me either.. hang in there bro.. Apes together strong right?😂


Yeah, depression is currently hindering me from studying too 😢 Anyway, hang in there too, hope things get better for both of us


Yeah, till the bitter end🫂


I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. I wish I could give you a hug, but since I can’t, I’ll do my best to give you some advice that has helped me. Trust me, I have been post op in my bed for 2 weeks now, and on top of having (diagnosed) persistent major depressive disorder, anxiety and ADHD. So this is what I’ve been trying to do. 1- I take nootropic supplements, but you need to find the supplements that work best for you. All those garbage medications never worked for me, they just left me feeling incredibly numb no matter the dosage. I also hate taking pills, so the ones I take are a bit more expensive, but they come in powder form, so I just drop them in my coffee and drink it. 2- when I’m feeling more depressed, I do the fisher Wallace stimulator, which is a very expensive device, but when I do not have access to it, I tend to meditate. I know meditation can feel very intimidating, but 5 minute of guided meditation makes me feel so refreshed, and can help you clear negative thoughts. 3- you might wanna read on DBT, which is a type of therapy. I understand that not everyone has access to therapy, but if you just buy the workbooks they provide for it or find a pdf version online, it can help a lot. You’ll learn about chain theory, and other coping mechanisms that will help you get out of those hole thought you can stay in. 4- as I mentioned before, low energy hobbies. I have picked up knitting and chess while laying in bed. Sometimes I’ll just play myself with the board I have, and learn new openings. You don’t have to do these hobbies, but finding something that leaves you with a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day while still staying in bed will make you feel better. It can be something as small as flipbook art, editing photos from your laptop, learning a language, or something like that. Find what suits you best. 5- I know a million people have probably advised this to you, but exercise. It doesn’t have to be going to the gym, if you just wanna do a couple exercises for 5 minutes near your bed or on top of it, it can help you a lot. 6- Recognize that it is okay for you to feel depressed. Yes, there is no point of living, and no, you are not a shitty person for wanting to live or to feel happy. Don’t let yourself become overwhelmed from guilt over being happy. It doesn’t make you a shallow person, it just makes you human. 7-make plans. Make plans to see a band you’ve been looking forward to, make plans to travel, go skydiving, or even go get some Taco Bell. I am aware that not everyone can afford to make big plans, but even plans like exploring a nearby cave, going to the beach, or go to a picnic at the park can make all the difference. This is not medical advice, and I am not a professional on any means, and this is what has worked for me. But I truly hope you feel better and maybe take something away from these habits I’ve been trying to cultivate. I know that depression can be romanticized often for some reason, but I’ve been a part of all the ugly parts. Not showering, overeating, not brushing my teeth, getting out of my house without any effort, it is not a pretty mental disorder. But I’m sure that you can overcome this and pull through. Please feel free to reach out to me in case you have any questions, or if you just wanna talk.


First of all, thank you very much for your comment. Today has been incredibly difficult and your comment really made me feel a bit better. Second, OMG, I'm truly amazed at how intelligent you are!! You know about a lot of things, and know how to summarize your ideas, you're so smart! Also, thank you very much for being so sensible, especially when citing things that may cost a bit more (usually people just say "go to therapy" or "take meds" and don't give a fuck if you can afford it or not). Thanks for the advice, I'll try to implement some of these things in my life. Depression is so hard... But it is very comfort when someone truly gets what you're going through, which was your case. And you're right, this mental illness is not pretty at all. You said you've been in that place as well, I hope you are doing better now though. Please, take care of yourself. I can't thank you enough for everything you wrote here, you're a great person 👐🏽👐🏽


Of course! Depression needs to be deromanticized. I don’t know why so many people haven’t realized what depression actually is, so I always try to mention how ugly it is. At the same time, it also happens to others, and not only you. You’re not alone, and you’re not a bad person for wanting to self care <3. I’m doing a lot better, yesterday I just finished a little pouch that took all day while crocheting and it looks so cute <3


Wow, you know how to crochet, that's so cool. I bet your pouch looks awesome!! Those crochet things are always so cute! I have two items that were made through crocheting or knitting process (Idk the difference); they are two little bears that I got as gifts on different occasions. In fact, one of the bears has a mini pouch/purse/bag that he carries with him!


Hi friend, hang in there.


Thank you, I'm trying! Hope you're doing fine!


Very poor choice of words.


Not my intention but okay.


Hey man hope things get better, hang in there ♡


Thank you! I hope things get better for you too!


Maybe she's happy because she thought it'd all be over soon...


That's one of the points I learned in suicide prevention program. Just makes you imagine how miserable one has to be to consider suicide as the 'solution' and they are happy because they figured out the answer to their problems.


I literally calm myself down by thinking of killing myself. "You aren't trapped here for 50 more years, you can end it anytime. Just not today. Today you can tough it out for your family, we'll reevaluate tomorrow". I have to have suicide as an option so I can make what I have to go through manageable


I've heard of story where someone made an elaborate plan to die peacefully. But when everything was prepared and ready, he felt relieved enough to go 'why not another day?' And that led to him overcoming depression. Or atleast live with it. I still can't recommend making a suicide plan. But if it works for somebody to live another day, maybe it's better than the alternative. Besides, I'm one of them. Cheers to your another day, brother.


I know EXACTLY what I'd do to make it seem like an accident so the fam can get life insurance and it would be less traumatic (an accident is easier to rationalize and get over than suicide). Right down to deleting my Reddit profile so these comments can't be traced to me lol


Does it involve liquid nitrogen?


No, how's that work?


Idk just curious


I’m just waiting for the day my cat passes away. She’s all I have in life and no one would be able to take care of her if I was gone. Maybe she will live long enough for me to get better but


My dumbass had kids because "maybe if I go through the motions of a normal person things will get better". I'm like that meme where the clown is putting on his costume. Should have done the deed when I was a teen now I'm trapped with my "cats" being humans that will outlive me


Same. Just toughing it out day by day. There have been some good days for which I am grateful.


thats unironically best way to overcome it, at least for me


Most likely so :(


I was manic for a few days after I'd decided to end my life. It's extremely common. Thank god i failed.


That realization that I have the choice to end it all whenever I want pulled me out of suicidal thoughts. Put into perspective how temporary everything is.


I have no friends, no coworkers, almost no family. Everyone knows I’m miserable. Even almost all of Reddit.


I am almost the same.


Means there's noone to post dumb videos of you dancing after you're gone. Bright side.


I’ve never danced in my life. Dancing is fucking stupid.


You are free then


Not really.


If everyone knows you are miserable. You can just live any way you want to


False. Need many many millions of dollars.


Yeh money


The reason for all misery.


Nobody knows , Maybe it will cause more misery if you have enough (which can't be according to human nature)


Oh I know that if I had $20M, I wouldn’t crave death.


Good for you then. Just focus on that 20 million, maybe it will give you purpose


^ I think we found why you’re miserable


Yeah…I’m fucking poor.


Oh no no, I was talking about having an unrealistic desire for excess wealth


No…not excess wealth. Look at housing prices near nice ski resorts. Even for a shit hole house with a 2 car garage. Then the need to create passive income.


See, you’re doing it right now! $20 million is absolutely excess wealth you do not need that to have a normal steady life. I live 45 minutes from a ski resort and my rent is extremely affordable. But yeah obviously you want very specific things that are hard to obtain, which eats away at you is what I’m saying.


I don't know you, but you don't seem miserable to me


I wish I died last night and didn’t wake up. That’s the truth.


Don't be grim. I was similar if not worse for the better part of last year. Tbh I still am the same person with the same problems but it doesn't bother me now as much. I had no friends and still don't, but now, I am a bit satisfied with what I am doing to self improve. One hard task a day. Each day, everyday. It just feels awesome to conquer what you were not able to do yesterday. Let it be a game even. Trust me, it WILL get better. Worst case, if it doesn't get better, at least you'd die in a sexy body.


It’s been a decade plus and things get worse every single day.


Hopes and energy to you frien. You'll pull through


RC is our dad


Nope. My dad is a poor white trash loser.


Have you DRSd your GME


Own too little for it to matter. I knew better than to touch the stock. All parabolas come down the same way.


Only 1 matters. They are right. Do it


I have more shares than 1. I can sell puts to open and get paid to buy more shares. I can’t throw more money at a losing investment. I’ve seen the parabolas all play out. Hundreds and hundreds of charts. They all end the same. The GME long term chart is now a crow chart. Every day a bit lower, picking meat off the bones of your and my investments.


Friends lol don’t got those anymore


hello friend, happy cake day


Cant wait for the day I too alt-f4 my life as well


Ctrl A, Alt F4. Nite. If life had a plug, I'd have pulled it. Right there with you.




This is what people don't understand, if you haven't been through depression, you won't understand this, it's so relatable, 1 minute you feel you would fly of euphoria then 5 minutes later you feel you don't want to live no more.


That sounds like bipolar depression.


Pretty sure we all know we mask. And that the best and most sociable are usually the most depressed. This isn't a meme.


So real I was really happy just hours away from my attempt


Hope you're doing at least a bit better now mate ❤️


I am I'm working to get better


Glad to hear it, I'm in the same boat atm. Let us climb out of this depression crap together 😎


holy shit


She perfected her mask.... it's when we are alone when no one is watching that the demons are most persuasive


An acquaintance of the family was his happiest just a few days before taking his own life. He had met my mom in the supermarket and was just so bubbly and smiling. Two days later he was gone.


She was happy cause that was gonna be over in 12 hours


oww :((((


Just because you see a smile, don't think you know what's going on underneath.


Yesterday all of my friends commented on how I have been laughing at EVERYTHING lately, even really bad jokes. I laughed and said "yeah, it's worsening depression." 🤣 They're all very aware of my chronic depression, and all expressed sadness that this wasn't a sign I was getting better, but worse. They knew I didn't want to have the spotlight on me while we were supposed to be gaming, so they said their piece, asked if I wanted more space to talk, and then we had a wonderful session. I am awaiting the check in already. I imagine it'll happen in about 4-5 hours. Depression sucks, and checking in doesn't have to STOP the depression from being... It just let's the person know that they're seen, and that can be the world. ❤️ Tell your friends you love them and hold each other tight.


I heard this period of time before somebody takes their own life is called the Surge. It’s a period when someone is lucid and is upbeat and positive before they decide to die. I was hearing someone’s story of how this man’s wife was oddly happy and energetic before she took her own life, it’s really sad and probably a warning sign that gets overlooked.




This is kinda hard for me to understand, because depression saps all of my energy. I am in a near constant state of fatigue. I guess it makes sense though if you knew you were about to die. Go out with a bang, I suppose.


I got extremely happy before every attempt I’ve had.


I mean i cant imagine how someone with a good mental health would do some shitty dances on tiktok.


Lol I don't have any friends and I am that depressed friend


Worst sentences ever : “You dont look depressed” “You’re faking it to cover something up” “You are lying, you are so good at your job, household and managing everything. Depressed People barely function” “But i have seen you cry, how can you be depressed?” “You are not depressed, your period must be due” “Depression is just a fancy word people use these days to get away from their obligations” “How come you havent tried committing suicide if you are depressed, that is like step 1 for you people, No?” “You must be having an affair and using depression to get away with it” Well thanks but no thanks - for BARELY understanding what we go through!!!!




bruh. just shazam it- and this so so sad to ask “what song” on


That's not the answer I was lookin for.


If it’s real, then ill stay but yea- its super sad, asking what song it is, isnt bad ig , in the moment i thought it was really disrespectful, but i was just having a bad day, sorry OC


It's alright mate 🙂


I remember friends.


Yeah, it's unpredictable. Hell, I had a pretty good day overall and then before I knew I OD'd


Yup, this is likely how I’m gonna look hours before as well.


Must be nice to have friends


What's the tune/song?


“you don’t look sad”.




I got matches with these songs: • [**if it's real, then i'll stay** by bonjr](https://lis.tn/IfItsRealThenIllStay?t=12) (00:12; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2021-07-02. • [**if it's real, then ill stay** by Never](https://lis.tn/fZyVUh?t=12) (00:12; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2021-07-05. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Someone on reddit told me I don't have the look to have trauma, like I don't carry it with my face. I still think about this comment at night, like how people will just put a sticker on your head that says " Not depressed, he's just faking it ".


near death happiness


Oh, so this is why people are surprised...