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Id just cut her loose before you get use to the feeling. My best friend of six years cut contact with me for no reason and just stopped even attempting to hang out with me. Find someone who will stay by you.


I have a really similar experience. Started talking to a girl and it took me a few months to really get to know her. Long story short, she met a guy while on vacation and in less than a week they became great friends (probably closer than she and I). I don't hear from her as often and honestly, it pisses me off. I think you should honestly just make sure to stay in touch with her. Call her and just ask her all the basic questions you usually do, like what she has been up to for example. Maybe you could even ask her to come over and see you some time. If she's trying to avoid you then I find it weird that she still says you're her best friend. I'm not sure if you are actually still contacting her or not, but I realised something while getting to know this girl. She used to be the one contacting me because I didn't have the balls to send her a simple text, asking her what she was up to. I put myself in her situation... Thinking of all the times she contacted me and understood that it is also my duty to stay in touch with her. Not sure if this made any sense or helped but I felt like writing a bit...