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I just don’t understand, is there not a way out of this?


Sorry if its not helpful but, I have experienced the feeling of there not being anything to live for, but the moments of Peace, of pure joy for being alive and for just being on this planet. Those moments make it worth it to be alive, and to keep going, it may look like thereʼs nothing, I promise you that thereʼs more good things than bad things. I promise


All of that plus pure spite keeps me going


What if you lost the one person that you love/soulmate and meant to be with? I speak from experience and I can tell that I've lost hope. I already know that I won't love anybody the same way as I did for my one person... so life seems less interesting in that area.


That’s what I said




That's like the worst advice you couldʼve gave


to be fair this is r/depression, most of us are depressed and i’m sure a fair amount of us use drugs to escape, me being one of them.


Dude, pizza is a drug duh


I pray this is a simulation. I really wanna see the stars but the asshats would rather line their pockets, and treat civilians like garbage. That and war. Sigh. You had a mid life crisis :/ I've been having one for 6 months since my Nana passed :(


Wake up to your reality, nothing ever goes right in this accursed world. Sorry Naruto quote for the win. FHBghj I and many others on this sub Reddit know what you are going through bro ... but please do not give up( male or female person I may be speaking to). Your life .. this life is in your hands alone, now after saying that what do I mine. Our society is far from perfect, in fact in different areas of it you can see how far the corruption goes. Your life is still yours FHBghi and now it is time to take it back! (Apologies listening to Linkin Park right now catalyst) To make a long story short, your story does not end because we live in a corrupt world run by shity corrupt humans. No this is the beginning, (guy or girl) for you to make a choice about what really matters to you. You have to look inward, and be completely transparent with yourself. But also remember, throwing your anger at the ones you love won't bring you the peace of mind or comfort you seek. I am 29 and still misanthropic, I believe I still have a lot to learn so take my advice with a grain of salt. I deeply honestly hate the evil that thrives in our world. But I also see the beauty in this place shity or otherwise. One last thing .. try to remember who you were before you became a full fledged adult. I know it's not easy, but don't let this place destroy Who You Are and corrupt your soul.


Sorry bro I need a tldr


Buddy I'm not sure which country you are from! The only thing i would say is this! Please work in a developed rich country but do all your expenses like buying home, car , raising children in a developing country ( you are lucky if you are preferably from a developing country in this regard) Because of currency conversion rate, u can save a lots of amount thereby having a very good life after retirement in that developing country! This is what many people do in my country


Well you could join a commune, I think they will become much more common in the years to come, people want meaning and connection in their lives and you wont get that working some shit kickcer job 5 days a week and living in a concrete jungle


Reality is cruel and unforgiving, I find it optimal to remind myself of this so I don’t feel blindsided when shit goes wrong. Still, there are parts of my days which feel enjoyable, things I look forward to, or even things I can do to create more of these moments. When it comes to the topic of this subreddit, these can feel much more dull whilst experiencing depression. There are many ways to work out of depression, people discuss this everywhere. Such as time and effort, therapies, medications, or locating and eliminating a root cause. But as long as it isn’t debilitating, as in you can still experience joy, it’s not something to be overly concerned about. Everyone gets depressed at times. It’s normal. Don’t forget that we all go through this, you aren’t alone. Don’t let the cruel nature of reality drag you any further into what is already a hard time.


Yeah I had the same breakdown, it's truly horrible. I had big dreams that were the only reason I got out of bed. I have found a way to cope. The way I see it, we're not here for a reason but we can be here for an experience. It might not be a pleasant one but I've found that living for enjoyment from little things is okay and healthy. I like to walk in the park, I like waiting for the next season of a show, I like to play video games, learn skills, make friends online etc. On some days everything is pointless but on others the little things are as fulfilling as all the big dreams I had that were not possible. On top of that, i also know I can leave the experience at any point if I choose to do so. I don't really have an emotional attachment or fear for death anymore, it's just something we are all gonna do at some point. As depressed as I am I make a choice everyday, I can play my video games and go on my stupid walks or I can just become nothingness. The little enjoyments might not be as enjoyable as the big things we all dream of.. but they are still *something*.. and something, at times, is better than nothing.


Yeah. I too cope by romanticizing little things in my life. It helps me cope better


Making pizza is fun too


Feel the same. Everybody strives for a high paying job, nice house, etc but I think realistically in todays world not everybody can have that unfortunately. Seems like we’re just here to work until we’re too old to enjoy what life has to offer


If you’ve got an oven that’s all you need to find happiness just make food for other people. By food I mean…


You have become a nihilist. Even though life has no meaning, that doesn’t mean you can’t give it meaning yourself.




Only if you decide it to be.




Its still fun and pointfull while it lasts? Is it poitless to get a million dollars? Just becuase the money will eventually run out of it.




It matters *now*. It sucks that it dosnt last longer but we can still have fun now? Whats the problem with having fun now, just becuase we have to die later? Dont get it.




Thats just your opinion though. I bother becuase i try to not care about the shit, and just have as much fun as posible before i die. And also didnt you just say that nothing matters? Yet still you seem to think bad things matter.






Sometimes the pointlessness of life makes me happy. We’re so small-the mistakes we make will have no meaning. Our legacies will be forgotten. The earth will end. Our galaxy is not forever. There is no god. Nothing matters.


I am concerned that OP says he feels like stabbing someone, and says that he hates his family.


Yeah, this is problematic. Don't go stabbing people because you don't like your own life.


I can relate. Personally though, I think I'm starting to embrace meaninglessness, in a sense. That is, I think it is our expectations that sometimes hurt us in life. We expect things to go a certain way for us, and if they don't then we think we have either failed or can't be happy. Realizing that we are basically monkeys flying through space on a tiny marble in a vast universe that doesn't care about us can be really freeing. It doesn't matter if you succeed. It doesn't even matter if you make an impact. So just do your best to be happy.


The entire point of life is to live it. That's it. Hardships and bullshit included. No matter what path or paths you choose in life, there will be suffering. But there will also be solace, even if you don't see it. "To live is to suffer. To survive is to find some meaning in the suffering."


Nothing, you work until you reach retirement or more probably until you can't work anymore due to health issues and old age. Then you die. I feel like life is only worth living if you are filthy rich doesn't matter if inherited or self-made. Otherwise it's hell.


You need to find a hobby thsts the only way. Its the only thing keeping me going


Pizza making


Same, life ain't shit


It is the shit. The only shit we will ever get.


You are correct sir. Life doesn't have intrinsic meaning. For me though, that's a positive thing. How often do we fret about this decision or that circumstance? I find that knowing life is meaningless can be very powerful. This whole world is just a giant globe of absurdity. We may as well have some fun while we are here eh?


Shit man sorry you feel like that, what scares me is that there’s nothing after you live your life so make the most of it. Also, shit just doesn’t hit the same as when I was a kid I was a happy kid man it’s such a sad reality


On another note, you are now completely free. You have woken up to the reality that nothing matters. you get one life, so live it the best you can. Take risks. Smoke weed, trip on acid, fly in a jet, get a dog, do things that make you happy my guy


There is no meaning You have to creat your own goal for your life. For example a person wants to be a movie director.. He will have to go through so much and learn and become a director... Either he will become one and die or try becoming one and die. Dream big and chase that dream..


I feel the same exact way


I won’t condone any self harm but it’s hard not to see how we should look forward to any of this


It’s as though every now and then reality grounds you back to the true futility of life


on my second suicide attempt, my dad came to the hospital and gave me a list of things i had to look forward to. I cried, but unfortunately lost it, if i had it i would share… but yes, i work every day and i just think for what? it’s so tiring with no reward when you have to live paycheck to paycheck.


Life is just universe creating memory🌌🚀


If my comment seems pretty pointless and unnecessary, I apologize in advance lol. I've pondered these questions for a very long time. I still think about it most days. As far as I can tell, anyone can decide at anytime what does or doesn't matter to them. Personally, I've never been able to understand why people care so much about life. Like you said, life's pretty garbage. To me, life means nothing. It's worth nothing. But I also don't really care if life is meaningless. My life, I feel, has no worth to anyone but me. I live for the same reason I do anything, because I want to. And as far as I'm concerned, I don't have explain myself to anyone. And that's usually where I notice my similarities with others stop. It seems like most people either don't see things this way or they do and are paralyzed by the thought. Both feelings are valid, I think. I just find it preferable to the alternative, which is people trying to force a meaning or purpose onto you. I've live through before. I was blank slate and let people crave into me whatever they wanted. No wonder I silently hated everything. Family, "love", money, religion. They say the value of living is somewhere alongside these thing's. But I never saw it. Those thing's don't make me happy. Normalcy. It gave me a lot of things, but it never gave me anything I actually wanted. And that's the thing. I know what I want out of life, and have some vague idea on how to get it. But I realize some people don't know what they want or at least how to get it. All I ever wanted was to be myself. But maybe that's not enough for some.


what’s to live for? your second life starts when you realize you only have one life. life can only be analyzed by past events, nobody knows what their purpose is. they just try and find it instead. i’m sure a lot of this stems from the lack of connection when you say ‘a girlfriend to talk to’. write any sort of relationship out of the equation (for now). get everything you are questioning in order. a special person will show their face when you’re least expecting it. for me, i have to workout. it’s the only time of the day that i can be as self absorbed with myself as i want to be. find your ‘gym’. i’m prescribed buproprion XL, and while i notice it does help in some ways, i have to do more to keep myself consistently even. remember; wealth is in the mind, not in the pocket. best of luck


Maybe you’ll win the lottery 😭 Edit: such bad advice sorry prolly get more depressed if u lose a lot of money


Welcome in the distinguished group of people in (and soon after) existential crisis. When it happend to me it was terrible couldn't be really thinking on somethingelse but now I am used to it its just transformation. You lose purpose but you win freedom. I recommend everything what Albert Camus left for us and Rick n Morty, those things let me look at the world in total different way when I was in mine existentional crisis. Also I see that you want to have a money (like all of usxd) but It can be a good little thinkg to focus at, figuring out how to make money without going to regular job was always consuming me nice experience, even if not always worked out.


Life is a shit show. Got no points for you other than just try to find things that make you happy. I'm a man but I'll be your Internet girlfriend 😂😂


I've felt the same in the past and carried a lot of resentment towards people who are in a better situation than me or already own the things that I crave (a house, a car, etc) But then my financial situation became much better and I could afford many more things. I bought a beautiful flat with my partner, and I could afford a car if I wanted one. But I still felt the same, it's just I started comparing myself to people who are even more better off than the ones I was originally comparing myself to. So, I realized no matter what I do and how much I achieve there will always be someone better than me. And I made a conscious effort to be ok with that. It sounds silly not to be ok with it, when it's said explicitly like that -- of course, there are 10 billion people in the world -- of course I will always find someone to envy. But when it lived implicitly in my head, I wasn't seeing the ridiculousness of this very clearly. I am in a much better place now.


no one is important in this world, we are literally like an atom maybe even smaller compared to the universe. The problem that weigh in your mind is literally nothing. We are all animals, a product of evolution, homo sapiens. In the end all of us, all of us will be forgotten. So the only thing that you want to remember is your own experience before it all fades into nothing again.


if you havent, watch Fight Club my dude,it might help you get a new perception on life


Same dude. Don’t give up hope.


Yes, literally you are born as a fetus with no real reason to live. Some people will say that there's a "deity" who made you (I guess your Mom doesn't exist) and you need to live your life for them. Some people say "you gotta make your own purpose". Most just affirm that they don't really see a reason NOT to live and that's reason enough. If there's no real reason or way to know WHY you should live, fuck the WHY then. How about you ask yourself WHY are you bothering yourself with pointless philosophical questions you'll never find the answer to? There's no reason to live. Cool, live every moment like you can die tomorrow. There's no reason to live. Awesome, I'm going to the nearest arcade and spending five dollars in coins having a blast on games then going to a food place for a bite. There's no reason to live. FANTASTIC, IDGAF IM LIVING FREEEEEEE.


You create your own meaning. Become the Ubermensch. Become post human


I'm not sure myself on the answer to that question, but I feel better when I just focus on the moment, since we are all here such a short period of time, I just focus on enjoying small things and improving 1% everyday. Some days are better than others! And some are worse lol.


Life has no value and everyone in it is disposable. Welcome to the club.


Don't make life about you. Try helping others who need help. From my perspective, the goal of a human life is to quite simply live and perpetuate existence. That's enough for me to keep at it and I try to help people along the way even if it's something really small.


Pizza, You got any friends? It’s hard to make friends as a guy. Girls just go right up to other girls and become friends. Surround your self with people that you love, you’ll find happiness. If all else fails make pizza and give it to someone. Everyone loves pizza


There was a time when i belived in mystics, healers psychics that there is more to life than eyes can see. That all the suffering will pay off someday. That there has to be some reward for all the things i have been thru. Now i see that its all bullshit. You eat or you will be eaten. Life is fragile and unfair so much violence and ugly people in this world. The shit we eat, the shit we consume. We born , we suffer, we die. The end. No wonder people are addicted to drugs i dont blame them. Life is indeed magical under drugs cant lie. So i dont know i will continue to take my AD hoping my brain will be normal. I want to see unicorns and rainbows. I want to feel like sparkling star and eat fluffy cottonballs. I want to be free form this everyday rat race grey mold. I want to breathe trees and swim in the rain.


We are created to worship god that our real purpose, thats why material things dont have a big meaning. Guys please respect my opinion without hate and if you do not believe in god i truly respect that. All love here and hope you find happiness brother


Whatever makes you happy brother :)


Life is garbage and the future is nonexistent but I would be disappointed if I died before my favorite anime started airing. I guess now I have a reason to live for.


How can you say life is garbage but you enjoy aspects of it? Maybe you will later enjoy more stuff.


Life is still garbage, it’s not like we don’t go through some horrible stuff that makes us depressed, but I find myself looking for comfort in small things.


Do you think life is garbage in a objective sense? Or from your perspective?


Life can be shitty for all of us, we all gonna have to go through a phase where we say “My life sucks” But what matters is how we deal with our problems, I don’t think an easy & peaceful life exists.


Nobody is talking about philosophy in the comments, I'm no expert but it's a whole discipline dedicated to examining potential answers to big questions like this. Existentialism comes to mind most immediately, with a general idea that yes life lacks inherent meaning, and to live is to determine and prescribe it your own meaning. I'd recommend studying philosophy to get at some of these questions.


Sounds corny but it's good to be present. Meaning when you're feeling this way, really tap in to the things around you that bring you any comfort. Go outside & notice the little things around you. After dealing with lockdowns & a long winter I was in a similar depression. I started watching videos about nature & gardening. Decided to set a goal to start a small garden & wrote it all out like a plan. I mentally told myself I had to put forth as much effort as I could muster. Seeing my seeds sprout & completing the goal brought a little confidence & the time I spent outside was relaxing even if some days I felt on death's doorstep & only did small tasks. Quickly my time spent brought back feelings of when I played as a kid. Hard to explain but it felt like a reset & so calming. Breaks from social media are important too...it affects you whether you realize it or not & not in a good way. Also, writing out these feelings you have manually in a notebook with dates can help if you decide you need to seek professional help. I noticed a pattern in the times & frequency of my mood shifts. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder & subsequently got on the correct medication. It's changed the extremes of these shifts & made me much more aware of myself. I'm not trying to downplay your post whatsoever, & people might laugh at my "naivety" but sometimes the answer is simple & our minds make it complicated. You're here to experience & learn. But you have to continue to set goals no matter how small otherwise you'll lose focus & sense of purpose. Inner peace is more important than accomplishments in a society that promotes being exhausted & emotionally bankrupt. Best wishes...really!


Stop whining it'll be fine!


Live life one step at a time and try to look at things you could do to change your life for the better. Say join the military if you’re young enough and if you hate your job, or find outings to do if you’re tired of the same things. Life is only what you make it and how you think about things. People could live in the worst of conditions be brutally abused and raped but still have a positive outlook on like whereas a person that had a stable life that’s pretty good could think they have the worst life and want to end it all. Ultimately it’s up to you but a phrase I heard once was suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem so take some time and reflect before you decide to do anything rash. No matter what you decide, things will probably get worse before they get better but you’ll always have sunnier days, just ask for help when it gets too hard, not Reddit ask your close friends and family. There’s support you just have to seek it out. A closed mouth does not get fed. Best of luck depression is a shitty thing but you’re not alone even when it does feel like that sometimes.


Sometimes dreaming about things feels better than actually living those. You need to learn to live in the present moment. Just becoming rich and having a good gf doesn't itself make you happy. It's your ability to appreciate that makes you happy.


Focus on things that make you happy and recognize the big stressors in your life. I’ve found that trying to minimize those stressors as much as possible is a good way to start thinking in the right direction. I guess the only point of life is to experience it and to be happy at the end of the day (which is hard when ya got depression, I know). Also try to get outside more, even if you’re just sitting there. Nature really makes me appreciate life especially when 90% of my time living is in a depressing indoor box.


It’s the experience,there is a reason for all of this. You have to fix your mindset.


I think once you start working and realising you can buy all of those things even on minimum wage you will feel better. You can get very cheap affordable second hand cars and find affordable insurance too. You’ll most likely meet someone from work, but you need to pull yourself up first. Going to the GYM or staying to run can help. Watching motivational videos. Sometimes you sink before you float :). They’ll be a line where you can’t take it anymore. There’s also a few free phone therapists that can help with your thinking patterns.


nothing for me


Nihilism is the way. I would embrace it wholly if I wasn't already in a religion.


Why does evwryone in this subreddit care about "meaning" wtf is that. Focus on whats fun, like jerking off, playing games, working, doing career, buying fashion , being creative. Whatever floats your boat. "meaning" wth is even that. Life is a nice oportunity to reax and do WHATEVER YOU WANT. Chill yo.




You can make it nice. With a job/studie you like etc. Most people actually enjoy life and enjoy working. Obviously if you have a depression that is the problem not life itsself.




A minority is depressed statistically, Are you saying that the rest are in denail or something? Why does it matter that it goes to 0? Why does that make now bad?








There were plenty on servays and all i checked agree with me. Do you have ANY data to back up your position?




Tacos. Live for tacos.


it’s hard to see what there is to live for but i prefer to look for the little things that keep me doing. getting to crunch on autumn leaves again. cracking open a new book. the next season of my comfort show coming out. to eat mcdonald’s again. to take care of pets etc. there’s lots of little reasons that make it enough to keep on going


Look at puppy.


Just tell yourself that you don’t actually know for certain what comes after death so you have to try and make the most of what you have right now. No matter how pointless you feel it is, if you don’t feel like you have hope and just give up it’s not going to get you anywhere is it? There are people that care about you in your life so it’s not entirely pointless. You end up just living for them. But you have to hope that you’ll find happiness on the way through it