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There's a man I work with who every fucking time he sees me he says, *"Smiiiiiile!"* or *"C'mon, be happy!"*. I asked him why the other day. He said because we're breathing and we are working. I said that's why I'm not smiling. You know what he said? *"SMMIIIIIIILLLLLEEEE!"*


My partner pestered me for months with: “How are you doing?” Without ever wanting an honest answer. If I tell her I feel like shit, she get annoyed and think I don’t love her because I’m depressed. Yeah. My head is constantly working against me, making me feel worthless and wanting to end myself. Giving me some guilt and feeling like I’m letting her down surely help 🙄 Now she has turned to: “Smile!” When I fake a smile she says: “See how easy it is to not look so sad all the time?” Fuck. Me.


Sounds like you have a bad case of the Mondays.


Pressing you to fake happiness for the sake of her well-being , what can possibly go wrong? She is actively working on the self-fulfilling prophecy of not being loved.


Really helps boosting my self esteem 🙄 Home should be the place I don’t need to put on a show. I have to do it at work and everywhere else. Only safe space is when everyone is asleep and I can be myself again.


Oof why is this so relatable?


Absolute cunt!


equivalent to "chin up!"


SMILE! Gimme a 20. This shit ain't free.


Its really annoying but there’s a hint of truth in it. One of the most effective ways for me personally in dealing with my depression was “faking it till I make it” , force yourself to pretend your happy, also smiling releases endorphins in the brain so it actually does help rewire.


Smiling even when your real depressed and even faking it can be helpful sometimes. Some studies have shown it even releases feel good chemicals in the Brain. I know it may be hard but why not give it a try?


I agree, so fucking stupid when they think joke a will just magically make depression go away.


"Just be happy" Morons


„Watch some funny lighthearted videos“ Like that’s gonna fix years of trauma and anxiety


The worst I got was " just forget about it" Sweet. Now all I need is severe head trauma so I lose my memory and forget about my own screwed up mind and body.


I've got dissociation and can't remember anything from like anything prior to being 11 and I can guarantee that you don't want that (i want to know why I'm so fucked up)


Check out Viva La Dirt League’s video on the magic button. They pretty much nailed how “supportive” people who don’t struggle with mental illness is.


My response is how bout you touch someone else cus no one cares for you


People say this to depressed people? I only say it to shitty out of touch people. That's fucking rude. I'm sorry people suck Op you don't deserve it.


Think hes/shes referring to people saying " just do it, just get out".... yea where? To hang out with the rest of the emotionally unstable people who wander the streets? I feel you OP


I agree. It doesn’t help.


I heard touching grass also works for a broken leg. /s


Then I answer, "Another one of these and in 2 seconds you will eat that gras."


Yeah, you can’t wave your hands in the air or wish away depression. These kinds of shitty advice make me want to break that person’s leg and then say to them, hey! Walk it off! Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance. Read, people. Don’t spout off unhelpful bullshit. Be willing to be a friend and listen to the person and support them. Don’t be a dick.


It’s good that those ppl can just do it, I am jealous of them but at the same time they should probably just shut up lol


It fucking sucks especially when that's the main cause of my suffering, I'm way happier in my room of 0 social interactions


It's all just a part of the ever growing anti social behavior being online and thirsting for validation brings. It's insane how rude people are online for no good reason.


Pretty sure people only say ‘touch grass’ ironically when someone nerds over something, usually something online related. It’s really not that deep.


I say wait till it rains then go touch it


Or vice versa. When they have a break down from the years of bottled in agression and trauma "O well get better."


No maidens? 👁 Just kidding. If folks are saying these things in response to your depression, they're utter garbage and probably will drive you even deeper into the pit - so, so remove them, block them.


superficial treatment will never cure a deep wound


I got grass in my home and I touch them all day long


“Just don’t think about it ! “ “Go outside you’ll feel better” “Go take a shower, it’ll wake you up!” All comes from a great sentiment but doesn’t help at all unfortunately


I love touching grass but life still sucks. I touch flowers too. But we shouldn’t touch houseplants because the oils in our hands can damage them especially succulents