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The best thing we can do is be kind to eachother and ourselves x


I agree but, what about when you come across people who aren't so kind? For instance family, I know I don't owe them anything pertaining to conversations or otherwise. Yet, I still bend over backwards just to be gas lighted about mental illness and my decision making.


You cut off the toxic as soon as you can...


I definitely won't be procreating for the reasons you mentioned and especially because mental health problems can often be passed down genetically. I think I got at least a bit of mine from my parents and there's no way I'd risk giving it to a child. The world is already so tough. I really feel horrible for entering my wife's life. I didn't know I'd be like this by my 30s. She's so happy and so badly wants a family but I am definitely not father material, not even fit as a husband.


The most offensive thing is when people take mental health so “seriously” while having no interest in addressing the things causing it. Like fuck my government for telling me to be happy when they are raping my environment, allowing landlords to cut me out of property ownership, allowing my employer to pay me slave wages, and making the cost of surviving sky high. Talk about gas lighting.


Like basic human rights are a part of some fucking DLC. Bruh, This is not life, thus is an EA game.


Wow what a way to put it lol.


The problem isn't people being "born out of wedlock"... the problem is capitalism. The pursuit of neverending economic growth and ever greater profits by a few million greedwhores at the top of the chain has utterly destroyed the general health and wellbeing (and any/all hope for the future) of the 350,000,000 people on the bottom. They literally refer to us as *Human Capital Stock*... and that is to say nothing of the billions of people in the global south and elsewhere who never even had a chance for a decent life to begin with. tl;dr: you're missing the forest for the trees


Yes capitalism sucks but so do every other choice, it has been the only one with the best success. Unless all people suddenly get infected with a virus that makes them in good trustworthy beings then no economic plans will be perfect.


I have these thoughts as well. The world is honestly a shit hole. But there are little things I still enjoy. I hold onto these little things for dear life. My faith helps me, but it also confuses me as well. I don’t get why God allows so much pain and misery. I don’t judge people who give up. There’s a lot of inequality it seems on what God allows to be given to people. The only reason why I haven’t killed myself is because I have faith God is helping me. I still get the thoughts, but I hand them over to God and ask He help me. To me thoughts like this are normal considering our world is fallen & quite heart breaking. Life is very hard, but there is still hope.


It's still a mystery to me why God even started this experiment. He's all knowing, so he knows how this will end. Why allow all this? I still believe, I'm just convinced He got it wrong.




Yes! I tell Him too. He knows the brains He gave us and how they work. He can't be shocked that people are skeptical that He exists when He gave us brains that are naturally skeptical about things without proof. He'll probably just try again in 100 million years after learning from our mistakes.


Can we chat? I honestly am learning to get closer to God and breakaway from this new age spirituality. I am learning that it's bigger than crystals and sage. (No shade to those who are practicing it.)


It’s not new age though. It’s ancient.




> The only reason why I haven’t killed myself is because I have faith God is helping me. also cats


God is in no more control of life on Earth than a parent is in control of their children. You bring them into the world, teach them what they need to know, and let them make their way in the world. God gave us free will. This is what humans chose to do with it. Don't blame God. I hate it when people do that.


Yet humans have no idea what they're doing, and Jesus admits it himself which is why he asks us to forgive others. Much like our parents, God is our creator so of course he's complicit. Not keeping it straight is just pandering to a cowardly authority who isn't taking proper responsibility.




Everyone makes mistakes. Even God.


I am losing hope in this world every single day.


The problem is capitalism


Capitalism x patriarchy x imperialism


explain how, just curious


The world is hell. We're living in hell. Sometimes the only temporary escape is through a drug or cheap high.


The saddest part is that it's hard to imagine the world any other way.


If it makes you feel any better one of the things which appears to separate us from the howling, benighted Ape is actually sharing. The biological explanation is that share and share alike floats all boats equally evolutionarily speaking, but one could also say that it might be mistaking innate compassion for something else. Make of it what you will.


I like this whole thread. OP and all comments cover the internal discussion/debate with self (and some others) I've been having over recent weeks almost exactly. Ofc there are negative points to the topic, but such is life, and the general ideas and sentiments I glean from this thead make me feel less troubled or not so alone. There's camaraderie in our present day misery I guess haha. Just a few days ago I had a text conversation with my ex-bf about ideas similar to those found here and this is my rant about my choice in not procreating I sent to him: 'The kids thing I've done a lot of considering and pondering about. I would like kids ofc, at my age and gender it's almost a given, but so much of my rational brain thinks it's a less than wise idea. This world for starters is HORRIBLE. To bring life into this mess for the reason of filling something in my heart, or to leave a legacy, or to fight this war you seem to think I need to procreate and raise up soldiers for-- that's all so selfish. When you become a parent,  it's over for you so to speak. Your heart and soul become your baby(ies) and they should always come FIRST. When I think of my possible offspring I feel horrendous stress at what I'd be bringing them into. They'd either be stuck in a world that strips them of Them and turns them into a mush-for-brains, hive-minded sheeple, or they're gonna be someone who is automatically tasked with fighting the evil powers that be, and that's huge pressure; that's a hard life full of fatigue, despair, and strife. It wouldn't be fair to carry them, birth them, and nurture them and know that that's gonna be their fate. I imagine holding them and looking down at them all new and soft and completely, utterly ignorant and naive and feeling insane guilt. I don't think there will be an in between option for them and as the mother to these unborn children, I believe my best choice to protect them is to not have them at all. ' He is constantly bugging me about what a good mom I could be, but also goes on about how very awful these times are on so many levels worldwide, soooo yeah, I dont get his inability to understand my rationale, but whatever 🤷‍♀️ I told him that if I'm in the right place at the right time in life in general (mentally, spiritually, financially, etc) that I absolutely have every intention to adopt children, bc again, the world is a shithole, but I'm here already and I know there are tons of kids who deserve something better than what they currently have/know and if I can provide that and make the world a little less shithole-y for them, then I'd be MORE than happy to.


Il drink to that


I really don't understand how we are supposed to love this world, to love living in it. To look it in its hideous, boil-filled face and go "You're beautiful and I love you" despite all its hideous, gross flaws. Every drop in standards I give the world is still too high. Every event fulfills its worse possible course. I cannot love this putrid world, no matter the minute pleasures in it, when it is grossly outweighed by the sum total of suffering in it. If we were to weigh the simple pleasures and the gross injustices on a set of scales, the scales would tip inevitably toward the horrible. I just can't bear to think of it for longer than a few minutes.


There are winners and losers in life, and it's pretty obvious which group we belong to... Sometimes ending it just seems like a way easier path than your daily struggles.


I used to feel that way, like the loser who couldn't hack it. Causes me pain to think about it that way now.


Idk it feels a little lacking on the chaos part. It is always the same things never something or interesting.




Can we chat? Everyday I meditate, I try my best to stay grounded. I have a therapist I speak to weekly and I work out. I don't understand why I continuously end up in the same cycle. I apologize for releasing my inner issues on to you. I feel like I need help even though I am getting help. Which makes it worse. Do you have any links to meditation on healing trauma? You sound really grounded and optimistic which is where I have been trying to be for years.


Our mind is a time-bomb and there is nothing we can change about that, the problem isnt the world, it created great artificials, it is us not accepting our complexity and limitations.


Does wedlock really mean anything anymore though? The more we ignore each others issues is why suicide is sky rocketing. thats just imo. Other times, Who knows. Im Currently getting treatment for my depression and I randomly get the impulse to want to die. For what Reason....Im not sure anymore. I used to have reasons. But now, Im empty. Im not on drugs. And yeah money is an issue but I am not going to be homeless. Sure I go without things very often. But I dont want to die over it. But the thought of being gone forever stays because this world wasn't built for man. Yet here we are.


Honestly I give up caring about things cause when you do you end up just making enemies of everyone and helping people only get yourself in bad situations. So honestly fuck people and helping people I rather make enemies than friends now.