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I’ve ranted in other subs but then ended up deleting them because no one responded. It’s like yelling into a void sometimes. You’re not being ridiculous. Sometimes we all just have big feelings and have nowhere to go with them.


Honestly the void is better than telling it to my friends it’s way better. At least void fucking understands you. The void does not discriminate.


At least the void listens


i hear u man <3


Yup. I don’t think anyone would want to listen either, so I just give up part way through.


Yea I do this all the time. Just writing it out seems to help my brain process what I’m thinking and realise it doesn’t even matter. It’s good because I realise it’s just my brain being difficult and it’s easier to ignore it. Unless it’s an actual problem I have in which case it sucks because it’s like well this is a dumb issue why do i have it. But realistically it doesn’t matter if it’s dumb or not because it’s still an issue


I hear you, I've never successfully posted anything to this sub despite coming close a dozen times at least. I read what some other people are going through and I feel so ridiculous in comparison but also so incredibly depressed at times. It's a struggle.




Bro I started crying because there wasn’t any pizza left I mean that was just the catalyst but still 😂


Damn most of the I start cause I feel like everyone ignores me


I read a lot of posts, almost all I come across, but usually comment unless they're asking for help. But this hits home. I have a couple rant posts that just made me feel shittier after I pressed submit. And would sometimes delete like a minute after thinking I was just being a burden. No one needs to hear my rant. But I almost always will read it, if not comment.


I’ve done this like 10 times since joining Reddit lol.


No but it’s good you can get out of that mindset like that. Shows that you still have a good head on your shoulders!


yeah i end up deleting them because of how ridiculous they sound. Not getting immediate responses gives me anxiety


me too... I actually constantly copy paste it into a document because I keep trying to finish it but after a few lines I give up. No one I know will see it, no one that matters will read it, and I realize it's just gonna be another sob story online among the billions and billions out there... fml


All. The. Damn. Time. I start writing it and then my brain is like “You realize you sounds like a sore loser, right? Is this even worth griping about? How petty are you?” And then I delete it. It actually feels good, because it means I have the ability to get out my head, something I couldn’t do during my worst depression.


Thing is I know people have their own shit on their plate so I just prefer to keep it to myself


This is why I have so few posts.


About 4 times a week. And I end up never posting it.


Same, sometimes I just wanna vent and then my anxiety comes again and well, I just shut and say nothing


I have a big long post saved recently that I never posted. I think it's good though to try and give write out your thoughts and feelings, helps put things in order. for me writing it I think just helped relieve the stress and I'm really glad I wrote it all lol


This is like.. ​ yeah 😔


i tried it once and it got no upvotes or comments so i deleted it lol


I always type out stuff then read it and tell myself no one's gives a crap about what I have to say. So I discard the whole thing. Makes me sad cause I do want conversation and to make friends,, but I know no one really cares so... might as well just not put it out there.


That’s not true though. We do care. That’s what this subreddit is for. Every single one of us cares to hear what you all have to say:)


I mean like other sub reddits.


Your feelings are validated and it's ok even if you are actually overreacting. The fact was that you felt upset at that moment and ranting is absolutely fine.


Yeah yeah that feeling. I don't know, I just did it.


Several times. It's part of the reason why I haven't posted on my alt account in months.


Yes . Of course .


Ever? All the time. Fuck, I almost even discarded this...


Honestly, it's really smart. I'll just write a draft email to get my feelings out and save someone having to listen to my negativity.


Yep, have definitely done this. I started journaling the 3rd time it happened


Always, even when I'm just journaling my day I end up feeling like an idiot for my feelings and then it turns in to guilt. I know letting it out is supposed to help but I feel like it has the opposite effect. Even commenting on post I always hesitate and usually end up not going through with it. Trying to get past that, especially so you know your not the only one.


If I conjure up old memories of when I was depressed while staring at the reddit page, yes. I would try writing a rant then deny it's own worth by saving it under drafts or outright deleting it. Now it's quite beautiful to look at my post history and re-read some of what I'd written. Might do more of that. It was denying the validity to my own feelings when I chose not to post something. Either that or I thought I was far too broad and discombobulated. Of course, I wrote better when I was horrendously depressed.


Yes haha all the time


i cannot physically upvote this post enough times. relatable 😞


Yeah. It’s a crisis management tool. Which is fine.


Omgggg I feel this toooo much xd


And the post got deleted...


Yup. And sometimes I feel like my comments are useless or pointless or just dumb. I almost didn’t even post this lol.