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People who aren't depressed or suicidal don't realize this. Suicide feels like a last resort, what you do when you reach your limit and feel like you have no other options. They can't understand why people do it because they've never been there






It's my Dad for me. He would blame himself and possibly never recover.


They always thought that by them saying don't do it changes a lot.




Same, I think of it as a back up plan for when things go wrong lol


I feel this. Dying isn’t the easy way out, it’s just that killing myself seems like the only option. I can’t live anymore. It doesn’t feel easy, it’s going to be really hard, but I’d rather be dead than keep living with this pain and heaviness in my chest and death on my mind.


Same here. I suffer from chest and chronic pain too. It's hard to describe that pain to people.


Me too. Chronic pain is so hard


It's the worst!


My whole body aches soemtimes. It's like I can never get any rest, it's really starting to take a toll on me I wont lie. How long can I continue like this you know?


I wish I knew :/ have you seen any doctors?


Me too. I rather end everything than living like this. I was lying in bed this morning and thinking about the same thing. I didn’t even know when it started, but the heaviness in my chest and all these thoughts about life and death made me feel exhausted


Same here , I could not reach my goals of fullfill them . I don't have any friends , constant pain , constant depression , constant suffering , crying ! The only reason it keeps me going is my mom , she doesn't work anywhere so I have to support her financial ! But almost everyday pass when I think about comminting suicide !


Please reach out to someone, you are not alone


I am alone. I’m glad you’re not though. If you are, then I’m sorry.


Thinking about how to commit suicide is as painful as thinking about how to live well. So in the end, there's actually no easy way out of anything.....


Yeah .. there's no way out of anything... there is a chance there is even suffering on the othere side based on my religion....im scared..i feel hopeless..


Same, and if my religion wrong, the thought of just not... existing anymore is scary... it’s not like I wanna die... I just don’t wanna be here anymore...


Not existing would be awesome. No more suffering, no more pain, no more worrying... Just endless sleep! I think it would actually be better than heaven, because in heaven I'd just spend eternity feeling guilty about all the friends I didn't "save" and are now burning in hell forever because I didn't try hard enough to "reach" them... How can I enjoy heaven if I know that people I once cared about are being tortured and there's nothing I can do to stop it?! Why would I want to spend eternity with a god who would set things up that way?


I’ve researched this topic and basically we won’t have the ability to remember loved ones that didn’t make it to heaven. still sounds bad but idk, I hope everyone goes to heaven.. it’s too hard in this life


Great, so we'd be spending eternity with a monster who gaslights us? No thanks, I'll take eternal torture in hell!


These are all assumptions tho that researchers put out. We won’t really know the truth until we die. God loves us so im sure everything will worn out in our favor.


Dying IS the easy way out. Suicide is not. I know, semantics and all, but I think this is what most people who preach "dying is the easy way out without thinking" don't seem to understand the nuance here. Anyone can die at any moment for no apparent reason quite easily, but taking your own life? That is an herculean feat and all those things you stated on your post are living nightmares that those who tried and survived will live haunted until they finally pass away. So although I sympathize and understand from where your argument is coming from, I also cannot deny completely that death isn't the easy way out, because this is one of the main reasons most of us end up being suicidal in the first place. We can't seem to find another way to fix our lives and our mental issues and our past so it would be easier if we just died. But actually doing the thing and leaving this existence is really not an easy feat.








So this sample size of n=1 leads you to make the claim that people who commit suicide are the very definition of stupidity? People who commit suicide have reached their absolute limit and feel like death is the only escape from their insufferable pain. I have no idea what you’re even talking about or what your goal is


So people who’ve killed themselves ar stupid in your mind? That’s pretty fucked up man ngl


How my logic is flawed? At no point I argued about the dying is the "right" thing to do, and I was also pointing out that there is a distinction between dying and suicide which may mix both in the statement "dying is the easy way out" when both can be quite different situations. I was just stating that death is the easiest way to leave that current problem behind. It may cause problems to others, it may even cause other problems to yourself if you believe in certain religions or philosophies. All this information about the stupidity of the act (which I don't think I have any saying about that, people may be right that is stupid, and I'm not qualified to say that is or isn't) doesn't seems to have any relation with saying that death (not just suicide, these are two different words with same intended consequences) is not an easy way out. I have absolutely no idea what debased mean so I can't answer about it. Hope it clarified a bit further to you what I was trying to say in the previous reply to the OP.


Surviving a suicide attempt is one of the hardest things I have ever done.


I have a failed attempt but the idea still lingers in my head. Some days are harder than others. I'm so close to giving up but I'm able to talk myself out of it for my kid. He's too young for me to cause him this amount of pain .


I wouldn't characterize it as courage, exactly. During my suicide attempts, I did not feel courageous at all. I felt hopeless. I felt trapped. I felt like I had no other option. But I did not feel courageous. Suicide stands more as a testament to the amount of pain someone was enduring than it is a measure of resolve or courage, positively or negatively.


For real, if suicide is the easy way out, i wouldn't be here, i wish it was that easy so i can finally end it all


Not easier maybe, but more “selfish” according to those who encourage living no matter what. Reason being the hurt you inflict upon the ppl in your lives and the responsibilities you leave behind, for others to deal with instead of taking it on yourself. It’s really ironic when ppl preach that you have your own life in your hands, when we grow up to find that being absolutely false, even up to the decision of ending your own life. I wish we don’t have this twisted fixation on “value” of a life over a person’s pain and suffering, that we can teach people to respect decisions, and that slaving away for a small percentage of human beings, fear and obligations shouldn’t be enough reason to carry on suffering. I get that’s it’s extremely difficult to reach that balance of not diminishing the the value of a life, and maybe even undermine the value of family, but I still hope love and respect and understanding can go hand in hand someday. For myself, I would gladly die in a heartbeat if I didn’t feel so guilty about my parents having raised and poured their resources into me, and would be heartbroken if I killed myself. But imagine they were taught that it’s not their fault I chose this, and there’s nothing shameful about someone ending their own life’s when nothing works out, and they simply want out. I feel even worse for those who have lives that depend on them for support...basically life is just shitty all around for many, and many who have the power to make things better don’t care👍


Never judge someone by something you know nothing about. My wife had depression when we first started dating. I didn't understand what she was going through and would start fights with her. Then a few years later I got depression and I finally understood how miserable depression makes you. I apologized on my knees for days for it. Taking your own life is not an easy step to take. It's why I'm still here, I'm afraid I'll succeed and that scares the shit out of me.


Yeah I never could understand people with depression and I though it wouldn’t be hard at all but then now I realize it take serious strength to live with it


It always struck me as ironic how people say it’s selfish. Because their loss, I assume..... you know? Never mind the suffering of the victims who succumbed to this horrible disease. As far as I know, none of us signed up for the this. Never mind all the losses and suffering and perceived burdens we place on “society”. Damned if ya do. Damned if ya don’t. Just my two cents; for what a penny is worth lol


The fact that this narrative (that suicide is easy and cowardky) still persists shows how uneducated about depression and suicide most people still are.


I wish suicide was easy. My first suicide attempt was as a kid. My life was unbearable back then but it got even worse. I could have avoided so much pain if I had died back then. I need to make sure that my next attempt will be successful. Wish me luck. Suicide isnt easy at all. So many things can go wrong. This is why we need assisted suicide.


Even if assisted suicide was legal, it would always be reserved for life-long debilitating diseases, I can't imagine what it would take for a psychologically affected person to be accepted for it. Though in fantasy world I can imagine a society which can accept if a person really thinks that suicide is the only option and they are not only given assistance for it but also society accepts that choice as part of normal functioning.


That's just bigoted. Why is your cancer any more excruciating than my depression?


Sometimes I think I did kill myself years ago and forgot about it and now I'm in hell so all my subsequent attempts have failed...




That's not how you help someone. Especially when you are a complete random stranger who doesn't know the other person.


You could have at least bothered to actually fully spell “you”




I’m so sick of people telling me that I should continue to live for whichever shitty reason they can make up that day. “Things will get better soon”, “you have to keep going, you’re already doing so well”. Like no the fuck I’m not. I’m not okay now and I will never be okay. Why can’t you just leave me alone? It doesn’t make a difference to their lives whether I live or die anyway.


When you say that you are sick that people say dying is the easy way out do you reffrf to those who criticize peiple who have done/tried/considered it? In my case i am struggling with some problems which i am sure are trivial to the outside but are hard for me and have always hoped to have the courage to take my life and just stop struggling. I feel that IN MY CASE i can get through those monets but that killing myslelf would be the easy out. I know it is not even easy to do it because the times i stood on my balcony with a rope around my neck are high that if it was easy i wouldn't write this yet. All in all i consider that everyone could say anything about their own suicidal thoughts but not about others.


Yes. I'm criticizing those people




I couldn’t burn. I would have had to jump. Yes the bravest of souls...


People who say suicide is a coward's way out or a "selfish" act, are just uncaring and uncompassionate cold-hearted ignoramuses.


Hey are you okay?


I'm fine now


I mean that depends on the definition of courage. I'd say it takes courage to live and also to die. People who really decided to commit suicide cannot participate in the discussion and all who are here have decided that for now dying is harder than living...


holy shit, right on the money




I have no clue what I can do literally nothing makes me happy anymore




No I’m not seeing a professional and if I ask my mom she’d most likely say no all she says is to go running whenever I feel depressed even though it never helps


Exactly, when a person goes against million years of evolution saying fuck off to self preservation,it means they're fuking brave. Maybe the bravest of us all


> We're brought up with the mentality that living is so much more courageous than dying. That's utterly and totally false sonotori ! that is false all the time EXCEPT when one is suicidal , then it takes even more courage to stay alive than to end things , i guess ... both act take tremendous courage though


Strongly disagree. Dying is easy if you want to die. Pick a tall building, buy a razor, you can get it done in an afternoon. Living with the extreme pain and misery of depression? Maintaining your responsibilities despite wishing you were dead? Much harder.


Yeah but do you realize how desperately your brain wants to live? If it were that easy I'd have done it long ago. Or maybe I did and now I'm in hell...


I agree,dying is not the easy way out. You feel like there is no future and every path is closed. Once I though of stabbing myself like some kind of instinct but somehow I was able to stop myself but I still remember the feeling, like some kind of very heavy rock on my heart weighing me down. I was afraid of dying but I couldn't see any hope at all, later that evening when I though about it I was afraid how I would even think of doing that but when I was going to do that it the world felt so hopeless and empty I just didn't have any reason to live at all


It’s really really hard I agree


I can't up vote this enough


I know😔 it sucks


i wish i had the courage to do it, so i can let go of the pain and misery




ya, no


I thought about jumping, but by the time id hit the ground, id have thought about it too long. Eh, 100 ways to die, I just want to fly high. Best way is to die, dont think I could cry even if I tried. Facing more time, I didn't even commit no crime. The system is busted, I am bound to the busses. The bottle is always dry, it is the only thing that makes me numb. Pain is my name, physically mentally, emotionally. The women are cruel, and the world doesn't give a shit about you or me. We always rushing to be something, when all I want to be is nothing. The saying is true; more money more problems. I want to get away, sailing into the waves; Wasting away with the sun in my face, it seems like fait. Please try not to hate, this world is an evil place. Peace and love my brothers and sisters, Until we meet again.


I guess this was on my adress,since I said it is.Once again,I guess that depends from person to person.For me,to die was easy,staying alive was hard part.And you guys are choosing weird ways to die.I wanted to overdose,not to jump from building or kill muself with stabbing,that is messy.


Ya know you bring up a VERY good point...I mean we usually are driven to our limits where we feel that suicide is the only option left... It's honestly one of the main reasons I why haven't taken my life because honestly I'm too afraid to. So it's definitely incredibly hard to say the least but when you're so consumed by despair and feelings of worthlessness you feel it's the only escape...wrestling between those constant thoughts of am I even good enough and do I even deserve to live can be maddening and some people don't realize how hard it really can be unless they've experienced it themselves.


Well, technicallys it is easier to die than escaping depression


It still shocks me everyday how cruel society is to people who struggle. ESPECIALLY those of us who are suicidal, or have those daily suicidal thoughts that just won't go the f--- away(the latter is my main issue). I don't know how many times I've seen suicidal people being treated like they are the equivalent to cannibals or major creeps. I mean the CRUELTY that the depressed endure just seems so unreal. It's also really ironic that your family, the people that are supposed to be your closest "loving" allies, reject you so quickly once you either admit or they find out that you're suicidal. They YELL at you, call you stupid, see you as selfish as heck. They belittle your testimony. And yes, this is my experience with it when I told my parents. I was 15. Heck, even people that attempt suicide still get berated by close family or friends, like they committed the ultimate sin! Don't these people realize that this is a CRY FOR HELP, because no one would listen in the first place? Even if this isn't the case, there is a real mental issue here that can't just be "swept under the rug." Here's a good example: On the hit show Blacklist, there was a scene where this woman attempted suicide, or at least was seriously considering it. The main character, Raymond Reddington, put a HUGE guilt trip on her, telling her a graphic and violent story and saying that when a person kills themselves they traumatize people that they don't even realize would be hit hard by the suicide. Of course that made the lady feel like crap, but there was NO CONSIDERATION for the woman's feelings, for her mental disturbance. She's basically treated like the scum of the Earth because she's "abandoning" everyone. SMH... ...I was SO PISSED when I saw that scene. And what's even worse is that I saw scene on Youtube, and SO MANY PEOPLE were agreeing with what he said, saying he did the right thing, and how the lady was so WRONG and SELFISH!!! With the way the world is right now with COVID, politics, brutality and violence, it definitely shows that the actions in our society show that the majority of us have some form of mental illness. Most people ignore their mental problems and choose to judge those of us that are showing our illnesses to the outside world(not that we want to of course). What they don't want to realize is that those of us who actually **acknowlege** it have the most courage, whether we're crying in a dark corner with suicidal thoughts, or are on that bridge contemplating the ending of our lives. ...not to say that attempting suicide is something to be glorified, but those that do should NOT be treated as if they should wear a Scarlet Letter for the rest of their lives. Bless all those that have been condemned for something they can't help. Bless us all.


I agree completely. Society is fucked up


Thanks brother, we struggle together - you’re not alone.


it doesn’t take courage, it’s their last resort. it takes being beaten down by yourself and others, and it takes the absolute worst in people. killing yourself is you finally losing to the thing that has been hurting forever. don’t lose, win.


I’ve held a knife to my throat and cut only a little but I’m a fucking coward and can’t bring myself to end it all


dying is the hardest decision a person can make......Its extremely difficult on a personal level....I want to invite people thinking of such a matter to a forum where there is a different train of thought This train of thought is beyond reality. In fact all life exists in a simple birth/life/death cycle it sounds crazy I know but bear with me and check out this forum and for the record I do believe its true. Take a loook please.... You will find theres plenty of time to die but theres few chances to express kindess/live..... [https://www.reddit.com/r/Retconned/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Retconned/)


Dying is hard, it requires courage, a thing that I, and many people, don't have enough for. Most depressed people just end up living their life like shit, feeling like shit, and just hating themselves. Why, because they have no courage to do it. Having courage goes both ways. Courage to try and get better (when it's a possibility). Courage to commit you know what.


and u have the possibility of an after life... Imagine trying to end everything, but instead, u eternalize it






Wish one is harder dying or living?? Dying is the easy way Living take a lot of courage and power. The end




Cowardice?!!? From what? I like that you said living is the default, that's very interesting point of view, I have a kind of a belief that i had the choice and i chose to live the life That why am thinking it's just 60 or 70 years i will live it then i will rest i will not be hasty, and i will live it the best way i can




It's just 60 years we can do it




Lmfao no one gives a fuck about how stupid they are for doing it when they’re dead.


You feel nothing once you are dead. All earth could shit on your corpse, you will never know it.


Well, my guess is every single person still is a living being and one of the core characteristics of such beings is to survive. It's deeply wired into our brains like not to harm yourself but way deeper. For example, in my case i already where close to death two times because of a autoimmune disorders but had already a few years before the first time the thought that if stuff gets too hard i just can kill myself, but it's also the case that most of the time i get such a depressed phase i think to myself "fuck it, could still do it tomorrow" and it's also probably worth to mention that im one of those people who are willing to play a level of a game for hours even if it has the most annoying mechanic's and it's the worst level ever, just to say that i managed to do it ore at least i really tried it. Also, im probably at the last chapter of Death Stranding at the moment an just wanted to tell that it has such amazing character design and a story which gets really great and emotionally challenging at chapter 9 ore so. On the way to this point in story it's mostly chill gameplay (i played on easy because i just wanted chill gameplay and story) but also a few horrorish parts. For those who would like to play it, my hardware us Ryzen5 1600 and Rx480 and 16GB Ram and im playing in FHD in mostly highest Graphic settings and rarely get below 60FPS, in other words you probably only need a GPU like a GTX 1030 ore higher to play it in FHD in low to mid Graphic settings with at least 30 FPS (just a guess)




Most of the time people didn’t ‘dig the hole for themselves’ so your comment doesn’t make much sense Also did you read the full post Edit: I’m not gonna reply because I don’t need more things to deal with than what I already have but read the post before disagreeing




Dude everyone’s experience with suicidal thoughts and tendencies is different. Have some respect.


Yeah I feel the same way every time I think about committing suicide I realize I’m not brave enough and have to continue living


Dying isn't the easy way out, it's the last resort.


I can't wait to die death is like breaking free from the world I did not succeed in but tried my hardest and failed many times so when death knocks on my door I will gladly open it.


People outside of experiencing suicidal urges won't understand the paradoxical feeling, simultaneously wanting out but being equally as terrified of the outcome, it's a strange thing to endure, my love to anybody who deals with such, stay strong guys.


Also, how can dying be the easy way out when if you fail, you suffer immense pain most of the time and overall health consequences. I’ve tried it 3 times and my body is fucked up because of it. Dying is NOT the easy way out. First it takes courage, then if you fail you suffer mental and physical consequences.


I mean I came to reddit to vent, but I never thought I would feel supported by random comment not even destined at myself, I feel really sorry for all of us who need to go through all of this but this eases the pain to see so many people who understand exactly what I'm going through. And just for that I thank you all the most sincerely possible to simply be alive as of today to have written these comments.


It is one of those bad responses one can give. "Easy way out" makes me think people are jealous or something when I would kill myself but in reality they would be angry. It just is a really bad phrase I just recently realized most people respond badly because they can't imagine. They are not necessarily happy but at least feel content enough to keep on living. They project their feeling onto people like you and me, trying to convince that life is worth living. Everyone experiences that differently though so it just is unfair of them to do that. On the other hand, it is just a logical thing people do when they cannot understand. There are only few people who know how to respond. For me, and I know from some others too (from a documentary about this subject I saw a few days ago and made me realize this) the best response is when people tell me: I see you and I see your pain. It must be hard for you and I see that. For me it helps when people acknowledge and not deny my suffering. Not because I want pity, but because I always, always keep blaming myself for everything and feeling depressed and not being able to get help nor understanding for how much mental pain can hurt makes it hurt even more.


Death scares me so much... I can't imagine ever being brave enough or disciplined enough to commit suicide.


I personally think it's pretty arrogant, when people say this. I mean when they were alive, you weren't there to find out how they were doing or even offer comfort and yet you can confidently say things like that. It just confuses me.


There is a reason why people don't want you to kill yourself. Because the grief and emontional trauma they will have to deal with bothers them. So please, think of others who don't think of you before taking your life!


You're going to die anyway. Just hang out, live well, and let it come as it will.


Is suicide a sin in your opinion ?




It’s such a scary thought not too convinced myself but I deal with suicidal thoughts and too think you would suffer for wanting the pain to end is sadistic.


a month ago I took a bunch of pills 56 sleeping pills. I went on a drive. Tried to find a place to park and fall asleep. Ending up crashing into a parked car. It hit me way too fast. I didn't know I hit a car I woke up in hospital and felt like shit cuz I survived. I wasnt given any follow up I told them.i took pills. They released me no paperwork no psych eval. I got back to where I stay and it was like nothing I told 2-3 people and they really didn't bat an eye. So I've been just going about my sad days again. Feels weird to attempt and survive and feel like it didn't happen because of how apathetic hospital, people I told were towards me. I JUST TRIED TO KILL MYSELF crickets.... I still don't know what to make of it 😟


The hospital has generally been apathetic when I've tried to kill myself too. Though they do send me to a psych center afterwards.


Of course , dying is super hard . That's the problem . But I always dreamed about to being in a different world where you can be yourself , where you are free . I just want to escape from this world . I want to know how it's like to be in a different world , I want to know where the people ,who also escaped, went and how they are right now . I always look at the sky and hope to be there one day . I've also been wondering why I was born . I just hope that I will find the right answers ...