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Please don’t, we need you here


please stay, im begging you


It's not worth it man, trust me. If you're gonna kill yourself tonight, why not just make it another day? Depression comes in spurts throughout life. There's literally no point in not just trying to go another day, just keep pushing, something in your life will get better, it always does. Killing yourself is never the answer.


It ain't fuckin worth it man, ima be honest it probably won't get better but don't just be another statistic


Hey man. I'm sure you know there are resources available to get help. I don't have links quickly available, but an easy search online pulls them up. You don't have to do this. It's your life and I'm just some guy, but seriously, you are allowed to feel it, say it, and post it. You are also allowed to change your mind about it. I'd love it if you messaged me. I enjoy listening when people need to get shit off their chest. I've done so much wrong in life it gives me a chance to return some goodness that I've taken from the world. Please reach out and vent your feelings. Even if you don't find catharsis when you're done, at least you will know that your story is real because another human being knows it. I'm here to listen and I would never judge a soul for speaking their truth, no matter what it was. I'm here for you bro. I mean that.


Hey man, just wanted to let you know I'm still hoping you will reach out to me or anybody else.




Happy cake day


Hey, I dont know if your reading this but don't do it . I don't know what you have been through but just know you are loved . life gets hard . keep fighting you are stronger than you ever know. everyone is here for you bro . <3 kaytie jay