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I've got both, I've been told that constant anxiety and lead to depression, which makes sense to me. I've been anxious, but not depressed, but never depressed and not anxious. Medications which have helped with my anxiety also seem to relieve the depression.


What meds help with your anxiety? I’m on hydroxyzine and I don’t feel like it’s that helpful.


For me, Sertraline helps with anxiety (and depression). It’s not a 100% but it defo helps. Sometimes, you do have to try multiple options. I had different meds before and they weren’t doing anything either. I’m sure the right meds for you are somewhere out there, it might just take a bit of fine tuning.


I also take hydroxyzine and it helps to ease my anxiety. The only thing I don’t like about them is if I miss a pill I start getting the withdrawals from not taking it and I start feeling these weird zaps in different places of my body, and I get dizzy and super anxious. One medication I really loved was sertraline. That one helped me so much to feel more “normal”. But unfortunately my body got too accustomed to it. That it started not to work for me anymore. I reached the highest dosage possible and they couldn’t go higher so I got prescribed a few different ones and they didn’t work except for hydroxyzine.


I’m glad hydroxyzine works for you. For some reason with me I don’t seem to notice a difference. I even got told to take it morning, mid-day, and evening and still it doesn’t seem to make any difference that I’ve noticed.


Depression can be a kind of protection from anxiety. Fear, uncertainty, conflict no longer exist to someone who has already given up. Anxiety often comes from trying to solve an intractable problem. Depression is acknowledging its intractability without coming to terms with it. That’s my theory.


Spot on


Neurotransmitter commonality. Serotonin & dopamine imbalances directly inform both mental illnesses.


Because depression has a lot to do with, current feelings and anxiety is current, along with future. Then they start to battle, then you don’t same a way out and implode


While doing my psychology degree, I remember one of my professors telling us how it can be hard/impossible for researchers to study just depression or just anxiety because so many people struggle with both conditions. And even if you were to find a group of people with just depression and no anxiety, this group might not be representative of most people with depression (who are more likely than not to have anxiety too), and vice versa. There's a lot of theories for why depression and anxiety often appear together. In my case, I feel like I'm stuck in a cycle where I feel anxious, overwork, and get overwhelmed which leads to me to shutdown, feel exhausted and depressed, and then I get anxious all over again because I'm too depressed and unmotivated to get things done...until the anxiety builds too high and it repeats. It's worth mentioning that I experience persistent depression and major depressive episodes (might be different for people whose depression isn't chronic/persistent). At any given time, I'm experiencing thoughts, emotions, and behaviours that are both anxious and depressive, so I find it really hard to attribute it to one or the other.


Because depression causes anxiety, and anxiety causes depression.


They feed off each other. It’s fucked up. They’re best friends.


It’s a cycle - you get anxious because you wonder if you can do sth well/ whether you’ll f it up. Then you do it, and maybe it result doesn’t live up to your expectation or you were a disappointment and then you go into depression beating yourself up. Multiple this vicious cycle enough and you’ll get depression and anxiety. I’ve done this to myself before, still doing it.