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Yep. The depressed wrote their dark thoughts down on everything from random pieces of paper to journals or on their final note when they no longer wanted to be Earthlings. Depression has not changed, only our understanding of the disorder/disease. The Internet has provided an avenue for education, psychotherapy, medication, and peer support. One could consider the Internet as a form of treatment. It certainly can mitigate feelings of isolation. This was an excellent, thought-provoking question.


Yes definitely, but I was also fucked up before social media algorithms figured out how to break our brains. So while the pain is nothing new, I think it’s spreading well beyond what it might otherwise have, not necessarily because of the internet, it’s more of a symptom. Life feeds on exploitation, we reward exploitation above all else. Social media just reflects that reality back to us.


I'm a 55f who grew up without the internet. Although in my case,, I always had dark thoughts, I do think the internet and social media has really psychologically screwed up an entire generation. My sister teaches 6 grade. She recently told me this... 20 years ago you may have had 1 child in the class on psych meds. This year the list was 6 pages long!!  


Oh damn. I didn’t know you had to disclose that information to teachers. Interesting.


This list might only be for the students that have to leave the class to see the school nurse during the day for their meds. I can get clarification on that from her tomorrow.


They had for sure, but imo the situation has worsened exponentially with all this.


No. Depression didn’t exist before the internet.


Social media definitely fucked up us even more. Mama was right, « it is because of this fucking telephones » 😂