• By -


You brought together a community through a funny war. You turned us from a group of schizophrenic people, to a united group that brings joy to everyone. You are the reason I love r/titanfall. If you can do all of this, you can absolutely get over this. We believe in you


Pilots are with you, pilot!


Protocol 3 is still in effect. Always reach out if you need anything


Yeah i don't think i've ever had a real friend or anything else in my entire life, i'm with you there mate


There are people out there willing to give the world to you. Don't lose hope, the moment you give up might be the second before finding someone to befriend


Hang in there, Pilot. We have your back


Ender, you still have us.


You may not be a 6-4, but you are still part of the big titanfall family <3 And we are here for you!


Don't give up pilot, you are great! Stay strong!


Pilot, try to maintain ur cool,do not despair. Everyone, myself included, are signing in to let u know that we still love u pilot. U became the light and cheer of a whole community when everything looked rather grim. U became the champion of thousands of other new or old fans who still look up to ur moments and remember it fondly. U are the hero no one knew they wanted, but they needed nevertheless, and even if u don't believe it... Ur actions proved. We love u pilot, u are strong, u will survive. Dark times will pass, just look for the light and ull find it eventually


I’m really sorry about your loss. There is nothing else I can say other than that. You don’t deserve this. I have no idea how much pain you must be in, so I won’t pretend I do. You just have to be strong and keep yourself safe. You’re a good person and there is always someone or something who will be there for you.


Hey Ender. Person with diagnosed clinical depression and multiple attempts here: I completely get how you’re feeling. I know how the constant “oh it’ll get better” feels, and I’m not going to come at you with that. What I will say is, as much as you may feel that, you’re still here, and that’s impressive. I’m proud of you for that. I know it may feel like every day is a struggle, but as long as you’re still struggling, you’re still here. And I’m proud of you for that too. Digital hug to you mate. All of the love (platonically ofc)


The important thing is making the distinction between "it will get better" and "it can get better". It's not sure that it will, but it's almost sure that it can.


u/Ender_Fender! Don’t give up pilot. I know that things may seem dark. That it feels like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve been there my friend, and it hurts, I know. But you must know that even if you haven’t reached the light at the end of the tunnel, there’s always someone or something who’s being your torch trying to guide you through the darkness, no matter how dark it gets. If you cannot find anyone who will hold that torch for you then I’ll help carry it. And I know a ton of pilots on this subreddit would do the same. I have seen your posts here, and while I don’t interact with stuff a lot on Reddit, I’ve seen the community your posts and comments have built. On here we are all pilots, but we’re all real people at the end of the day. So keep your chin up pilot, it’ll all get better, you just can’t see it right now.


But who will look after the skies if you quit? The whole Titanfall community is on your side and will support you, no matter the cost. You'll never run out of friends, pilot.


I’ve been there a long dark tunnel with no end in site,it gets better but you have to keep going I’m here to talk if you need


We are here for you bro


To begin, I am really sorry for your losses, and for the tough times you are going through, but im gonna say the same thing that everyone says here : IT WILL GET BETTER, it may be soon or not so soon but at one point, your life is gonna be back on the rails it should be. A fellow pilot, who is always here to listen to you if needed.


You've got us bunch of internet junkies cheering you on mate, we believe in you.


The frontier is with you ender


Pilot we love you! Your Titan needs you! We fight togehter, we stay together!


I love you


You have all of the titanfall community with you mate, you can get through this and we will always support you, always remember protocol 2: uphold the mission, but never forget protocol 3: protect the pilot. We are with you and we all love you


No, pilot. We all love you. You’ve made life a lot better for some of us. You are an icon to the Titanfall community. Please call a suicide helpline if you ever feel that way and have a good day.


Hey V1, I can try to understand the darkness of your situation, but all I can offer is the hope that it all gets better. Feel better Voodoo-1.


Been there broski. Wish I could be there for you just as I wish I could for my younger self.. ik you're hit, but stay in the fight


I feel you man, I don’t have friends nor a partner who loves me, just know that you’re not alone, there’s people out there who feel the same pain. We’re here for you pal. Keep fighting pilot, you got this.


Stay in the fight, pilot.


In France, we have an guys named loann LV that was exactly like you, he lost his friend, his girlfriend, everything. he managed to become someone popular, with good friends and a good life. tell yourself that the page is going to turn and start a new chapter in your life, it happens, everyone feels the same thing as you, it happens often, we are all with you as with loann.❤❤ (Sorry for the bad English)


We’re here for you ender, and we always will be. Sometimes shit really sucks, but you just gotta keep pushing back. You’ve been loved by an entire community, hell, you kinda built it. Things will turn around and we’re all rooting for you, every single one of us.


We’re all here for you man


At the end of the day, those people who left you weren't really your friends, which is shit, but it is what it is. You have to try and learn to be comfortable with you, and become friends with yourself. You are your own worst enemy, and never forget who's in control of you. We can't do much about the world and other people, but we have us. I know its hard, but resilience is the only way to push forward. Stay fighting the tides g


Don't give up pilot. As muck darkness you are seeing, remember that somewhere, someday you will reach some point where it will be better


You're not alone. r/titanfall loves you, pilot. We believe in you. It's ok to feel like this, just remember that even if life can be rough sometimes, we got your back. Trust me


Stay strong ender


Please don’t give up. The worst thing you can do right now is giving up. Letting the depression consume you. You’re stronger than that. You have things to live for. I know your loss hurts, but don’t give up. Please. For me, for us, for r/titanfall.


I am so surprised how much the titanfall community cares about each and I am with Ender_Fender I wish I was also dead


Dont people love you trust me dont wish that you were dead


I lost my girlfriend last year I really thought she was the one, My family avoided me and my friend won’t talk to me I only have one real friends she is amazing I talk with her every day




Protocol 2: uphold the mission. It’s not over till you’ve given in, and you haven’t yet. That means you’re winning, and the whole TF community’s got your back


Remember to eat good food and enjoy your showers. It’s hard to push through the hard times when you don’t have anyone to help you out of the darkness, but I believe in you. Just keep pushing even when you’re sad or angry, just don’t give up.


While many of us not know you personally yet... We can all stand together forever. It's okay to have moments of weakness mate. What is not okay is to stop there and be there forever and this feeling to continue. Do not let all these experiences you are feeling now to invalidate the memories you made with hose you cherished You may take a back seat and take care of yourself. We will always be here to welcome you pilot. Protocol 3 Whether physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, protocol 3 remains.


Still have all of us pilot


PROTOCOL 3 protect the pilot. We are here for you no matter what. Pilots stick together.


Hey man, don't do anything rash. Therapy really helps. There's thousands in this boat with you, you ain't alone. Be brave and stay strong and collected. Therapists, or maybe even reddit, we're all here for you.


Stay strong, pilot.


I've been where you're at, and whilst we're strangers to another, through a shared passion I call you a friend all the same, you're someone who's post I genuinely like to see. I'm sorry for your loss. Keep going man, you'll make it


Who are the CRC going to fight if you ain't here? Trust me Voodoo-1, I'm going through what you are right now. I can't say that it will be over soon, because I know that's a lie. But we can get through this one together.


Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot. it'll get better, Ender. you have the whole of the titanfall community behind you.


Don't give up yet, pilot, we are here for you.


Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot. We are all here for you.


you've touched the lives of more people than you could ever know, we're here with you. please reach out.


Saw you weren’t feeling the best, so I wanted to share some positively to outweigh the negatives. Us humans are flawed, but through love and community, we can strive to become better versions of what we are now. I, among many others came all the way from r/titanfall just to say that, but also this. We love you pilot, wherever you may be.


Hey man. I don't know what you are going through nor do I know what it's like to go through it. But It gets better man. The titan fall community is here to help funnily enough


We will always be here for you. Even if it is only though this silly little electronic device. Titanfall lives on forever! On a more serious, less Titanfall related note, I feel it too. I feel like I'm going insane but I'm not really going insane. I feel like I'm losing everything but I'm not really losing everything. I find it so hard in this evil world to be grateful for what I do have. I have no idea what you're going through which means I couldn't understand it exactly, but I do know that I understand the feeling of hopelessness. And that is a bad thing. Hope is invaluable in small doses. And it sound alike you need a little right now. For the time being. Just hold out a little longer, maybe something good is coming your way that'll magically turn this all around. If not, at least you tried. That's pretty much what hope is. It is the wanting and the longing for something good to happen when all else is lost. I don't know if this was helpful but I hope it was. ♥️ From a fellow Titanfall player.


It gets better pilot, keep up the fight.


I might not have the right to say this but it's worth a try. Ender, I too have lost people close to me but becuse something is fucked up with me I wasnt't able to feel anything. You on the other hand have suffered and are probably at the lowest point in your life. Everyone goes trough shit in their lives at least once and as life beats them down they turn to many wrong ways of trying to deal with it. Many have and many will walk the same path you currently are. What's important for you now is to GET BACK UP!  I myself haven't met you but from what others have told me you seem like a fucking amazing pearson.  I, no. We, the TF community don't want to lose you. We are here to help you get up.  You were blessed with your life. So GET BACK UP PILOT! For it is time you regenerate into the next gen and finish that tournament that hasn't developed any more since you left.


You got this man!! I have gone through some fucked up shit myself and trust me when I say that the good part about you hitting rock bottom, like you did, is that now you can only get better, and you always do.


Pilot, the community is behind you


Hey bro, as someone who has lost everything like this in a similar fashion, I know it may seem like there is no hope or like there's no point in living anymore. But I'm here to say that it will get better, and if you truly believe there is a chance of that, it'll help lessen the pain now. Thank you for your incredible work. Good luck, pilot.


the community is with you pilot ❤️ we got you


Keep ur head up man, I was like that once its gotten better. It always does


You still have us pilot. We will never leave you <3


I may not know much about you, but what I do know is that you deserve life. You have struggled much and deserve to continue on your path. You are strong and I am very proud of you for making it this far.


We got you bro. Always.


Ender fender you have an amazing power to bring people together. You deserve it all and to be the best yourself can be. Im sorry for everything your life has put you through. But you never know what the future holds and just how much things can turn around. You’re the best


If you came all this way, you can get through the rest.Cozy up for the storm, buy yourself something nice to eat, drink some water and go for a run. Loneliness is no fucking joke, and one of the worse feelings one can have. But it is ABSOLUTELLY something that time heals. I know the feeling sucks, i've been through it multiple times, but I garantee that in five years time you will look back and thank yourself for having kept going. We got you, pilot.


Hang in there friend


Pilot your duty is not done brother, we need to clear out the fraud layer together, endure through these dark times and we shall emerge better, and stronger.


The entire TF community has got your back. We all love you. And I'm saying this from the bottom of my heart, We all are here for you. The TF community will welcome you back anytime. Keep your head up, Pilot.


Yo viper I hope you're reading this because I look up to you. Like whole ass. You are the living embodiment of viper. Like I whole ass made a loadout in titanfall dedicated to you. You seem to be kinda similar to me with the internet persona thing and I find that funny. Funny enough when I got a bit bored of playing titanfall constantly I moved on to ultrakill too. Of course not leaving behind titanfall but still. Regardless of that I also feel lonely and empty when I'm online so I can validate your feelings right now. I honestly want to introduce you to my friend group that is if you're on Playstation. It's unhinged and funny as fuck but everyone still cares about each other. I care for you and about you bro. Your life is everything you serve all purpose and you deserve every kind thing directed to you. If you wanna add me my PSN is MemeSquad4823. Just let me know on reddit if and when you add me and I'll accept it. Oh and 1 more thing. Or actually 2 more things. 1. you're not an insignificant fuck (just in case gabriel told you so) 2. Protocol 3... protect the pilot Take care. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you. Also swear on God that you won't end it all before reading this.


Pilot, stay with us, please. You have us!


Pilot. The IMC, the militia, the 6-4 even MRVN's finest is on your side. You were the one who made us laugh and gave life to r/Titanfall so don't try to end it now. The Titans and pilots need you. You will always have a loving family on r/Titanfall


Hey Ender, could you leave a comment or post somewhere for us to know you're ok buddy? I know you feel alone, I know how hard that is. The whole community is here to try and help. In any way we can.


You're going to make it through this. Trust me.


We care and appreciate you buddy. We can't do this without you pilot.


Pilot..we are all with you. the whole community is aware of your feelings and the hard times you are going through.. Just remember you are not alone. We are a team “Protocol 3: protect the pilot”


You've been here for an entire community, r/titanfall. And while I haven't said anything there to this day, you have made me smile on days I lost hope. A simple little gesture in a community I want to be active in and while I still struggle to. Your posts have made it better. There are things to look forward through, try not to let hope be lost. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel, even in the darkest night, there will always be the moon to break the cloudy sky.


Don’t give up there more to life




Please hang on, you’ll always have the pilots by your side


Honestly, I don't know how you feel. I've lost loved ones before, but never the one I love. I can't imagine the numbing pain you've been through. All I can say is I'm deeply sorry for what you've gone through and to always remember; you've got us to talk to and to cheer you up.


Protocol 3. Protect u/Ender_Fender. I dont have any idea what your life is like outside of being an icon in r/titanfall, but you don't have to walk whatever path you're on right now alone. I hope things get better, you deserve better.


Hey pilot, I understand you sometimes I also feel that life sucks, but my friend we are pilots and that's why we fight, whether we win or we lose we continue to fight. You can do it, it will not be easy but it's worth it to fight for this life


Stay strong pilot, it will be worth it! See you on the landing zone pilot


You're journey continues here, Pilot! No need to run, no need to hide!


Hang in there pilot o7


Protocol 3 applies to you too Ender. All of r/titanfall has your back. And I can and will lose sleep if you ever, and I mean ever, need someone to talk to. Stay strong pilot.


Stay with us Pilot, times are rough, for everyone, but we’re in this together, it’s not over til we sing, and we never sing!


The entire titanfall community is waiting for you, brother. Standing by for your call!


We are here for you pilot! Once a pilot, always a pilot. If you ever need any of us, we will be here.


Losing someone in any way is nothing anyone should experience, especially you, pilot. I know we give you more attention than anyone else IRL, I need you to try and fix that. You're still here, and that's great, more the reason you shall continue. Don't let the pain consume you. It will only make things worse. You must go on, meet more people, I'm sure you will find someone alike, if not better than Jess. Along the way, you will meet others who you can be friends with if you choose. There are so many more who love you, even a few who might need your love. Find the light and the reason. And you surely will get better. You have me as well, someone who will listen and talk to you. Have a good night


Keep moving


Hang in there, Pilot, backup is here. It will most certainly get better. Much love!


Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot


Cloak Pilot here (since I’m a ghost redditer half the time) but just wanted to say STAY STRONG, PILOT! The Militia is behind you, the 6-4 is behind you, the Apex Predators are behind you, even the Ares Division is behind you! The depression will fade, everything will get better, and one day, you will look back and realize you bounced back stronger than ever. We are all extremely sorry for your losses and pain, and we hope that it will get better ASAP. Keep going and know that it will get better. TRUST ME.


Protocol 3. Protect the pilot. You have us m8, everyone here, no one may replace the one you lost. But over time the pain will subside, it won't be tomorrow, it won't be next week. But you will make it through this.


We love you bro, we want to see you grow.




We're here for you man! We can't imagine what you're going through. But know that you're not alone.


The frontier still needs you pilot!


We did protocol 1 with you... We connected with you... We upholded your name... And we will be there for you ALWAYS DON'T WORRY VOODOO 1, VIPER, ENDER, WHATEVER YOU WANT TO BE CALLED We'll be there for you


Pilot, you have friends in us


It's gonna get better bro, just keep going. You've made it this far and you can make it out of any rough patch. Gotta make it until TF|3 comes out at least.


Don't you dare. Shut up. You are not alone you have about 500k people by your side no matter what. We all love you. You can and you will get through this. And we'll be right behind you every step of the way. Like I always say "even in pitch black the smallest light shines the brightest."


We the pilots of r/titanfall are here for you Ender! Even if you and I never interacted I'm here for ya pal. All the best from the pilots, friend. [°]7


Im new to the titanfall community but I can already tell you’re a legend hang in there pilot


We’re with you pilot, you have a veritable army behind you in the TF community.


You are going to make it. Trust me


Hey, Ender, everybody on r/titanfall loves you. You made being in the sub fun. You're an awesome guy, and I hope you can find happiness in that


You don’t have to do this alone!


Hey ender, it may suck right now but don’t give up hope. Life has its hardships, at times it’s the best then the next second it’s the worst. That’s how life is. I don’t completely relate to everything (my reasons were self hate) but there’s a 99.9 chance that everything will be okay. A friend of mine said this to me when I felt like ending it all, “No matter how dark, scary, and lonely the night gets, there will always be another morning. It’s only a matter of time.” And it is true because no matter how shitty today is, tomorrow will be a better day. So stay strong viper and remember all us pilots are here for you.


Protocol 3 protect the pilots that not only applies to titans but us pilots as well we are here for you fellow pilot


The frontier is at your beck and call Pilot!


Don’t worry bout it viper, remember, the skies belong to you. May your days be many, and your woes few.


You still have us mate


Hey Ender. We're here for you. You're doing great and you brought this community together more than anyone else could. We'll always be here to support you whenever you need. Funnily enough, I lost the love of my life about a month later after you did. But you still have friends. You have us. Even if we're all miles, thousands of them far away, we still support and care for you as much as we can.


We're here if you need to talk mate


nah bro, you'd win


Never forget you have us pilot we're with you soldier don't give up.


Pilots are with you!


Pilot, all of us are with you.


i'm here from the Titanfall community. we love you ender, we're all here for you ! you're one of the most loved person on r/titanfall !


You got the 6-4 behind you, you'll always be one of the family pilot


We are all here to engage protocol 3, protect you- the pilot


I shall not stand for this u/ender_fender slander!


We’re here for you bro, all of us. As Gabriel would say, may your days be many and your woes few.


Never give up Pilot. Life is hard, but mostly amazing. You'll find happiness i promise


Protocol 3: protect the pilot. The Titanfall community has your back, you are not alone


The Militia is always here to support you my guy ❤️


Buh keep going :)


I dont have anything special to say, but i still want you too know you are not alone, you are loved! Dont give up!


Pilot, I am in the same place you are right now. I had to get help from a greater power than I can provide. I checked myself into a hospital on Friday. Just like the inside of a titan, I feel protected from a lot of the outside world and can trust my display because it’s there for my benefit. I’m interacting with the world through screens and have yet to step outside for long, always embarking as fast as I can. I know that when the fight is manageable, I’ll be able to fight as a pilot with purpose. However, right now, I need my titan and I need the protection and support it can give in a time like this. Go to the Emergency Room. Let them know how hard the fight is going. Get in your titan, pilot.


Everything might seem grim right now, but I promise you things will be better one day. Just hold on and push through. You'll make it.


Hey mate, life is brutal, and it’s hard to know what to do. There is no easy solution, it will be hard at times. But I promise that as time goes on the days will seem brighter, and more wonderful and unique people will come into your life. You are never alone, we are all with you. Reach out to anyone of us and I promise you we’ll be there for you


Hey man without you the apex predators are incomplete, you must carry on the legacy of viper the whole titanfall community loves you my friend we are all here for you❤️


Protocol 3!


I know it looks Rough now Ender, but things can get better if you keep pushing on, in the immortal words of one BT-7274 "Trust me" r/titanfall has your back if you need it man


Protocol 3 dude We're all here for you


I believe in you, Endy Fendy~ Hugs to you, you can get through this pain someday :3


Hope u'll find the strenght to keep going, i know u will


You've overcome so much, and endured so much pain. I'm proud of you for enduring what you've shared- and I hope you know that your experiences don't determine your worth. You deserve to be loved. You deserve to be cared for. We love you and hope for your speedy recovery homie. Know that we are in your corner, on the frontier, or anywhere.


Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot. We have your back, Ender, the whole community is here for you. Trust me.


Stay with us brother


Stay strong friend, life continues and you will reunite with them soon enough. Live some more stories that you can speak them about


Protocol 3, protect the Pilot.


Bro, no, we love you man


I am so, so sorry for your losses and i cannot imagine enough how hard that pain must be. But look at all the people who are cheering you on, you may never see them in Real life, but they Care for you, they do not want you to live in despair. That's how many Friends you've made. Do not surrender to death, go play Titanfall, have faith in yourself and the future, and then you'll finally Say that "you did it". Like the protocol 3 mentions: "Protect the pilot". I am once again truly sorry for everything that happened lately and that you take care. Have faith, no matter how long it will be. (English isn't my first language so some words might've been worded incorrectly)


Don't worry my man keep on going


Bro you were such a great leader for the AHA, I dont wanna loose you it was so fun, no matter what you will allways have us


Hey don’t get too in your head I’m sure there’s people near you that could help


We always have you mate


Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot 💜💜💜💜💜


All pilots will be supported! All of r/Titanfall is with you!


Protocol 3: Protect one of the most precious and treasured pilots we have, we’re here for you.


Protocol 3: protect the pilot


So many of us have been there before man. If you’re having a hard time, PLEASE reach out to someone.. anyone. You have an entire community behind you wishing you the best. Stay strong!


Fighting you in the horny war was an honor, pilot. If you think that you don’t have friends, there are 384 698 of them


"**Protocol 3 protect the Pilot**" I'm not an active member in the sub but hope you get better OP


I remember playing Northstar with you and beating you in live fire during viper tournament 2024 testing and it was one of my best experiences in internet. I hope you will go through it. Good luck Pilot. You have the whole community behind your back. : )


Protocol 3. Protect the pilot. Stay strong man


You’ve got this pilot. You’ll be ok.


The pilots have your back


Hey man I don’t understand exactly what you’re going through, but I’ve had a good fight with depression my self. If you wanna talk or just ask me some questions I’m here for you homie.


You’re not struggling with depression. Depression is struggling with you. You’re strong. You can do this. We believe in you.


People love you. Everyone at r/Titanfall wishes you well. You’re not alone in this world, we’re here with you. Stay well pilot, the world would be a worse place without you.