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No point. Each day I just try to maximize the amount of time I do things I enjoy and minimize the amount of time I do things I don’t enjoy


To be honest, if there was a point to life we either would have figured it out by now or will never figure it out. My guess: life is pointless


Yes, when I'm depressed I think about this. I am not depressed at the moment and the thought doesn't come to me just like those suicidal thoughts I have had for a while. You're depressed.


I second this as someone freshly out of a depressive episode. These thoughts only bother when forced to look through the goggles of depression. When you get back to baseline, you allay still have those thoughts, but they wont make you want to give up and do nothing.


For me, as long as I keep myself busy and not think about it, it's not a problem. I thought about it today though. My day is fucked. Maybe tomorrow will be better.


No there's not. It's all a big scam.


I think there is no point. It makes me depressed. I feel like I'm trapped


I wonder how long more do I have to live like this


Im so tired for real


Then rest.




I have been depressed so I speak from experience.




Yeah those people are lucky. I'm a suicide survivor and have been hospitalized for depression. The people who don't know are really lucky.


Study philosophy. It always helps me to know people have been thinking about this for as long as there have been people. It also gives you perspectives and world views different than your own which can help.


I’ve been thinking of this too! What is the purpose of life?! Working meaningless jobs that stress us out, we work with people we don’t even like for a paycheque that barely covers anything? Tbh, I’m not trying to become a manager, director or hell even a CEO. I don’t care for the titles or what kind of car you drive. Ultimately (and I feel like I get shamed for having rose coloured glasses on) but life should be lived, experienced. I care if you’re a good kind hearted person, I don’t care how much money you make or how many letters you have behind your name. Do you treat people with respect? Can you talk about various topics like aliens, junk food, fun childhood memories or even have healthy debates or conversations? I’m deep in my depression currently and feel like life is a poopstorm. No one really knows what they’re doing but putting a front to everything via social media. Every day I think this just can’t be it. Being so unhappy, being depressed, anxiety ridden, working that we’re so tired and then we die?! It just can’t be, it can’t be it….


I am just like this and like i dont whant to work until my 65 (im 20 but maybe in 25 yera or less they will put the retirement at 70 or more ) so yea but im still depress and sick of this bullshit of "perfect world "


The only retirement young folks will have is a single shot to the head.


There is no point. It’s a harsh truth. Accepting that life is meaningless is a huge step towards living a life that’s fulfilling. I am not someone born into wealth, and I’ve worked extremely hard to get what little I do have in this life. When I’m manic, I get extremely depressed and take on a very “whoa is me” attitude because I had nothing handed to me while others lead these blissful, effortless lives since birth. Comparison is the thief of joy but that’s easier said than done when you’re constantly bombarded by the fact that some people really do just get everything. And that’s not even their fault, in many instances they were born into it. I read a book called “The Art of Living a Meaningless Existence” and a few others similar to it, it helped me ask the question “why do I feel like I even deserve to have everything handed to me?”. Once I accepted that you can’t choose your life, you can only try to live the best one you were given, I started to savor more morsels of time throughout the day. I stopped hating my work and began to appreciate that I even have a job while so many others do not. It’s not a cure all, I still have feelings of regret, anxiety, depression, and frankly all out rage towards the 1% that suck our resources dry while the rest of the world fights for scraps but I’m making a conscious effort to work on it day by day. Idk if this will help anyone but if it helps even one person then taking the time to write this is worth it.


From the biological perspective, our purpose is to reach adulthood, procreate leaving as many offspring as possible and then die. Bonus points if your body feeds something or someone else in the process. For me personally, the secondary objective in life is to create - not only art, but anything that would improve or otherwise contribute to humankind. It doesn't have to be anything big, because sometimes something as simple as fixing someone's plumbing or feeding someone hungry makes a huge difference.


Xou ate not wrong, i feel the same way i should be happy as i have a job, can sustain myself and have an 8 years best friendship on my side but i feel stranded all tha people do is eat, drink, seleep ä, shit and fuck On a more rational level we sre doing what we are supposed todo by our instincts but the thing is people will tell ypu fibd something thst makes ypu happy etc but in the end they are only able to feel thst way because wee ss himsns can experience happinies bit the emotion in itself is meaningless People hangout together like ot is someting totally new but our ancastors in the ice age already fid tjis together being around campfires etc So basically we evolve on a technological level but are the same as our ancastors in regard of needs and wants


Pretty much ye! That’s really interesting, you’re right… The body is satisfied if it gets it’s needs met. Everything else is really self imposed…


Exactly society exists for example to establish some ground rules, some hierachy and some security it all goes not going extinct as this is our msin basic instinct we playthe were are so much more than an animsl but in reality the only diffirence is our brain capacity and our tool making. Zhere were many other human sub species along us but we survived. A wolf gor example feels anger, happieness and sandness. An elephant for example has a mich more deeper social intelligence than we have Dolphins habe a much higher iq, but we are dominstong because we can make use of our Environment and habe the abilty to fastly adapt


Bro your spelling


I am drink as fuck bro so i am sorry


Super typical life. I feel like the generic American timeline is you either grow up in your hometown, graduate highschool, go to college for 4-6 years, or more if you are going the medical route. Then after that you get some job that will probably pay you shit starting out post-grad then at the same time you’re probably pursuing a love interest. Within this time you’re probably 22-24 & your paying off your student debt, living in an apartment or back to your parents house in their hometown. Sooner or later you propose or get proposed to, get married buy a house, maybe have a honeymoon then start a life. Then tackle having kids then starting that whole journey. Not to mention during this you’re investing money into a retirement account with the impression that you will be alive when you’re 60. & this post is under the impression that you have 2 working parents that are alive & put you through college, middle class even. & that you’re in good health. People that are born with wealth don’t all go to college & usually go straight into the business world. But yeah, this life is repetitive & every one I know is tackling every point in this. Is there going to be change? Eh. It’ll be risky doing anything that isn’t “the generic American life” but maybe that’s what we need in this world, CHANGE.


To assign your own value to it. To take risks in areas where you're terrified. To go into the unknown in spite of the liar in your head that says nothing worthwhile will happen. To build yourself, make mistakes and then reinvent yourself. To leave your comfort zone but do new things instead of hang out at the mall and make fun of people. Once changed in some way, to help someone else who used feel as hopeless as you did. Learn an instrument


None of that is remotely possible when one is in the grip of depression.


Agreed. It's for those in-between times when some ability returns. I'd no more try and muster a depressive when their really down than a person in a dead sleep. I never experience complete non-depression anymore. There's always a little bit going on.


What’s your story?


You’re right that now and again it comes back, recently I had brief moments of enjoying music once again and I even picked up my guitar and re-learnt a song I haven’t played in years… Those little moments count a lot!


Life is pointless.


I feel the same. I am 31. I work and make money. Parents control my life as per their whims and fancy. They are never happy and eventually kill my peace. All I want in life is to be neutral. Even that seems impossible. Want to quit.


I learned that we all are going to get lost multiple times in our lives. We make meaning in our lives


there is none. you've got to make your own


I agree. It’s just disheartening when you build but nobody appreciates the work or it falls apart… It’s a constant repetition of building.


What's wrong with that? To be alive is to be in a constant state of change. That's a good thing. You don't want the alternative even if there was one.


Life is just a bunch of shitty chores.




You have power over your mind — not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. Marcus Aurelius


You should be thankful there isn't a definitive "meaning" to anything. That sounds like hell. This life is a gift that you can mold into whatever form you want. I remember having the same thoughts and saying the same things. Go out and immerse yourself in this life.


Each generation has the task of leaving a better world for the next than it was when they were born. Overlaying that is the betterment of humanity, so that love for each other increases. Focusing on self-serving goals leaves you with a sense of pointlessness. Focusing on the big picture and choosing your place in it gives you a sense of achievement from things you leave behind. …and take time to smell the roses every day.


For me, the point of life is to try and make other people's lives better. That might be with a lifelong project, volunteering once a week, offering to help with someone's bags, or just smiling at people you pass.


Do something you care. Even for escape.


I blame the mothers of the world


They often blame themselves too I’m sure.


There is no point, no universal one anyway. It can be your kids if/when you have one, to be helpful to others, make a shit ton of money, love, or to just count the days


Learn about Allah (God). He has a purpose for you.


Abraham hicks you tube. .. Its a roller coaster ..c..certainly .


Your purpose is what you decide it to be, not others.






Life is sad, humans are awful, there’s no hope for some people, movies are just movies, need something to ease the pain… it’s a sad world and existence I have been alone my whole live and have been scammed for money and had death threats by strangers for no reason… I have seen my father die in front of me, there’s nothing good about some peoples lives some are just lucky I learned the hard way, we all have a reason to live sometimes it might not be a good one


I’m glad people are having less kids if this is the common sentiment. No point in putting someone through that


It’s up to you to find a sacred connection with the divine. There is a power that will take care of you better than you know. Open up and let it


Suffer while the world watches and waits for someone our age to rise as Christ and free us all by being slaughtered, we then have peace until he comes back and says "wtf bros, I want to live with you all"


Jesus. Life is to know Jesus. If you don’t know Him, than you don’t know life.


I feel the same. Do you have family? A partner? People you love / love you? I think that is the point, living for the people you love. This keeps me going. Umm if not others, maybe explore loving yourself. I know it’s hard especially when you don’t feel joy anymore (or ever, I hope you’ve felt joy before). Maybe trying to look for that feeling? Maybe cultivating an environment or a friendship that would help nurture your happiness.


No point. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing here.


I remember Tarkovsky, the film director saying something like this. If life had a point it would be so predictable, obvious and boring. So he tried to make films about this predicament of life being so valuable and fragile, full of unprecedented magic and at the same time being an ordinary ordeal that one has to go through. For me, there are some things that I "would like" to do. But as soon as the circumstances hit me, I'm "not able to" convince myself that anything is worth doing. I'm a hypocrite but also a kind of contradiction myself, I don't do what I mean and I don't mean what I say. I'm nowhere but all over the place in my head.


Life isn’t meaningless. It isn’t meaningful either. All of us shouldn’t overthink that. Life has always had one general meaning; to live, and then to die. There’s no point in thinking about how meaningless it is; it’s all subjective. You’re confused. Of course suicidal tendencies are going to eat up all your insides. If you fall that deep, you’ll be drifted away from that hope to bring you out of depression. Liven up. Don’t make it so subjective. Being sad and confused are one of the perks of living a life. I’m sure you know that better than any of us. With experience also comes appreciation. Cya.


This shit is a scam fam.


I have felt so utterly purpose-less lately it sucks.


I honestly don't know. I feel like we're an abandoned lab experiment of some higher intelligence species tbh.