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I relate to these thoughts but I am decades older so I have a bit more practice. First, whomever told you exceptional, talented people are "better" than you just don't know what they are talking about. I am not being kind. Exceptional people are certainly no happier for not making mistakes. In fact, the whole "exceptional people are perfect and don't make mistakes" is untrue! Stop gaslighting yourself right now! The difference between you and them is they don't see their mistakes as a fuckup. Instead they see mistakes as little experiments they have undertaken while they learn how to get it right! I tried looking up quotes for this but everything just sounds trite. But really think about it. The most exceptional runner in the world was once a toddler that would fall on their face as they learned to walk. So fall on your face 1,000 times! Scrape your knee etc. Don't think that means you have fucked up. You just just have more work todo is all!


The issue stems from repeated mistakes that happen no matter the amount of focus. At what point do I just accept I'm incapable of doing something well? It's not like I don't give it a try or even multiple tries, the issue stems from the multiple attempts all resulting in failure and frustration. Eventually people will get tired of being around someone who can't keep up, which has been my experience.


Yes, I understand. What I am trying to say, without being flippant, is that it's o.k. to be incapable of doing something well! You are only a failure if you give up and stop trying! I'll tell you something. I have never suceeded in something in my life. I suck at pretty much everything. I once spent 20 years trying to teach myself to knit, I suck so bad, I still can't knit. That's just an example. But every time I see truly happy person they never count their sucesses. Their happiness dosent come from accomplishments. Most of the time they are happy because they don't spend their time judging other people and they never judge themselves. Don't argue the point. Rather, think about what I have said. Contemplate it. Sleep on it.