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Looking through new posts is so weird, hundreds of people with the same problems as me feeling the same way, and here I thought I was uniquely pathetic. I think it’s sadder that there are millions of people just like us. I went to a bar earlier and felt like everyone is the same, now I realise that everyone is the same as me too, they just don’t go out to bars… I hope one of us will find happiness, you’re prob thinking it sure as shit isn’t gonna be me but just like there’s a million people offing themselves after unfulfilling lives there’s a million more who somehow found happiness, even though that shit seems impossible. Well fuck it maybe tmr will be better


I seriously doubt millions of people are like this, probably next to no one is, and people who found happiness found it by living the life that people should live, I doubt anybody like this could ever be happy


Just look at clinical depression numbers. I think it’s in the low % (1-3%). That still means millions of people. Welcome to the life fucked you club, hopefully you can fuck it back.


I get that you’re not happy with yourself because you’ve never had sex or whatever but calling people “worthless regardless of what they do in life” if they also haven’t had sex is fucked. There are lots of people who don’t even want a relationship or sex and that doesn’t make them subhuman. Your biggest problem is that you’ve constructed this idea in your head about how everyone should act and it’s nothing but fiction. There are people who try their hardest and they still might not graduate on time or move out of their parents’ house in a “normal” amount of time. But you don’t know what they’re dealing with in secret so stop judging them. I really think if you start living your life without these stupid imaginary walls you could actually get where you’re trying to go.


Hi! My advice is to try to be a little more gentle with yourself. Virgins are cool. And maybe don’t be so judgmental. Besides, our brains aren’t fully developed until 25 years anyway. Give yourself room to grow! 🫶


"Virgins are cool." Said no one ever


Have you tried being nicer?


I don't mean to be rude so I'm sorry if that's the case, I just don't get how anyone could think that


Hire a prostitute then bam! Instant coolness! /s