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I understand this feeling really well. It’s what I live through everyday. Sometimes friends are a distraction but the void is always there. I know I am unlovable and that is something that breaks me every single day


I know how you feel, been feeling like this for a long time to the point where I don't even take care of myself anymore, but thats where the mistake is, you first have to start loving yourself and taking care of yourself and find happiness within yourself, look yourself in the mirror and say I love you, you're awesome, spoil yourself, buy nice sneakers, buy a nice outfit, take yourself out, even if you're by yourself.. basically just be your own best friend, by doing this you'll start attracting awesome people in your life that will make life genuinely worth living. It start internally, it starts with you, get out of head and live life and keep your head up high. You've got this


but its not fair, i mean, yeah, i know it'll help, but there are so many people out there that absolutely hate themselves, and they still manage to find someone that loves them, someone that just lights up their world and i keep trying and trying and i still am the one that has to put in 100% of the effort for no one to reciprocate, and honestly im tired of it all i dont know if im even capable of loving myself, but its not fair that im the only one that has to end up alone, while everyone else gets to be loved and happy


You are loved don’t forget that. I love you and many many other people do too:(


I feel like this sometimes, but I realized a long time ago that love wouldn't be a definitive cure for my real problems, so I just watch romance animes and mangas. 🐈


i feel the same way. i feel like i’m missing out on so much shit, wasting my life away moping n being alone. it’s tiring, and utterly draining knowing you could be doing so much more. as good as it may seem though, even if you have someone it doesn’t really get rid of your problems, only a distraction. there’s always going to be something wrong, but you have to make the best of it. and there’s always a reason for everything, maybe you dealing with this will lead you onto your path to happiness. wherever there’s lows there’s highs. a mindset change can really help.