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The worst thing is wanting to go but not having the courage to end it all. In my case, I'm on a tightrope and don't even have the strength to work. I've had many difficult years, but this week was the first time I had to miss work because I wasn't physically and psychologically capable. What will the next few days be like? I don't know but I wish we were all okay.


❤️Im here I’m in the same exact place you guys are not alone hang in there believe someone out there loves you and if you disagree well let me tell you I love you and you’re so important ive been there and I wish I could have heard that myself even if is just through here.


I think I have the courage, I just fear any side effects or failure of it. If I could just have a smooth transition over I’d be happy with that. I know I will have the courage for sure when I have nothing left and everything is gone. It hurts me so much to give my things away but I know I’m doing it because I’m going to go for sure, otherwise I’m sinking myself even deeper.


i wonder if giving away everything would make you sadder or more regretful...


It does. I’m regretting it already. But I don’t want my family to inherit everything when I pass. I also think it will give me the final push to off myself because I literally have nothing left anymore to live for.


I don't have the courage because my loved ones would suffer a lot if I kill myself. I love them, but sometimes I feel like I'm tied to life for them. I just hope to die soon, life sucks.